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晚生代女性写作的出现引起了普遍的关注,引来了巨大的争议。从当下的政治经济状况、与女性写作性主题的表现流程来观察其突现的原因,从其创作与时尚的关系、对爱与性关系的态度、对世俗社会的态度及其写作外围的语言叙述方面的问题来分析其另类风格很有意义。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国高等教育正值发展的黄金时期,但大学校园里却孕育着反叛的情绪,在越南战争和种族问题的激发下,大学生们用各种各样的反抗形式表达对美国社会政治、文化和教育体制的不满,学生运动推动了高等教育体制的改革,促进了校园里多元文化浪潮的兴起,也促使大学思考其自身与政府和社会的关系。  相似文献   

校园反叛——美国20世纪60年代的学生运动与高等教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪60年代,美国高等教育正值发展的黄金时期,但大学校园里却孕育着反叛的情绪,在越南战争和种族问题的激发下,大学生们用各种各样的反抗形式表达对美国社会政治、文化和教育体制的不满,学生运动推动了高等教育体制的改革,促进了校园里多元文化浪潮的兴起,也促使大学思考其自身与政府和社会的关系。  相似文献   

Somalia gained its independence in 1960; however, civil conflict broke out in 1991. The outbreak of civil conflict was the final blow for already collapsed education in Somalia. The civil conflict completely destroyed the remaining educational structure. Despite the protracted nature of the conflict Somalia has slowly been pushed Somalia out of the active international agenda. This paper aims to highlight the state of education in Somalia. The study examines 5969 households and presents the patterns of educational enrollment and attendance in Somalia, and identifies the major challenges of expanding education access in Somalia.  相似文献   

Bana M. S. Banafunzi is an Asylum seeker from Somalia, presently living in Ilford, East London. He has a wide administration experience in Somalia. He was awarded a BA in Economics from Somali National University, a post‐graduate Diploma in Development Planning at API, Kuwait and an MBA at the UWIST, Cardiff.  相似文献   

本文阐述了维吾尔语言文字的社会功能,维吾尔文字的起源,语言文字的发展,维吾尔语的使用现状及维吾尔语在各个历史阶段的发展变化等方面的问题  相似文献   

With particular reference to religious education, this article provides an account of the campaigns of Secularists and Humanists in England in the 1960s and 1970s and locates them within their broader religious context. These campaigns, which have been both underplayed and overstated in the existing historiography, failed to garner the levels of support required to fulfil their ultimate aims. Nevertheless, Secularists and Humanists did make a significant contribution to public and political discourses at the time and created opportunities with the potential to exert influence over the development of religious education, collective worship and moral education. Their involvement was welcomed, indeed fostered, by many leading Christians and religious educationists. Secularist and Humanist campaigns also precipitated parliamentary discussion and provoked considerable opposition from Christians in other quarters. Finally, some observations are made about the ways in which this episode in the religious history of education can contextualise comparable contemporary debates.  相似文献   

东汉刻字砖作为可靠的文字实物资料,真实记录了当时社会底层百姓书写和民间用字的特点,呈现出东汉文字的原生态面貌,书体以隶书为主,草隶次之,还有篆书、行书、正书等。砖文中还存在衍文、脱文、错简等。具体的文字现象有简化、繁化、异化、重文符号等,同时,也存在错讹字和通假字的情况。东汉砖文对于汉字发展史研究极有参考价值。  相似文献   

全国农村经过了多届的村民选举。现在村级选举的问题不是法律程序的执行问题了,选举过程中所发生的问题不少与竞争有关联,而政治竞争越来越成为村级政治中的重要内容。本文以2002年浙江省临海市T村两委换届选举个案和对浙江省有关村庄选举的调查为基础,描述该村两委换届选举过程中各路精英与人马的竞选过程,总结与分析村级精英竞争过程中所采用的手段与策略。指出在选举的博弈过程中精英描绘了村级政治的画卷,而且塑造与深化了村级民主选举的机制,从而改变和重组了村级政治力量的结构。研究村级选举竞争策略无疑是乡村民主研究深入的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

In this article, I offer a qualitative study of three spaces created by and for young Muslim women in Toronto, Canada: an after-school drop-in programme for Muslim girls, a Somali women’s group and a Muslim women’s collective. I focus on data gathered from interviews of seven Muslim women in their 20s who created the spaces, which offered refuge from the racism and Islamophobia in Canadian schools and society and from the patriarchal forms of social control in their families and communities. Drawing on feminist and ethnographic approaches to citizenship studies and a critical faith-centred epistemology, I consider how these spaces function as loci for teaching and learning self and community, building communities of resistance and articulating new notions of the political and of citizenship.  相似文献   

The intent of the article is to provide an analysis of Catalan language use in the school classroom from a historical, political and socio-linguistic perspective. In so doing, this article seeks to explain Catalan's remarkable revival in Catalonia over the past twenty years, particularly in the area of education. Catalan language policy in the schools mirrors language policies pursued in other sectors of Catalan society, and is consistent with Catalan's increasing social and institutional use. The article steadily narrows the focus of its analysis, beginning first with a discussion at the national level, then at the regional level, and finally at the school level. Subsequent to this analysis, the article then sets out what it considers to be the principal challenges facing Catalan in the schools today and in the years ahead, and possible solutions to them.  相似文献   

The field of heritage language (HL) education is a rapidly growing area of educational linguistics research and pedagogy. While considerable research has looked at identity in relation to HL learning in adolescents and adults, this article focuses on the identities and language attitudes of young HL learners of Arabic and Somali at an elementary school in Sweden. Analyzed through an ecology of language framework, data reveal that students regard HL as a tool to foster belonging within their multilingual communities, and resist pressures to assimilate within the context of immigration. Findings also suggest that learners’ agency and language use influenced classroom pedagogies, and indicate the promise of a dynamic conception of HL education that affirms the creative use of language to support students’ linguistic and cognitive growth. This article fills a gap in theory and pedagogy, addressing the role of HL learning for the learner, the family, and the local and global community.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the expansion of Finnish higher education between the 1960s and 1970s, exposes its background in the light of the policy decisions that were made, compares the unique features of this expansion with those of certain other countries, discusses the impact of the controlled ‘top down’ governance of higher education policy, and describes the Finnish higher education system today. The paper argues that the driving forces behind universal mass higher education were, on the one hand, changes in the structure of society, and on the other hand, individual demand for education but also increased need for skills in production processes. This was the case in Finland as well but the Finnish higher education expansion was also characterised by regionalism. The actual location of universities in the era of expansion was a function of local political actors who were able to have an influence on ruling political parties.  相似文献   

论工业社会与后工业社会转型过程中的语言教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言教学作为一种文化传递方式.其内容和形式与社会发展阶段相适应。人类社会主要经历了农业社会,工业社会及后工业社会三个文明阶段.并分别有着与其相适应的语言教学形式。本文从工业社会与后工业社会的比较人手,力求阐述工业社会与后工业社会的语言教学模式,并就正处在由工业社会向后工业社会转型过程中的我国现状来论述转型过程中具有中国特色的语言教学观。  相似文献   

政治文本出于保密、观望、礼貌等种种主观或客观原因,较于普通文本更频繁地使用模糊语言。本文结合实例,借用法国塞莱斯科维奇创立的翻译释意理论,探索政治文本中的模糊现象及翻译方法,指出译者的认知在原文模糊语言理解中有重要作用,政治文本模糊语翻译的标准是追求意义对等而非表面上的语言对等,在此基础上,提出了模糊语言的具体翻译方法。本研究有助于提高政治文本翻译的质量,也有利于加深对释意理论的理解。  相似文献   



The article draws upon the work of two people, Lawrence Stenhouse and Derek Morrell, who in the 1960s offered a vision of education based upon, first, the moral conviction that a liberal and humane education was essential for all and for society, second, the belief in a curriculum agenda in which such moral conviction might be reconciled with moral uncertainty, and, third, the recognition of the indispensability of a democratic approach to making that reconciliation possible. The article shows how that vision has been dimmed by a prevailing social philosophy and political practice, sadly abetted by some in universities who should know better.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with teacher populism on social media in England. This has grown in the last 10 years, facilitated by Twitter. While it appears to be a response to challenging working conditions and declining pay, it has largely been driven by conservative political strategy, an adaptation of the New Right coalition between social conservatives and economic liberals of the 1970s. New Right 2.0, as I frame it here, is a New Right project for the social media age, but also goes deeper into society to promote civic capitalism—so-called ‘Big Society’. New Right 2.0, like its predecessor, is an attempt to create an aggregated passive acceptance of free-market ideology by creating division and indifference, setting one group against another, using the state to reward its proponents and to discipline its objectors. Teacher populism, though modest in numbers and specific to a particular public service, uses the language of populism to promote its cause, wanting to give voice to the ordinary teacher against a liberal educational elite which includes academics, local education authorities and teaching unions. This article contributes to an understanding of the social, cultural and political processes that are at play as part of a populist rupture.  相似文献   

对晚清白话文运动的语言认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着政治改革和思想革命而发生的晚清白话文运动是五四文学革命的前声和先导。从语言的角度看,晚清白话文运动因为在语言工具论的层面上,注重文学的宣传和普及效用,从文体和语体上入手改良,忽略了语言作为系统的社会文化存在的本体性,虽没有从根本上超越古汉语的语言系统,却在事实上动摇着旧文学的阵营,促成了传统文学向现代文学的过渡和转型。  相似文献   

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