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The innovation value chain (IVC) divides the innovation process into three separate links or activities: knowledge gathering, knowledge transformation and knowledge exploitation. Here, we report a comparative panel data analysis of the IVC in Ireland and Switzerland. Both economies are small, very open and depend significantly on innovation to maintain competitive advantage. In recent years, however, R&D and innovation growth in Ireland has been markedly stronger than that in Switzerland. We investigate these differences through the ‘lens’ of the IVC. Significant similarities exist between some aspects of firms’ innovation behaviour in each country: strong complementarities emerge between external knowledge sources and between firms’ internal and external knowledge. And, in both countries, in-house R&D and links to customers prove important drivers of innovation. Innovation drives productivity growth in different ways in the two countries, however, through product change in Switzerland and through process change in Ireland. Other differences in the determinants of innovation performance linked to ownership and firms’ institutional context emphasise the systemic nature of innovation and the legacy of past patterns of industrial development.  相似文献   

Japan is developing a national strategy for biotechnology, which it sees as a transformative technology of strategic importance. Significant institutional transformation has occurred, including changes to the legal structure of universities, partly in an effort to enhance technology transfer. These and other institutional changes are proving conducive to entrepreneurship, and have developed alongside an increase in the number of biotechnology venture firms. This paper presents an overview of these institutional transformations, in the light of recent deregulation and legislative changes. It posits that the emergence of bioventure firms, the increase in their number and, arguably, their changing nature are manifestations of the coevolution of organizations with changes to the institutional framework. Finally, it gives examples of several bioventures, based on interviews conducted with the founders and chief scientists in Japan, and reveals some of the salient characteristics of these firms.  相似文献   

This study compares the impact of innovative activities of multinationals on local firms in China's automobile and electronics industries. In the automobile industry we find that both multinationals and local firms in the assembly industry have vertical spillovers to local parts supply firms. In contrast, in the electronics industry, only a small amount of vertical spillover effects from local firms can be found. Furthermore, we find that horizontal spillovers exist in neither the automobile industry nor the electronics industry.  相似文献   

This paper explores recent trends in the size of scientific teams and in institutional collaborations. The data derive from 2.4 million scientific papers written in 110 top U.S. research universities over the period 1981-1999. The top 110 account for a large share of published basic research conducted in the U.S. during this time.We measure team size by the number of authors on a scientific paper. Using this measure we find that team size increases by 50% over the 19-year period. We supplement team size with measures of domestic and foreign institutional collaborations, which capture the geographic dispersion of team workers. The time series evidence suggests that the trend towards more geographically dispersed scientific teams accelerates beginning with papers published at the start of the 1990s. This acceleration suggests a sharp decline in the cost of collaboration. Our hypothesis is that the decline is due to the deployment of the National Science Foundation's NSFNET and its connection to networks in Europe and Japan after 1987.Using a panel of top university departments we also find that private universities and departments whose scientists have earned prestigious awards participate in larger teams, as do departments that have larger amounts of federal funding. Placement of former graduate students is a key determinant of institutional collaborations, especially collaborations with firms and with foreign scientific institutions. Finally, the evidence suggests that scientific output and influence increase with team size and that influence rises along with institutional collaborations. Since increasing team size implies an increase in the division of labor, these results suggest that scientific productivity increases with the scientific division of labor.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of universities in the transfer of technology using a unique university-level dataset for Spain. The results suggest that universities with established policies and procedures for the management of technology transfer perform better. Universities with large and experienced technology transfer offices (TTOs) generate higher volumes of contract research, but the TTO characteristics appear to matter less for university performance in terms of licensing and creation of spin-offs. Furthermore, universities with a science park perform better than those without, which suggests that the agglomeration of knowledge close to universities has a positive effect on universities’ technology transfer performance.  相似文献   

Elena Huergo 《Research Policy》2006,35(9):1377-1388
The objective of this study is to amplify the scarce empirical evidence about the effect of technological management on innovation. At the same time, the investigation is intended to examine whether the scale of production by itself stimulates technological activity and/or it acts as a proxy of other determinants of innovation. The estimation of an innovation production function with a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms shows that the planning and monitoring of the innovation process and the hiring of personnel with special skills for technological activities are significant sources of innovation, although with important differences regarding the type of innovation (process versus product). In addition, the evidence suggests that large firms’ advantages for the generation of product innovations are related to a different use and effectiveness of technological management mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the technology market for patents in Japan, by using a novel firm-level dataset that combines a Japanese Patent Office survey titled Survey of Intellectual Property Activities, the Institute of Intellectual Property patent database, and the Licensing Activity Survey conducted by the University of Tokyo. In this paper, we use a two-step model to estimate a firm's licensing propensities; the first step estimates the determinants of potential licensors (willingness to license) and the second step identifies the factors of the actual licensing out of technology (licensing propensity). We found that a significant number of patents held by firms are not licensed out, although the owners are willing to do so. Our econometric analysis reveals that a major factor behind this technology market imperfection is the potential licensors’ difficulty in finding licensing partners.  相似文献   

Recent studies in the tradition of Schmookler have re-emphasised the potential role of demand in stimulating innovation. Here, we reconsider the role of ‘home’ and ‘export’ market demand in stimulating manufacturing innovation using comparable panel data for two small open economies - Ireland and Switzerland. Our analysis is based on the estimation of reduced form innovation production functions using panel data estimators over the sample period 1994-2005. For a range of innovation indicators, however, we find little evidence of any significant market demand effects, with innovation performance instead determined largely by firm-level capability effects and characteristics. In policy and strategy terms this suggests the continued value of measures to improve innovation capability regardless of market demand conditions. In more methodological terms our results suggest the validity of the usual assumption implicit in modelling innovation outputs that supply-side factors predominate.  相似文献   

I present new econometric evidence on the relation between market structure and R&D using data on Spanish firms. I adopt a different approach from previous studies by distinguishing between long-run and short-run decisions of firms regarding R&D. I assume that the long-run or strategic decision is whether to conduct R&D or not, and the short-run choice is how much to invest once the firm decides to be innovative. I argue that market structure affects long-run R&D decisions but does not affect short-run ones. A Heckman-type selection model is used to test such a relation. The results are robust to several specifications and measures of monopoly power.  相似文献   

The mathematical model determines how firms can leverage their advantages to increase their market share. Represented as vortex, firms increase their market scope using: marketing expenses strategy, R&D expenditure strategy or price reduction strategy. For an overpriced good, the R&D strategy is required if sector marketing velocity growth is low otherwise the pricing strategy is suited. Conversely, for an underpriced good, the R&D strategy is used when sector marketing velocity growth is high, but when it is low, the pricing strategy is followed. Distance between firms, competitor marketing velocity and related services share contribute or limit these strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an econometric approach to examine the determinants of scientific production at cross-country level. The paper aims not to provide accurate and robust estimates of investment elasticities (a doubtful task given the poor quality of the data sources and the modelling problems), but to develop and critically assess the validity of an empirical approach for characterising the production of science and its impact, from a comparative perspective. We employ and discuss the limitations of a production function approach to relate investment inputs to scientific outputs using a sample of 14 countries for which we have information on higher education research and development (HERD). The outputs are taken from the Thomson ISI® national science indicators (2002) database on published papers and citations. The inputs and outputs for this sample of countries have been recorded for a period of 21 years (1981-2002). A thorough discussion of the data shortcomings is provided. On the basis of this panel dataset we investigate the profile of the time lag between investment in HERD and research output and returns to national investment in science. We devote particular attention to analysing the presence of cross-country spillovers. We show their relevance and underline the international effect of the US system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative importance of property rights and transactions cost factors in driving the decision of firms to outsource innovation. Using data for over 8000 firms from the UK Community Innovation Survey, we find that property right factors dominate over transaction cost factors. Transaction cost variables are more important for process innovation, while property rights variables are more significant for firms involved in product innovation. In addition, we find that firms involved in process innovation have a higher probability of outsourcing innovation than firms involved in product innovation.  相似文献   

Although innovation is essential to build a competitive advantage and survive in the long run, some firms choose to exit, through mergers and acquisitions (M&As), or radically change their business portfolio and identity. This paper examines how innovative capabilities influence the decision of a firm to exit, among business closure, M&A, and radical restructuring. Using an analysis of a large and rich panel of Dutch manufacturing firms, we find that product and process innovation are equally important to lower the probability to close down activities, and this effect is stronger when product and process innovations are pursed in combination. We also find that process innovation reduces the probability of exit by radical restructuring, while product innovation, when not supported by process innovation, especially increases the probability of exit by M&As. Our findings suggest that exit strategies are intimately bound to the nature and synergies of innovative efforts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of new technology-based firms in university/industry collaborative (UIC) activities in Japan. UIC activities have been widely diffused into small startup firms over the past 5 years, according to quantitative analysis of RIETIs UIC Survey. In this paper, it is found that these smaller firms achieve higher productivity through UICs than large firms. In light of the findings of this paper, it appears that UICs are gaining momentum and are likely to play a strong role in reducing the dependence of Japan's system of innovation on in-house R&D conducted within large corporations.  相似文献   

S. Negassi 《Research Policy》2004,33(3):365-384
The scope of this paper is to report new empirical evidence on the determinants of R&D co-operation. Indeed, the literature on the capabilities of firms emphasises the role of knowledge in the performance and evolution of firms who use knowledge developed in others to build their own knowledge capital. R&D co-operation between firms is one of the many strategies by which this knowledge may be transmitted. Several theoretical models have stressed that R&D co-operation is more likely when the level of spillovers is high. While this supposition is used in many theoretical models, it has rarely been tested before. Our results do not lend strong support to this intuition. Indeed, our spillover variables (national pure spillovers, national rent spillovers and imports of machine tools), which were supposed to match the theoretical notion of spillovers used in these theoretical models have a positive but not a significant role when explaining R&D co-operation. The R&D co-operation increases with size and with R&D intensity, but not with market share. It also increases with the budget spent on paying license fees and on acquiring patents and labour from foreign firms. In this study, we also analyse the determinants of innovation. In more precise terms, we compare the effects of R&D co-operation to those played by traditional internal factors and those exerted by external, pure and rent spillovers on the innovation capacity of the firms. Our results show that the commercial success of innovations of French firms depends mainly on size, market share, R&D intensity and human capital. Inward FDI from industrialised countries exerts a positive and significant effect. The finding highlights the important role of the absorptive capacity of firms. Spillover measurements, such as the acquisition of machine tools, foreign patents, licenses, and technological opportunities have a positive impact on innovation.  相似文献   

Innovation activities in the German business sector showed two opposing trends over the past two decades: While total innovation expenditures grew substantially, the number of firms conducting innovation activities fell sharply. In this paper, we explore the mechanisms behind the declining trend in the share of innovation active firms. Considering both input (R&D activities) and output (introduction of innovations), we model innovation decisions as a multi-stage process using continuous-time Markov chain analysis. We base our analyses on a 14-year panel from the German part of the Community Innovation Survey. Our results show that smaller firms and firms in sectors with less innovation competition are more likely to stop innovating. We also show that better financial situation and public funding can mitigate the trend towards a falling share of innovating and R&D-performing firms.  相似文献   

The concept of open innovation captures the increasing propensity of firms to work across their traditional boundaries of operation. This phenomenon has largely been studied from the viewpoint of manufacturing businesses while services have received much less attention despite the predominant role they play in advanced economies. This paper focuses on open innovation in services, both as a subsector of the economy and as a component of the activities of manufacturing firms. We study the open innovation practices of business services firms and then consider the implications for open innovation of the adoption of a service inclusive business model by manufacturing firms. Our analyses are based on a unique dataset with information on open innovation activities amongst UK firms. Overall, engagement in open innovation increases with firm size and R&D expenditure. Business services are more active open innovators than manufacturers; they are more engaged in informal relative to formal open innovation practices than manufacturers; and they attach more importance to scientific and technical knowledge than to market knowledge compared to manufacturing firms. Open innovation practices are also associated with the adoption of a service inclusive business model in manufacturing firms and service-integrated manufacturers engage in more informal knowledge-exchange activities. The paper contributes towards a reconceptualisation of open innovation in service businesses and a deeper evidence-based understanding of the service economy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze empirically the relation between the growth of new technology-based firms and the human capital of founders, with the aim of teasing out the “wealth” and “capability” effects of human capital. For this purpose, we take advantage of a new data set relating to a sample composed of 506 Italian young firms that operate in high-tech industries in both manufacturing and services. In accordance with competence-based theories, the econometric estimates show that the nature of the education and of the prior work experience of founders exerts a key influence on growth. In fact, founders’ years of university education in economic and managerial fields and to a lesser extent in scientific and technical fields positively affect growth while education in other fields does not. Similarly prior work experience in the same industry of the new firm is positively associated with growth while prior work experience in other industries is not. Furthermore, it is the technical work experience of founders as opposed to their commercial work experience that determines growth. The fact that within the founding team there are individuals with prior entrepreneurial experiences also results in superior growth. Lastly, we provide evidence that there are synergistic gains from the combination of the complementary capabilities of founders relating to (i) economic-managerial and scientific-technical education and (ii) technical and commercial industry-specific work experiences. We conclude that the human capital of founders of new technology-based firms is not just a proxy for personal wealth.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of research cooperation between firms and Public research organisations (PROs) for a sample of innovating small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The econometric analysis is based on the results of the KNOW survey carried out in seven EU countries during 2000. In contrast to earlier works that provide information about the importance of PROs’ research, we know the number of firm/PRO collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. This allows us to study the determinants of firm collaboration with PROs in terms of both the propensity of a firm to undertake R&D projects with a university (do they cooperate or not) and the extent of this collaboration (number of R&D projects). Two questions are addressed. Which firms cooperated with PROs? And what are the firm characteristics that might explain the number of R&D projects with PROs? The results of our analysis point to two major phenomena. First, the propensity to forge an agreement with an academic partner depends on the ‘absolute size’ of the industrial partner. Second the openness of firms to the external environment, as measured by their willingness to search, screen and signal, significantly affects the development of R&D projects with PROs. Our findings suggest that acquiring knowledge through the screening of publications and involvement in public policies positively affects the probability of signing an agreement with a PRO, but not the number of R&D projects developed. In fact, firms that outsource research and development, and patent to protect innovation and to signal competencies show higher levels of collaboration.  相似文献   

We consider the managerial and policy implications of the rise of spin-offs at public research institutions (PRIs), based on a knowledge-based view (KBV) of the firm. This framework highlights the importance of knowledge in the creation and development of spin-offs. We argue that in order to understand the development of spin-offs, researchers should focus on “knowledge gaps” these new ventures encounter. Knowledge gaps can occur at different levels of aggregation, including the PRI, spin-off, team, individual, incubator, and at different stages of spin-off development. Based on this framework, we synthesize findings from previous studies and papers in the special issue and offer some suggestions for additional research on spin-offs from PRIs.  相似文献   

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