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Vice President Hu, thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife, Laura, here. I'm so grateful for the hospitality and honored for the reception at one of China's and the world's great universities.The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So congratulations.My visit to China comes onan important anniversary,as thevice president mentioned.Thirtyyears ago this …  相似文献   

This study organized five black American undergraduate students into a participatory action research (PAR) team to examine Cross and Strauss’ (1998) and Cross, Smith, and Payne's (2002) functions of blackness theory (i.e., bonding, code switching, and individualism) within a sample of black American students, frontline staff (i.e., janitors), and faculty at a predominantly white institution (PWI) or university. The racial-ethnic lived experiences of black Americans at a PWI can reveal outcomes in terms of employee performance and student academic and social experience. Data were collected from four student focus groups (i.e., general student body, students in Greek organizations, student athletes, and student leaders), one frontline staff focus group, five individual faculty interviews, and one individual interview with a female student athlete. Each participant completed a demographic survey. Also, extensive field observations were taken of participants at this particular PWI. Findings revealed how black Americans use bonding, code switching and individualism as functions of a racial identity when navigating a PWI as a mainstream environment. Data suggest very little bonding took place across the three subsamples (i.e., students, frontline staff, and faculty) and bonding practiced by black Americans at this PWI was found to exist most often within subpopulations, specifically within students and frontline staff. Participants, overall, were comfortable with code switching between a professional identity and a more racial, black American and/or social identity. Also, a number of participants understood their individuality to be more salient than a racial or black American identity. Implications for PAR projects with black American college students are also discussed within this article.  相似文献   

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), a set of US higher education institutions historically tasked with educating African–American students, receive both state and federal funding. However, state governments often assert operational control through the political process, potentially influencing how key resources are used. Do these different sources of publicness have competing effects on efficiency? Using a 5-year panel of financial and organisational data of HBCUs, this study explores the relative effect of each of these revenue sources on efficiency. The study finds that the efficiency of HBCUs is negatively impacted by higher proportions of state revenue, and that higher proportions of federal revenue have a positive effect on efficiency. This suggests that state governments should consider their political roles in assessing the performance of HBCUs, and that HBCUs might look to lessons from other organisations for methods to reduce the impact of state external control.  相似文献   

无疑,若干个连续自然数的和仍为自然数.反之,任一自然数都可以分拆成若干个(至少两个)连续自然数之和吗?显然,1与2应否掉(二连续自然数之和最小为3);再者,仅为2~n(n∈N)的自然数也在剔除  相似文献   

Expertsfromthreecountriesareinvestigating(调查)thecauseoflastweeksAirChinapassengerplanecrash.TheBoeing767-200crashedinheavyrainandfog,killing122ofthe166peopleonboard.TheplaneflewintothesideofamountainnearPusan(釜山),SouthKoreassecondlargestcity.Ofthe155passengersonboard,therewere135Koreans,19Chi-neseandoneUzbek(乌兹别克斯坦人).Theplanealsocarried11crewmembers(机组人员).ThisisthefirstplanecrashinAirChinas47-yearhistoryofflights.Twoblackboxes,…  相似文献   

Misconceptions of chemistry and chemical engineering university students concerning instrumental analysis have been established from coordinated tests, tutorial interviews and laboratory lessons. Misconceptions can be divided into: (1) formal, involving specific concepts and formulations within the general frame of chemistry; (2) operational/topical, dealing with specific capabilities, problems and operations in chemistry; (3) methodological, associated to peculiar methods of analytical chemistry and data treatment; and (4) social, regarding the relation of analytical data with the social frame. Such misconceptions define a non-structured view of analytical methods, procedures and protocols related with analytical instrumentation. Instruments are frequently viewed as an autonomous, error-free black box providing non-structured data with no need of calibration or control, whereas weak relationships are established between data and aims along the analytical process.  相似文献   

It has become common place for students in historically white universities (HWUs) in South Africa to have 24 hour access to computers, the Internet, e-learning facilities, check results online and even register online. However, historically black universities (HBUs) are still battling to have access to these facilities. On a macro level, the issue of lack of access to basic ICT facilities or digital divide exists. This is evident in the fact that developed nations like U.S.A and Switzerland have significant access to ICT, while under-developed nations in Africa like Ethiopia and Congo do not enjoy considerable access. On a micro level in South Africa, digital divide still exists. Even the divide exists among South African Universities as students in historically white institutions like Pretoria, Rhodes and Stellenbosch Universities enjoy unlimited access to ICT facilities like computers and the internet. However, the reverse is the case in HBUs where access rate is very limited and personal observation bears this out as most historically black institutions like the University of Fort Hare, University of Limpopo, and University of Zululand, just to mention a few are still battling with the issue of access to ICT facilities. This paper presents the findings of a survey conducted to examine the present ICT status / capacity of HBUs compared to what exists in HWUs in South Africa. It will attempt to identify the reasons for the continued disparity in ICT access between HWUs and HBUs and also to identify how HBUs can address the divide and leapfrog to an era of full ICT access.  相似文献   

afew和alittle“少数 ,少量”是肯定用法。是一种用作表数量的不定代词的固定词组。afew修饰可数名词 ,alittle修饰不可数名词。few和little意为“几乎一点没有”⑴afew ,alittle相当于名词 ,在句中作主语和宾语。Thereareonlyafewleft.Justafewplease .Justputalittleoneachplate .常与of连用Imetafewofmyfriendsthere.Givemealittleofthatwine .⑵afew和alittle相当…  相似文献   

一、(a)few与(a)little的区别1.从所修饰的名词来看:(a)few后接可数名词,且要用复数形式;(a)lit- tle后接不可数名词。如:We had little time to do it.我们没什么时间做此事。There is only a little soup left.只剩下一点儿汤了。He has few friends.他朋友很少。  相似文献   

Building relationships between universities and industry bodies is of prime importance for creating value for universities’ stakeholders. This paper focuses on relationships in relation to undergraduate internship programmes in the Social Sciences. Using the relationship marketing approach, we analyze this type of collaboration of firms with a large public Spanish University. We build and test a structural equations model whose results show that communication is a key building block of relationships, having a positive effect on satisfaction with the relationship, trust and functionality of conflict, and that trust and commitment increase the level of collaboration of firms with universities.  相似文献   

The contribution of HBCUs as “colleges of origin,” i.e., where Black doctorates earned their bachelors’ degrees, remains of interest, given the historical role of HBCUs and the current desire to increase the percentage of doctorates awarded to African Americans in all fields. Using national survey data from multiple sources, we estimated which college characteristics predicted later doctoral degree attainment in all fields. We took into account the large number of Black graduates from HBCUs, which make them likely to be colleges of origin, and controlled for standardized test scores, Carnegie classification, and student/faculty ratio. HBCUs were associated with doctorate production more than twice the expected level based on their other average characteristics. In addition, colleges with low student/faculty ratios, higher SAT scores, and historical Carnegie classifications of research universities and selective liberal arts colleges were also associated with a higher percentage of Black graduates later earning doctoral degrees.  相似文献   

Author (Issue·Page)AAdriana C.Felix (1·125)Alexander M.Ulannov (4·505)An Luling (1·78) BBai Shiwei (4·544)Bai Weijun (2·196)Bi Guangguo (1·16) CCai Tijing (1·59)Cai Yunze (2·180)Cao Guangyi (2·185)Cao Jiaheng (3·334)Cao Xiuying (4·456)Cao Zhikai (1·117)Cen Yonghua (3·385)Chang Jianhua (4·465)Chen Bin (2·294)Chen Changhe (2·256)Chen Fanxiu (1·88), (2·260)Chen Huowang (3·404)Chen Jianlong (4·589)Chen Jing (2·242)Chen Jun (2·270), (4·559)Chen Junpeng (3…  相似文献   

A.  J.  Dalton 《英语沙龙》2010,(7):14-15
Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university. Students are graduating with larger and larger debts. So is a university degree really worth it?  相似文献   

Alumni-student mentoring programs have become commonplace at many universities, and yet, scholarly research has rarely explored the impact of these programs on participating students and alumni. To address this, we investigated three alumni mentoring programs at a large research-intensive university in Australia. Using a mixed methods approach (a web based survey and interviews), we sought both students' and mentors' perceptions of their alumni mentoring program and how their involvement may have impacted their perceptions of the university (n=197). The findings highlight that alumni mentoring programs provide distinct benefits to both students and alumni and may result in improved university engagement. Our results also indicate new revelations about alumni mentoring programs, including the challenges associated with mentoring postgraduate students and recommended best practice to ensure the success of alumni mentoring programs.  相似文献   

·Applied Mathematics and Mechanics·Economic Analysis of Traffic Flow with an Evolution Equation……………………………………FENGSu-wei( 1 )Ruin Distributions and Their Equations………………………………LUJin-yuWANG Han-xingZHAO Fei( 6 )Equilibrium Analysis for Anycast in WDMNetworks………………………TANG Mao-ningWANG Han-xing( 12 )Algorithmic Design for the Examination Arrangement Systemon a Large Scale for Universities ………………………………………………………………………  相似文献   

The evolution of physics teaching and research in the two most important Romanian intellectual centers Bucharest and Jassy is discussed. Three stages of historical development are reported: 1860–1890: teaching process is predominant; period of first laboratories setting-up; sporadic researches in Physics Departments of Universities; 1890–1940: appearance of small dedicated research centers around Universities (Meteorological, Seismological, Electrotechnical Institutes); after the World War II: founding of contemporary Physics Institutes, e.g. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. The recognition role played by the Romanian Academy (Scientifical Sessions and Journals) is mentioned. Short biographies of the most important professors-physicists from 1860 to 1940 are presented. Celebrations, in 1996, of one century from the first atomic physics experiment in Romania (a X-ray radiography by D. Hurmuzescu) and of the 100th birthday of H. Hulubei, the founder of modern Romanian Physics are discussed.  相似文献   

~~Editorial Committee of Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)  相似文献   

The recent changes in the relationship between universities and society and the change of attitudes of governments towards higher education institutions are analysed. The different possible reactions of the institutions to the more demanding attitude of society as a whole are discussed. The authors present a critical view of the concept of entrepreneurial universities based on the work of Burton Clark and on the results of the quality audits of the Association of European Universities (CRE), and offer some comments about their applicability and usefulness to European higher education systems.  相似文献   

Black Shadow     
IreadashortnovelnamedBLACKSHADOW.ThewriterwasfromMalaysia.Thisnovelgavemeadeepimpression.Itissaidthataboy熏whenhewasfiveyearsold熏hefoundhisshadowcoulddothethingsbyitself.Hislittlesister熏wholikedcryingandsmiling熏wastakengoodcareofbyhismotherattheageofeightmonths.Onedayatnight熏whiletheboywasgivinghislovelybeartohissister熏hisshadowhadalreadystoodbeforeher.Andthen熏theshadowpushedhissisterdowntheground.Theworstthingis熏theboy’smothergaveupallhope熏andshepaidnomoreattentiontohim.Finall…  相似文献   

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