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钮勤章 《河北教育》2007,(11):35-35
任何教师个体的成长都需要一定的过程.至于过程的长短,因人而异,有人有着先天的禀赋,有人有着后天的勤奋,有人有着得天独厚的机遇……但是一位教师真正成熟起来的标志,有着某种共性的东西:一方面是其拥有的优良的教育教学实绩,另一方面是具有自己的教育教学风格.  相似文献   

分析了职业生涯中期教师的特点,论述了化学教师教学特色形成和发展的策略和注意的问题。  相似文献   

论教师的教学风格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学艺术是高度个性化的艺术,独特而鲜明的教学风格既是教师刻意追求的最高教学境界,又是教师在教学艺术上高度成熟的标志。文章探讨了教学风格的特征、形成途径及其价值。  相似文献   

21世纪的社会呼唤富有个性和创造性的人才,教育应该重视以全面发展学生个性为目的的个性化教学。教师在个性化教学要求下,存在"应为却难为"的状况。基于此,从教学理念的形成、教学目标的定位、教学过程的实施和教师的自我发展四个方面分析教师在个性化教学要求下的"难为"与"应为"。  相似文献   

《课程标准》在“基本理念”中指出:“学生所处的文化环境、家庭背景和自身思维方式不同”,教师应正视这一现实,深刻领悟《课程标准》在“教学建议”中指出的“正确认识学生个体差异,因材施教,使每个学生都在原有的基础上得到发展”的重要理念。落实上述新理念,就应从根本上改革课堂教学方式,实现课堂教学个性化,“靓”出自己的教学风格。  相似文献   

王锦章 《科学教育》2006,12(5):50-51
教学风格是教师教学的一个重要组成部分。风格一词,在古代,是指人的风度和品格。风是风采、风姿,是指人的体貌、外表,格是人格、德行,合起来就是对人的品貌的全面评价。现在,风格一词被广泛应用于一切艺术领域,用以说明艺术作品到高度成功时应具备的重要标志。在艺术中,有风格的作品才是美的。同样,在教学中,有风格的课堂教学也才是美的。教学风格的形成,对教师教育教学具有重要的意义,有利于提高教师的教学质量。作为一名教师要在平时的教学中总结经验、探索规律,形成具有自己特色的教学风格。下面就教学风格的特征和教学风格的形成浅谈自…  相似文献   

教师的创造性不同于一般行业从业者的创造性。教师除了要创造新的有价值的成果外,更重要的是要培养学生的创造精神。所以教师的创造性最重要的是其创造性的教学思想,这包括教师的创造意识、创造性认知特征以及创造性的教育观、教学观、学生观和质量观:其次是创造性的教学风格;再次是创造出新的有价值的产品的能力,这包括实验制作、解题方法、教学设计等的创造性。  相似文献   

分析了职业生涯中期教师的特点,论述了化学教师形成和发展教学风格应采取的策略和注意的问题。  相似文献   

正雨果曾经说过这样几句话:风格是打开艺术之门的钥匙;没有风格,你可以获得一时的成功,获得掌声、热闹、锣鼓、花冠、众人陶醉的欢呼,可是你得不到真正的胜利、真正的荣誉、真正的桂冠。当我拜读到这几句话时,不禁让我感叹,作为一名音乐教师,我们是想获得荣誉、掌声还是形成自己独特的一种教学风格?荣誉和堂声只能带给  相似文献   

浅析教师的教学风格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教学过程中,教学风格直接或间接地影响着教师教学水平的发挥和教学质量的提高.研究教学风格的形成及培养,抓好教学机智和教学艺术的训练,就是行之有效的环节.要鼓励教师建立自己个人的教学艺术风格,教学评价也要把教师形成个人风格作为衡量教师教学工作成效的一个重要指标.  相似文献   


Language for children who have special educational needs is generally recognised to be an educational objective in its own right. In the last decade, the pragmatic perspective has currently focussed attention on the contexts within which the structures of language develop and are used. It is suggested that naturalistic interactions between children and adults provide appropriate contexts for language learning. The focus of the present study was to examine the possible relationship between a musical context and language learning. A group of six language‐impaired children was studied in two routinized contexts, a lesson‐without‐music and a singing session. Child‐teacher talk in the musical and non‐musical contexts was analysed using a conversational participation coding system, which included measures of turn‐taking, initiation and imitation. The findings suggest that the addition of music to a routinized context has the potential to increase the language‐impaired child's ability to interact non‐verbally.  相似文献   

中国传统因素对元代青花瓷器形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元代青花瓷器的主体,包括制作工艺、造型和文饰与传统是一脉相承的。其更多是对传统中国风格的继承,多元文化因素只是被中国传统审美借入和整合一部分。  相似文献   

This narrative inquiry analyses the memories of a group of female teachers telling about their own teachers. We ask how gender and emotions are intertwined to teacher–student relationships. Gender was present in the stories where the teachers described being a schoolgirl in relationship with a teacher and told about their teachers as women and men. The collective process of recalling evoked the emotions experienced as students, but these emotions were also interpreted in the present context. When recalling, the teachers were reconstructing the past in the light of the present and the future. The article highlights the significance for teachers reflecting on their own educational histories.  相似文献   

This article provides an autobiographical account of two adult educators engaged in what may be seen as an identity crisis for contemporary adult education. Through our autobiographical analysis, we address the question of what it means to be an adult educator or to practice adult education in circumstances where dedifferentiation has taken hold under the sign of lifelong learning. First, we outline the challenges that are taking place to many of the practices and institutional structures of adult education. At the heart of these, we argue that there is an intensification of reflexivity wherein the identity crisis with which we are working is both a condition for and a response to increasing individualization and reflexivity. Second, we illustrate the link between reflexivity and identity by drawing on our own autobiographies. Here we exemplify the processes we argue to be operating under the sign of lifelong learning through the exploration of our own autobiographical bricolages. Third, we explore the cultural conditions which give rise to the similarities and differences in these bricolages, in particular the rise of the new middle classes, the increased significance of popular culture and the development of postmodern positions.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce our special issue, ‘Second-Wave White Teacher Identity Studies: Toward Complexity and Reflexivity in the Racial Conscientization of White Teachers.’ We characterize white teacher identity studies as a developing field with important implications for education research and teacher education. Early work in this field focused on documenting, how white teachers denied and evaded the significance of race and white privilege in their work and lives. The articles in this special issue exemplify a second wave of white teacher identity studies which builds on and responds critically to this earlier work. Crucial concerns of this second-wave work include attending to the nuances and complexities of white racial identities, as well as examining the pedagogical, curricular, and institutional contexts within which these identities are taken up.  相似文献   

对于中国人民来说,1976年注定是一个特殊的年份。1月8日,周恩来总理去世了,人们感到无比悲痛。诗人柯岩作词、作曲家施光南谱曲的《周总理,你在哪里》,唱出了人们对总理的哀悼和怀念。这一年清明节,广大民众聚集在天安门广场上,打出"深切地怀念周恩来总理"的横幅。这一年的10月6日,中共中央政治局采取断  相似文献   


The one-drop rule refers to the process of being racialized Black when someone contains any amount of Black ancestry, i.e. one drop of Black blood. In this article, I use what I call ‘the new one-drop rule’ to explain how even the smallest presence of white discourse can disrupt racial equity work in schools. Based on a critical race study in a racially desegregated elementary school, I illustrate how one drop of white discourse from even one less racially literate white teacher can cause usually more racially literate white teachers to support white supremacy. I also share how collaborative research utilizing critical race theory (CRT) can help schools build greater racial literacy and resist white discourse. I argue that critical research on race with in-service teachers should not forefront the consciousness-raising of resistant white teachers but rather center the wants, needs, and racial knowledge of racially literate teachers and especially teachers of color.  相似文献   

Flipped classrooms continue to grow in popularity across all levels of education. Following this pedagogical trend, the present study aimed to enhance the face-to-face instruction in flipped classrooms with the use of clickers. A game-like clicker application was implemented through a bring your own device (BYOD) model to gamify classroom dynamics in the spirit of question-and-answer competitions. A series of flipped learning lessons were created for the study, with clickers integrated into question-and-answer activities associated with each of the lessons as formative assessments to assist students in the learning of English as a foreign language. In this quasi-experimental research, the data were gathered using a summative assessment, a perception survey, and individual interviews. The collected data were then analyzed to compare the students’ flipped learning experiences, with or without clicker use. The results indicated that the gamified use of clickers had positive influences on student learning, with regard to their performance, perceptions, and preferences. This study thus suggests that the emerging generation of clicker technology allows for a cost-effective BYOD integration model in flipped classrooms, through which it is possible to seamlessly bridge pre-class and in-class activities and to effectively promote student learning.  相似文献   


This article focuses on an educational foundations-based professional development (PD) curriculum of antiracist conscientization we as two teacher educators designed and implemented with eight white practicing teachers in the Midwestern United States. We first articulate our conception of educational foundations and curriculum theory as a framework for our PD. We briefly review literature on other PD on race in the United States, outline our data sources, and describe the pedagogy and curriculum of RaceWork’s Tripartite Model of race-visible and antiracist praxis. We then highlight, through interview data, the significance of group (relational) accountability and collaborative relationships that supported these teachers’ self-designed antiracist interventions in their own unique school contexts during the 2-year PD experience. An ongoing, relationship-based PD model leading to material antiracist changes and practices points to a need for a broader, more holistic, and contextualized conception of antiracist interventions in U.S. public P12 school contexts, but also one grounded in the notion that in a white supremacist society, we (as race-visible white educators) are always becoming antiracist.  相似文献   

《孔雀东南飞》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》都通过男女主人公的爱情悲剧,控诉了封建礼教,赞扬了男女主人公争取个性解放和爱情幸福的人文主义,这两部作品虽出自不同作家之手,文化背景、时代氛围也各不相同,却有惊人的相似之处。文章主要从文化背景、审美意趣、人物塑造三个方面,对两部作品进行对比。  相似文献   

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