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INTRODUCTIONSuppose{Xn,n1}isasequenceofinde-pendentandidenticallydistributedrandomvari-ableswithcommoncontinuousdistributionfunc-tionFX(x).DefineMn(X)=max(X1,X2,,Xn).WeconsiderthenondegeneratedlimitdistributionofPr{Mn(X)anx bn}whereanandbnaresomenormalizingconstants{}()limPr()XnnnnGxMXxab=?.Fori.i.d.randomvariablesX,FisherandTippettfoundin1928thatlimitdistributionsexistandthatthereareonlythreetypesofdistributions,theso-calledExtremeValueDistributionsandthatGX(x)iseitherofthefol…  相似文献   

Suppose {Xi, i≥1} and {Yi, i≥1} are two independent sequences with distribution functions FX(x) and FY(x), respectively. Zi,n is the combination of Xi and Yi with a probability pn for each i with 1≤i≤n. The extreme value distribution GZ(x) of this particular triangular array of the i.i.d. random variables Z1,n , Z2,n ,…, Zn,n is discussed. We found a new form of the extreme value distribution (A(ρx)(ρx)(0<ρ<1), which is not max-stable. It occurs if FX(x) and FY(x) belong to the same MDA(ρ). GZ(x) does not exist as mixture forms of the different types of extreme value distributions.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Let {Xi, i ≥1} and {Yi, i ≥1} be two independ-ent sequences of independent and identicallydistributed random variables with distribution func-tions FX(x)∈MDA(GX) and FY(x)∈MDA(GY), res-pectively. We deal with the case when {Zi , 1≤i≤n},nis a mixture of two independent sequences {Xi, i≥1}and {Yi, i≥1}, for pn∈[0, 1) which is defined by: Zi,n = ???Yi Xi with probability pn with probability 1? pn.We consider the extreme value distribution GZ(x) of{Zi , 1≤i≤n}…  相似文献   

The sequences {Zi,n, l≤i≤n}, n≥l have multi-nomial distribution among i.i.d. random variables {X1,i, i≥1}, {X2,i,u≥l }, …, {Xm,i, i≥1 }. The extreme value distribution Gz(x) of this particular triangular array of i.i.d, random variables Z1,n, Z2Zn,n is discussed in this paper. We found a new type of not max-stable extreme value distributions, i) Gz(x) = r-1∏i=1ФAiαi(x) × Фαr (x);ii) Gz (x) = r-1∏i=1ψAiαi (x) × ψαr (x); iii) Gz (x) = r-1∏i=1 ∧Ai (λix) × A(x), r≥2, 0<α1≤α2≤…≤αr and λi∈ (0,1] for i, l≤i≤r-1 which occur if Fj, …, Fm belong to the same MDA.  相似文献   

The sequences {Zi,n, 1≤i≤n}, n≥1 are multi-nomial distribution among i.i.d. random variables {X1,i, i≥1}, {X2,i, i≥1},..., {Xm,i, i≥1}. The extreme value distribution Gz(x) of this particular triangular array of i.i.d. random variables Z1,n, Z2,n,..., Zn,n is discussed. A new type of not max-stable extreme value distributions which are Frechet mixture, Gumbel mixture and Weibull mixture has been found if Fj,...,Fm belong to the same MDA. Whether mixtures of different types of extreme value distributions exist or not and the more general case are discussed in this paper. We found that GZ(X) does not exist as mixture forms of the different types of extreme value distributions after we investigated all cases.  相似文献   

函数极值的存在性及判别方法是微分的重要应用之一.文章就三元函数给出了判别极值的存在的一个必要条件和充分条件.  相似文献   

Analysis of Network Traffic with Extreme Value Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Withincreasingdemandofwidebandwidthservicesuchasmultimediaandvideo ,itisverydesirabletore searchondifferenttransporttechniquesforhigh speednetworks.Congestioncontrol,bandwidthassignment ,networkmanagementand performanceevaluationaresomeexamplesthathavebeenresearchedwidely .Asthefoundationoftheseresearchfields ,itisthemostessentialtobuildamodelthatcanaccuratelycharacterizerealnet worktraffic .Hence ,itisalsonecessarytounderstandandanalyzestatisticalpropertiesofthenetworktrafficbecauseitcanindic…  相似文献   

为了正确评估于企业价值创造 ,在管理会计领域出现了许多绩效评估指标。但 90年代以后在欧美的许多著名的企业采用了EVA作为企业法定的业绩评估指标 ,并取得了良好的效果。EVA基于股东 (所有者 )立场 ,修正了传统的财务指标的缺陷 ,客观 ,不受会计操纵的影响 ,能正确评价经理人员绩效 ,如果将这个绩效评估指标引入我国国有企业绩效评估体系中 ,可能会大大促进国有企业价值最大化的实现  相似文献   

价值是马克思主义经济学的一个重要范畴,然而对价值本质的研究却一直没达到应有的深度。价值本质上是劳动资源的合理配置,是按比例分配劳动时间规律在商品经济中采取的特殊形式。深刻理解这一点,有助于对两种含义的社会必要劳动时间在商品价值决定中的地位形成正确的认识,有利于实现社会资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

四、对市场价值构成的深化认识 马克思在《资本论》等著作中虽然指出过企业管理者劳动和科技人员的劳动也是创造价值的生产劳动,但他主要分析的是生产商品的物质生产劳动,并从劳动耗费主要包括生产资料和生产劳动这两个要素出发,进而认为商品的市场价值是由物化劳动转移的价值和活劳动创造的补偿劳动力的价值和资本家无偿占有的剩余价值三部分构成,用公式表示是: W=C+V+M 然而根据我们上面的分析,在社会主义市场经济条件下,创造市场价值的劳动不仅包括生产有形商品的物质生产劳动,而且包括生产无形商品的服务劳动以及生产精神商品的科技劳动。而且这后两部分劳动创造的价值在市场价值总量中所占的比重越来越大,发达国家占60%~80%,我国已超过30%。因此,马克思的商品价值公式需要结合新的实际进行深化认识。那么在新的历史条件下怎样对马克思的商品价值公式进行深化认识呢?我们认为朱妙宽同志的研究成果具有很重要的启迪意义。笔者阐述的市场价值构成公式是在吸取朱妙宽同志的新价值构成公式(W=C+V+M+S=C_1+C_2+C_3+V_1+V_2+V_3+M_1+M_2+M_3+S_1+S_2+S_3)精华的基础上构建的。笔者构建的市场价值构成公式如下: W=C~*+V~*+M~* 式中,C~*=C_1+C_2;V~*=V_1+V_2;M~*=M_1+M_2。 本价值构成公式就是在马  相似文献   

不能用按生产要素分配否定马克思的劳动价值论 ,也不能相反。马克思科学地把按生产要素分配与资本主义分配制度区别开来 ,在分析和论证活劳动是价值的唯一源泉 ,资本家凭借对生产要素的占有瓜分剩余价值的同时 ,也分析和论证了按生产要素分配的必然性和合理性。按生产要素分配作为产权主体的经济利益借以实现的形式和市场经济的重要原则 ,资本主义和社会主义都可以利用。要正确评价我国现阶段私营企业主收入的性质  相似文献   

在压电石英晶体金电极表面形成流基丙酸(MPA)单分子膜,经NHS和EDC活化后固定血吸虫抗原(SjAg),研制成血吸虫抗体(SjAb)压电免疫传感器.研究测定了抗原价数及免疫反应平衡常数Kass,结果令人满意.  相似文献   

The retention or abolition of national college entrance examination (CEE) has triggered a fierce controversy in academe. Although controversial causes and focus vary from time to time, the result remains the same—adopting uniform national examinations and making it innovative all the time. Since CEE has political, social and educational functions, it is necessary not only to make CEE keep up with the times and actively reform, but also to uphold the principle of attaining the balance between change and steady, which is the only approach to maintaining CEE. __________ Translated from Zhaosheng Kaoshi Yanjiu 招生考试研究 (Admission & Examination Research), 2007, (1): 1–8  相似文献   

劳资矛盾理论,是研究我国劳资矛盾关系的根本依据。处理好劳资关系,是构建和谐社会的基础。而资产阶级的本质就是唯利是图,就是剥削工人榨取剩余价值。本文就是通过剩余价值理论对劳资矛盾问题进行分析。  相似文献   

本文运用系统控制论与文本分析的方法,对19世纪新古典主义理性王国分野之后的现实主义绘画、印象主义(包括新印象主义)绘画和后印象主义(自塞尚的现代主义)绘画中,梳理与阐述艺术形象域中异同循环创作规律的历史秩序。把摄影术的介入作为影响艺术创作主体对艺术形象域的外围影响因素,论析性地探讨艺术创作形象域中异同循环创作规律的秩序重建。以此观念把握对中国当代艺术的干预反思的价值等方面,化约出艺术形象域中异同循环创作规律的价值体现在形象的释放为艺术形象域本体延异与拓展提供了无限发展可能的契机、对形象创作循环规律的不断探索和研究为艺术史的完善提供了支持性的事实和理论、艺术形象域中异同循环创作规律的秩序建构为整个人类艺术文化的发展提供了可能发展成为学科门类的依据三个方面。本文所探讨的艺术形象域特指本文探讨的19世纪新古典主义艺术分野后,各个风格流派所创作作品中支撑其创作观念的形象载体的总和。  相似文献   

利用Hadamard乘积的Ruscheweyh积分算子定义了解析函数子类B(μ,λ;h),并研究了关于此函数类的从属关系,包含关系等问题。  相似文献   

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) has been a successful and popular initial teacher education (ITE) programme since the 1950s, with the masters level PGCE being successfully embedded within universities in England since 2007 and having high levels of student satisfaction. Recent White Papers, policy and reviews have undermined the academic award in ITE, however, favouring school-led initial teacher training and the minimum, essential professional award. Located within the Secondary ITE phase in two English universities, this article presents the value of studying education and the academic award at pre-service level via key stakeholder perceptions from interviews with teacher–educators and student–teachers within a case study. Findings highlight improvements to student–teachers’ knowledge and practice; enjoyment in working at a higher academic level; improvements to the ITE programme overall, including student–teacher support and student–teachers’ articulation of knowledge and practice; and enhanced opportunities for employability, career advancement and gaining a Master’s degree.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the association between students’ value of reading and their behavior during a sustained silent reading (SSR) period, and their attitudes toward SSR and reading leisure books. 362 secondary students participated in this study and data were collected by means of a questionnaire. The results showed that more students in the high value of reading (HVR) group behaved better during SSR periods and had a more positive attitude toward SSR and leisure book reading than those in the lower value of reading (LVR) group. The value of reading was also found to be associated with the frequency of interaction with parents in reading activities, and we thus suggest that parents should be involved in the SSR program.  相似文献   

企业技术联盟的公平分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业技术联盟的公平分配是一个综合性概念,它指各联盟成员的个体分配以及成员间分配均处于对称状态。企业技术联盟的公平分配指数能较好地反映各成员的分配结果,故能作为测度分配是否公平的尺度。对于联盟中出现的各种分配失衡现象,成员企业应采取不同的态度与措施。  相似文献   

《宪章录》是明代薛应旂编纂的一部记载本朝历史的编年体史书,史料价值颇高。在体例上,此书恰当汲取纪传体、纪事本末体的编纂优点,克服编年体之不足,充分保证全书结构的合理、完备;在内容上,作者注重臧否本朝人物、记载官修文献等,尤其是书中的大量“按语”,是研究薛应旂历史思想的重要史料。  相似文献   

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