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社会性别女性英雄指认是20世纪中国现代社会发展中一种广泛的社会现象。与此相应,历史和文学对于社会性别女性英雄指认的叙事,在这种文化语境中也展开了自己的想象和建构。文章即以清末民初思想历史层面的社会性别女性英雄指认话语——"英雌"话语的建构为背景,来探讨此期柳亚子文学创作中的"英雌"想象拟构,阐明这些作品在认同思想历史的"英雌"话语时,又是如何丰富和参与建构"英雌"话语的。  相似文献   

五四以来女作家走进了历史女性叙事的行列,打破了男性独霸历史叙事的局面,女性对自身历史的叙述,不仅使女性群体获得了表达自己的机会和权力,而且也构成了对男权话语的挑战、修正、颠覆、补充。在这百年中,女作家对历史女性的叙述与阐释也受社会风潮、时代话语的规约,但是,对女性命运的关切和自我主体的探索始终是女作家历史叙事的中心。  相似文献   

自上个世纪80年代系统的中国女性批评与理论话语“浮出历史地表”,中国的女性文学研究已经走过了近30年的时间,其间,以西方的女性主义理论解读和阐释中国女性作家作品成为一种主流。虽然西方理论曾经打开了女性研究的视野,并且多有洞见,但是,基于整体西方女性生存经验和历史语境的女性话语并不可能穷尽中国女性生存和写作的真相,遮蔽和盲视也不可避免。在此意义上,  相似文献   

建国后17年间的历史剧创作对女性意识的建构和女性话语的言说是由男性史剧家们代言并完成的,这其实就是来自中国古代文人的拟代女性写作传统.男性史剧家们通过历史女性形象曲折隐晦地表白自己在意识形态上的归属和对政治文化权威的臣服,并以之演绎各种流行的政治理念.历史剧呈现出一种双声话语的不协调状态,共同的"类"的特征遮蔽了女性的自然特征,使得对历史女性形象的刻划有明显的公式化与符号化倾向,包括对爱情题材的表现.只有少数史剧家尊重并赋予女性历史人物形象以自己的意识与声音,但较之20、30年代史剧中女性以叛逆姿态的隆重登场,17年间历史剧在女性意识与女性话语的建构上无疑构成了一种断裂.  相似文献   

五四以来女作家走进了历史女性叙事的行列,打破了男性独霸历史叙事的局面,女性对自身历史的叙述,不仅使女性群体获得了表达自己的机会和权力,而且也构成了对男权话语的挑战、修正、颠覆、补充。在这百年中,女作家对历史女性的叙述与阐释也受社会风潮、时代话语的规约,但是,对女性命运的关切和自我主体的探索始终是女作家历史叙事的中心。  相似文献   

英国当代女作家玛格丽特·德拉布尔的《红王妃》通过历史取材,“重述”边缘话语。她挖掘处于边缘地位的历史人物被掩埋的话语,展示众多受压迫女性的心灵史,揭示女性受男权社会支配的历史生存本质。她以边缘话语质疑主流意识形态,在颠覆传统主流意识形态的同时,解构了“大历史”的客观性,同时把作为“他者”的女性从历史舞台的边缘推向中心,体现了她消解旧历史主义中心论的观点。  相似文献   

80年代中后期,西方女性主义理论被介绍到中国,这种兴起于西方60年代末,与后现代主义有着紧密联系的新型的女性话语,逐渐成为当代女性文学新的思想资源。20世纪末的女性文学从一种自觉的女性立场出发,摆脱父权制历史下男性中心话语,以鲜明的、富有挑战意味的对于女性本真经验的描绘,来凸现女性的主体性地位,这种女性个人化的写作方式构成了对男性霸权话语的颠覆与解构。  相似文献   

从一贯的男性话语遮蔽下呈现女性的生存经验并由此延伸对历史的不同把握是20世纪90年代以来女性写作的鲜明姿态。这一时期的女性更注重挖掘革命历史话语背后女性在历史及现实中的真实处境、欲望及心理。在她们笔下,不仅"文革"呈现出不同的历史面貌,而且也是女性寻找自身合理位置,真正发出自己的声音,完成女性作为女性的历史存在的主动与自觉。  相似文献   

当代女性诗歌在其繁荣时期,呈现出对男权话语中心文化的大胆而勇敢的挑战和拆解,并试图建立属于女性自己的诗歌话语模式,在女性诗歌处于几乎“失语”的历史状态下,树起了一面独特的大旗。女性诗歌话语模式主要表现为躯体写作、自白倾诉和语词写作,但最终,女性诗歌仍然陷入到了语言迷失的困境之中,本文从这一角度,对当代女性诗歌的话语模式进行了分析。  相似文献   

个人叙事方式在中国女性文学发展史中起着非常重要的作用,它为女性自我话语权威的建立奠定了坚实的基础。中国女性文学从五四时期开始,其个人叙事文本经历了从简单明了的日记体到复杂多姿的“私人”自传体的流变,这一进程中反映出女性文学对自我话语权威逐步建构的历史行程。  相似文献   

话语的女性主义重写--兼比较《简·爱》的两个中译本   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着女性主义与翻译研究的日益关联,如何在翻译中体现女性话语成为女性主义翻译和体现其译者主体性的一个重要问题。本文从女性主义翻译理论出发,结合权力和话语的关系,强调了女性话语权的重要性,通过实例探讨了凸显女性话语的翻译策略和方法。  相似文献   


Michel Foucault showed by his genealogical method that history is random. It comprises sites of disarray and dispersal. In those sites, Simone de Beauvoir wrote philosophy through lived experience of woman as Other in relation to man as the Absolute. Here lies a fecund site for revisionist analysis of female cultural production and its relevance to a philosophy of education. The paper works with a feminist approach to the politics of knowledge, examining textual and political strategies in the recording of history and the ‘othering’ of women through dominant cultural discourses. Infusing this discussion is a feminist politics of interrogation on cultural change for women. The paper investigates contributions of women to fields of art, politics, education and philosophy, and to the ways their contributions have been considered, received, positioned. Different approaches to feminism become apparent in the different conditions of knowledge under discussion. This leads to a final consideration of feminist challenges in context of the politics of neoliberalism as it seeks to identify a feminist potential for ‘a cleansing fire’. The interventions in this paper trace political strategies and challenges for a philosophy of education to keep the momentum of feminist histories and issues to the forefront of scholarly enquiry and political/social action.  相似文献   

This paper explores the work and effects of gender reform in schools through the use of feminist post‐structuralist theory. Focusing on the discourses designed to enhance girls’ post‐school options, it examines the ways in which teachers and students, particularly girls, write, read and rewrite these discourses and on the basis of this suggests some new directions for researching, theorising and practicing gender reform in schools. In particular, it raises questions about the ways in which feminist pedagogies in schools deal with the female body, difference, pleasure and pain.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined children's understandings of feminist picture books, and thus their potential usefulness for disrupting dominant discourses and providing alternate storylines. This article draws on research conducted in Australia with a class of 6- and 7-year-olds, examining students’ responses to four feminist picture books. The students provided diverse responses to the books, at times reflecting what I viewed as the (feminist) messages of the books and sometimes picking up on other themes or (re)interpreting them as supporting dominant gender discourses. The challenges to understanding the books in straightforward ways related both to the books themselves as well as the gender discourses available to the students. This article argues that there are three key challenges to the feminist potential of these books: a reliance on categories of ‘girl’ and ‘boy’, children's lack of identification with book characters, and the influence of intertextual knowledge.  相似文献   

论梅娘的知识女性小说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅娘的知识女性小说中凸显出鲜明而自觉的女性意识。对于女性的悲剧性寓言,梅娘从社会时代、女性心理构成以及历史积淀等方面追根溯源,并试图探究女人解脱苦海的具体出路,同时以一种幽默嘲讽的叙事风格解构了所谓的男权神话。  相似文献   

An emergent strand within mainstream educational leadership scholarship is an engagement with notions of diversity. This is part of a belated recognition that in an increasingly globalising world the largely masculinist, white norms from which most accounts of leadership derive, lack sufficient explanatory power for educational systems. Utilising critical, black and Indigenous feminist work on the recognition of difference, as well as recent feminist scholarship deconstructing diversity discourses in educational leadership, this article outlines the origins of the key diversity discourses from which the educational leadership field draws. It then analyses recent articles on diversity and educational administration, noting how the various diversity discourses have been taken up and the subsequent implications for educational leadership theorising and practices. It concludes by arguing that critical feminist research about the politics of difference, amongst others, provides an important body of scholarship from which to develop self‐reflexive and nuanced engagements with notions of diversity and leadership.  相似文献   

唐群英是中国近代史上杰出的女权运动领袖 ,她率先加入同盟会 ,影响了一大批妇女人才 ,在当时形成了一支重要的妇女革命力量 ;他领导组织了民初妇女参政运动 ,使中国近代女权运动出现了前所未有的高潮 ;她办女报 ,兴女学 ,唤醒了广大妇女的思想觉悟 ,亦为女权运动的发展 ,培养了一大批妇女人才  相似文献   

后殖民主义与女性主义是西方学术界“少数话语”的两种主要代表。近年来,一批被称作后殖民女性主义的批评家在二者之间开辟了一个新的理论空间。她们批评西方女性主义的白人中心主义和本质主义, 寻求建立一种适应第三世界妇女文本的理论模式和阐释策略, 并从后殖民立场对西方女性主义的经典作品进行了新的解读, 本文从理论与批评实践两个方面对这种新的学说进行了介绍和评价  相似文献   

后殖民主义与女性主义是西方学术界"少数话语"的两种主要代表.一批后殖民女性主义的批评家在二者之间开辟了一个新的理论空间.从后殖民立场对西方女性主义的经典作品进行了新的解读.<简·爱>作为女性主义的经典文本,它所包含的殖民主义话语一直没得到人们的重视.琼·里斯从不同视角对<简·爱>进行了重写.她的<藻海茫茫>揭示了<简·爱>中存在的帝国主义压迫,颠覆了勃朗特的殖民主义话语.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors ask the question, 'What does it mean to wear the labels "teacher" and "female"?' Eighteen Master of Arts in Teaching students volunteered to participate in a Gender Issues Seminar at a large US public state university. Their language, recorded through audio-recordings, response journals, and autobiographical webs become the basis for analysis. Applying post-structural feminist theory, the authors identify powerful discourses determining what it means to be 'female' and 'teacher.' The study illustrates how the discourse of teaching as acceptable women's work and the discourse of patriarchy work upon the subjectivity of women as they struggle with what it means to be teacher/woman. The authors then partially deconstruct these discourses, considering implications for teacher educators.  相似文献   

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