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1.Amanhadtogoonalongtravel.Hehidhiscoinsinapotandputbutteroverit.Thenhetookthepottohisneighbourandsaid,“PleasekeepthispotofbutterformetillIcomeback.”一个人得去长途旅行了。他把自己的钱藏在一个罐子里,并在上面倒了一些奶油,然后把罐子交给邻居,并说:“请把这罐奶油替2.Afewdayslaterhisneighbourtookallthebutteroutofthepottoseeifthebutterwasbad.Thenhesawthecoinsunderthebutter.Hetookthemoneyforhimselfandputmanysmallstonesintothepot.几天以后,他的邻居从罐里倒出全部奶油,看看奶油是否坏了。于是,他看见了奶…  相似文献   


This reflective account describes the impact of different cultural conceptions of pedagogy on one person in the course of an academic career. It begins with the experience of pedagogy in a school in Taiwan and the way in which a lack of meaningful connection is overcome by memorising under the strictest discipline. It goes on to describe the culture shock of arriving at an ancient English University, which appears to represent the opposite pole of the pedagogic spectrum, with a failure to provide structured supervision on the grounds that postgraduates are mature. (It suggests also that there are 'microclimates' of pedagogic ethos within cultures and nations, which may be more salient than those between them.) Finally, it moves to assess the European experience on the basis of focus groups discussing different teaching styles, and meets with demands from students both for less discipline and, at the same time, for more, which appears paradoxical. This paradox is explained by the work of Sapochnik who views it in terms of the adolescent need for a well-disciplined and safe pedagogic structure within which they can have room for their experiments in self-realisation.  相似文献   

ThestoryofTheTempesthappensonamagicalis land .Itishalf-mythicandhalf -real ,whichmakesitdifferentfromtheworksofpurerealismandmakesitfullofsymbolsandallegories .Thecharactersinthisplayareinterpretedasallegor icalfigures .Prospero ,asanomnipotentmagician ,hasaboundlesssupernaturalpower ,suchascontrollingtheforcesofnature ,foreseeingeverythingandsendingthespiritsatwilltoachievehisowngoal.Heisnowactuallyasupermanorhalfagod .PerhapsjustinthissensesomecriticsconsiderProsperoasGod ,Calibanasadevil…  相似文献   

假设在xy-平面上给定了一条曲线(图1),方程φ(z,y)=0称为一条曲线的隐式方程,如果这条曲线上的任一点的坐标(z,y)满足它,并且满足这个方程妒(z,y)=0的任意一对数z,Y是这条曲线上一个点的坐标.显然,一条曲线由它的方程所确定,因而,我们可以说用它的方程表示的曲线.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Jerome David Salinger is one of the most famous and influential American writers after World War II. Though his literary output is fairly small, his authentic writing about disillusioned, alienated American youth won him a significant position in modern American lit- erature. His novel The Catcher in the Rye is a story of a sixteen-year old boy who runs away from his mid- dle-class private school and spends four days roaming around New York, searching for truth and goodne…  相似文献   

佟玉平 《双语学习》2007,(11M):234-235
This thesis focus on the analysis of the motive of the two murders made by Bigger Thomas, a black man. The black people's miserable living condition is one of the reasons why the two murders happened. The white's bias towards the black is also responsible for them. Bigger Thomasg deformed, distorted personality is also part of the explanations for the murders.  相似文献   

Together with National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs)in England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and Australia, the South African NQF is part of a somewhat elite, even notorious, and often criticized group of first generation NQFs that were established between the late 1980s and early 1990s. These NQFs were rooted in the thinking on competency, lifelong learning and outcomes-based education that prevailed in the United Kingdom at the timeH. In the subsequent period up to 2005, more than 30 additional countries have embarked on NQF development, while three regional qualification framework initiatives are also currently underway, one in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), another in the European Union (EU), and yet another amongst English-speaking Caribbean countries (Tuck et al., 2006). In the background of this continued drive for NQF development across the world, I use this paper to reflect critically on the extent to which the development and implementation of the South African NQF has impacted on the regulation of teacher education. In particular I discuss the extent to which: (1) provisioning of teacher education has been quality assured through NQF sub-systems; (2) teacher qualifications and standards have been developed and realigned to NQF requirements to accommodate, amongst others, un- and under-qualified teachers; and (3) professional development points for teachers are being introduced to complement the NQF credit systemt. The paper is concluded with specific observations that may be of value to other countries that are using, or plan to use, NQFs to regulate and improve teacher education.  相似文献   

In the past year, products capable of turning nonstop speech into text have entered the commercial marketplace. Via Voice from IBM Corp. is one instance, and Naturally Speaking from Dragon Systems Inc.…, is another. Both systems consist of software written for IBM-compatible PCs with Windows 95 or NT, Pentium processors, 32—48MB of RAM, and 60—100MB of available hard-disk space. Two years ago, the latest systems were able to transcrible words only if they were separated by pauses. These discrete or isolated-word systems ran on 486-based systems with 16—32 MB of RAM  相似文献   

"The Old Man and The Sea"is Hemingway latter years’masterpiece,with which he was awarded the Nobel prize in1954.As the protagonist of the novel,Santiago plays a vital role to the novel’s motif.Hemingway expresses his attitudes toward the life through the image of Santiago.The paper intends to explore the character of Santiago from different facets and angles.In the end,we reach a conclusion that Santiago is a strong-willed man with a young,indestructible soul,he is kind,sensitive as well as hardworking.In a ward,he is a perfect Hemingway hero.  相似文献   

圣诞节前夕,家家户户都高高兴兴地过年。只有布朗家里没有笑声。 布朗先生睡觉后一直在想怎样可以多挣一些钱。突然,他家的门铃响了。原来天已经亮了。布朗先生打开门看了一眼来人,吃惊地张大了嘴。那么,他看见了什么呢?原来呀,站在他面前的是一位美丽的仙女。  相似文献   

Jeremiah Donovan is one of the five main characters in Frank O'Connor's "Guests of the Nation". The story narrates how war distorts human mind and the struggles of people living in the war. This article analyses Donovan's behaviours in different settings and discusses his feelings and motivations may beneath along with author's intention of writing this story.  相似文献   

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