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An entrepreneurial university must undertake two tasks: it must train future entrepreneurs, persons who will found their own businesses, and also develop an entrepreneurial spirit in students in all subject areas. Second, it must operate in an entrepreneurial manner itself, organizing business incubators, technology parks, and the like, involving students in these organizations and, through them, assisting students and graduates in the founding of businesses. Financial assistance to start‐ups should eventually be repaid to the given university from the profits made by the maturing companies and then be reinvested in new start‐ups. Thus the entrepreneurial university will contribute to the development of its region, and through co‐operation with other entities, to economic development in general.  相似文献   

应用技术大学创业教育要立足于区域经济社会发展需要,并应针对当前存在的认知偏差等问题,积极探寻解决路径,既要紧密结合学科专业特点,又要把握工程、生产实践需求,开展对外交流,走出一条以深化理念认知为先导,优化人才培养方案,强化师资培养,完善创业实践平台,为区域经济建设和社会发展培养应用型、复合型、创新型人才的有别于研究型大学的创业教育之路。  相似文献   

The innovative teaching, knowledge and technology production and societal service activities of academics are largely discussed within the entrepreneurial university discourse in Higher Education journals. Therefore, this research focuses on a meta‐synthesis of Higher Education articles to better understand the concepts of the entrepreneurial university and entrepreneurial academic. After the systematic elimination based on keywords and titles, 25 articles have been selected from the top 10 Higher Education journals in the SCImago Journal Rankings. Content analysis was performed on these articles to highlight the common operational areas in entrepreneurial universities and activities of entrepreneurial academics. The meta‐synthesis shows that, both for universities and academics, entrepreneurship is overwhelmingly characterised by the commercialisation of scholarly activities that enrich institutional income revenue as well as academics’ personal income. However, such an approach can distance universities from their mission of public good; so Higher Education administrators should create mechanisms that would allow both to take place in a balanced way.  相似文献   

以广东海洋大学本科在校生为调查对象,对不同学院、年级、性别、年龄、父母职业、志愿职业、家庭月均收入、是否学生干部和独生子女,进行创业动机、创业困难、创业能力的调查。结果表明:创业动机更多在于自我价值的实现,不同年级、男女的创业动机和创业能力均有显著性差异。普遍认为创业困难在于资金不足。本文提出对不同年级和性别的创业观和创业能力要进行针对性的引导教育或设计相关课程指导,并指导大学生正确认识创业困难。  相似文献   

创业型大学有四个不同于以往大学的典型特征:学术立业的组织结构、不断创新的创业文化、学术资本的师生共识、协同创新的契约关系。作为仍处于发展中的全球高等教育变革的当代现象,创业型大学已成为知识社会的心脏,围绕学术创业,它的知识逻辑、使命和功能皆发生了深刻变化。中国从变革高等教育结构、建设专业学位、创建自主创新的高科技园区等方面积极回应了这一高等教育的伟大变革,但是囿于旧的大学观念、体制和文化的局限,向创业型大学的转型仍然存在诸多困难,面临着巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

从分析当前高校创新创业实验室建设的背景和形势入手,阐述了高校创新创业实验室定位和功能,进而分析了高校创新创业实验室建设中的地域性政策资源匮乏、重复性项目研究偏多、多样性指导师资不足、共享性支撑平台欠缺的问题。提出了构建互联网+政府的创新创业政策互通渠道、打造互联网+高校的创新创业信息交互平台、推进互联网+创投的创新创业成果共赢机制、协同高校校内资源发展微型众创空间的建设举措。  相似文献   

创业型大学的创业生态系统初探——以麻省理工学院为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
麻省理工学院倡导的"创业生态系统"将创业活动与创业教育良好地结合起来,能够为我国高校创业教育培养模式提供借鉴。案例研究发现,这个创业生态系统由众多的功能互补且密切联系的项目与中心、学生团体和创业课程等诸多要素共同组成。其中创业活动、学生团体和创业教育这三股力量交互作用,成为推动该生态系统不断演化的主要动力。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of women engaging in entrepreneurship is expanding and becoming acknowledged as a valuable resource that must be institutionally and socially supported. Through entrepreneurship education, female students, as potential entrepreneurs, can develop and strengthen those skills and behaviours identified as characteristic of successful entrepreneurs. This paper explores four attributes associated with entrepreneurship (creativity, problem management, risk management, and self-confidence) of 1838 undergraduate students from 11 universities in Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Uruguay) and one in Spain, used as a control group. By comparing the results for the male and female student population, self-confidence appears as an attribute that is present at the same level in both groups; statistically significant differences were reported for the other three attributes (creativity, problem management, and risk management). Entrepreneurship programmes can utilise such information to strengthen in female students those attributes for successful engagement in entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

Developments in entrepreneurial leadership as a distinct area of both research and practice raised many questions about the personal competencies of entrepreneurial leaders that enable them to successfully lead entrepreneurial endeavours. Although identifying entrepreneurs' specific capabilities has been one of the main focuses of entrepreneurship researchers, our knowledge is limited about personal leadership competencies required in entrepreneurial contexts. This qualitative study aimed to explore the personal competencies of undergraduate student entrepreneurial leaders in four Malaysian universities. Fourteen student entrepreneurial leaders were purposefully selected to participate in this study. Analysis of the semi-structured and in-depth interviews revealed different dimensions of proactiveness and innovativeness as previously identified competencies of entrepreneurial leaders for the student entrepreneurial leaders. Furthermore, love of challenges and versatility emerged as the personal competencies of the students. Implication of the findings and suggestions for developing entrepreneurial leadership competencies in university students through purposeful interventions are proposed.  相似文献   

基于大学生创业教育的高校体育教育改革思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业教育是我国高等教育改革和发展方向,体育教育是学校教育的重要组成部分,应充分发挥体育学科独特优势,促进大学生创业教育实施.基此,文章从体育教育观、体育教学模式、体育教育评价及体育教师师资队伍建设等方面,探究现代体育教育的深化改革.  相似文献   

地方大学创业型人才培养的困境与发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从分析我国地方大学创业教育面临的困境入手,提出地方大学的创业教育应依托地域文化优势,紧密联系地方社会经济发展,建立具有地方特色的较为完善的创业教育理论教学体系与实践教学体系.  相似文献   

In the last decade, universities in East Asia have taken knowledge transfer more seriously, especially when the state funding for higher education was reduced while other private funding sources were diversified. Universities in East Asia collaborate with the industrial and business sectors on projects related to research, development, and knowledge transfer to enhance their global competitiveness. This article examines how the quest for an entrepreneurial university in East Asia has affected academics and administrators in higher education, with particular reference to the perceived impact of an entrepreneurial university on academic life.  相似文献   

女大学生的创业需求及政策支持研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在女大学生就业形势严峻的前提下,分析了女大学生的创业特征和需求,结合当前实际情况提出了支持女大学生创业的意义,并提出了从营造和谐文化氛围、优化政策环境、完善自主创业教育体系等方面入手的政府政策支持,积极促进女大学生的自主创业,也要求我们对女大学生进行有针对性的创业教育帮助女大学生摆脱就业难的困境。  相似文献   

In Australia and elsewhere, universities face increasing pressure to improve research output and quality, particularly through partnerships with industry. This raises interesting challenges for academic staff with considerable industry experience who are ‘new’ to academe. Some of these challenges were faced by the authors who have been successful in generating research, consultancy and executive education funds since joining academe and been somewhat surprised at being described as successful researchers and entrepreneurs. Taking a reflexive look to identify and make explicit our practice through the lenses of social capital and the entrepreneurial process, we identified 10 practices. However, we remain troubled by the dissonance between organisational rhetoric and its rewards for entrepreneurial activities. We offer some considerations for universities to help bridge this gap.  相似文献   

本文通过运用SWOT分析方法,分析了大学生村官的创业现状,针对创业过程中面临的问题,提出有效地解决措施,逐步构建大学生村官创业的长效机制。  相似文献   

校企合作对高校双创实践基地建设、双创人才培养具有积极的促进作用。该文阐明了校企合作的含义和模式,阐述了该校校企合作状况,以及校企合作对拓展双创课程体系、改善师资队伍、提升双创实验室和实践基地建设的作用,分析了校企合作对本科生毕业论文(设计)、学生科技竞赛质量、学生双创实践的促进作用。  相似文献   

There has been strong policy interest in universities becoming more entrepreneurial and engaging in knowledge exchange activities as part of an expanding third mission agenda. However, our understanding of the evolution and diversity of such activities is limited. Using longitudinal data from the Higher Education Business Community Interaction (HEBCI) Survey, this study examines the evolving configuration of universities' knowledge exchange activities and stakeholders by analysing distinctive clusters of English universities. We find an increasingly diverse profile of third mission activities across different types of universities: within old, more established universities, Russell Group universities increasingly focus on research‐oriented activities typically in partnership with large firms and non‐commercial organisations; while another group engages in a broad range of knowledge exchange activities with low specialisation over time. Newer, less research intensive, universities increasingly rely on activities such as consultancy and formation of spin‐offs. A decreased engagement with small and medium enterprises and a lower share of knowledge exchange activities at the regional level are observed across the time studied for all universities.  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,创业是经济发展的活力之源,把创业教育纳入高等学校的教育教学体系,培养一大批具有创新、创业精神的企业家,是建设创新型国家的需要,是发展创新型经济的必然要求。研究了企业家及企业家精神的内涵,总结了国内外创业教育的理论和实践,探讨了基于企业家精神的大学生创业能力的培养途径,对高等学校建立创业教育体系,实现国家以创业带动就业的政策具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

针对福州大学最近提出的创业型大学的发展战略,结合作者在研究生培养和管理中的一些经验,提出了一些创业型大学中研究生培养定位的建议.  相似文献   

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