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分析双CCD交汇测量系统中测量精度有效视场与基线长度、像机仰角和视场角三个参数之间的数学关系;提出了根据有效视场来确定最优参数的设计方法--最小基线法.像机仰角不满足正交条件时,该方法提供了一条切实可行的参考依据.最后在MATLAB中进行计算分析,验证了该方法的正确可行.  相似文献   

Although response times on test items are recorded on a natural scale, the scale for some of the parameters in the lognormal response-time model ( van der Linden, 2006 ) is not fixed. As a result, when the model is used to periodically calibrate new items in a testing program, the parameter are not automatically mapped onto a common scale. Several combinations of linking designs and procedures for the lognormal model are examined that do map parameter estimates onto a common scale. For each of the designs, the standard error of linking is derived. The results are illustrated using examples with simulated data.  相似文献   

Person reliability parameters (PRPs) model temporary changes in individuals’ attribute level perceptions when responding to self‐report items (higher levels of PRPs represent less fluctuation). PRPs could be useful in measuring careless responding and traitedness. However, it is unclear how well current procedures for estimating PRPs can recover parameter estimates. This study assesses these procedures in terms of mean error (ME), average absolute difference (AAD), and reliability using simulated data with known values. Several prior distributions for PRPs were compared across a number of conditions. Overall, our results revealed little differences between using the χ or lognormal distributions as priors for estimated PRPs. Both distributions produced estimates with reasonable levels of ME; however, the AAD of the estimates was high. AAD did improve slightly as the number of items increased, suggesting that increasing the number of items would ameliorate this problem. Similarly, a larger number of items were necessary to produce reasonable levels of reliability. Based on our results, several conclusions are drawn and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The high school grade point average (GPA) is often adjusted to account for nominal indicators of course rigor, such as “honors” or “advanced placement.” Adjusted GPAs—also known as weighted GPAs—are frequently used for computing students’ rank in class and in the college admission process. Despite the high stakes attached to GPA, weighting policies vary considerably across states and high schools. Previous methods of estimating weighting parameters have used regression models with college course performance as the dependent variable. We discuss and demonstrate the suitability of the graded response model for estimating GPA weighting parameters and evaluating traditional weighting schemes. In our sample, which was limited to self‐reported performance in high school mathematics courses, we found that commonly used policies award more than twice the bonus points necessary to create parity for standard and advanced courses.  相似文献   

自主学习教学模式的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理想的自主学习教学模式是教师宏观调控,学生先行解决能够掌握的学习内容,然后教师再针对学生不能掌握的内容进行有针对性的指导。将此模式应用于C语言程序设计课程教学中,结果表明,自主学习教学模式在仅使用传统教学模式一半教学课时的情况下仍然取得较好的学习效果;学习动机量的高低与学习效果的相关性不明显,间接证明了耶尔克斯-道德森定律;学习策略对学习效果有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章针对储物柜的设计问题,从实际出发,考虑了物品分拣的准确率,在储药槽内不发生侧翻、并排重叠和水平旋转,以最优解的思想求解储药柜尽可能多的存储药量,同时还考虑了存药和补药的方便性,建立了合理的解决储药柜设计问题的数学模型,根据题目所给的数据和所查的资料,进行合理的假设建立线性优化模型,使用LINGO程序编程模型得到相应数据,再通过EXCEL拟合,科学直观地对问题展开讨论并加以解决。最后本文还在已经得到的计算结果的基础上,对所建立的模型进行了合理的推广。  相似文献   

以储药柜的设计为例介绍了0-1整数规划数学模型在物品设计方面的应用。药房内的盒装药品种类繁多,药盒尺寸规格差异较大,一般的储药柜为横纵向等距的设计方案,药盒与两侧竖向隔板之间的间隙会造成宽度冗余,药盒与上面隔板的间隙会造成高度冗余。增加竖向隔板的间距类型数量可以有效地减少宽度冗余,但会增加储药柜的加工成本,同时降低了储药槽的适用范围。研究确定储药柜横纵向隔板间距的类型数量,使得储药柜的总平面冗余量尽可能地小,对现实中储药柜的设计具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

用响应面法与正交法两种方法优化黄蜀葵闪式提取工艺。以总黄酮提取率为指标,根据单因素试验的结果,通过响应面法与正交法分别得出最佳的闪式提取总黄酮的条件。结果表明,响应面法确定最佳工艺为提取溶剂53.42倍量、乙醇浓度为75.01%、提取时间为93.56 s、提取2次;正交设计确定最佳方案为提取时间为100 s、提取溶剂50倍量、乙醇浓度为75%、提取2次。响应面法精确度略优于正交试验设计法。  相似文献   

What problems can occur in linking old and newer forms of a test? Does the length of the tests being equated affect the results of a linking study? When tests are designed for different purposes, can the scores be meaningfully interpreted after equating?  相似文献   

以某机床主轴设计为例,建立了零件优化设计数学模型,并设置了结构优化参数,分析了主轴轴端的变形量。利用UG软件的表达式窗口和优化模块,进行了优化计算,同时,创建了主轴结构三维参数化基础模型,并实时形成了基于基础模型的优化模型。  相似文献   

基于Logistic响应模型,在二元响应数据下,将待估计的响应刺激量变换为模型的一个参数,应用鞍点逼近方法给出了该响应刺激量估计条件分布的高阶近似公式.在此基础上,引入Fiducial模型,并应用Fiducial模型给出了响应刺激量的区间估计,通过蒙特卡罗数值模拟表明,在样本量较小时,给合Fiducial模型,应用鞍点逼近方法,能够较好地估计响应刺激量.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mixture item response tree (IRTree) model for extreme response style. Unlike traditional applications of single IRTree models, a mixture approach provides a way of representing the mixture of respondents following different underlying response processes (between individuals), as well as the uncertainty present at the individual level (within an individual). Simulation analyses reveal the potential of the mixture approach in identifying subgroups of respondents exhibiting response behavior reflective of different underlying response processes. Application to real data from the Students Like Learning Mathematics (SLM) scale of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 demonstrates the superior comparative fit of the mixture representation, as well as the consequences of applying the mixture on the estimation of content and response style traits. We argue that methodology applied to investigate response styles should attend to the inherent uncertainty of response style influence due to the likely influence of both response styles and the content trait on the selection of extreme response categories.  相似文献   

AMSAA模型的参数估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对AMSAA模型,很多学已研究出许多参数估计的方法。在本中,我们对最小二乘法,图估计法,极大似然法,Bayes估讨法,微分回归法,正态概率积分变换法,最佳线性无偏估计法,最佳线性不变估计法,矩估计法和指数平滑法等估计方法进行了系统的总结,对某些问题进行了进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

目前语文教学过程存在师生关系不和谐;重传授,轻探究、轻实践;教学结构程式化和伪创新等问题,使语文教学处于高耗低效的尴尬境地。因此,应该采取构建和谐的师生关系;创设问题情境;遵循学生认知心理过程;进行教学反思等有效措施,优化语文教学过程,提高语文教学的效率。  相似文献   

给出了两台装置搜索两个坏硬币分解数为3之互补模型的一个测试过程 t,除了两个例外值 t_5/n_5>0.93,t_7/n_7>0.95外.成立 t_k/n_k>0.96,这里 t_k 表示测试过程 t 在 k 次测试中所能鉴别的最大硬币数目,n_k=maxt_k.  相似文献   

针对工业机器人中厚板多层多道焊接参数选择的难题,采用基于查表的模糊控制方式,选取送丝速度和焊接速度为控制量,熔丝面积为被控制量,利用Matlab得出了各个变量之间的模糊控制表,用C#编写软件,实现了焊接参数的模糊控制。以25 mm厚对接平焊为例进行试验,结果表明该系统能将焊接后熔丝面积与实际焊接需要填充量的误差保持在5%以内。  相似文献   

给出单种群阶段结构模型,分别对其幼年种群和成年种群捕获问题,给出以最大捕获可持续均衡收获(MSY)为目标的最优捕获策略.同时,对经济学中的Gordon理论进行了分析.  相似文献   

以某校基金的使用要求为基础。参考银行对各种存款及财政部对国库券利率的有关规定。通过合理假设,根据决策分析方法,建立了一个关于基金使用n年的整数线性规划模型。根据模型的解得到一个基金使用的最佳计划。  相似文献   

对科学探究能力引导式评价的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用引导式评价来评价科学探究能力,给学生提供每一探究步骤的范本答案,引导学生进行探究,学生同时把过程和结果写在工作单上,然后教师根据工作单评价学生各个探究要素的能力。结果表明,学生在识别变量和形成结论方面表现较好,但在表述问题、提出假设、设计方案等方面表现较差。最后,根据存在的问题讨论了相应的教学和评价建议。  相似文献   

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