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A survey answered by 842 respondents representing British children aged from 7 to 15 measured their amounts of television viewing, listening to music, serious reading and outdoor games playing, and their attitudes to leisure activities, such as television viewing. Children said whether they did school homework and if so, with or without the television switched on, and if so, whether they regarded it as a help or not. About a quarter of those aged 10 and over said they did work along with television, accepting its presence, and another one in six did so, actually welcoming it. Attitude measures showed clearly different stereotypes of the heavy viewer, reader and music listener. This children's sample had a broadly positive image of a heavy television viewer of their own age. A process of rationalisation is detectable in which those who reported heavy viewing themselves, were more likely to do homework with the television on, to say it helped them and that it was linked with good achievement at school. Reported behaviour and stereotypes were somewhat similar among those who were heavy music users, but noticeably different among those who claimed to read a lot.  相似文献   

To stereotype suggests that we impose characteristics on people based on their perceived group membership (Oks, Haslam, &; Turner, 1994). When stereotypes are based on a wealth of accumulated social and factual knowledge and are not used to make trait inferences about individual group members, they ure generally accurate and pose few problems. It is when stereotypes im based on fallacious, misleading, or limited information that they become problematic and therefore maladaptive. The purpase of this paper is to examine research that explicates the stereotyping process, review the psychological processes that operate in cognitive stereotype formation, and underscore the actual and possible detrimental consequences in the sport and physical activity domain, especially with regard to African Americans in general and African American males in particular. It is hoped that a more thorough understanding of the stereotyping process will be a deterrent to the perpetuation of maladaptive stereotypes.  相似文献   

Stereotypes about aging and the old, both negative and positive, have significant influence upon older people themselves. Often unknowingly, older people incorporate these stereotypes into their own thinking and self-perceptions. A literature search revealed four primary hypotheses about the manner in which these self-stereotypes impact older people: stereotype threat, comparison, externalization, and internalization. Anecdotal examples of the four hypotheses are drawn from an unrelated research study that the authors are currently undertaking. Among these hypotheses, four basic characteristics of self-stereotypes are identified: (a) stereotypes can be negative or positive; (b) stereotypes have significant power, particularly if they are self-relevant; (c) stereotypes can be operative without awareness and influence physical and cognitive outcomes; and (d) negative stereotypes can be countered by positive priming. Due to their ability to significantly influence the cognitive and functional well-being of older people, further research is essential to better understand how these self-stereotypes function.  相似文献   

In light of the impact of negative stereotypes on student-athlete academic performance, the purpose of this paper was to conduct a qualitative study that examined how Black American male football players engage and cope with negative stereotypes at a predominantly White institution. Data were collected and analyzed from semi-structured interviews with 10 Division I Black male football student-athletes employing grounded theory methodology to examine how they experience and respond to negative stereotypes. Empirical results elucidate various strategies employed to engage with stereotype threat. These findings have implications for students, faculty, student affairs professionals in athletics, and others who frequently interact with student-athletes and are committed to reducing pernicious stigmas in higher education environments.  相似文献   

We examined associations between the explicit mathematics-related gender stereotypes of students, parents, teachers, and classmates and students’ motivational-affective outcomes in mathematics (self-concept, interest, anxiety) at the end of Grade 9. Based on representative data from the German Trends in Student Achievement 2018 study (N = 30,019), results of latent multilevel mixture models show that boys’ and girls’ explicit beliefs in the stereotype favoring their own gender in-group (i.e., boys’/girls’ belief that boys/girls do better at mathematics) were related to higher levels of self-concept and interest and to lower anxiety. Parents’ gender stereotypes showed an incremental association with all three outcomes for girls but only with mathematics self-concept for boys. Gender stereotypes of teachers were not related to students’ outcomes. However, classmates’ stereotypes favoring girls or boys in mathematics were negatively associated with outcomes of the positively stereotyped group. Thus, a male student in a classroom with classmates who share the traditional stereotype that boys do better at mathematics than girls would hold a lower self-concept and interest and higher anxiety level after controlling for the beneficial individual association of himself having the same belief and his motivational and affective outcomes. Similarly, a girl’s motivational-affective outcomes would be more favorable in the same environment characterized by the shared traditional stereotype of mathematics as a male domain after controlling for the negative individual association. Shared stereotypes in the classroom could thus trigger social comparison processes to which students are more susceptible than to stereotypes of their teachers.  相似文献   

Black and poor children are overrepresented at every stage of the child welfare system, from suspicion of abuse to substantiation. Focusing on stereotypes as a source of bias that leads to these disparities, the current study examines the content and strength of stereotypes relating race and social class to child abuse as viewed by medical professionals. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals (Study 1: N = 53; Study 2: N = 40) were recruited in local hospitals and online through snowball sampling. Study 1 identified stereotype content by asking participants to list words associated with the stereotype that either (a) Black or (b) poor children are more likely to be abused by their parents, and responses were organized into construct groups. Study 2 determined stereotype strength by asking participants to rate how strongly the constructs generated in Study 1 related to either the race-abuse or social class-abuse stereotype. The content of stereotypes linking child abuse to Black or poor children are confounded, with approximately half the constructs shared by both stereotypes. Of the 10 shared constructs, only “Stressed” and “Neglect” differed in strength, with both significantly more strongly related to the social class-abuse than race-abuse stereotype, all ts(36–37) ≤ −2.23, ps ≤ .03, Cohen’s ds ≥ .71. This research documents the existence, content, and strength of stereotypes that link race and social class to child abuse. These stereotypes have the potential to lead to medical misdiagnosis of abuse for Black and poor children.  相似文献   

The present study, which included 124 children ages 5–11, examined developmental antecedents and social and academic consequences of stereotype‐consciousness, defined as awareness of others’ stereotypes. Greater age and more frequent parent‐reported racial socialization practices were associated with greater likelihood of stereotype‐consciousness. Children who knew of broadly held stereotypes more often explained hypothetical negative interracial encounters between White actors and Black targets as discriminatory. In addition, among African American and Latino children who knew about broadly held stereotypes, diagnostic testing conditions led to stereotype threat effects on a standardized working memory task. Findings are discussed in terms of the contribution to our understanding of children’s developing thinking about and response to stereotypes and related phenomena.  相似文献   

The role of art museum educators is to facilitate the viewer's aesthetic experience and to support the integration of new concepts into the viewer's pre-existing cognitive structure. Ideally, art museum educators teach viewers how to participate actively in the aesthetic experience. This seemingly straightforward task is difficult to accomplish. The modernist structures of the art world tend to cast the viewer in a passive role. Research into aesthetic experience conducted within Modernist paradigms tends to perpetuate the passive interaction of viewer and artwork. In this paper, I examine the work of researchers and artists who stretch or redefine the modern paradigm of art and identify ways in which active viewer participation can be supported. I propose that researchers of aesthetic experience can no longer approach viewers as subjects for their studies. I demonstrate that viewers are involved in research when their voices are heard in the discourse and they have the opportunity to see themselves reflected in the work of art. Within this new paradigm, viewers and researchers become co-creators of knowledge about aesthetic experience. Knowledge generated in this way enables art museum educators to support active participation in aesthetic experience.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how stereotypes affect physical performance in older adults. During Experiment 1, older adults were primed with objects representing aging stereotypes to determine whether these objects can activate stereotypes of aging. Results from the first part of this study provide evidence that certain material objects have implicit meaning and can activate stereotypes of aging. During Experiment 2, 96 community dwelling older adults were randomly assigned to one of three groups: exposure to positive stereotypes of aging (n = 32), exposure to negative stereotypes of aging (n = 32), or a neutral condition (n = 31). Gait speed, standing balance, and lower extremity muscle performance were tested before and after exposure to the objects. Results revealed no significant differences between those exposed to positive stereotypes, negative stereotypes, or the neutral condition. Physical performance was not affected by exposure to objects related to stereotypes of aging. Compared to lab settings where stereotypes are activated on a subliminal level, there may be multiple factors competing for the control of behavior when stereotypes are presented as objects, which may lessen the effect of stereotype activation on behavior.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同区域间是否存在刻板印象差异。方法:采用自编区域刻板印象形容词评定量表对来自甘肃和内蒙古的254名被试进行测评分析。结果:甘肃人区域刻板印象由六个因素组成;区域间刻板印象存在显著差异;城乡间刻板印象存在显著差异。结论:区域刻板印象存在区域间的差异,并且区域文化是主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Do children's schemata for occupations they observe in real life differ from those they see on TV? 177 second- and fifth-graders were assigned to conditions in a 2 (real-life or on TV) × 2 (police officer or nurse) design. They answered open-ended questions about what police officers or nurses do (in real life or on TV) and rated the typicality of various job activities. Their schematic knowledge about TV and real occupations was clearly differentiated. TV versions entailed more glamour, higher income, more stereotypes, and more dramatic events without negative consequences. Real-life occupations entailed more effort, status, and excitement. Older children differentiated slightly more clearly than younger ones. Children who perceived television as factual and realistic had real-world schemata similar to TV images. Children who were heavy viewers and perceived television as realistic were most likely to aspire to jobs shown on TV. Conclusion: children form separate schemata for social information acquired from TV and from real-world experience, but those who perceive television as socially realistic are apt to incorporate TV messages in their schemata and their aspirations.  相似文献   

Sex Stereotype     
This paper analyzes the social phenomenon—sex stereotype.The paper illustrates the characteristics of stereotype and discusses about the factors which influence sex stereotypes and the reasons of its existence.And it also found the positive role that sex stereotype plays in the communication.  相似文献   

In most Western societies, males are stereotyped as having stronger mathematical abilities than females whereas females are stereotyped as having stronger verbal abilities than males. Exposure to negative ability stereotypes reliably undermines performance in laboratory experiments, yet the mechanisms by which such stereotypes may influence boys’ and girls’ achievement outcomes in the more naturalistic setting of primary and secondary school remain unclear. The current study evaluated a hypothesis suggested by expectancy-value theories (e.g., Eccles & Wigfield, 2002): the relationship between stereotypes and achievement outcomes is importantly mediated by a student’s perceived competence and his or her valuation of the domain in question. We tested the hypothesis by examining the career intentions and grades of 762 sixth and eighth graders. As expected, even after controlling for prior achievement, stereotype endorsement primarily predicted grades and career intentions indirectly, through students’ competence beliefs and task values. These results suggest that stereotypes predict achievement-related outcomes most clearly when students internalize them.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a diagnostic testing condition leads to stereotype threat effects for African American children (n = 198) at an urban elementary school. Results indicated that presenting a reading test as diagnostic of abilities hindered the performance of African American children aware of racial stereotypes but not of those unaware of such stereotypes. For stereotype-aware children, the effect of stereotype threat on performance was moderated by level of domain identification such that the effects were most pronounced among children placing greater value on achievement. In addition, domain identification contributed to greater anxiety and lower self-efficacy, suggesting that it is a primary vulnerability factor for stereotype threat effects. Implications for educational equity are discussed, as well as suggestions for developing interventions capable of attenuating stereotype threat effects among children.  相似文献   

Two studies including an ethnically diverse sample of 202 children ages 6 to 10 examined the development and consequences of children's awareness of others' stereotypes ("stereotype consciousness"). Study 1 revealed that between ages 6 and 10, children's ability to infer an individual's stereotype increases dramatically. Children's awareness of broadly held stereotypes also increases with age, and children from academically stigmatized ethnic groups (African Americans and Latinos) are at all ages more likely be aware of broadly held stereotypes than children from academically nonstigmatized ethnic groups (Whites and Asians). Study 2 revealed that among children from stigmatized ethnic groups aware of broadly held stereotypes, on 1 of 2 challenging cognitive tasks and self-reported effort, diagnostic testing conditions led to stereotype threat effects.  相似文献   

Stigmatized group membership leads to deleterious consequences for individuals. More specifically, according to stereotype threat literature, the awareness of negative intellectual stereotypes can impair stereotyped group members’ performance. Based on this framework, two studies were designed to explain the lower grades obtained by French-Arab students, compared to French students. An Implicit Association Test (Study 1) revealed that native French students automatically expressed a negative stereotype regarding French-Arab students’ intellectual abilities. The second study (Study 2) examined whether this negative stereotype could alter French-Arab students’ intellectual performance in a threatening context. As expected, French-Arab students underperformed when the verbal task was presented as a measure of intellectual ability, compared to French students. When the task was presented as non-diagnostic, their performance equaled that of French students. The discussion herein addressed implications of these results in terms of discrimination against the French-Arab population.  相似文献   

This study develops a critical viewing model to analyze how corporate life is portrayed in the video Managing Differences. By decoding the constructed meanings within such media, a researcher may learn whether representations of the workforce are reinforcing or abolishing stereotypes. This may be beneficial to producers, business trainers, and communication technology professionals, helping them to focus on the viewer and how the viewer gleans information when he or she is designing or selecting material.  相似文献   

A number of studies have identified correlations between children’s stereotypes of scientists, their science identities, and interest or persistence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Yet relatively few studies have examined scientist stereotypes among college students, and the literature regarding these issues in predominantly nonwhite and 2-yr college settings is especially sparse. We piloted an easy-to-analyze qualitative survey of scientist stereotypes in a biology class at a diverse, 2-yr, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander–Serving Institution. We examined the reliability and validity of the survey, and characterized students’ comments with reference to previous research on stereotypes. Positive scientist stereotypes were relatively common in our sample, and negative stereotypes were rare. Negative stereotypes appeared to be concentrated within certain demographic groups. We found that students identifying nonstereotypical images of scientists at the start of class had higher rates of success in the course than their counterparts. Finally, evidence suggested many students lacked knowledge of actual scientists, such that they had few real-world reference points to inform their stereotypes of scientists. This study augments the scant literature regarding scientist stereotypes in diverse college settings and provides insights for future efforts to address stereotype threat and science identity.  相似文献   

The likelihood of resisting gender‐stereotypic peer group norms, along with expectations about personal resistance, was investigated in 9‐ to 10‐year‐olds and 13‐ to 14‐year‐olds (= 292). Participants were told about a stereotype conforming group (boys playing football; girls doing ballet) and a stereotype nonconforming group (boys doing ballet; girls playing football). Contrary to expectations from gender‐stereotyping research, participants stated that they would personally resist gender‐stereotypic norms, and more so than they would expect their peers to resist. However, expecting peers to resist declined with age. Participants expected that exclusion from the group was a consequence for challenging the peer group, and understood the asymmetrical status of gender stereotypes with an expectation that it would be more difficult for boys to challenge stereotypes than for girls.  相似文献   

Although children as young as age three have already begun to manifest negative stereotypes toward older adults, attitudes toward older adults likely crystallize during late childhood and adolescence and become entrenched by the time an individual reaches young adulthood. Studies have shown that young people view older people in general as ineffective, dependent, lonely, poor, angry, overly wrinkled, ugly, dirty, disabled, and less physically active and healthy than younger adults. Because today's children and adolescents have less contact with older people than in past decades, it is likely that some young people get most of their information about older people and aging from the media. This is all the more likely during the teen years, when vulnerable adolescents purposely seek out certain media to form their identity. This content analysis examined the 60 most popular teen movies from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s to determine how older people are portrayed. Older people were greatly underrepresented, according to their numbers in the actual U.S. population, making up only 7% of the total number of characters in teen movies. Older people were marginalized in terms of plot and were likely to be featured only as background characters. Of older characters, 60% were portrayed stereotypically, and only 45% of the older characters were portrayed in a positive manner. Also, 32% of older characters were portrayed in a negative manner, and one-fifth of older characters were portrayed only with negative characteristics. The stereotypes that adolescents today hold toward older people, including the belief that they are bad drivers, are angry most of the time, and are senile, were reflected in older character portrayals in these popular teen films. Given the negative representations of older people that adolescents are exposed to in their childhood and during the teen years, it is no wonder that they express negative attitudes toward older people. After years of exposure to media that negatively depict older adults, adolescents have been cultivated to stereotype older people. This has the potential to influence the quality of their interactions with older people, and also influence the way they come to view the prospect of getting old.  相似文献   

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