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School autonomy,accountability and collaboration: a critical review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
English education has recently experienced radical policy reform in the areas of school autonomy and accountability. The key focus of this paper is on how schools might best navigate through these policy moves. It highlights how these moves have constructed schools, teachers and students in problematic ways but also how they are offering possibilities for improving the quality of schools and schooling. The focus here is on the promise and scope of school collaboration. The difficulties of creating socially responsive and responsible collaboratives in the current ‘heterarchical’ and market-oriented policy environment are acknowledged. Guided by quality democratic governance, they are, nonetheless, presented as crucial in supporting schools to productively deal with the demands of this environment.  相似文献   

Detracking and heterogeneous groupwork are two educational practices that have been shown to have promise for affording all students needed learning opportunities to develop mathematical proficiency. However, teachers face significant pedagogical challenges in organizing productive groupwork in these settings. This study offers an analysis of one teacher’s role in creating a classroom system that supported student collaboration within groups in a detracked, heterogeneous geometry classroom. The analysis focuses on four categories of the teacher’s work that created a set of affordances to support within group collaborative practices and links the teacher’s work with principles of complex systems. An earlier version of this article was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, 2007 as part of the Tracking and Detracking SIG session Teaching, Learning, and Other Outcomes in Tracked and Detracked Environments.  相似文献   

Attributional retraining (AR) is a motivational intervention that consistently produces improved performance by encouraging controllable failure attributions. Research suggests that cognitively engaging AR methods are ideal for high-elaborating students, whereas affect-oriented techniques are better for low-elaborating students. College students' (N = 749) elaborative learning was assessed in the first semester, after which students were assigned to one of three writing-based AR conditions (No AR, Cognitive AR, Affective AR). Academic performance (course grades, GPA), motivation, attributions, and emotions were assessed in the second semester. AR by elaboration (low/high) 3 × 2 ANCOVAs showed optimal results for high elaborators following cognitive AR, and for low elaborators following affective AR. Performance improvements for the former were mediated by improved cognitions (expectations), and for the latter were mediated by increased positive affect.  相似文献   

Findings are presented from a year-long study of a cross-sector collaboration to prepare underrepresented students for postsecondary education and beyond. The LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Program in Business is an initiative involving universities, corporations, a federal government agency, and a nonprofit coordinating body in an effort to introduce students to business education and careers in business. This paper analyzes and compares (1) the starting conditions catalyzing the involvement of different sectors, (2) sustainability factors, (3) negotiation of the terms of involvement, (4) the actual experience of partnership, and (5) the difference made by a coordinated approach to pipeline development.
David J. SiegelEmail:

This study examines the consequences of whole-body, multi-party activity for mathematics learning, both in and out of the classroom. We develop a theoretical framework that brings together contemporary theories related to social space, embodied cognition, and mathematical activity. Then, drawing on micro-ethnographic and case-comparative techniques, we examine and juxtapose two cases of implementing whole-body, collaborative movement to engage learners in the mathematics of number sense and ratio and proportion. Analytically foregrounding the interdependence among setting, embodied activity, and mathematical tools and practices, we illustrate how whole-body collaboration can transform how learners experience learning environments and make sense of important mathematical ideas. The analysis enriches our understanding of the changing spatial landscapes for learning and doing mathematics as well as how re-instating bodies in mathematics education can open up new forms of collective mathematical sense-making and activity.  相似文献   

Facilitation is a key factor in ensuring the success of class discussions. Traditionally, instructors are the ones who assume the role of facilitators in discussions. Online learning environments open opportunities for students to assume the role of facilitators. In well‐designed online learning communities, spontaneous facilitation would likely emerge; students took the control of the discussion process, spontaneously facilitating the discussion and directing its development. This paper reports a study in designing such an online discussion environment that stimulated spontaneous facilitation among participants, which led to the success of the discussion, and thus resulted in productive student learning.

Förderung von ?Spontaneous Facilitation” in Online‐Diskussionen: entwerfen von Objekt‐ und Grundregeln

?Erleichterung” ist ein Schlüsselfaktor um den Erfolg der Lerngruppen‐Diskussionen zu gewährleisten. Traditionell sind Lehrer diejenigen, die die Rolle der ?Erleichterer” in Diskussionen übernehmen. Online‐Lernumgebungen eröffnen nun auch Möglichkeiten für Studenten, die Rolle der Vermittler zu übernehmen. In gut entworfenen Online Lerngemeinschaften könnten solche spontanen Erleichterungen wahrscheinlich entstehen und Studenten übernähmen spontan die Kontrolle über den Diskussionsprozess und die Richtung seiner Entwicklung. Dieses Papier berichtet über eine Studie zur Entwicklung einer Online‐Diskussions‐Umgebung, die solch eine spontane Erleichterung zwischen den Teilnehmern anregen, die zu einererfolgreichen Diskussion führen und dadurch einen produktiven Lernprozeß bei den Studenten bewirken könnten.

Comment promouvoir la facilitation spontanée dans les discussions en ligne: la conception des objets et des règles de base

La facilitation est un facteur essentiel pour assurer le succès des discussions de classe. Par tradition ce sont les enseignants qui se chargent du rôle de facilitateurs dans les discussions. Les environnements d’apprentissage en ligne offrent des occasions aux étudiants pour qu’ils se chargent du rôle de facilitateur. Dans les communautés d’apprentissage en ligne bien conçues, il est vraisemblable que la facilitation spontanée fera son apparition; les étudiants ont pris le contrôle du processus de discussion, l’ont spontanément facilitée et dirigé son développement. Cet article présente une étude sur la conception d’un environnement de discussion en ligne qui a favorisé la facilitation spontanée chez les participants ce qui a conduit cette discussion au succès et abouti à un apprentissage productif chez les étudiants.

Como fomentar la facilitación espontánea dentro de las discusiones en línea: el diseño de objetos y reglas básicas

La facilitación es un factor clave para garantizar el éxito de las discusiones dentro de una clase. Tradicionalmente en las discusiones, los que desempeñan el papel de facilitadores son los profesores. Los entornos de aprendizaje en línea abren oportunidades para que los estudiantes puedan hacerse cargo de ese papel de facilitador. Dentro de comunidades de aprendizaje en línea bien diseñadas, una facilitación espontánea saldrá probablemente a la luz; los estudiantes tomaron el control del proceso de discusión, facilitando la discusión espontáneamente y dirigiendo su desarrollo. Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre el diseño de uno de esos entornos de discusión en línea de ese tipo que fomentó una facilitación espontánea entre los participantes produciendo una discusión exitosa y por ende un aprendizaje productivo por parte de los estudiantes.  相似文献   

The current paper explores the discursive complexities of teaching and learning in inclusive, critically oriented classrooms. It argues that to accomplish the ontological goals of higher learning, we need to focus on the construction of student voice, or the ability to be considered in and have influence on teaching and learning. The paper further explores the relationship between having voice and the interactional negotiation of identities and relationships among students and teachers. It is suggested that teaching and learning through inclusive, critically oriented classroom discussions is bound in the organizing of complex social experiences, and requires teachers to navigate at least three inherent pedagogical dilemmas lesson management, emotion labor, and structure.  相似文献   

In 1995, cooperative learning tutorials were introduced into large first year physics classes at the University of Sydney. This paper describes the effect of these cooperative learning tutorials, called Workshop Tutorials, on student learning from both a quantitative and qualitative point of view. It was found that students attending more than half the total number of tutorials scored significantly better over the year than those attending less than half. Student reaction was almost wholly positive, with particular mention made of the voluntary nature of the tutorials as well as the use of practical, 'hands on' demonstrations within the tutorials.  相似文献   

The current research examined the effects of a critical thinking (CT) e-learning course taught through argument mapping (AM) on measures of CT ability. Seventy-four undergraduate psychology students were allocated to either an AM-infused CT e-learning course or a no instruction control group and were tested both before and after an 8-week intervention period on CT ability using the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment. Results revealed that participation in the AM-infused CT course significantly enhanced overall CT ability and all CT sub-scale abilities from pre- to post-testing and that post-test performance was positively correlated with motivation towards learning and dispositional need for cognition. In addition, AM-infused CT course participants exhibited a significantly larger gain in both overall CT and in argument analysis (a CT subscale) than controls. There were no effects of training on either motivation for learning or need for cognition. However, both the latter variables were correlated with CT ability at post-testing. Results are discussed in light of research and theory on the best practices of providing CT instruction through argument mapping and e-learning environments.  相似文献   

Research has shown that providing participants with high-quality learning material is not sufficient to help them profit most from online education. The level of interaction among participants is another key determinant for learning outcomes. However, merely proposing interaction does not automatically lead to fruitful discussion and collaboration. Specifically, social presence and facilitation activities add value to online discussions. In Murphy's collaboration framework, social presence represents the basis of successful online collaboration from which more reflective discussions and co-construction can evolve. In this paper, an adjusted version of this framework was applied in a workplace learning context. The content analysis of 1170 comments in an online course for careers practitioners of a public employment service showed that the extended framework generated deeper insights into the dynamics of online discussions. The results show that involvement in collaborative learning at the workplace was supported by a high social presence and influenced by course topic and tasks. Facilitation played an important role in creating a sympathetic sense of community and stimulating co-creation processes.  相似文献   

Summary As is often the case for the counsellor, initial referrals when explored further lead to other issues. In this paper, a methodology was presented for dealing with scapegoating problems and a negative classroom atmosphere. The methodology involved the use of structured questions designed to help children: explore problem areas, express feelings, understand conflicts and activate the motivation to change and act positively. The sequencing of the format is important in that it allows for movement and transformation of thoughts and feelings. In addition, particular attention was paid to entry and exit stages and to shifts from self to other, facts to problems and problems to solutions. The model is easily understood by teachers and after a few modelling sessins by the counsellor most are able to use it on their own with minimal supervision.University of British ColumbiaThis article will also be published in Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, a journal of APGA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive test to estimate argument knowledge and examine directly the influence of this knowledge on the comprehension of argumentative text and the critical evaluation of its arguments. Also, the possible contribution of comprehension to argument evaluation was explored. Sixth and ninth graders read two completely balanced two-sided argumentative texts on controversial issues before answering comprehension questions and evaluating the quality of the text-based arguments. Argument quality was varied systematically according to the presence or absence of the ad populum and ad ignorantiam fallacies. Results documented the facilitating role of argument knowledge on both comprehension and evaluation and the contribution of comprehension to argument evaluation. The study highlights the potential of argument knowledge as a target for instructional intervention and of the argumentative text as a fertile context for promoting both comprehension and critical thinking objectives.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - This study examines whether and how five novice history teachers incorporated writing into their instruction. We analyzed observations, student writing, teacher feedback and...  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which a culture of performance has impacted on schooling in the English setting and draws parallels with other post‐industrializing nations. There is a growing awareness amongst researchers and practitioners that improving the quality of teaching and learning through performance management is not working. In education policy terms the UK Government has made much of the importance of modernizing the teaching profession in raising levels of achievement, attainment, and success in schools and colleges. The proposed trade‐off for teachers is improved pay for improved standards. Advocates of such reform point to the benefits derived from greater devolution of market principles to frontline professionals which, it is argued, enhance performance, remuneration, and motivation (Barber 2001). Critics, on the other hand, have criticized the deprofessionalizing tendency of tying performance management to government targets, which fail to connect with the contextual realities of teaching and learning in the classroom or education workplace (Elliott 2001, Merson 2001). Recently such criticism was rejected by the (then) Secretary of State for Education as cynicism. ‘In education it is those who offer cynicism in the guise of experience who can drive young teachers to look for other careers. We shall always try to combat cynicism wherever it threatens progress on standards’ (Morris 2001: 9). This paper seeks to avoid such inference by arguing for greater authenticity in the way education practice might drive, rather than being driven by, the policy and performance agenda.  相似文献   

This paper explores motivational factors underpinning undergraduates’ learning of research skills through individual research projects with collaborative tutorials. Research has long pointed to group support, positive affect and scaffolding as important for motivating and facilitating learning. Furthermore, UK government priorities have placed an increasing emphasis on the need to develop the key skills of inquiry and working with others. However, this is set in a context of assessment and practice in higher education that encourages individualist and instrumental perspectives on gaining competencies and knowledge. Traditionally undergraduate research skills have been taught through lectures and small‐scale projects chosen by the students with individual tutorial support in a faculty of education. Here our action research introduced collaborative tutorials as another element of teaching. We examine the process of collaboration to explore factors that support motivation to learn through two principal theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

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