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据说下午三四点钟的时间在电视台来说是垃圾时段,因为那个时间看电视的人,除了师奶就是退了休的老头老太太,所以尽上些电视直销的依靠疲劳轰炸达到效果的乏味广告。  相似文献   

龚国伟 《图书馆》2008,(3):100-101
本文以数据为依据揭示了我国垃圾广告短信泛滥的严重程度及其给社会造成的危害,分析了造成垃圾广告短信泛滥的各种原因,并针对性地提出了一系列的治理对策。  相似文献   

广告对儿童物质消费的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告已成为我们生活的一部分.广告对人们包括儿童的生活观、思想观、道德观都在起着潜移默化的影响和作用.当下,一些企业主及广告人在追求经济效益之时,往往忽视了社会责任,导致部分广告误导了少年儿童,给他们的成长带来了一定的负面影响.  相似文献   

儿童在现代社会中所扮演的角色正在发生变化,他们虽然依旧是各自家庭中的重要角色.但却越来越大地影响着家庭的购物习惯。敏感度极强的广告主立即作出反应,小到食品、书籍、服装.大到航空公司.旅游胜地,无一例外地采取“合围”政策.力图使自己在第一时间,第一地点.第一面貌出现在未来的消费巨星面前。广告主十分清楚品牌忠诚度要从儿时开始培养。希望与这些孩子建立联系.  相似文献   

"民以食为天",食品在人们日常生活中扮演着举足轻重的角色,其广告活动也非常活跃。据CTR媒介智讯的统计,2004~2005年前6个月电视广告投放量最多的5个行业,食品排在第二位。那么,受众面对数量巨大的食品广告,其认知过程难免会呈现出选择性的注意、理解和保留。因此,如何成功突围成为食品广告创意人员面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

食品不仅是人民生活中最重要的内容,也是政府关注的重点。但近年来,食品频频出现一系列问题,影响了社会的安全稳定。食品安全出现问题,为个人的身体健康和社会的安全稳定带来一系列问题,与之相关的食品广告违法现象也屡禁不止。因此,文章通过对一些违法食品广告进行分析,在法律基础上提出对食品广告的应对策略,以求为食品广告的健康发展提出良好建议。  相似文献   

董西飞 《东南传播》2014,(9):130-132
广告对于儿童来说有着与成年人不同的意义,儿童是一个特殊的群体,其心智尚未发展健全,容易受到外界因素的影响和引导,当各式各样的儿童广告充斥电视屏幕,其宣扬的价值观念、消费理念,社会人格等,对儿童的心理和生理健康的影响是不容忽视的。本文就目前儿童广告中伦理失范现象进行分析阐述,追溯其失范现象背后的原因,并提出合理性的建议。  相似文献   

叔翼健 《东南传播》2011,(5):108-109
儿童形象大量运用于广告当中,有一种泛用的倾向。儿童形象是广告视觉说服的重要手段,但同时广告商在运用儿童形象时也出现了一些问题,影响说服效果。本文结合消费者心理阐述了儿童形象在视觉说服中的重要作用,同时分析了儿童形象在广告视觉说服中存在的问题,并且提出运用儿童形象应该遵循的原则。  相似文献   

相对于其他形式的广告来说,儿童对动漫广告的抗拒能力更弱。一则动漫广告使得儿童的认知观念及态度发生转变进而发展成为行动改变,可以说是轻而易举。目前,我国广告方面的法律法规更多的是针对儿童的广告内容进行规定,而对于广告活动及广告发布的标准则相对缺失。采用比较研究法,针对国内外的广告监督制度进行研究,试分析我国在儿童动漫广告这方面的监督制度出现的不足,并提出改进建议。  相似文献   

最优美的广告莫过于实实在在地做好产品,古话"酒香不怕巷子深"是古人智慧的精华总结。在以"品牌"为名誉的背景下,太多的评奖,太多的创意,太多的渲染,使原本简单的东西失去了本真的意义。食品,就是让人吃的,除了充饥之外,还要对身体新陈代谢、正常生命活动有帮助,但是总是  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of wireless telephony creates a new set of challenges for local governments as the need for corresponding wireless facilities occurs in direct proportion to this growth. In particular, the influx of new wireless telecommunications providers poses significant challenges for local governments as they carry out their traditional zoning and land use functions.  相似文献   

范红 《北京档案》2009,(3):50-50
同仁堂自清康熙八年(公元1669年),乐显扬在北京创办同仁堂药室以来,一直注重其中成药的质量与疗效,凡经制售的丸散,必求道地药材,谨遵炮制之规。因为一贯遵循“炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工;品味虽贵,必不敢减物力”的制药要求,所以,同仁堂配制的药疗效颇佳,受到广大患者的好评。另一方面,同仁堂人时刻以“同修仁德,济世养生”为准则,通过做一些公益事业,为字号赚得良好的口碑,达到广告宣传的目的。  相似文献   

While the use of social media by local governments has gained relevance in recent years, crises are critical situations that reinforce the need to reach citizens to disclose information, demonstrate the government's commitment, and increase the citizens' level of preparedness and awareness of resources. This paper examines the factors that influenced local governments' e-disclosure during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. To accomplish this objective, we systematically tracked every post published by the official Facebook page of 304 Portuguese municipalities between March 2 and July 5, 2020. The findings show that financial autonomy is the main predictor of e-disclosure, factors varied on the different phases of the pandemic's first wave, and sociodemographic factors became more prevalent as explanatory factors when the crisis worsened. Our study may help increase the level of preparedness during possible future crises. In particular, establishing communication strategies for prolonged public health crises, making financial resources available for the accomplishment of such strategies, and reducing the digital divide can contribute to more effective disclosure. Future research should explore the dynamics of disclosure during public health crises. This study also highlights the need to incorporate time in research that focuses on the determinants of e-disclosure that could also be tested in normal times.  相似文献   

朱光烈 《现代传播》2006,1(1):22-29
本文从管理学角度出发论述了先进文化的意义,它的关键词是:以人为本、改良渐进、对话和谐;从马克思关于亚细亚生产方式的论述出发,论述了中国传统文化的性质,它的关键词是:封闭自守、等级森严、扼杀创造。本文回顾了“亚洲价值观”的大起大落的历史,以及新加坡和日本对于“亚洲价值观”的改革。纪宝成的《重估国学的价值》认为中国传统文化应当成为中国文化的主体,刘少杰的《中国社会秩序的理性化困境》认为中国传统文化根基不能根本改变,他们都是忘记了“亚洲价值观”大起大落的教训,也缺乏事实根据。只是到故纸堆里去研究传统文化,是中国传统文化研究的基本格局,本文强调中国传统文化研究应当以先进文化为参考系和依归。中国改革发展随着人均GDP达到1000美元时刻的到来,既充满着发展机遇又面临着各种风险,各种矛盾凸现。中国进入了多事之秋,狭隘的民族主义是比崇洋媚外更严重的威胁。目前我们不仅在经济建设领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,更重要的是我们已经找到了一条以先进文化为引导的务实的、渐进的、内敛的现代化道路,我们深知现代化建设是极其复杂的、艰难的。这是总结了建国以来正反两方面经验之后找到的,是很不容易的,很可贵的,应当十分珍惜。这就要求我们在对待中外文化关系问题上要十分清醒。电视剧《汉武大帝》等中国皇帝电视剧对于皇帝极其崇拜以及对外穷兵黩武的现象,封建专制观念扬武耀威地充斥其中,有悖于先进文化和中国现代化建设政策甚至中国民主革命历史,当代中国电视文化危机重重,需要找回自己的灵魂。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):295-316
This study investigates how language is used to make sense of influence attempts. More specifically, the perceived potency and evaluation of both influence agents and targets and the influence tactic used are examined for their effect on the actors' perceived power and influence success. The two influence tactics examined are threats and attempts to persuade. A pilot study (N=145) and main experiment (N=189) were conducted to create 84 simple sentences, the units of analysis for this investigation. Agents are perceived as more powerful than targets of influence. The tactic used to secure compliance (threaten versus attempt to persuade) does not affect the perceived power of either the agent or the target. A bad agent is seen as more powerful than a good agent, and a bad target is considered more powerful than a good target. Furthermore, good agents have more success in gaining compliance by using persuasion than by using threats, and they have more success when influencing a good target than a bad target. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines if patterns in online news seeking privilege stories featuring more linguistic markers of partisan affect than those positioned by traditional gatekeepers on the print front page. Online “most-read” and print front-page stories covering 8 weeks of the 2012 presidential campaign were submitted to computer-assisted text analysis (n = 302). Guided by research on online and partisan affect, this study hypothesizes that (a) “most-read” stories will feature more supportive language than stories placed on the front page by traditional gatekeepers when the news outlet has a reputation for supporting the incumbent party; and (b) “most-read” stories will feature more antagonistic language than those placed on the front page by traditional gatekeepers when the news outlet has a reputation for supporting the challenger party. The findings show how online audiences opted for stories that featured more linguistic markers of preferred partisan affect than journalists and editors placed on Page One.  相似文献   

Objectives: To explore how the library service expectations and perceptions of users might differ across health‐related libraries as against major research libraries not operating in a medical context; to determine whether users of medical libraries demand better library service quality, because the inability of users to access needed literature promptly may lead to a patient who cannot be properly diagnosed, or a diagnosis that cannot be properly treated. Methodology: We compared LibQUAL+® total and subscale scores across three groups of US, Canadian and British libraries for this purpose. Results: Anticipated differences in expectations for health as other library settings did not emerge. Conclusions: The expectations and perceptions are similar across different types of health science library settings, hospital and academic, and across other general research libraries.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Recent developments in copyright law and practice, all inspired or triggered by the new digital networked environment, have the potential of negatively affecting the freedom of scientific communication. In this paper a number of these developments will be briefly examined. The author concludes that it is critically important for the global scientific community to become actively involved in the international, European, and national legislative process to protect scientific freedoms against further erosion.  相似文献   

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