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特殊化策略是一种“以退为进”的策略,所谓“退”,可以从一般退到特殊,从复杂退到简单,从抽象退到具体,从整体退到部分,从空间退到平面,从高维退到低维,从较强结论退到较弱结论,本文就从六个方面谈谈特殊化策略在数学解题中的应用.  相似文献   

高中三年,我希望你们能——从思考中确立自我,从学习中寻求真理,从独立中体验自主,从计划中把握时间,从交流中锻炼表达,从交友中品味成熟,从实践中赢得价值,从兴趣中获取快乐,从追求中获得力量。  相似文献   

鸡蛋从外打破,是食物;从内打破,是生命。人生从外打破,是压力;从内打破,是成长。所以说,从外在和从内在去看待事物,得出的结果往往不同。从外在角度看到的是浅显简单,从内在角度看到的是深刻真实。在这个物欲横流的社会,我们应该从杯中窥人,不要轻易被事物的表象所迷惑,  相似文献   

本文从人类历史发展的角度,来讨论数字的起源与发展,主要阐述数字从正数到负数,从整数到分数,从有理数到无理数,从实数到虚数直至超越数的发展历程.  相似文献   

认知研究归纳起来主要有11个方面:科学维度从理论上研究认知,技术维度从技术层面研究认知,心理学从心理层次研究认知,语言学从语言上研究认知,逻辑学从逻辑角度研究认知,人类学从人类智力发展研究认知,宗教学从宗教认知科学的视角探讨认知的发生,历史学从历史视角研究认知的历史起源,生态学从整体上研究认知与环境的相互关系,社会学从社会角度研究认知的社会属性,哲学从追问视角研究认知的预设和形而上学问题等,这些研究维度构成了一幅认知研究的整体图景。  相似文献   

当代科学技术的发展,在理论和思维方式上均取得了革命性进展,其显著特点是:从绝对走向相对;从线性走向非线性;从精确走向模糊;从因果走向偶然;从确定走向不确定;从可逆走向不可逆;从定域论走向场论;从时空分离走向时空统一;从分析方法走向系统方法。所有这些,都在20世纪的物理学中有着不同程度的体现,使人类对客观世界的认识更加深化和全面,达到了一个崭新的阶段。  相似文献   

影响教学成功的要素很多,笔者从教师的兴趣和敬业精神,从教师的价值取向,从教师的渊博知识,从教师的情商,从教师的演绎手段等角度探析了决定成功与否的几个环节。  相似文献   

初中生学习数学的一般规律是:从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,从过程到结论,从知觉到空间,从感性到理性,从整体到局部.教学也应遵循学生的认知规律.  相似文献   

在教育变革的大背景下,教育评价领域的研究与实践正在从"对教育的评价"向"促进教育的评价"转变,对教育评价本质的认识从认为教育评价是对学生所具备的知识技能的评价,转变为对学生获得能力或生产知识的认知过程的评价。研究参考教育评价领域前沿权威文献,总结了教育评价研究与实践的八个转变:教育评价的理念从知识论到认知论,从反映论到建构论;教育评价的目的从遴选到问责,从鉴别到诊断;教育评价的内容从知识到认知,从Rs到Cs;教育评价的工具从标准化到情境化,从纸笔化到数字化;教育评价的要素从题目到证据;教育评价的环境从封闭到互动,从强迫到吸引;教育评价的方式从测验到活动,从有形到无形;教育评价专业指南从经验到规范。以此为我国教育评价领域的研究与实践提供借鉴,使教育评价更好地为教与学服务。  相似文献   

好的题记犹如一张最美的脸。写好题记有以下策略:从语言特色出发,从写作技巧出发,从读者心理出发,从审美高度出发,从应试角度出发。  相似文献   

词汇是英语学习的基础,语音教学又是词汇学习的基础。而音标教学是语音教学的核心。可见音标教学在英语教学中的重要性,因此音标教学必须提前集中和字母教学同时进行。  相似文献   


This paper examines how the religious education of Turkish children in the “old letters” became an area of everyday contestation between the state and families and communities in the late 1920s and 1930s. Since children were seen as the nation’s future, state authorities were adamant about teaching the new generation the new alphabet and were equally interested in preventing them from learning the old alphabet. While schools began using the new Turkish alphabet in the 1928–1929 academic year, the informal neighbourhood Qur’an courses held in mosques and private homes became a fiercely contested site between a state determined to socialise children into secular nationhood (partly) by preventing them from learning the Arabic letters, and families and imams who were committed to giving children religious education (necessitating the study of the Arabic alphabet so the Qur’an could be read in its original Arabic). Combining primary sources from previously untapped Ministry of the Interior documents concerning the monitoring in Anatolian towns of these informal courses with insights from the subaltern school on everyday forms of resistance, this article sheds light on a dimension of the 1928 alphabet reform that ties together questions of alphabet change, national and religious identities, education, and childhood.  相似文献   

郇永龙 《天津教育》2021,(7):168-169
信息技术的不断发展在一定程度上带动了教育教学的改革,小学是基础教育阶段,是学生打下良好的学习基础、养成良好学习习惯的关键时期。汉语拼音教学是小学语文教学的首要教学任务,由于传统教学形式单一、内容枯燥,导致学生缺少学习兴趣。微课的出现很好地解决了这一问题。本文分析了小学语文拼音教学中存在的问题以及微课应用的作用,最终提出了几条微课应用的策略。  相似文献   

摆脱母语语音的干扰和影响,按照汉语言学的规律准确地读准字音是哈萨克族学生学好普通话的关键,也是民族学生借助拼音字母学好汉字的关键。教师要根据第二语言的教学特点,引导哈萨克学生掌握汉语的语音难点,学好汉语。  相似文献   

在高校普通话教学中,目前使用最广泛记音符号是汉语拼音,它在普通话推广过程中起到了十分重要的作用。但作为一种记音符号,汉语拼音存在着自身的一些弊端,在指导和纠正发音过程中存在着一些不足。基于多年语音教学的经验,结合问卷调查的结果,从高校普通话教学现状、国际音标引入普通话教学的必要性和具体方法等方面探讨将国际音标引入高校普通话教学的教学改革设想。  相似文献   

Alphabet knowledge is consistently recognized as the strongest, most durable predictor of later literacy achievement. Recent research offers practical implications for increased effectiveness of teaching alphabet knowledge to young children. In this article, we outline Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge instruction (EAK), a method of practical instruction that early childhood teachers can use to organize, plan, and teach the essential skills of alphabet knowledge. EAK emphasizes identifying the letter name and sound, recognizing the letter in text, and producing the letter form, through flexible, distributed cycles of review based on factors that influence acquisition of alphabet knowledge.  相似文献   

This study tested four complementary hypotheses to characterize intrinsic and extrinsic influences on the order with which preschool children learn the names of individual alphabet letters. The hypotheses included: (a) own-name advantage, which states that children learn those letters earlier which occur in their own names, (b) the letter-order hypothesis, which states that letters occurring earlier in the alphabet string are learned before letters occurring later in the alphabet string, (c) the letter-name pronunciation effect, which states that children learn earlier those alphabet letters for which the name of the letter is in the letter's pronunciation, and (d) the consonant-order hypothesis, which states that children learn earlier those letters for which corresponding consonantal phonemes are learned early in phonological development. Participants were 339 four-year-old children attending public preschool classrooms serving primarily low-income children. Children's knowledge of each of the 26 alphabet letters was assessed, and these data were tested for the four hypotheses using a linear logistic test model (LLTM). Results from the LLTM confirmed all four hypotheses to show that the order of letter learning is not random, in that some letters hold an advantage over other letters to influence their order of learning. Implications for educational policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Two experiments explored rates for introducing grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) and the types of correspondences taught for optimal alphabet and early literacy skills learning. In both studies, children entered with minimal alphabet knowledge and were randomly assigned within classrooms to one of two treatments delivered individually over 5 weeks. In Study 1, children grades K-1 were assigned to instruction in a set of either 10 (Slow rate, n?=?33) or 15 (Fast rate, n?=?32) single- and two-letter GPCs. Study 1 findings indicated that children who learned five added GPCs did not reduce learning of the common set of 10 learned GPCs for any measure (including letter names, sounds, letter sound writing, word reading, and spelling), and learning favored Fast items over Slow for letter sounds, letter sound writing, and word reading (median d?=?0.30). In Study 2, kindergarteners were assigned to instruction in either single letters only (Single, n?=?30) or mixed-size GPCs (Mixed, n?=?31). Instruction included application of GPCs to decoding and spelling. Results showed that kindergarteners in the Mixed condition made significantly greater gains learning the four two-letter GPCs across measures (median d?=?0.86), and no significant differences between groups on measures of the 11 one-letter GPCs common to both conditions. Findings add precision to understanding how rate and order of introducing GPCs influence children’s initial alphabet learning. Further study of empirically validated methods of alphabet instruction may benefit in particular those children most at risk for acquiring this foundational knowledge.


Alphabet books as studied in this research typically highlight one letter per page combined with a depiction of a word that begins with the letter (e.g., a bear illustrates B). This study tests whether children’s letter knowledge improves as a result of alphabet book sharing and how the visual processing of pictures and letters affects learning from repeated alphabet book readings. The study is designed as a randomized control trial in which participants were assigned to one of two experimental groups (N = 30) or a control group (N = 15). Half of the experimental group received version A in which the letters A–L were illustrated with anthropomorphic figures and the letters M–Z with objects. Half received version B in which the letters A–L were illustrated with objects and the letters M–Z with anthropomorphic figures. Mean age of the children was 57.6 months (SD = 3.6). While sharing the alphabet book we registered children’s eye movements in the first and fourth (last) reading session. Alphabet book reading stimulated letter knowledge although the make-up of the alphabet book moderated the effects. Relatively more visual attention to pictures of anthropomorphic figures interfered with learning letters from alphabet book sharing. Visual attention to letters also predicted letter knowledge and learning. Only a small part of each letter attracted children’s attention and the briefer their fixations on this distinctive area, the more letters they knew at the pretest and were able to learn from alphabet book sharing.  相似文献   

In this study, we used Rasch model analyses to examine (1) the unidimensionality of the alphabet knowledge construct and (2) the relative difficulty of different alphabet knowledge tasks (uppercase letter recognition, names, and sounds, and lowercase letter names) within a sample of preschoolers (n = 335). Rasch analysis showed that the four components of alphabet knowledge did work together as a unidimensional construct, indicating all alphabet tasks administered were measuring the same underlying skill. With regard to difficulty of tasks, letter recognition was easier than letter naming, which in turn was easier than letter sounds, and uppercase letter names were easier than lowercase letter names. Most notably, most of the alphabet tasks overlapped, and the Rasch models for the single tasks were no more reliable than the combined measure. This suggests that these alphabetic tasks do not measure distinct skills but are instead indicators of a single ability. Consequently, we support the conceptualization of alphabet knowledge as a unitary construct, and suggest that those assessing and teaching alphabet knowledge in preschool use tests and methods that combine the various alphabetic tasks rather than separating them. These combined assessments will be more likely to capture the range of abilities within a preschool sample and avoid the floor and ceiling effects that have so often complicated early literacy research.  相似文献   

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