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Thirty-two new alienorbs(天体,星球)have j ust been added to the growing list ofexoplanets(太阳系外行星),including severalthat qualify assuper-Earths(超级地球),meaning they have a mass(质量)only a fewtimes that of our planet and could potentiallyharbor(vt.拥有,怀着)Earth-like environments.  相似文献   

This is the third symposium in our series on children's fiction (7–16 yrs) of the last decade. Owing to the length of time taken in the gatheringand ordering of the material, the terminus ad quem has been extended to 1982. Following the same procedure, we asked each of our compilers, Trish Botten, Sarah Hayes, and Val Ray, to select a list of 25 titles theyjudge to be fiarticularly worthwhile. Titles mentioned on more than one list appear under the heading “Special Mention,” with reviews by members of the Editorial Committee. The others are under the “General List” with short subject summaries. The symposium is followed by an article reviewing-the science fiction field by Brian Earnshaw, who combines the viewpoints of author and college lecturer. We hope that this feature will continue to be useful to those engaged in choosing books for children.  相似文献   

以哥白尼的日心说为理论基础把太阳置于宇宙中心,地内行星、地球和地外行星以椭圆轨道自西向东绕日运转,把天球套合在其外围,按行星和地球运动速度差异确定行星和地球绕转过程中在轨道上的相关位置,根据行星运动方向和太阳周年视运动的方向,清楚定义了东西大距和东西方照。根据行星和太阳在天球上的投影及运动的连续性解释行星的顺逆行和留。按照行星和太阳的角距离解释行星的出没规律。  相似文献   

Mentoring circles in higher education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Traditionally, mentoring in higher education institutions has either occurred informally or as a planned program where junior staff members are matched with experienced staff members in a formal one‐to‐one program. While such programs have reported benefits to participants, many miss out on the opportunity. Further, mentoring dyads do little to enhance a more collaborative atmosphere in higher education settings. Alternative mentoring methods do exist and can provide advantages to the traditional approach. Mentoring circles are an innovative example of these alternative methods. The mentoring activity and subsequent evaluation described in this paper sought to explore the perceived benefits of a group mentoring model for academic staff.  相似文献   

“诗界革命”作为近代资产阶级学革新运动的重要组成部分,其历史作用和影响已经为学术界所肯定。联系当时的社会背景,针对其口号提出前前后后诗界的动向、发展、延续、影响等一系列过程做一些梳理,可以从其理论精髓和创作的内在方面,更清晰、更深入地展现晚清那批具有改良革新的政治愿望和学思想的知识分子所从事的那场学界的维新运动。  相似文献   

Several problem-solving interventions that utilise a “circle” approach have been applied within the field of educational psychology, for example, Circle Time, Circle of Friends, Sharing Circles, Circle of Adults and Solution Circles. This research explored two interventions, Solution Circles and Circle of Adults, and used thematic analysis of questionnaire data to investigate the views of school staff that had taken part in these interventions. 62 participants were involved in a Solution Circle and 31 participants were involved in a Circle of Adults. Findings highlighted key features of these circle interventions which corresponded to those identified from relevant literature. Participants who had taken part in a Solution Circle described the applicability of solutions to other aspects of their work and a greater amount of strategies and solutions generated as a result of the group process. Participants who had been involved in a Circle of Adults session described having a greater understanding of a problem situation and empathy towards the focus pupil and the role of the educational psychologists in facilitating the process. Recommendations were made for educational psychology practice and for further research in this area.  相似文献   

通过“圆”章节多种类比教法 ,说明只有把教师的意图变成学生的自觉行动 ,才能使学生成为学习的主人 ,才能更好地发展学生的能力 ,提高学生的数学素质  相似文献   

孙佳 《音乐世界》2010,(16):80-81
Groun1 郑允浩 × G-Dragon × 升昊 Leader Charisma & Power 这类人通常很有头脑和责任感.而且好强.气场也大.任何场合下都能镇定自若.让人有种不怒而威的感觉。是那种给人“只要有他在就没问题了”的感觉的人.也是最传统意义上表现出的领导的样子。  相似文献   

十一月的一个星期三,一大早就发生了两件怪事. 第一件怪事是汪老师上常识课的时候,一只小鸟突然飞进了我们教室.同学们一见这"不速之客",都不由得吓了一跳,有的大喊大叫,有的抱头鼠窜,好不"热闹"!  相似文献   

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