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我国高等工程实践教育的历史回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国高等工程实践教育的重要性出发,简单回顾了我国工程实践教育发展的历史,提出了工程实践教育的主要内涵和存在的主要问题,并对我国工程实践教育的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

近几年来,在各种教育研究刊物和教育问题的调查资料中,批评当今大学生理论脱离实际、眼高手低、动手能力较弱、到工厂难以适应的文章比比皆是。问题出在学生身上,责任却在于教育。学校应负重要责任,而家庭和社会也负有不可推诿的教育责任。  相似文献   

中国近代高等工程教育在其产生初期,带有浓厚的半殖民地性质,对西方工业先行国有很强的依附性,是留学生的努力介入使中国高等工程教育开始摆脱对西方国家的依附性,逐步走向独立化和现代化之路。他们创办和主持工科院校,设置新的工科专业,开设新兴的工科课程,编写工科的中文教材,筹建工科研究所和工程学会,积极开展科学研究,是中国近代高等工程教育现代化的有力推动者。  相似文献   

韩启红 《教育探索》2023,(12):18-24
国家安全观教育是培育国民安全意识、维护国家安全的重要途径。新中国成立以来,中国共产党与时俱进推动国家安全观教育,其发展历程大致可分为“以巩固政权、保家卫国为中心的传统国家安全观教育”“以捍卫和平、发展经济为重心的传统与非传统并行的国家安全观教育”“以维护总体国家安全、实现现代化为核心的总体国家安全观教育”等三个阶段。长期以来,我国国家安全教育事业不断面临风险和挑战,从政治逻辑、理论逻辑、现实逻辑等三个维度阐释国家安全观教育的内在演变逻辑,对新时代把握国家安全观教育的开展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来高等工程教育知识结构的变迁与分析朱道元,方海燕在过去十几年里,许多工科院校几度修改教学计划,如东南大学,小的改动不算,全校性的就有四次。从这些教学计划的对比中,很容易发现高等工程教育的知识结构已经发生了明显的变化,值得研究探讨。本文拟就此进行一...  相似文献   

"新工科"建设共识为高等工程教育改革注入了新内涵、提供了新机遇。文章简述"新工科"的意蕴和特征,从服务战略性新兴产业出发,论证其建设的必要性,介绍福建省高等工程教育发展历程和基本现状,对现存的主要问题进行剖析,最后从政府、产业、高校、学科层面和专业等层面探索省域高等工程教育的发展路径,为"新工科"建设背景下的省域高等工程教育发展改革提供理论参考和策略支撑。  相似文献   

肇始于晚清洋务运动的中国高等工程教育已有150余年的发展历史,在教育与国家的深刻互动中影响着中国社会经济结构的变革历程。基于关键事件法,通过文献梳理研究发现,我国高等工程教育可划分为萌芽与创立、探索与曲折、恢复与跨越、巩固与强化、创新与引领五个发展阶段。国家政策、产业变革与学科自身演化是影响高等工程教育的关键因素,三种力量协调互补、复杂交织,共同构成我国高等工程教育变革的驱动逻辑。推进高等工程教育变革,我国要以持续推进新工科建设为重点,从培养目标、利益主体、教育教学、质量保障和文化重构五个方面,培养具备复杂工程问题解决能力的卓越工程师,以产教融合推动多元主体协同育人,以项目为核心进行课程与教学设计,构建全链条的质量标准与评价体系,以立德树人引领高校文化建设。  相似文献   

院系调整与我国高等工程教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
解放初期,对旧学院成功地进行改造后,保证了教学秩序正常进行。但随着国家建设的不断发展,对旧学院的改造就不能满足需要。国家经过三年经济恢复,第一个五年计划开始,需要大量的工程技术人员,而旧教育重文轻理工,地域分布不均衡,所以高等教育迫切需要调整格局。5...  相似文献   

从教育思想观念、体系、模式以及师资建设、人才培养等方面,提出正确发展我国高等工程教育的思路。  相似文献   

This case study of development in a technical university situates distributed leadership in higher education in an organizational perspective. Analysis of documentation from development programs and interviews with 10 faculty members showed that leadership practices were related to different institutional logics prominent in four key activities in this specific university: education, research, formal organization and boundary-spanning cross-scientific environments. A shared understanding of these logics was accompanied with a reported increase in organizational understanding and leadership awareness that helped establish collaboration and sensemaking. Furthermore, we show that the theory of logic multiplicity provides a way to analyze previously neglected aspects of power, tensions, context and the practical relevance of the concept of distributed leadership.  相似文献   

借鉴德国“双元制”教育模式的思路、方法,结合我国国情,以机械设计制造及其自动化本科专业为例,从培养目标定位与课程设置、实践课程教学内容的开发和“工学交替”时机的选择等三个方面入手,将德国“双元制”教育模式拓展应用到了我国高等工程教育领域。  相似文献   

找寻大学精神 --对新中国高等教育的一种历史考索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代大学从其产生之日起,就以自治和学术自由为精神追求。反观我国50年的高教历程,改革开放前是政治挂帅,大学成为意识形态的斗争工具;改革开放后是经济优先,大学成为推动经济发展的重要手段。50年高教的最大失误是大学精神的丧失。新世纪 业已来临,有必在采取得力措施重建大学精神。  相似文献   

中国高等教育大众化过程与普通高等教育系统的变化分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自1999年中国高等教育大幅扩大招生规模以来,中央与地方高等教育系统在发展轨迹和模式上具有不同的特点。实证数据分析表明:中央普通高校研究生在全部研究生中所占的比例有所提高,综合性大学所占的比例有一定的提高,生均占有较多的办学资源,表现出精英高等教育的特点;地方普通高校在校生在全部普通高校在校生中所占的比例有所提高,高等职业技术学院有了较快的发展,生均占有较少的办学资源,地方普通高校成为高等教育大众化的主力。这将奠定中国多层次和多样化高等教育格局的基础。  相似文献   

国家工业化必须发展高等工程教育 ,而且必须更新观念 ,重新认识工程教育的社会意义、经济功能 ,必须通过产学研相结合的活动在企业和院校之间建立一种共同培养工程技术人才的机制 ,必须着力建设一支双师型教师队伍 ,积极探索工程技术人才的培养模式  相似文献   

我国高等教育的大规模扩张有力地促进了高等教育的发展,推动了我国高等教育大众化的历史性进程,但同时也带来了"三个失衡"和"三个滞后"的问题,严重影响了我国高等教育持续、健康、协调发展.正视和解决高等教育在扩张中出现的问题,应按照"四个并举"的思路发展高等教育,使我国高等教育在快速扩张中走出困境,真正实现高等教育大众化目标.  相似文献   

Separate approaches in engineering education, research and practice are not very useful when preparing students for working life; instead, integration of education, research and industrial practices is needed. A triangular approach (TA) as a method to accomplish this integration and as a method to provide students with integrated expertise is proposed. The results from the application of TA, both at the course and programme level, indicate that the approach is suitable for developing engineering education. The student pass rate for courses where TA has been used has been higher than for previous approaches, and the student feedback has been very positive. Although TA aims to take both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering as well as research and education into account, the approach concentrates mainly on activities and therefore leaves the goals of these activities as well as the values behind these goals uncovered.  相似文献   

Technology-mediated education or e-learning is growing globally both in scale and delivery capacity due to the large diffusion of the ubiquitous information and communication technologies (ICT) in general and the web technologies in particular. This statement has not yet been fully supported by research, especially in developing countries such as Algeria. The purpose of this paper was to identify directions for addressing the needs of academics in higher education institutions in Algeria in order to adopt the e-learning approach as a strategy to improve quality of education. The paper will report results of an empirical study that measures the readiness of the Algerian higher education institutions towards the implementation of ICT in the educational process and the attitudes of faculty members towards the application of the e-learning approach in engineering education. Three main objectives were targeted, namely: (a) to provide an initial evaluation of faculty members’ attitudes and perceptions towards web-based education; (b) reporting on their perceived requirements for implementing e-learning in university courses; (c) providing an initial input for a collaborative process of developing an institutional strategy for e-learning.

Statistical analysis of the survey results indicates that the Algerian higher education institution, which adopted the Licence – Master and Doctorate educational system, is facing a big challenge to take advantage of emerging technological innovations and the advent of e-learning to further develop its teaching programmes and to enhance the quality of education in engineering fields. The successful implementation of this modern approach is shown to depend largely on a set of critical success factors that would include:

  1. The extent to which the institution will adopt a formal and official e-learning strategy.

  2. The extent to which faculty members will adhere and adopt this strategy and develop ownership of the various measures in the context of their teaching and research responsibilities.

  3. The extent to which the university will offer adequate support in terms of training, software platform administration, online resource development and impact monitoring and assessment.


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