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就职业教育为何要以就业为导向、如何以就业为导向打造具有职业教育特色的办学模式发表了自己的看法,对打造具有职业教育特色的办学模式作了一些尝试性的探讨。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,提高学生的就业能力是职业教育发展的宗旨。以就业为向导是职业院校办学的基本方向,也是职业教育人才培养的重要理念与有效途径。要坚持以就业为向导,进一步深化职业教育的教学改革,培养出既懂英语又具有一定行业知识的复合型人才。  相似文献   

在当前我国高职教育中,强化学生的就业、择业教育是一项最为紧迫的任务.为此,必须充分认识在职业教育中加强就业、择业教育的现实意义,真正把职业教育转变到以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向的正确轨道上来,切实转变角色,把握好市场经济条件下高职院校实施就业、择业教育的各项基本要求,将择业、就业教育真正落到实处.  相似文献   

作为就业教育的主体形式,职业教育在促进就业、维护社会稳定发面发挥了重要作用。我国教育部明确规定要大力发展职业教育,"以技能为中心,以就业为导向",全面开展职业院校的职业教育推广工作。新一轮的职业教育课程改革紧紧围绕国家指导方针,要求教学与企业发展相结合,使教学更具有实用性与针对性。本文主要针对高职高专职业教育中的数控专业教学,探讨其与企业应用项目之间的有效结合、研究意义及价值,提出现实性的合作要求,更好地促进数控专业职业教育的推广实施。  相似文献   

黄炎培认为无业者通过接受职业教育,提高职业技能,实现就业。职业教育具有职业性和实践性,它必须服务于社会。以就业为导向的职业教育,是黄炎培教育思想的精髓,也是现代经济社会发展的时代要求与职业教育遵循的原则。  相似文献   

职业教育课程改革的范畴、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从宏观角度分析了职业教育课改中存在的主要问题,认为职业教育课程有时代性、区域性和行业性的特征,在课程改革中应坚持以就业为导向,以项目课程为核心,重视师资队伍建设,加强校企深度合作,建立整体的职业教育观。  相似文献   

在职业教育中渗透职业生涯设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育是以就业为导向的教育,除了具有和其他各类教育所共有的目标、内容、途径之外,特色在于以就业为导向,注重职业意识、职业理想、职业道德以及就业观、创业观教育。为了大力推进我国职业教育的改革与发展,国务院于2005年10月发布的《关于大力发展职业教育的决定》明确要求“加强职业指导和创业教育,建立和完善职业院校毕业生就业和创业服务体系”。因此,以就业为导向,把职业生涯设计贯穿于整个职业教育的全过程,是贯彻《决定》的必然之举。  相似文献   

目前,各高职院校在改革发展过程中,对"以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向"的高等职业教育方针,理解和把握上有偏差,把职业教育办成了就业教育。为此,准确把握其科学内涵,正确审视高等职业教育的目的,树立科学发展观,坚持职业教育面向市场办学,为促进就业与再就业服务,逐步建立结构合理、灵活开放、特色鲜明、自主发展的现代职业教育体系具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

罗惜春 《教师》2013,(19):33-35
"以就业为导向"是指职业教育本质上是就业教育,职业教育的培养目标以及包括教学方法在内的课程体系应该以就业为目标,以综合能力为核心,以职业过程为导向,以就业质量为评价手段,将职业教育教学与生产实践、社会服务和技术推广紧密结合起来,强化实践操作技能的培养训练,提高学生的动手能力。它是区别于以学科为中心的传统职业教育教学理念的重要标志,也是职业教育于其他类型教育的根本区别。  相似文献   

杨北伟 《中国培训》2005,(10):40-41
一、以就业为导向对职业教育培训工作改革与发展的重要性就业是民生之本,扩大就业是我国当前和今后长时期重大而艰巨的任务,不但关系广大人民群众的切身利益,而且关系到整个社会的和谐发展,因此,全社会必须调动一切积极因素为就业服务,职业教育培训作为提高劳动者技能、促进就业的重要手段,就必须服务于就业大局。1、以就业为导向是职业教育培训的基本前提。职业教育培训活动首先要建立在学员将来就业的基础上,如果所培养的职业者的职业技术、技能在社会上无用武之地,那么,职业教育活动将变得毫无意义。2、以就业为导向是我国在当前历史条件…  相似文献   

敦煌写本碑铭赞文书历来是敦煌学研究所倚重的重要文献资料。文章以前人释本为基础,参核缩微胶片及相关文献材料,补正了部分字词的释录,疏解了一些未被各类语文辞书收录的词语,以供研究者参考。  相似文献   

The author presents a concept of the didactics of history, geography, and civics that seeks to link, through a single dynamic, the civic, political, and social goals of school knowledge with everyday classroom practice and pupils' learning. Two concepts occupy the heart of this construction: those of school disciplines and social representations. The concept of school disciplines addresses the fact that school knowledge is a creation of the school, designed to enable it to achieve the social goals it is assigned. A school discipline is thus a particular combination of goals, content (in the form of shared knowledge), methods, and practices. The concept of social representations is a tool serving to analyze knowledge as theories of the natural and social world, its production, and its reception by the different actors involved.  相似文献   


Many behavioural and emotional characteristics are associated with children’s peer relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children. 773 third-grade children (51% girls) are assessed with a sociometric questionnaire and self-evaluations of their behavioural and emotional strengths and difficulties. Teacher evaluations are also used to assess the children’s academic competencies and behaviour. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to analyse the data. Results indicate that children in the popular status group assess their behavioural and emotional strengths as being better than children in the rejected status group. The behavioural profile of the controversial status group is similar to that of the rejected status group. Children in the neglected status group differ from other sociometric status groups in some behavioural and emotional strengths. Issues pertaining to gender differences are also discussed.  相似文献   

This is a self-study of my professional and cultural biography and identity, a history which directed me first toward the work of urban teaching and then into teacher education and research into comparative educational issues of racial and national identity. I use this inquiry to demonstrate how biography and identity influences the lived experience of teaching and the researcher's stance. I also examine areas where preservice urban teacher education programs must improve. My personal recommendations describe experiences that would have better prepared me for urban teaching. Suggestions include expanding coursework in the historical, political, and sociocultural influences on urban education and in designing culturally responsive curricula. I also recommend restructuring field experiences to offer richer classroom-based learning opportunities for preservice teachers and extending fieldwork into urban communities. Finally, I suggest ongoing inservice teacher education in learning-community models that respond to educators' context-specific teaching concerns.  相似文献   

This article describes the interplay of goals, teacher development, and assessment in the context of a yearlong research and development project. The aim of the project was to integrate the teaching of science, reading, and writing processes in a conceptually based, constructivist curriculum for middle school students who read below grade level. A performance-based assessment was designed and implemented to determine the level of student awareness and control over the processes taught during a unit of instruction. Interviews with science teachers and supervisors revealed the important interaction of curricular goals, the performance assessment, and instructional practice.  相似文献   

In this essay, I discuss three key ideas related to the construction and treatment of “difference” in and around schools and schooling. First, just as difference is most commonly located within marginalized populations at the intersections and along the lines of race, disability, social class, national origin, sexuality, sex, language, and religion, such “locating” is done by those socialized and reinforced to view themselves as normal and the norm against which they compare those different from them. Therefore, normalcy operates to maintain positions of superiority for some and inferiority for others. Next, the situation of disability at the intersection of non-dominant identities can be a powerful tool for disrupting normative spaces, practices, and beliefs. Finally, I call for critical action that exposes the negative construction of and consequences of difference in the academy, noting how epistemologies, methodologies, publication outlets and formats, and sentence structures that fall outside what we associate with normalcy, and those who employ them, are also sorted along lines of competence and incompetence, leading to the dismissal or exclusion of disabled scholars, scholars of color, and those scholars engaging in more public praxis outside the academy walls.  相似文献   

This longitudinal research study focused on persistence and financial aid of women, underrepresented minorities, and needy students majoring in science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) in a large, public university in a metropolitan area. Beginning in fall 1989, four consecutive freshmen cohorts (n's = 1967, 1679, 1614, and 1924, respectively) were tracked through 1996–97. SEM majors persisted and graduated at higher rates, but took longer to graduate than non-SEM majors. Women, underrepresented minorities, and needy students received more gift aid than other student populations. However, only women had lower departure rates and graduated at higher rates than other SEM student populations. Compared to non-SEM majors, gift aid for SEM majors was more likely to be awarded on the basis of merit rather than need. Average loan indebtedness increased rapidly from 1989–90 through 1996–97 for both SEM and non-SEM majors. Implications of the findings for improved institutional and federal policy are indicated, and further research on the study topics recommended.  相似文献   

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