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The other day when Xiaogang asked me whether we should organize an exhibition about Huajiadi or not he did not seem quite sure.and neither did I give a definite answer.Then he started to introduce this idea with a voice of calm and objectivity.which sounded uncertain and remote in my large living room as if the idea were none of his business.  相似文献   

At the end of Apdl, the opening ceremony of the First Dashanzi International Art Festival, which lasted a month, was held in the Tense Space studio of the “798 Factory” area in Beijing‘s Chaoyang District. The opening ceremony attracted some 1,000 participants, half of which were foreigners. With the theme of “Light, Sound, Time”, the festival consisted of more than 30 displays of various forms of modem art, including visual arts, sound arts, live concerts, dancing, plays, performing arts, and architecture and design exhibitions. There were also four independent film festivals, and eight visual arts exhibitions including photography, painting, performing and installation. With over 200 famous artists from both home and abroad showing their talents, and about 40 art studios in the area open to public, this non-governmental festival was the first of its kind in the 20-year development of modern arts in China.  相似文献   

The conversion of Christians to Islam caused significant anxiety in the Crown of Aragón in the later middle ages. Some of this fear was caused by genuine concern over the eternal salvation of the convert, but there were other reasons as well. This article looks at three distinct causes that served to foster and maintain this fear of conversion. First, Christian authorities sometimes purposefully used the spectre of Christians converting to Islam to galvanise support for some of their political, diplomatic, and military initiatives. Secondly, apostates posed a significant spiritual danger to those Christians who lived as minorities in Muslim regions. Finally, converts presented a danger to the Crown of Aragón from a practical and military point of view.  相似文献   

Every adventurer may have a wish to travel to the end of the sky. In their minds, the end of the sky not only means a long journey and being away from urban hurly-burly, but also symbolizes the most beautiful place. The Flower Lake is such a place in the end of the sky.  相似文献   

Located at the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and the south of the Yangtze River, the Yangtze Delta is composed of fifteen cities in China, such as Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. With neighboring areas, diverse cultures, mutually complementary economies, and close relationships among people, the region is descendedfrom the Wu and Yue Culture. The street scenes and peoples lives here reflect the unique customs and culture of the south of China. It is also a region with the densest po…  相似文献   

Aquarter of century ago, Shenzhen was just a small township bordering with Hong Kong, with only a tiny population of 30,000. Since the reform and opening up policy was launched in 1979, Shenzhen has been designated as a special economic zone and has seen a startlingly high speed of economic growth. As the fastest-developed, newly-emerged metropolis in the world and probably the largest venue for architectural experiments, Shenzhen has seen its GDP rocketing by 1500 times within a short peri…  相似文献   

Miao people is a trans-boundary ethnic group with long history, mainly distributed in Asian countries including China, Vietnam, Lao,Thailand and Cambodia. Some Miao people dwell in USA, France and Guyana. China is the birthplace of Miao people and the Leigong Mountain in southwest China's Guizhou Province is the largest habitat of Miao ethnic group. In ancient times, ancestors of Miao people left their homeland to escape wars and found shelters in the Leigong Mountain.  相似文献   

After the three and half years of facelift, the Cemuschi Museum ,was finally reopened one year ago.Guided by Mr. Gilles Beguin, director of the museum, we visited the museum which has the second largest collection of Asian art in France, only next to Museum Guimet.[第一段]  相似文献   

TEA, coffee and cocoa com-prise three major beveragesin the world.Altogether 56countries grow tea and about 2 bil-lion people drink it.Although differ-ent countries have cultivated differ-ent tea cultures,including Japan’s teaceremony,Russia’s milk tea art andBritain’s afternoon tea service,theyare all closely linked to China’s longhistory and culture.  相似文献   

Guo Yan,the Executive Edito of Grace,a mationwide fashion magazine,is often linked with the modifiers such as beautiful,elegant,glanorous,intelligert,smart and wise.Borm and raised in Cjemgdu,Guo Yan graduated from Sichuan Yniversity before she began her Career as a renowned author of prize-Winning short stories and novels.She lives in Chengdu with her husband Yi Dan,a famous uniersity Professor,  相似文献   

On October 12, the 4th New Ru ral Area Arts Festival was conclud ed in Dazhou city, Sichuan province. The festival highlights the theme of "folk style, rustic taste and farmer affection", presenting ten events such as the arts competition for the grass roots, phototaking experience for 10,000 people and more. More than 30 performances were staged by pro fessional and amateurish performers.  相似文献   

With the blue sky as the stage, You dance in the cloud. Under the spotlight of the moon, You dance in the beautiful movement. Isn 't Mermaid in the sea? Princess Wencheng was only on Tibetan Plateau. Han Dynasty concubines passed with history. But you reincarnate them on the dancing stage. With dance, you fulfilled a Chinese dream in Confucius's hometown. With dance, you intoxicated French audience in Champs-Elysees. With the blue sky as the stage, You dance in the cloud. Dance is endl…  相似文献   

SOUTHEAST Asia has alarge population of overseasChinese,most of them immi-grants n search of a better life.Thefirst wave of new arrivals to the areaended up leading a very hard life,but still retained their affection forChinese language and culture,getting their children to learn theirmother tongue and collectingmoney to build Chinese schools.The teaching of Chinesereached its high point in Singapore,Malaysia,Indonesia and Sarawak in the 1950s.The first university foroverseas Chinese,Southeast AsiaUuiversity,was established in Sin-gapore with funds from public don-  相似文献   

The dog is one of the earliest animals that mankind tamed and became man's close friend as early as in the primitive fishing and hunting age,according to historians.Panhu,a divine dog,is even a totem that Miao people worship.Today,Miao people surnamed Tian Still don't eat dog meat.It is said that the dog understand human feelings and raising and loving dogs has become part of human customs and culture. There are many entries about the dog in the Guizhou Section of China Cultural Relics Maps compiled by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

So far,a total of 246 heritage sites above the earth‘s surface in the Three Gorges Dam area within Chongqing Municipality are under the state protection plan,including watchtowers of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220 AD), folk dwellings, religious structures,ancient official buildings and schools,bridges,towers,city  相似文献   

“China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China,“ No wonder you will see numerous teahouses when strolling on the streets in Chengdu. The well-deserved reputation bestowed upon teahouses mushrooming all around the city is reflected in theirquantity, quality, dimension and diversity.  相似文献   

Concert saxophonist Li Yusheng was the first one in China to get a saxophone diploma from the Royal Conservator overseas under the instruction of Paul Brodie,the virtuoso saxophonist in the world,As the first professional saxophone professor in China’s conservatories Li Yusheng has been teaching in Sichuan Conservatory of Music since 1982. He set up the New World Saxophone Quartet with his best students in 2001  相似文献   

My traveling experiences have led me to more than half of China and countless beautiful places and moving stories have been recorded in my travelogues. But when I saw old villages in Wuyuan in the southern province of Jiangxi, I was totally intoxicated by its incredible beauty and realized that it was truly a fairyland. In a digitalized society today, urban dwellers are overwhelmed by concrete jungles of metropolises and access to history and traditions seems a luxury for them. But old towns…  相似文献   

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