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《Sport Management Review》2014,17(4):407-418
This qualitative case study provides a sport-oriented perspective of sport tourism. It examines a strategic alliance between an Australian national sport organisation (NSO), the Australian Rugby Union (ARU), and a sport tour operator (STO), FanFirm. The study contributes insights into how NSOs can facilitate and develop sport tourism for major events through alliances with STOs. Findings indicate that by collaborating with the STO, the ARU accrued a range of intangible and financial benefits, which in turn provided an impetus for ongoing maintenance of the strategic alliance. In addition, the alliance was perceived to deliver advantages beyond the NSO–STO nexus, with rugby fans and host governments of rugby events also benefiting. The study demonstrates that sport organisations can play a role in maximising the tourism outcomes of major events and also suggests that smaller-scale, ‘bottom-up’ cross-sector alliances can contribute to maximising tourism outcomes of major sport events.  相似文献   

体育旅游在中国的发展   总被引:115,自引:4,他引:115  
谭白英  邹蓉 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):22-25
阐述了体育旅游的概念和类别,研究了世界体育旅游发展现状和原因以及我国体育旅游发展现状及其特点,分析了我国体育旅游发展中的不足,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Scholars have suggested that small-scale sports events may be a sustainable form of tourism development for communities (e.g., Higham, 1999). The purpose of this study was to examine six small-scale sports events and the work of a local sports commission in the context of the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. Small-scale sports events are largely competitor or parent-as-spectator based, often annual, and attract little media attention. The six events were: a marathon, Senior Games, archery, soccer, softball, and swimming. The participants or spectators of the six events were surveyed onsite or online over an 18-month period and additional data from the sports commission, where relevant, were included. Sample sizes ranged from n = 68 to n = 447. The results suggest that a small-scale sports event portfolio consistent with a community's infrastructure and human and cultural capital may be a viable form of sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   


This paper reflects upon the development and increased acceptance for heritage becoming a key component of sport tourism research. The original sport heritage typology, as posited by Ramshaw and Gammon [2005, More than just Nostalgia? Exploring the heritage/sport tourism nexus. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 10(4), 229–241], is re-examined through a more critical lens, revealing additional dimensions that help augment its key components. More specifically, it is argued that future studies should consider the more intangible features of sport heritage, as well as acknowledging the expanding global nature of sport and its impact upon fandom. Also, the case is made for research to explore the dissonance inherent in much of sports heritage, as well as determining where the power lies in allocating and championing current sport heritages. Lastly, the more general implications to the field of sport tourism are offered with particular regard to motivation, place, and consumption.  相似文献   

我国定向体育旅游发展的现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定向体育旅游是体育旅游的重要组成部分,发展定向体育旅游已成为保持我国体育旅游可持续发展的一个重要课题。提出并阐述了定向体育旅游的概念,分析了我国目前定向体育旅游发展的现状和存在的主要问题,并提出了发展定向体育旅游的对策。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(4):542-554
Cooperation among organizations is crucial in many fields of sport management. However, little is known about how and why interorganizational cooperation occurs. In this study, cooperative relations among organizations were investigated in an informal sport tourism network in a German community and its surrounding area to explore the structure of interorganizational cooperation and demonstrate the value of social network analysis methods for understanding mechanisms of interorganizational cooperation. Statistical network analyses based on relational data revealed that the network of cooperation is sparse but characterized by substantial clustering, indicating a tendency for cooperation to occur in triangular structures. The most central network actor was a local sports agency, but there was no mechanism of preferential attachment. Other significant mechanisms for cooperative tie formation were brokerage and homophily regarding organizational aims. Lack of time and incompatible goals are the most important barriers to cooperation. The results add to prior qualitative studies and provide implications for managing sport tourism networks.  相似文献   

以区域旅游市场细分为依据,分析了山东半岛城市群的国内和国际两大区域旅游市场,并针对不同区域市场特点,提出了相应的体育旅游产品开发推广策略.  相似文献   


Psychological resilience is important in sport because athletes must utilise and optimise a range of mental qualities to withstand the pressures that they experience. In this article, we discuss psychological resilience in sport performers via a review of the stressors athletes encounter and the protective factors that help them withstand these demands. It is hoped that synthesising what is known in these areas will help researchers gain a deeper profundity of resilience in sport, and also provide a rigorous and robust foundation for the development of a sport-specific measure of resilience. With these points in mind, we divided the narrative into two main sections. In the first section, we review the different types of stressors encountered by sport performers under three main categories: competitive, organisational and personal. Based on our recent research examining psychological resilience in Olympics champions, in the second section we discuss the five main families of psychological factors (viz. positive personality, motivation, confidence, focus, perceived social support) that protect the best athletes from the potential negative effect of stressors. It is anticipated that this review will help sport psychology researchers examine the interplay between stressors and protective factors, which will, in turn, focus the analytical lens on the processes underlying psychological resilience in athletes.  相似文献   

积极开发西北地区沙漠体育旅游资潭,既有利于区域人地关系的和谐,又利于全面推进区域的可持续发展.就目前西北开发沙漠体育旅游资源的现状和存在的问题进行了分析,并根据我国沙漠体育旅游产业发晨的需要,提出了相应的发展对策.  相似文献   

海南建设国际旅游岛,文化建设先行,文化是国际旅游岛建设核心。黎族体育文化作为文化建设的重要组成部分不可或缺,弘扬黎族传统体育文化是保护、传承和推广民族传统体育文化的迫切需要。从全民健身运动、黎族体育旅游品牌文化和黎族体育文化体系构建等方面阐述黎族传统体育文化。  相似文献   

开发西北地区体育旅游业的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育旅游正逐步成为现代旅游业的一个新的亮点和国民经济发展的新的增长点。通过对西北地区体育旅游业开发的必要性、可行性的分析,探讨开发西北地区体育旅游业的原则,提出西北地区体育旅游开发的基本策略。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(4):555-569
Community sport clubs (CSCs) provide a number of benefits to local communities, while confronting challenges with finances and staffing. In Queensland, Australia, these challenges have been compounded by recent natural disasters including widespread flooding that have significantly impacted operations of CSCs. The current research explores the provision of resources to CSCs in the aftermath of flooding events in 2010 and 2011, as well as the influence on power relations between CSCs and resource providers. To address this research purpose, qualitative data were collected across nine site visits (focus groups, interviews) to affected CSCs. The data revealed three resource providers: volunteers and members, partner organisations and government. In addition, the results indicate that relations between CSCs and members and volunteers, partner organisations and government were impacted in different ways. Examples of resource providers wielding power over CSCs due to the provision of resources emerged, along with some evidence of mutual power and dependence and CSCs exerting power over resource providers. The results provide implications for CSC managers to be more proactive in relation to resourcing through developing strategies for network building and improved communication within networks.  相似文献   

长三角地区体育旅游资源开发的战略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了长三角地区体育旅游资源的优势,并提出了体育旅游资源的开发对策:通过深化长三角区域旅游竞合及产品结构调整,进一步拓展长三角地区体育旅游深度,注重经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的有机统一,从而实现长三角地区体育旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   


This paper conducts a systematic evaluation of one of the primary journals in the field of sport tourism research since its establishment in 1993. Drawing on extant literature with varying disciplinary approaches, this meta-review traces the development of key concepts and definitions underlying an evolving epistemology connected to sport tourism, as evidenced within the Journal of Sport & Tourism (JS&T). It does so by examining research specific to content previously unexplored. The study first conducted a content analysis based upon a keyword search, focusing on phrases in which sport and tourism appeared together. The study reviewed all texts, including articles, book chapters and editorials (n?=?517), for the years 1993–2014. We then constructed a thematic analysis based upon the most common defining elements found within these texts. These extracted definitions were analyzed according to their paradigmatic elements. Based on these findings, this paper suggests the need to further define the epistemological boundaries of sport tourism for the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展需要对不同的利益相关者建立相应的利益管理机制。运用文献资料法对可持续发展理论和利益相关者理论进行系统归纳和评述,在此基础上,就体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者的界定、构成和分类进行探讨。体育赛事旅游目的地利益相关者分为:核心利益相关者、蛰伏利益相关者、边缘利益相关者三部分,并主要对体育赛事旅游目的地的政府及其职能部门、体育赛事旅游企业、赛事旅游者、当地居民这四个关系密切和影响力较大的核心利益相关者进行分析,期望通过构建“双向沟通-协调合作-互利共赢”的核心利益相关者管理机制构建体育赛事旅游目的地利益共同体,进而实现体育赛事旅游目的地的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Proponents often claim that bidding for and hosting sport events have an overall capacity to generate a variety of benefits for cities and regions. Despite limited empirical evidence to support these assertions, cities continue to vie for hosting rights. In an effort to maximise the benefits of hosting, host cities have adopted a strategic approach to event planning and management referred to as event leveraging. A critical concern raised in the leveraging literature is how event-related strategies fit with the broader tourism development agenda of cities and regions, and how they are implemented. This paper uses Urban Regime Theory (URT) to understand how and why cities seek to host events, and how the process of leveraging is undertaken to maximise the benefits of hosting. Viewing events and strategies in the context of regimes, highlights why some cities and regions have been successful in leveraging sport events for tourism gain over time and, importantly, why some have not. This paper synthesises the existing body of work on tourism-based sport event leveraging, identifies three ways academic research has explored leveraging, and uses regime theory as a lens to further our understanding of the leverage process in host cities.  相似文献   

体育院校设置体育旅游专业的构想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着体育产业的发展和规模的扩大,体育旅游业将成为国民经济发展中新的增长点。体育院校适时设置体育旅游专业,培养适应体育事业和社会发展急需的高级专业人才,既能满足体育职业化、市场化、产业化发展的迫切需要,又能拓宽学生的就业渠道,提高办学效益,为学校的进一步发展打下坚实基础。介绍了体育旅游专业的培养目标与人才培养规格、模式及课程设置。  相似文献   

少数民族传统体育的发展与旅游开发构想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对民族体育商品化与文化真实性的探讨,对当前日益高涨的资源开发热潮提出质疑.民族传统体育作为民族文化的重要载体,与民族文化的传承与发展息息相关.基于人类学对民族文化的认识和理解,借鉴和运用人类学"舞台真实"理论,审视少数民族传统体育的旅游开发,有利于用更加长远的眼光和多维的视角把握少数民族体育的文化传承与现代发展的关系,以符合生态文明的时代要求.  相似文献   

知识经济对边疆特色体育旅游业发展的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李圣旺 《体育学刊》2003,10(1):40-42
知识经济是一种以知识创新为基础的新的经济形态,随着知识经济时代的来临,知识和技术必将成为体育产业的主要组成部分。通过对新疆旅游资源和少数民族传统体育的优势分析,论述了知识经济时代对发展边疆地区有特色的体育旅游业的影响和促进边疆的两个明建设的作用。  相似文献   

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