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结合我国图书馆学期刊数字化建设的实践,从开通在线投稿系统、建立行业期刊联盟网、启动优先数字出版、推动本学科的开放获取出版发展、实行学术不端文献在线检测几方面探讨和分析了我国图书馆学期刊在数字化建设中实施的数字化出版发展策略,指出我国图书馆学期刊数字化建设存在的一些问题,对今后强化图书馆学期刊数字化建设,增强图书馆学期刊可持续发展能力提出一些思路和建议。  相似文献   

朱拴成 《编辑学报》2019,31(2):209-211
以中国煤炭期刊网的建设和发展为例,分享和探讨科技期刊集群化服务平台的建设及融合出版思路。中国煤炭期刊网在充分整合行业期刊资源的基础上,通过对期刊集群展示平台,统一投审稿工作平台,行业数据集成平台,以及包括论文库、专家库、视频库的资源库建设来实现集群化融合出版。此外,还通过增强出版、数据互通互联、大力推进移动出版、线上线下联动服务等模式提升对行业用户的服务水平。实践证明,该模式能够有效提升科技期刊的数字化进程和影响力。  相似文献   

科技期刊的数字化出版现状及问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国期刊的数字化出版仍处于初级阶段。论文就目前中国科技期刊数字化建设、发展中期刊学术质量、盈利模式、出版流程数字化、信息深度加工、数字化出版标准、知识产权、人才等几个问题进行了探讨,以期促进中国科技期刊数字化出版的可持续发展。  相似文献   

对建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为调研建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的必要性、可行性和实施办法,对中国科协所属898种期刊编辑部有关建设中国科协科技期刊网络平台的意愿、对网络平台的作用及功能的要求、对在网络平台实现开放存取(OA)出版的意向等进行了问卷调查,问卷回收率为56%。调查结果体现了中国科协所属期刊办刊者对期刊数字化、网络化和期刊OA出版的认知认可程度、具体需求及存在的顾虑。  相似文献   

期刊数字化成为期刊出版业发展的必然趋势,高校学报也存在数字化出版的转型压力。高校学报如何有效地适应期刊数字化发展所带来的危机,抓住数字化转型带来的机遇值得深思。笔者结合我国高校学报数字化发展现状和特点,探讨高校学报数字化学术平台建设的必要性、内容及发展趋势,以推动学报数字化的发展。  相似文献   

当今时代,由于科技进步、数字化技术的发展以及人们生活方式和观念的改变,促使数字出版行业迅猛发展,严重冲击着传统出版业,期刊亦面临着新的挑战和机遇,在此背景下,期刊的数字化作为期刊数字出版的重要环节,得到了杂志社、编辑部、出版平台等各个机构的重视。期刊的数字化加工是期刊数字化的重要手段,应该得到广泛的重视和研究,然而国内目前在该领域的研究有限,本文主要论述了期刊数字化加工的两种主流方式,通过对两种方式的对比分析,论述其各自的优缺点,为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

杨洋 《东南传播》2021,(6):101-103
媒体融合发展格局下,期刊行业正探求多样化渠道,寻求数字化发展.研究以高印量的传统期刊和高播放量的期刊有声阅读内容为观察对象,提出数字阅读时代期刊有声出版过程在传播符号、传播功能、传播速率等方面的特点,直面期刊有声出版整体弱势、内容娱乐倾向、版权保护困难等问题,探讨从有声出版的读者定位、专业内容生产和版权监管保护等方面促进数字化时代期刊的融合出版.  相似文献   

传统出版业态,无论是图书,还是报纸,都在向数字化方式转变,期刊也不例外.期刊又分为大众期刊和专业类的行业期刊,相对于大众期刊受众群体广泛,行业期刊主要面向某一领域从业者和关注者,其数字化转型之路,与大众期刊有什么不同之处,而它应该如何顺应形势,走好适合自己的一条数字出版之路呢?依笔者之见,行业期刊的数字化转型至少应该循序渐进地完成以下"三步走".  相似文献   

科技期刊的数字化出版是期刊转型的一种必然趋势,建设期刊稿件在线处理系统是数字化进程的一个重要环节,运用在线处理系统不仅能提高科技期刊的学术质量和知名度,还能帮助期刊形成完整的数字化出版链。通过介绍常规稿件在线处理系统的建设情况,阐述了在线审稿的优点和效果,并给出了关于如何优化审稿系统的几点认识。  相似文献   

数字技术的兴起和发展,使得出版的内容形式、传播手段、阅读方式、市场主体乃至赢利模式等方面发生巨大的变化,并导致整个传统出版行业面临基础性结构的转变。近年来,我国数字出版取得了长足的发展,出版模式已经向数字出版(Digital Publishing)模式演变,并初步渡过了萌芽期和酝酿期,开始呈现出多样化发展趋势。由技术服务商主导的电子图书、数字化期刊、网络游戏、在线音乐以及手机出版等发展迅速。其数字出版产业链初步形成。  相似文献   

In recent years, many general-interest magazine publishers have had problems maintaining stability. What can these publications learn from smaller, niche titles that have  remained successful through the same industry changes? This paper will examine three major strengths for niche magazines that general-interest magazine publishers lack: their reader devotion, their careful approaches to digitalization, and their use of paid digital content. These strengths are analyzed in three case studies from different sub-genres of niche publishing: a city magazine, a luxury product magazine, and a hobby magazine. This paper offers practical suggestions general-interest magazines can implement. Looking at the successful practices suggests the potential to address industry-wide problems and to potentially yield more stable magazine publishing environments.  相似文献   

Describes recent happenings in magazine publishing, indicating why some magazines have failed, others have prospered and still others have remain unchanged. Points out the need for an understanding of magazine history and economics as a prerequisite in the setting of periodicals budgets. Discusses such matters as article refereeing, audience predilections and abstracting and indexing. Lists characteristics that have emcrged in magazines over the past decade.  相似文献   

The publishers and editors of the early Finnish women's magazines were familiar with Central European, English and Swedish women's magazines. A women's magazine started the history of Finnish magazine publishing in 1782. However, it survived less than 6 months and the next 2 women's magazines appeared only 70 years later. The article asks how the publishers of the first four magazines chose, adopted and localized this particular international magazine genre. Successful localization needs the approval of the content by the readers. Only the fourth women's magazine Koti ja Yhteiskunta (Home and Society) published in 1889–1911 managed to create a permanent readership. The central theoretical concept used to analyze the localization is the gender contract, which defines the rights and duties of women in society and is renegotiated as women's situation is changing.  相似文献   

A few years ago, publishing companies started to sell digital copies of their magazines. This study investigates a consequence of this change: the increasing online trade with illegal copies. We collected data on almost 10,000 issues of German magazines that are illegally offered online. The files are distributed in a three-sided market, in which a small number of platforms bring suppliers of illegal copies, consumers, and advertisers together. The market has been growing rapidly—between 2009 and 2012 by a factor of 10. In contrast to the legal magazine market, the illegal trade mostly concerns IT and consumer electronics magazines.  相似文献   

美国女性杂志中的女性形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国女性杂志作为传播女性信息和话题的媒介形式,在塑造不同时代女性“形象”的同时,客观反映了时代背景下妇女地位和女权运动的情势;本文通过论述美国早期女性杂志中的女性形象、女权运动与女性杂志、女性杂志行业中的女性,旨在剖析女性杂志文本所蕴涵的意识形态框架是女性认识自我的参照系。  相似文献   

Customer magazines blur the boundaries between journalistic reporting and organizational information. On the one hand, customer magazines are intended to communicate the interests, brands, products, and services of an organization. On the other hand, their topics, style, and layout resemble those of journalistic publications, from which readers expect independent and objective reporting. While customer magazines are distributed in high numbers throughout different industries and play an increasingly important role in the media landscape, they have hardly been the focus of researchers to date. It is therefore quite unclear how editorial decisions are made within these publications. This study investigated the relevance of journalistic news factors for topic selection in customer magazines and the extent to which these factors differ from those of journalistic publications. We conducted a quantitative survey of customer magazines’ editors-in-chief in Germany (N?=?143). We compared their responses on the relevance of news factors to the findings of a survey of senior journalists. The findings revealed clear differences in the use of news factors between the two groups.  相似文献   

通过对互联网免费学术期刊资源的调查,从顶级域名、网站、免费形式、期刊类型、稳定性及质量等方面对互联网免费学术期刊的现状进行分析,探讨互联网免费学术期刊资源对图书馆期刊资源建设的影响。  相似文献   

Business-to-Business (B2B) publications actually have a long history in China, beginning in the early twentieth century. After 1949, the Chinese economy became planned and regulated by the government, the former B2B magazines became their purpose to explain the government’s industrial policies, chart business direction and exchange developmental experience. As China began its reform and opened to a market economy in the 1980s, traditional published B2B magazines began to reappear. Today almost 3,000 B2B magazines provide information about specific industries and services.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理中国时尚杂志的历史脉络,认为中国时尚杂志在发展过程中,存在至少以下三个方面的特点。一是中国时尚杂志的兴起与发展均裹挟在西学东渐的浪潮中,中国时尚杂志在运作理念中缺乏自身的独立性,在时尚创意方面缺乏民族性;二是中国时尚杂志在缺乏原创内容的情况下,过度奢侈品广告化的内容使时尚杂志滑向消费主义的温床;三是中国时尚杂志从初创到当下,在技术理念上始终落后于西方,这决定了整个时尚杂志的产业处于国际时尚产业链末端。  相似文献   

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