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整函数的惟一性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了涉及导函数的整函数的惟一性, 主要证明了以下结果. 设 f(z) 和 g(z)为非常数整函数, n, k为满足n>2k 4的2个正整数. 若f(z)和g(z)的零点重数均至少为n, 且f(k)(z)和g(k)(z) CM分担1, 则或者f(z)=c1ecz, g(z)=c2e-cz, 其中c1, c2 和 c 为满足 (-1)kc1c2c2k= 1的常数; 或者f(z)≡g(z).  相似文献   

从权弱分担的角度分析亚纯函数(或整函数)fn与其k阶导数[fn](k)的唯一性问题,得到f(n)=[fn](k)且f=cexp((λ/n)z)(c为非需常数,λk=1)的充分条件.  相似文献   

The uniqueness problem of entire functions sharing one small function was studied. By Picard’s Theorem, we proved that for two transcendental entire functions f (z) and g(z), a positive integer n≥9, and a(z) (not identically eaqual to zero) being a common small function related to f (z) and g(z), if f n(z)(f(z)-1)f′(z) and gn(z)(g(z)-1)g′(z) share a(z) CM, where CM is counting multiplicity, then g(z) ≡ f (z). This is an extended version of Fang and Hong’s theorem [ Fang ML, Hong W, A unicity theorem for entire functions concerning differential polynomials, Journal of Indian Pure Applied Mathematics, 2001, 32 (9): 1343-1348].  相似文献   

证明了有穷下级非常数整函数f和g分担有穷的2个CM公共值的唯一性,替换了M.Ozawa所证定理中的条件,结论比M.Ozawa的结论更强.  相似文献   

Based on a unicity theorem for entire funcitions concerning differential polynomials proposed by M. L. Fang and W. Hong, we studied the uniqueness problem of two meromorphic functions whose differential polynomials share the same 1- point by proving two theorems and their related lemmas. The results extend and improve given by Fang and Hong’s theorem.  相似文献   

Introduction Let f and g be two meromorphic functions defined in the open complex plane C, and k be a nonnegative integer or infinity. For {}aC违U, denote by (;)kEaf the set of all a-points of f where an a-point of multiplicity m is counted m times if mk and otherwise k+1 times. If (;)(;)kkEafEag=, then, f and g are considered to share the value a with weight k, which is expressed by f and g share (a ,k). Clearly if f and g share (a ,k), then they share (a ,p) for all integer p in 0pk#. It…  相似文献   

权弱分担是定义在“CM”和“IM”之间的一个新概念.文章主要采用权弱分担的思想讨论两个亚纯函数具有公共小函数的唯一性问题,并获得了三个唯一性定理.  相似文献   

采用权弱分担值的思想讨论两个亚纯函数fnf′,gng′权弱分担有理函数的唯一性,得到:设p(z),q(z)为两个互质的n1,n2次多项式,f,g为两个非常数超越亚纯函数,如果fnf′与gng′分担"(pq((zz)),m)"且(1)当2≤m≤∞时,满足n≥max{11,2n1+4n2+3};(2)当m=1时,满足n≥max{13,2n1+4n2+3};(3)当m=0时,满足n≥max{23,2n1+4n2+3},则f=c1Q(z)exp(α(z)),g=c2Q-1(z)exp(-α(z)),其中:c1,c2为2个常数且Q(z)是有理函数;α(z)为满足(c1c2)n+1(Q′(z)/Q(z)+α′(z))2≡(p(z)/q(z))2的多项式,或者f=tg,t为常数且满足tn+1=1.  相似文献   

在L.A.Rubel、C.C.Yang、Muse和Sleinmentz、AmerH.H.Al-Khalad等结论的基础上,讨论了关于整函数唯一性定理中分担值的问题,得到了一些新的结论.  相似文献   

研究非常数亚纯函数与其微分多项式分担一个小函数的唯一性问题,所得到的结论推广了Li.Pei.Liu等人的结果.  相似文献   

The uniqueness of meromorphic fuctions sharing one value was studied. Using the concept of weighted sharing, we proved the following theorem. For two meromorphic functions f and g which are not polynominals of degree less than a positive integer k, if f nf (k) and g ng (k) share (1,2), where n is another positive integer not less than k 10, then f nf (k) identically equals g ng (k) or f nf (k)g ng (k) identically equals 1. Particularly for k =1, we improved the results of Yang [Yang CC, Hua XH, Uniqueness and value-sharing of meromorphic functions, Annales Academi? Scientiarum Fennic? Mathematica, 1997, 22: 395-406], and Fang [Fang ML, Hua XH, Entire function that share one value, Journal of Nanjing University, 1996, 13(1): 44-48. (In Chinese)].  相似文献   

主要讨论亚纯函数的导数分担三个公共值的唯一性问题.  相似文献   

得到亚纯函数与其导数分担三个小函数时的一个唯一性定理.  相似文献   

在涉及重级的情况下,研究有穷非整数级亚纯函数唯一性,所得的结论推广并改进了陈桂玲、张晓斌等人的一些结果.  相似文献   

研究了分担一个值且具有一个亏量等式的亚纯函数的惟一性问题 .讨论了对任何 2个非常数亚纯函数f(z) ,g(z)只要满足 :δ(0 ,f) +δ(0 ,g) +δ(∞ ,f) +δ(∞ ,g) =3或者δ2 (0 ,f) +δ2(0 ,g) +δ2 (∞ ,f) +δ2 (∞ ,g) =3且E(1,f) =E(1,g) ,那么 ,f(z) ,g(z)必定具有 5种情形之一 .  相似文献   

运用Nevanlinna理论和值分布理论中的知识讨论了亚纯函数关于Gross问题的唯一性问题,通过改变亏量条件(及极点的个数)减少IM分担集中的元素个数。亏量越大,集合中的元素个数越少,反之亦成立。  相似文献   

给出了有理整函数的极值点和拐点的充分条件,得到了三次有理整函数的一个性质.  相似文献   

得到亚纯函数及其导数具有公共小函数时的一个唯一性定理,推广了某些已知的结果.  相似文献   

主要讨论亚纯函数的导数具有某些k阶分担值时的唯一性问题,得到一个有趣的结果.  相似文献   

对杨乐关于亚纯函数的唯一性定理中六个集的情况,也可以精确化,对于五个集的情况还可以进一步精确化。  相似文献   

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