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Barrie Wade, School of Education, Birmingham University, describes the Reading Recovery programme, reviews the evidence for its effectiveness and concludes that it is 'a possible way forward'.  相似文献   

就我国目前的社会发展阶段和教育状况而言,素质教育只能是一种神话而非现实。教育改革要想真正取得成效,就必须抛弃道德理想主义的传统,而需要付出一定的代价,需要从当前的社会和教育实际出发。  相似文献   

Recent handbooks of giftedness or expertise propose a plethora of conceptions on the development of excellent performance but, to our knowledge, there are no comparative studies that provide empirical evidence of their validity to guide researchers and practitioners in their adoption of a particular conception. This study sought to close that gap by conducting an empirical comparison of the major approaches to giftedness and expertise currently in use: the IQ model, the performance model, the moderator model, and the systemic model. The four models were tested in a longitudinal study with a sample of N = 350 German students attending university preparatory schools; 25% of the sample had been assigned to special classes for the gifted. The construct and predictive validity of the four models were tested by means of structural equation modeling. Theoretical considerations along with our results indicated a differentiation among the models whereby some could only predict while others could also explain the emergence of excellent performance and thereby yield valuable information for the design of interventions. The empirical comparison of the approaches showed that they were unequally suited for the two challenges. For prediction purposes, the performance approach proved best while, for explanations, the moderator and systemic approaches were the most promising candidates. Even so, the latter did demonstrate conceptual and/or methodological problems. The IQ approach was superseded by the other approaches on both prediction and explanation. Implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The critical question facing school districts today is, “What policies should we pursue to improve both the quality and accessibility of early educational programs for all children?” Toward the goal of maximizing the academic growth and development of all children, this article (1) profiles kindergarten policies and practices currently implemented in district schools, (2) reviews and analyzes the research supporting the major policy alternatives for six common kindergarten and school entry age issues that all school districts must address, and (3) identifies the optimum policy option alternative for each issue based on these analyses. Collectively, the policy alternatives recommended provide a model for early childhood education for schools and districts. These policies define a more developmentally appropriate kindergarten curriculum which should optimize the early learning and future achievement levels of all children.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Teacher evaluation has been used for decades in schools as a human resource management practice to hold teachers accountable and to help them...  相似文献   


This article presents an analysis of patterns of giftedness based on the triarchic theory of intelligence. The analysis distinguishes among seven different patterns of giftedness, each involving a different combination of analytical, creative, and practical abilities. The seven patterns are the Analyzer, the Creator, the Practitioner, the Analytical Creator, the Analytical Practitioner, the Creative Practitioner, and the Consummate Balancer. Examples are given of each pattern and the strengths and weaknesses of each pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

英国现代主义小说鼎盛时期的代表,除了劳伦斯之外,还有堪称意识流小说大师的詹姆斯*乔伊斯.在<尤里西斯>中,乔伊斯除了将意识流手法表现得淋漓尽致外,还超越了时空的限制,把神话与现实、象征与写实之间的关系巧妙地结合在一起.这里另辟蹊径,通过将<尤里西斯>及<奥德赛>的故事情节、框架结构及主要人物加以比较分析,达到揭示这部小说深刻内涵的目的.  相似文献   

澳大利亚戏剧在民族主义运动的驱动下逐步走向本土化,后期的现实主义剧作家在戏剧的题材、内容和语言上都进行了大胆革新,颠覆了陈旧的澳大利亚民族神话,使澳大利亚戏剧真正走进现实生活,为后来的现代主义戏剧的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes.  相似文献   


While the field of gifted education has relied on educational, cognitive, counseling, behavioral, developmental, and social psychology, the domain of depth psychology offers special insights into giftedness, especially with regard to individuation. The notion of passion, or the thorn (J. S. Piirto, 1999, 2002), the incurable mad spot (F. C. Reynolds 1997, 2001), the acorn (J. Hillman, 1996, 1999), the daimon (C. G. Jung, 1965); the importance of integration through the arts and through dreams; the existence of the collective unconscious; the presence of archetypes; and the transcendent psyche—all have resonance with the binary etymological idea of “gift” as both blessing and poison. Depth psychology offers a way of understanding that is physical, psychological, and spiritual.  相似文献   

There is an urgency to improve source use among non-native speakers of English in the globalized era. This review examines problems and causes of second language (L2) English source misuse in the English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environments, and proposes remedies for the problems. Thematic analysis resulted in issues related to L2 English misuse under the categories of (a) source use norms, (b) source use acquisition, and (c) ethical practice in L2 academic writing from 53 empirical studies. Furthermore, nine recommendations for L2 English source use pedagogy were derived to (a) ensure transparency in definitions, guidelines, and expectations, (b) build source use knowledge, and (c) engage L2 English writers in continuous practice and autonomous development of plagiarism avoidance. Finally, the authors provide an inter-relational network among the nine themes as well as suggestions for enhancing L2 source use policies and education among institutions and practitioners aiming to improve source use for L2 English writers.  相似文献   

Science education for the gifted should be modeled upon the professional scientist's approach to solving problems.  相似文献   

郅溥浩所著《神话与现实-<一千零一夜>论》是我国第一部以多层次、多视角研究阿拉伯民间文学《一千零一夜》的专著。作者首先追本溯源,解析《一千零一夜》的成书之谜;其次在国际民间故事研究的宏大视野下,考察其故事母题和故事类型的特点;再用微观求证的方法,以文化参与的开阔视点深入挖掘文本的丰富文化内涵并探究其双重价值取向;最后在宏观的视野下考察其世界地位。  相似文献   

西方对中国的认识始于2 500多年以前,认识的载体是丝绸.丝绸的精美绝伦让西方人对中国的印象好得如同神话一般,对中国的称呼"Seres"亦来源于丝绸.直至6世纪,中国的丝绸技术传到欧洲,西方对中国的认识才逐渐从半空中的神话状态逐渐落实到地面上的现实状态,但依然不甚了了.  相似文献   

The New Universities of the 1960s began as a dream and degenerated into a myth before waking up to reality. The dream was to reform English higher education by example: to recover advanced general education, restore small-group teaching, renew interest in research, introduce cross-disciplinary subjects, and rebuild community in green-field, residential sites. Early euphoria turned to disillusionment, born of unrealistic expectations and student unrest. Finally, they achieved solid institutional success but failed to transform national higher education.  相似文献   

作为一种理念,“教学与科研相统一”从产生之日到今天已逾二百年.时过境迁,它已从一个“永久的原则”逐渐地堕落为一个“过时的信仰”,至多是一个“持久的神话”.但是,为了避免大学危机的真正到来,我们要让神话照进现实,在废墟之上建设未来.  相似文献   

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