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Starting in 2004, a medical school gross anatomy course faced with a 30% cut in hours went through an extensive redesign, which transformed a traditional dissection course into a course with a clinical focus, learning societies, and extensive on‐line learning support. Built into the redesign process was an extensive and ongoing assessment process, which included student focus groups, faculty development, surveys, and examinations. These assessments were used formatively, to enhance the course from year to year, and summatively, to determine how well the course was meeting the new learning objectives. The assessments from focus groups and faculty development prompted changes in support structures provided to students and the training and preparation of faculty. Survey results showed that, after student satisfaction declined the first year, satisfaction increased steadily through the fourth iteration as the course gained acceptance by students and faculty alike. There was a corresponding increase in the performance of students on course examinations. An additional examination given to students one and a half and three years after their anatomy course ended demonstrated the redesigned course's long‐term effectiveness for retaining anatomical knowledge and applying it to clinical cases. Compared to students who took the original course, students who took the shorter, more clinical course performed as well, or better, on each section of the examination. We attribute these positive results to the innovative course design and to the changes made based on our formative assessment program. Anat Sci Educ, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

EuCEENet forms a new basis for communication between European centres of excellence in continuing engineering education. It provides an infrastructure for persons in charge of continuing engineering education within the participating institutions for continuous discussion and cooperation in areas of common interest, to act as access points to continuing engineering education provisions at a European level, and for collaborative European continuing engineering education efforts. The University Extension Centre at Vienna University of Technology established EuCEENet on the basis of standard listserv software provided for EARN. EuCEENet is able to support many activities of its members. Its strength is that participants are connected personally and not only technologically and that they are representing organizations with similar objectives and quality standards so that they can trust each other.  相似文献   

无论是从管理机构还是从办学单位来看,我国的继续教育、成人教育、职业教育及远程教育大都是独立而并存的。本文旨在辨别和分析这四类教育的相互关系及在整个教育体系中的位置。通过文献分析,发现我国对继续教育的对象有五种不同的界定,主要歧义表现在对继续教育学习者的学历要求、职称要求、在职要求的不同。本研究表明,在继续教育对象的界定中包含了成人教育、职业教育、远程教育;在成人教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、职业教育、远程教育;在职业教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、成人教育、远程教育;在远程教育对象的界定中包含了继续教育、成人教育、职业教育。总的来说,这四种教育互相重叠、互相包含。作者认为,这种现状不利于我国发挥优质教育资源共享的优势。作者进而参考国际教育标准分类,并根据我国教育实情,建立了我国教育系统的构想模型:包括两个系列(正规教育和继续教育)、九个层次(从学前教育至博士)、两类对象(全日制学生和在职成人学生)、三种模式(面授教学、远程教学、混合式或整合式教学)。作者最后提出,与知识经济社会相适应的应该是全民化的继续教育,而不再是与工业化社会相适应的精英继续教育。  相似文献   

This paper describes the CAVIS interactive video system. CAVIS is an interactive teaching system that mixes videocassette pictures, text and videotex diagrams and presents these via a single television screen with sound. The student uses a keypad to respond to questions asked via the screen or narrative and, interactively, CAVIS adapts its presentation according to the responses given. Existing learning materials on VHS videocassette can be made interactive by CAVIS and have text and branching video segments integrated with their presentation. Material which has been originated on film, slide and video can be transferred on to the system. Information processing techniques are provided for the teacher to enable the authoring of text and diagrams and the mixing of text, diagrams, videocassette pictures and sound. Student performance and the effectiveness of the teaching materials used are automatically monitored and can be displayed graphically using the colour videotex display. CAVIS was designed to meet certain training needs within BP International. These are discussed along with research relating to its development.  相似文献   

本论述了交互式与适应性多媒体课件制作系统IMCAS的组成及功能。  相似文献   

继续教育构建学习型社会的重要组成部分,已纳入国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要,该文通过Web与App的模式构建了继续教育网络学堂,服务于南京邮电大学继续教育学院,取得了良好的成效。  相似文献   

In order to address the challenges and restrictions given by a traditional classroom lecture environment, the top-down and bottom-up nanotechnology teaching modules were developed, implemented and evaluated. Then based on the hypothesis that instructors could further develop students’ interest in this emerging area through the introduction of the teaching modules and a career module, an early stage evaluation of the effectiveness of the modules in selected engineering courses was conducted. The data suggested that adoption of modular lectures in regular engineering courses influenced attitude towards nanotechnology – overall, the teaching modules did a better job of piquing student's interest (albeit in the short term) in the subject, but there were also positive gains in interest in nanotechnology as a career. There was some evidence that the hands-on demonstration teaching modules with visual elements and the career module were more effective than traditional lecture presentations in the classroom.  相似文献   

成人教育是为受教育程度不同的成人提供不同层次和不同功能教育的总和;广义的继续教育是指在任何教育基础之上的教育,狭义的继续教育主要指受教育者在其初始教育之后所接受的教育;终身教育这个概念则是包括了教育的一切方面,它并不是一个教育体系,而是建立一个体系的全面组织所根据的原则。成人教育、继续教育是两个不同维度的概念,但它们之间也有一定联系,且二者均属于终身教育的范畴。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to design and implement a digital interactive globe system (DIGS), by integrating low-cost equipment to make DIGS cost-effective. DIGS includes a data processing unit, a wireless control unit, an image-capturing unit, a laser emission unit, and a three-dimensional hemispheric body-imaging screen. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the learning effectiveness of our system. A total of 105 junior high-school students from Taiwan participated in this 8-week experiment. The students were divided into three individual groups of 35 students each, with one control group and two experimental groups (EG1 and EG2). The results of one-way mixed design ANOVA indicated that participants in the experimental group, who used the DIGS, outperformed the other two groups, in the post-test as well as in the delayed test. These findings demonstrate that the proposed DIGS can effectively enhance the performance of the learners in an Earth Science course.  相似文献   

教学过程是一个师生互动的过程。"交流互动"是网络教育过程中的重要环节。但是,目前网络教育中缺少教师参与和学习行为评价反馈,交互环节形同虚设。在探究网络教育资源互动现状的基础上,根据交互决定理论,应用Web日志挖掘技术,构建了对网络教学过程中的学习行为和学习行为客体适用性进行评价反馈、智能指导的互动平台,然后详细地论述了该平台的设计原则、功能和关键问题实现方案,期望利用该平台促进网络教育资源应用过程中的交互,确保教与学的整合。  相似文献   

This article provides an account of the design, implementation, and evaluation of an ePortfolio approach to faculty development and performance evaluation at a Canadian post-secondary vocational education institute. The approach was piloted in two phases in 13 departments. Survey and interview data were collected and analyzed to determine adoption, reception by faculty, and impact of the approach on faculty development. While adoption of the approach in the pilots was limited, participants who adopted the approach reported collecting more and different feedback, developing increased awareness of areas for improvement, and planning their professional learning more explicitly. Further studies are needed to determine what design elements of the portfolio optimally support professional development and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

The discourse on the internationalization of higher education emphasizes revenue generation while neglecting other diverse rationales pursued by governments and institutions. For countries that are seeking to venture into a knowledge economy or accrue greater competitive advantages under globalization, many policymakers view cross-border higher education as a platform for developing human talent. In this pursuit, education hubs stand out as large-scale initiatives supported by extensive planning and investment. By comparing the developments of Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong as education hubs, three distinct objectives are apparent: to develop local talent, to attract foreign talent, and to repatriate diasporic talent. Despite the attention directed at the recruitment of international students, developing local talent remains a fundamental goal among education hubs. Talent development includes manpower planning as well as more inclusive provisions that support the diverse interests among local students. On the other hand, education hubs do not share the goals of attracting foreign and repatriating diasporic talent. Contextual factors such as distinct political economies and ethnic sensitivities mediate the recruitment of external talent. Comparing the policy rhetoric of talent development against the realities of implementation reveals sharp misalignment in some cases. More importantly, the political inertia in Singapore and Hong Kong exerts a gravitational pull that is increasingly turning sentiments against some foreign talent.  相似文献   

21世纪,衡量和决定某一个体元素在社会上所处位置的是知识含量和知识层次。知识被视为一种资本。可以产生经济效益和创造财富。现实生活中,知识的出现绝非瞬间,而是源于长期的积累。知识资本的获得需要不断进行继续教育和终身教育来实现。树立知识补充与更新的意识,具备了竞争的基本条件;将这种意识付诸实践,使行为和社会发展同步,则具备了竞争的资本,这是时代发展的客观要求,也是日益激烈的生存竞争的必然要求。  相似文献   

网络思想政治教育的互动过程及其本质特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络思想政治教育中的互动以信息互动为基础,以主客互动为根本,以过程互动为保障。其中,信息互动多样,体现了人机交互模式下思想信息获取与交流的新拓展;主客互动多变,反映了网络时空条件下主客体意识和实践活动的新挑战;过程互动多维,展示了广阔信息环境中教育实施流程的多样式。  相似文献   

All developing countries are committed to use science and technology for the uplift of the economic condition of their population. Although development is a complex multi-variable optimisation process, and application of science and technology is only one of the dominant variables, no sustained economic development is possible without a proper infrastructure of education and training of scientists, technicians and engineers. Building such an infrastructure is beset with numerous difficulties in many developing countries, e.g. unavailability of trained teachers, lack of financial resources for upgrading laboratories and workshops, and making the course curriculum relevant to the needs of the country. In the context of these difficulties, it is suggested that developing countries should take advantage of continuing education programmes to meet their development needs for trained manpower. Updating the competence of teachers of engineering and technology, improving the skills of technicians and engineers in the wake of improved or new technologies and preparing the young engineers and managers for the technologies of the future have been identified as the major CEE needs of developing countries. Rapid development in educational technology tools, e.g. audio/video material, media-packages, programmed learning, computer-assisted instruction has made it possible to cut down the cost of manpower training and also meet the shortage of fully-trained teachers. Brief details of the CEE programmes being run in India are given. International Cooperation in the exchange of learning material including computer software for instruction purposes has been identified as a method to accelerate the growth of CEE movement in developing countries. A few criteria have been specified to ensure that such exchange of material is useful.  相似文献   

Course experience, motivational beliefs, and self-regulated learning strategies may be considered to be important indicators of education quality. Inmates taking education in prison may also experience particular problems related to the learning environment and to their own learning difficulties. The present study investigated the level of these variables and the relationship between them among 534 inmates under education in Norwegian prisons. The results showed that the prison inmates are generally quite satisfied with the education quality, that they are highly motivated, and use appropriate learning strategies. However, many of them experience that problems such as lack of access to computer equipment and the security routines in prison interfere with their education. A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis showed that motivational beliefs were mediators between course experience and self-regulated learning strategies. These findings were discussed with respect to improvement of the education quality in prisons and to theoretical issues with relevance beyond the prison context.  相似文献   

系统学理论是教师教育与基础教育互动模式构建的理论基础。"伙伴合作+协议合作+中介合作"的教师教育与基础教育互动模式的构建,可促使两者深度互动,从全方位进行合作,真正实现共同发展的愿景。教师教育与基础教育互动模式的有效运行,需要建立双向互利的机制、融合互动的文化、完善互动的管理制度等作为保障。  相似文献   

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