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在词发展为有宋“一代之学”,尤其是形成一种婉约风格的过程中,歌妓因其特殊的身份角色、生活方式、演艺才能,曾发挥了较为重要的作用。歌妓引领着放纵娱乐的世俗风尚,具有甜脆圆润水的演唱风格,扮演着词人梦中情人的角色,成为词作反映的主要对象,这几方面共同促使词形成了一种“当行本色”的婉约风格。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether (a) states have altered their definitions and/or eligibility criteria for learning disabilities (LD) since the last review; (b) states have specified-IQ cutoffs below which a child would not be eligible for LD services; (c) the types of methods states use to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy vary; and (d) an increase in the number of children identified as LD is related to the method or criterion used to quantify an ability/achievement discrepancy. States' guidelines and/or information obtained from state directors of special education were analyzed for all states and the District of Columbia. Results of the review revealed that 40% of states had revised their guidelines between 1988 and 1990; 76% of the states specified a method for determining an ability/achievement discrepancy and the method recommended most frequently was the standard score comparison method. No significant differences were obtained between type of discrepancy method employed by a state and its yearly increase in LD. However, a significant relationship existed between magnitude of a state's ability/achievement criterion and its yearly increase in LD from 1987-88 to 1988-89. The review also revealed an increase in the number of states that specified an IQ cutoff below which a student would not qualify for LD services.  相似文献   

Prior research has had a limited approach to identifying organisational factors related to knowledge management (KM) practices of higher education institutions (HEIs), the centre for knowledge creation. This qualitative study explored such factors affecting KM capabilities from the perspectives of 30 full-time academics in public universities, and identified the dimensions of the KM capabilities framework. Results revealed that physical conditions, budget, human and technological resource management, division of labour, workload, time management, communication, bureaucracy, structural differentiation, motivation, individualism, and organisational behaviour affect KM infrastructure capabilities; bureaucracy, KM teams, institutional platforms, organisational structure, knowledge maps, vision, individual attitudes, academic collaboration, process management, budget, decision-making processes, sustainable academic KM, transparency, labour force, knowledge security, organisational culture, accessibility, and archiving affect KM process capabilities. These results contribute to identifying the organisational factors influencing KM that are critical to guiding practitioners and administrators of HEIs in developing more effective KM strategies and practices.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - Reforms in higher education according to new public management (NPM) have led to so-called managerial universities, which place a stronger focus on effectiveness...  相似文献   

音乐剧作为一种集歌、舞、剧为一体的综合舞台艺术,有着独特的艺术魅力和娱乐大众的精神。音乐剧在我国,是一门还处于孕育时期的新兴艺术,有着极为广阔的发展前景。为了探索音乐剧创作的经验,对当代经典音乐剧《猫》中几个重要的组成因素进行分析,发现一部音乐剧的成功首先要以剧本为根本,以音乐为灵魂,以舞蹈为重要表现形式,以舞美为辅助并将他们合理地整合在一起,并通过后期制作和商业运作模式将其推向市场。  相似文献   

声乐艺术是文学语言与音乐语言有机结合的产物,无论是创作、教授和演唱声乐作品,都必须注意到作品的语言与音乐两个部分,在声乐艺术创作中,必须使音乐和语言融为一体.更好地做到字正腔圆,声情并茂.  相似文献   

Using assessment criteria as learning criteria: a case study in psychology   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
In this paper it is argued that the current trend of making assessment criteria more explicit in higher education may have a deleterious effect on students' learning. Helping students to concentrate on assessment criteria paradoxically means that they may take a strategic approach and end up focusing on the superficial aspects of their assessment tasks, rather than engaging in meaningful learning activity. One solution might be to re‐conceptualize assessment criteria as ‘learning criteria’ using Biggs' principle of constructive alignment in curriculum development and delivery. To illustrate how this can work in practice, a case study is presented detailing the development of a counselling psychology module over several years to progressively incorporate a text‐based adaptation of the problem‐based learning approach. Student evaluations of the approach are presented together with some examples of feedback given on students' work to demonstrate the effects on students' understanding and functioning knowledge  相似文献   

Millions of young people who could achieve in mathematics and science are being discouraged or prevented from studying these subjects. Access to jobs, status and power in a high-tech, information economy depends upon mastery of these fields, but erroneous beliefs about aptitude are limiting the options for young women, students of color and students from poverty. Curriculum reform efforts are exciting, much-needed improvements, but the single most important change we need is a national consciousness raising. We should hold high expectations for all students and expect virtually all of them to achieve. Outdated and false notions about which groups possess the aptitude for technical subjects should not be used as barriers to access.  相似文献   

由于重工轻农政策的实施、农民趋利行为的发展、传统农业经营模式的抑制以及农业科技创新体系的不完善等方面的原因,江苏农业科技创新人才培养面临着经费匮乏、本土人力资本薄弱、制度不健全等困境.因此,政府应该在创新人才培养中起主导作用,实施以工哺农、以城带乡的政策,实行农户家庭规模化经营,重视乡土科技创新人才的培养,健全农业科技创新体系,积极引导多方面力量,共同参与农业科技创新人才的培养.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Although a textbook defining the principles of career education was published in Paris as early as 1957, career education did not...  相似文献   

The production of written syntheses, which requires reading various sources and integrating information from these sources into one’s own text, has been characterised as a potentially useful task for promoting constructive learning. This article describes research aimed at examining and characterising written syntheses and the processes involved in producing them. A case study was carried out of 45 students from four different educational levels (ranging from secondary school to university) performing synthesis tasks set by their teachers. An analysis was made of the synthesis tasks set and the syntheses produced, the prototypical procedures carried out at each educational level, and the quality of the written products.  相似文献   

天津市旅游业人才职位与培训关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同的职位需要不同的培训。首先分析天津市旅游业三个业态不同职位员工的人口学特征,然后用百分比形式和相关模型分析职位和培训(次数、内容、意愿、长度)及职称变化的关系,并且分析了学历、性别、岗龄以及在业形式对职位和培训关系的影响,最后得出结论。  相似文献   

教师教育专业发展标准初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师专业发展已成为国际化趋势,但是我国教师职业距真正意义上的教师专业化还有一段路要走。其差距就在于我们没有制定规范的教师专业标准,因此,制定规范的教师专业标准和确定专业自主权是我国教师专业化发展的关键所在。基于教师的职业特征,我们可以明确,教师专业的不可替代性集中体现于教师的专业精神和专业能力,教师专业精神和专业能力是教师专业标准中的核心要素。  相似文献   

连续 《天中学刊》2013,28(1):107-110
把文学与音乐看做一种历时性的叙事过程进行比较,可以发现这两种艺术形式间的异同.文学与音乐的艺术表达都离不开情感,因此文学叙事与音乐叙事有一个共同的目的存在,那就是借助情感体现人类最本源的意志.只是因为文学叙事受理性思维支配,而音乐叙事被感性思维管辖,在表现形式上走出两条不同的道路.  相似文献   

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