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Leon Tikly 《比较教育学》2001,37(2):151-171
The article examines the relevance of existing accounts of globalisation and education for low income, postcolonial countries, with special reference to the education systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Using recent developments in globalisation theory, existing accounts are analysed in relation to their view of the origins, nature and future trajectory of globalisation and the implications for education. It is argued that most of the recent literature deals with Western industrialised countries and the newly industrialised countries of the Pacific Rim and therefore has limited relevance for low income countries. The literature that is concerned with low income countries often lacks a firm theoretical basis and has been limited to a discussion of the impact of economic globalisation on education. Drawing on recent work on the political economy of development and the state in Africa, the article sets out a conceptual framework for understanding various aspects of the education/globalisation relationship in low income, postcolonial countries including economic, political and cultural aspects.  相似文献   

This article sets out to analyse critically the nature of globalisation and how it is affecting higher education. The author first reviews the nature of globalisation, and then examines its international impact on higher education development. He contends that globalisation is predominantly economic, and points out that global exchanges in the economic, cultural and educational domains continue to be unequal. At the same time, education is increasingly treated as a business. By exposing the negative side of globalisation and its effects on universities, the author aims to counter the uncritical acceptance of globalisation as a positive force for higher education and society as a whole.  相似文献   

Globalisation and Higher Education Development: A Critical Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article sets out to analyse critically the nature of globalisation and how it is affecting higher education. The author first reviews the nature of globalisation, and then examines its international impact on higher education development. He contends that globalisation is predominantly economic, and points out that global exchanges in the economic, cultural and educational domains continue to be unequal. At the same time, education is increasingly treated as a business. By exposing the negative side of globalisation and its effects on universities, the author aims to counter the uncritical acceptance of globalisation as a positive force for higher education and society as a whole.  相似文献   

This article analyses and discusses the interplay between the social processes of nationalisation, localisation and globalisation in a single European nation state. The view of nationalisation put forward draws on a national case study based on historical and sociological research findings. The second part of the article presents a case study of the nature of globalisation and localisation in an average Finnish university. The article shows that nationalisation of Finnish higher education has created a cultural understanding of higher education institutions important for competition with other nations. As for localisation, on the one hand higher education institutions support their local communities and provinces to gain social and economic benefits. On the other hand, local communities and provinces support their higher education institutions in the hope of benefiting from them. The case studies also suggest that economic globalisation creates new dynamics within higher education institutions both through strategic alliances between higher education and commercial enterprises and through the emergence of alternative new funding sources for research.  相似文献   

Rui Yang 《Higher Education》2000,39(3):319-337
The phenomena of internationalisation andglobalisation are becoming major domains ofcomparative educational enquiry. The relationshipbetween them has attracted increasing interest. Ideasof globalisation are implemented only under specificinstitutional conditions. Globalisation, which hasraised a range of important issues, offers newpossibilities and raises increasingly complex problemsfor educational researchers and policy-makers. Forexample, the interpenetration of the universal and theparticular is complicated and difficult, while notionsof economic globalisation also increasingly affecteducation. A comparative analysis of thereorganisation of China's higher education in the1950s and 1990s is conducted, to illustrate theemergence of local-global relations; this demonstrateshow universalising tendencies are articulated throughChina's particular framework in developing its highereducation system. It shows that while theglobalisation imperative is being imposed, it may alsocreate opportunities for institutions to resistcertain global trends in favour of local values.Through an illustration of China's struggle toreconcile the local and the global respectively in the1950s and the 1990s, this article stresses thetensions between globalisation andinternationalisation within the process of policyimplementation in China's higher education reforms.  相似文献   

Like Lemke (J Res Sci Teach 38:296–316, 2001), I believe that science education has not looked enough at the impact of the changing theoretical and global landscape by which it is produced and shaped. Lemke makes a sound argument for science education to look beyond its own discourses toward those like cultural studies and politics, and to which I would add globalisation theory and relevant educational studies. Hence, in this study I draw together a range of investigations to argue that globalisation is indeed implicated in the discourses of science education, even if it remains underacknowledged and undertheorized. Establishing this relationship is important because it provides different frames of reference from which to investigate many of science education's current concerns, including those new forces that now have a direct impact on science classrooms. For example, one important question to investigate is the degree to which current science education improvement discourses are the consequences of quality research into science teaching and learning, or represent national and local responses to global economic restructuring and the imperatives of the supranational institutions that are largely beyond the control of science education. Developing globalisation as a theoretical construct to help formulate new questions and methods to examine these questions can provide science education with opportunities to expand the conceptual and analytical frameworks of much of its present and future scholarship. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of technological change and globalising tendencies on the printing industry. These processes of change have important implications for training. The paper uses available case-study evidence on the print industry in the south-west of England, organised mainly within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It takes as its starting point a limited range of the extensive literature on globalisation, and the literature that relates issues of lifelong learning to globalisation. The period since 1997 has seen an increasingly interventionist approach by the UK government to education and training. In addition, there is a strong emphasis on regional policy, with substantial devolution of power to Wales and Scotland, and the setting up of the Regional Development Agencies in England. Within the south-west England print industry, the initiative to rebuild the training infrastructure, especially for SMEs, has been taken by the Graphical Paper and Media Union. It has used money provided by government primarily through the Trade Union Learning Fund to set up training courses in new print technologies for its members and to begin to create a network of learning representatives to encourage and support members to take up these new opportunities. The paper refers to both quantitative and qualitative data on this work, and reflects on its economic, social, and cultural situatedness.  相似文献   

This article engages with the question: what does the internationalisation of higher education in times of globalisation sustain and what should it sustain? We first consider, through literature on globalisation and Stier’s (Glob Soc Educ 2(1):1–28, 2004) work, limitations of currently prevalent perspectives on internationalisation in economic terms. We then offer a brief review of how sustainability is understood in higher education and articulate our own notion of educational sustainability. We flesh it out in reference to data reflecting ideas and activities constitutive of daily practices of internationalisation in one faculty of education. We contend that our sustainability frame of reference can expand opportunities to think critically about internationalisation and, more importantly, offers opportunities to see internationalisation in its complexity, and to re-think and reorder practices that are not in alignment with educational goals and values.  相似文献   

The article presents ten theoretically substantiated ‘theses’ on future education and learning, highlighting emerging trends that will shape educational systems. The focus is on the impact of innovation economy and knowledge society on learning. Specifically, the article elaborates the changing dynamics of production models since the first industrial revolution, arguing that in the last few years we have been in the midst of a globalisation process that is qualitatively different from the earlier ones. This new model has consequences, for example, for skill demands and their regional distribution. More fundamentally, this ‘third globalisation’ makes innovation the key source of economic value, pushing educational systems from adaptive towards creative learning models. In implementing such creative pedagogies, traditional models of innovation become inadequate. The article therefore describes recent developments in innovation research and outlines a new theoretical view on innovation which connects innovation with social change and learning. This ‘downstream’ innovation model highlights the active and creative role of user communities in making innovations real. As the economic and social importance of ‘downstream’ innovation is becoming increasingly visible, educational institutions and learning activity will change. Policymakers will have to answer the question: Why will we need education in the future?  相似文献   

The economic, political and cultural manifestations of globalisation are distinguishable from its underlying causes. The definition of globalisation used in this paper focuses on 'the reduction of obstacles to trade'. A function of both economic policy and technological advance, trade barriers, financial regulations and cross-border communications have been liberalised. These are contributing to change in the composition, control and locus of livelihoods, the skill requirements of livelihoods, and life chances and social mobility of livelihood seekers more generally. Educational qualifications and assessments mediate livelihood creation and livelihood seeking, to different degrees in different contexts. The role of assessment in the certification and selection for jobs interacts with economic globalisation in two main ways. The first is through the impact of globalisation on the composition and volume of livelihoods and the demand of both livelihood creators and livelihood seekers for qualifications. The second is through the reduction of trade and communication barriers on the internationalisation and commercialisation of the assessment and qualification business. The paper concludes with a research agenda that explores these two strands and emphasises the interactions between global, national and local contexts and influences.  相似文献   

Globalisation and education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyses the links between globalisation and education. The growth of the global economy has increased opportunities for those countries with good levels of education, but has made growth more difficult for countries with weak levels of education. Countries with good human resources, high savings and good economic policies (chiefly in East and Southeast Asia) have attracted foreign investment and technology, and have experienced fast growth in exports of manufactures and in output per capita. Developed countries find it increasingly difficult to compete with such economies unless they invest in good education, training and skills, leading to high rates of innovation and productivity. Countries with weak levels of human resources have found it more difficult to succeed—and many, especially in Africa, have experienced falling per capita incomes. Globalisation has made it more difficult to build up educational levels in these countries, as public expenditure has been cut during adjustment. Hence virtuous and vicious cycles of development have emerged, with a good spread of education leading to high growth and generating resources for further development of education and, conversely, countries with poor human resources having low or negative growth and reduced potential for building up their educational systems.  相似文献   

In last few years there has been an increasing amount of attention paid to the concept of ‘globalisation’. A precise definition has yet to emerge but there is some agreement that it involves a worldwide shift in economic operation which is feeding down into a number of social institutions — not least, education. In response, it is often noted that school systems are all following one path.This paper seeks to examine and challenge the ‘one path’. Current conceptualisations do not account for the variety of examples already seen. It is argued that there are four related phenomena which can go under the heading of globalisation: globalisation per se (as a form of colonialism); globalism (a sharing of mental constructs); convergence (following a similar path); and mimicry (joining in hoping to gain benefits).Leaving aside the impact this has on the organisation of education it is argued that it has immediate effect on our conceptualisations of curriculum; the language we use and the conceptions it takes with it can constrain our educational opportunities. This is illustrated with reference to curriculum reform and environmental education in Australia.  相似文献   

高等教育国际化的前景展望:动因与现实   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
作为当今世界不可逆转的趋势,全球化推动了高等教育国际化的进程,促成了高等教育成为国际自由贸易的一个重要组成部分,并使得营利性高等教育部门的影响力不断扩大。由于高等教育的优势资源主要集中在发达国家,少数发达国家主导了高等教育的国际化,并从中获得了大部分的经济利益,而中等收入国家和发展中国家则扮演了高等教育的购买国。最新的研究表明,虽然新的机会和潜在的利益与风险并存,但国际化仍然是未来世界高等教育发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   

Fuelled by forces of globalisation, China has gradually shifted from a centrally planned economy to the ‘socialist market economy’. This study examines changes in Chinese education under globalisation and market economy, focusing on the teaching and living conditions of teachers. The study reveals that the profound transformation of social and economic life has resulted in significant changes to education in China, as manifested in curriculum reform, increased disparity between rural and urban education, marginalisation of minority education and lack of accessible and affordable education for the children of migrant workers. The recent changes have also had tremendous impact on teachers in terms of their workload, payment, wellbeing, social status and teaching and living conditions. The study contextualises the concept of globalisation by examining its impact on China through marketisation and privatisation. Its analysis demonstrates a withdrawal of the state from provision and financing of public education. It also reveals a number of social injustices and inequities whose reduction and elimination require the Chinese government to take immediate and active measures.  相似文献   

There has been enormous growth in English young people's participation in education over the last 20 years, and a commensurate growth in the number and perceived importance of formal diplomas. However, the growth has been uneven. Politicians have embraced a rather simple theory about the link between economic prosperity and education (and the formation of ‘human capital'). As a result they have supported the creation of a large number of new vocational qualifications, and tried to encourage their uptake. The general population, however, has viewed these qualifications as the lemons of the diploma world; a view supported by evidence on earnings and employment, and the economic returns to different qualifications. Rather than taking vocational qualifications, young people and adults have enrolled for university courses in unprecedented numbers, transforming the higher education sector and the role of diplomas in the labour market. Although the ‘diploma disease’ has advanced with respect to numbers of diplomas, and pressure to stay in school, there is little evidence that this has reduced the quality of English education at school level. Moreover, changes in the world economy have reduced opportunities for unskilled workers in the UK, and suggest that longer schooling may be justified on economic grounds.  相似文献   

Educational targeting has become one of the hegemonic mechanisms in the fight against poverty. Both international organisms and developing countries support targeting as one of the best strategies in order to simultaneously guarantee poverty reduction and economic growth, and consequently to tackle the challenges generated by globalisation. The main objective of the article is to point out some of the limits, omissions and opportunities of educational targeting as a priority strategy to fight against poverty. In doing so, it analyses the World Bank’s proposals in education, poverty and targeting and it presents one of the targeting pioneering programmes implemented in Latin America: the Bolsa Escola programme (BE). An analysis of the impacts of the programme is also included. This analysis is based on the results of an intensive qualitiative fieldwork containing more than 80 interviews with mothers and students who benefit from the programme as well as with teaching staff. The analysis demonstrates that although targeting could be a necessary and useful strategy, it is not sufficient either for ensuring school attainment or for reducing poverty.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the economic, social, political and cultural effects of globalisation have been central topics of debate. Those who see globalisation as a combination of economic transactions and worldwide telecommunications tend to believe that its impact is profound, inasmuch as it is fundamentally altering the way in which we live and creating hybrid cultural styles. No country is immune from the effects of globalisation, and controversy continues to reign about its positive and negative consequences. The present study identifies and examines numerous challenges posed by globalisation and their implications for educational restructuring, with special attention being given to new forms of governance; the relation between the state, the market and civil society; and governmental policy instruments for education.  相似文献   

In this article, the implications for globalisation and Post-modernity are assessed in terms of the self-understanding and practice of comparative education, particularly in relation to contemporary theories of the state, and civil society. It is argued that, while globalisation and post-modernity are usually seen as discrete phenomena, each raises complex questions of difference and hybridity, power and collective action, which can no longer be seen in relation to the nation-state alone. Different meanings of globalisation are canvassed, based in part on Sklair's taxonomy, while examples of the impact of globalisation, especially on higher education, are given. The implications of post-modern thought are also analysed, particularly for research and understanding in comparative education. Referring to Putnam's work on civil society, it is argued that both globalisation and post-modernity are linked to changes in the nature of late capitalism, and crises in the modern state. It is finally argued that neither offers much in practice to the much needed renewal of democracy, including in education; indeed that both arguably contribute to a trend towards individualism, and a retreat from democratic engagement and visions of the social good.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the economic, social, political and cultural effects of globalisation have been central topics of debate. Those who see globalisation as a combination of economic transactions and worldwide telecommunications tend to believe that its impact is profound, inasmuch as it is fundamentally altering the way in which we live and creating hybrid cultural styles. No country is immune from the effects of globalisation, and controversy continues to reign about its positive and negative consequences. The present study identifies and examines numerous challenges posed by globalisation and their implications for educational restructuring, with special attention being given to new forms of governance; the relation between the state, the market and civil society; and governmental policy instruments for education.  相似文献   

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