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最高人民法院发布的法发[2010]23号通知规定:被扶养人的生活费计入残疾赔偿金或死亡赔偿金.对“计入”一词应该区别残疾与死亡两种情况作不同的理解.受害人残疾时,“计入”一词应理解为“叠加”;受害人死亡时,“计入”一词应理解为“已经包含”.厘清被扶养人生活费与残疾赔偿金死亡赔偿金的关系后,《侵权责任法》残疾赔偿金死亡赔偿金的应然计算基数应作相应调整,被抚养人生活费的析出制度也理应建立.  相似文献   

违约行为给当事人造成的非财产损害原则上不应纳入违约责任予以赔偿,但基于合同的目的及合同标的物的特殊性,应明确违约非财产损害赔偿的例外规定。  相似文献   

环境影响评价是我国建设项目环境管理的一项基本制度,对控制新污染源起到了积极的作用。我国的环境影响评价制度有其自身的特点,和其他发达国家相比还存在一定的问题,需要今后不断地发展完善。  相似文献   

图书馆员在对待和处理读者污损遗失图书的问题上 ,应以正面引导为主 ,加强思想教育工作 ,同时辅之以必要的经济赔偿  相似文献   

Problem solving is an important yet neglected mathematical skill for students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability (ASD/ID). In addition, the terminology and vocabulary used in mathematical tasks may be unfamiliar to students with ASD/ID. The current study evaluated the effects of modified schema-based instruction (SBI) on the algebra problem solving skills of three middle school students with ASD/ID. Mathematics vocabulary terms were taught using constant time delay. Participants were then taught how to use an iPad that displayed a task analysis with embedded prompts to complete each step of solving the word problems. This study also examined participant’s ability to generalize skills when supports were faded. Results of the multiple probe across participants design showed a functional relation between modified SBI and mathematical problem solving as well as constant time delay and acquisition of mathematics vocabulary terms. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

重新认识教师绩效评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师绩效评价有其特定的内涵,但现实学校管理中人们却把它曲解为“不正确”的教师评价并与发展性教师评价相对立。重新认识教师绩效评价,对于促进教师与学生的发展,实现教师管理科学化意义重大。  相似文献   

Large data sets from a state reading assessment for third and fifth graders were analyzed to examine differential item functioning (DIF), differential distractor functioning (DDF), and differential omission frequency (DOF) between students with particular categories of disabilities (speech/language impairments, learning disabilities, and emotional behavior disorders) and students without disabilities. Multinomial logistic regression was employed to compare response characteristic curves (RCCs) of individual test items. Although no evidence for serious test bias was found for the state assessment examined in this study, the results indicated that students in different disability categories showed different patterns of DIF, DDF, and DOF, and that the use of RCCs helps clarify the implications of DIF and DDF.  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于社会转型期,城市化、工业化、现代化的步伐一天天加快。在这一过程中,产生了一个特殊群体——失地农民。本文论述了失地农民补偿问题的产生、补偿过程中存在的问题以及解决补偿问题的对策。  相似文献   

对纯粹流通费用价值补偿问题,在众多教材中说法不一,进一步弄清楚纯粹流通费用价值补偿问题是教学中的一个十分重要的问题.有的教材对纯粹流通费用价值补偿采取了"作为商品的一种加价,加到商品的售卖价格中去,从售卖价格中得到补偿.";有的教材对纯粹流通费用价值补偿采取了"这种费用必须从剩余产品中得到补偿,对整个资本家来说,是剩余价值或剩余产品的一种扣除."笔者认为对纯粹流通费用价值补偿应该建立在对<资本论>全面理解的基础之上,即后一种观点.  相似文献   

What does dependency reveal about human learning? All humans are dependent, largely because we are variously vulnerable and disabled at more than one stage in our lives. In this paper the subject of dependency is approached largely in the context of our vulnerable and disabled states, including in particular, states of profound disability. The primary contention is that our dependent states should feature in accounts of how we learn, and of relations between learner and teacher, in ways that compare with the attention given to personal autonomy and independence.  相似文献   

Citizenship, Competence and Profound Disability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I argue that reflection on competence and enfranchisement in relation to profound disability forces re-examination of the grounds of citizenship, with implications for theories of distributive justice in education. The primary purpose is less to point up that some people are disenfranchised without injustice; it is more to advance the view that, since enfranchisement is not an option for some profoundly disabled people, we require a conception of citizenship that is more sensitive to their distinctive needs and interests.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on object permanence with an emphasis on research on children with severe disabilities. Object permanence is the realisation that objects continue to exist in time and place even when they are no longer visible. This understanding is achieved across Stages IV(VI of Piaget’s Sensorimotor Period. Children with intellectual disability, physical disabilities, blindness, and autism develop object permanence in a similar sequence although at a slower rate than children without disabilities. Challenges with regulation make it difficult for children with autism to demonstrate object permanence knowledge in Stage VI tasks. There is ample evidence that children with severe disabilities benefit from direct and systematic instruction of object permanence. Assessment‐based instruction, establishment of visual attention, consideration of the characteristics of the object to be hidden (including the impact on differential attention), repeated naming of the object, individually appropriate prompting procedures, and direct reinforcement have been found to support mastery of object permanence in children with disabilities.  相似文献   

利用二级模糊综合评判对委托代理激励问题中代理人的业绩进行评判,在此基础上,考虑同行业其它企业对代理企业业绩的影响,合理确定激励系数,为实践中激励薪酬方案的确定提供了参考.  相似文献   

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