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李建东 《阅读》2011,(12):42
[病号1]Would you like come to my birthday party?[诊断]本句意思为:你想要来参加我的生日聚会吗?包含动词不定式词组would like to do sth.这里的to是不能省掉的。[处方]Would you like to come to my birthday party?[病号2]He isn’t live near Ben.[诊断]本句为一般现在时的否定句,live是行为动词。第三人称单数(简称"三单")否定句需要助动词does再加not;有了助动词does,后  相似文献   

顾范语 《阅读》2015,(14):44-45
Look,I have some pretty little things!I’ll put them in a folding carton.How to make a folding carton?Let me show you!Is it nice?Now I can put my little things in it!Do you like it?Make one for yourself!  相似文献   

周庆宝 《阅读》2013,(9):28
Hello,everyone!我是"can"。我的基本意思是"能;会",表示某人拥有某种能力。我多次出现在故事中,我的本领你们了解么?○故事中询问"你能够做什么?"是这样表达的:What can you do?你能够做什么?○大家能为端午节做的事情真多呀!  相似文献   

My Hobbies     
褚晨瑶 《阅读》2014,(19):44-44
<正>Hi! My name is Chu Chenyao.I’m twelve years old.I live in Fenhu,a small town near Shanghai.I’m a student.I study at Luxu Experimental Primary School.I like English,but I cannot speak English very well.I like watching TV.I often watch TV at weekends.I like watching"Where are you going,Dad?"very much.I like reading,too.I read a nice storybook yesterday.What do you like?Tell me your hobbies please.  相似文献   

阮正军 《阅读》2011,(9):44-45
很多小朋友都喜欢go shopping(购物),今天就让我们来了解一些关于购物的英语吧!一、服务员会很客气地对你说:1Can I help you?/What can I do for you?/What would youlike?您要些什么呢?  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(43):47-47
<正>妈妈:What do you want to make with playdough?孩子:I want to make apples and grapes.妈妈:Then I will make bananas.孩子:Interesting!Let’s play house.妈妈:All right!妈妈:你想用橡皮泥捏什么呢?  相似文献   

允诺 《阅读》2015,(11):47
小朋友们,上学期我们一起学习了能激发创作力的美术英语,这学期,小编老师将带你们一起来了解有益身心健康的身体英语。一起来瞧瞧下面这组日常对话吧!妈妈:Did you enjoy your snack?孩子:Yes,I did.妈妈:Do you want to take a walk to the park with me?孩子:Sure.I would like to jump rope.妈妈:零食好吃吗?孩子:非常好吃。妈妈:你想和我一起去公园散步吗?孩子:好呀。我想跳绳。  相似文献   

盛林 《阅读》2014,(Z6):62-63
<正>小问号同学正在睡梦中,忽然被一阵争吵声惊醒了,还没等他回过神来,就被四个人拉到一边去了。小问号定睛一看,原来是"how"家四兄弟:how often,how long,how far与how soon,他们正在争论谁的作用大呢,都想让小问号做裁判,来评判他们哪个最厉害。首先出场的是how often:我是how often,我的中文翻译是"多久一次",我主要是用来问做某事的频率。人们不管做什么事情,都得先问问我,所以我觉得自己是出场率最高的人,我的作用最大。例如:—How often do you play basketball?你多久打一次篮球?  相似文献   

张玉仙 《阅读》2014,(35):43-43
<正>I have a good friend,who is he?Guess!Books!I like reading books very much.Sometimes I read books in the garden,sometimes I read books under the tree.Different books have different stories.In the book,I see a lot of pictures,people and words.I learn a lot from books.It’s interesting.Do you think so?  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
Hello, boys and girls. We all know summer is coming and days become long and nights become short. It’ssohot!Comeon, baby! I can make you cool. I am white. I am sweet, cool and soft. I live in a colorful paper box. I’m made from milk, chocolate and water. Many children like me very much. But if you eat too much, you will have got a stomachache(肚子疼). Guess! Who am I? Yes, you are very clever. I am an ice cream.★指导老师: 施俊亚 难度系数: ☆☆☆☆Who Am I?$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@仇福燕  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
Hello, boys and girls. We all know summer is coming and days become long and nights become short. It’ssohot!Comeon, baby! I can make you cool. I am white. I am sweet, cool and soft. I live in a colorful paper box. I’m made from milk, chocolate and water. Many children like me very much. But if you eat too much, you will have got a stomachache(肚子疼). Guess! Who am I? Yes, you are very clever. I am an ice cream.★指导老师: 施俊亚 难度系数: ☆☆☆☆Who Am I?$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@仇…  相似文献   

大洋 《阅读》2015,(14):32
幸福是什么,幸福是得到这最后一个香甜的苹果吗?对于这对想要得到苹果的父子来说,摘下这个苹果是困难的,但是爸爸和孩子一起想办法去获得它,这个过程本身才更有乐趣。哪怕在离去之前,他们并没有摘下苹果,这个拼尽全力的过程也让他们收获到满满的幸福。所以,我们也一定要学会坚持,时间会告诉你,你所有的努力都不会白费,坚持到底,你一定会有所收获!  相似文献   

<正>本篇适合:朗读、背诵,拓展知识面Do you know Japanese cartoons?Do you like the beautiful sakura (樱花)and Mount Fuji (富士山)? Well,they are not the only interesting things to see in Japan. Japan is also one of the world’s fairylands.The Ghibli Museum吉卜力美术馆Do you like My Neighbor Totoro (《龙猫》)?Have you seen the Oscar-winning Spirited Away(《千与千寻》)?The Ghibli Museum will show you the world of these amazing cartoons.It builds a fairyland for children and even adults.  相似文献   

小朋友们,大家好,小书虫又与你们见面啦!在前面的故事中,好多小朋友为妈妈们准备了礼物。他们在送礼物的时候是这样表达的:This carnation is for you.这朵康乃馨是给你的。This cake isfor you.这个蛋糕是给你的。This card is for you.这个卡片是给你的。  相似文献   

My Hobby     
钱靓 《阅读》2011,(10):45
Do you know the musical instrument of violin? Do you hear the voice of violin?A violin has four strings, it looks like a guitar.But do not mix it up with (和……混淆) a guitar. A guitar has  相似文献   

Winter is Coming     
Shepherd/  摘编 《阅读》2014,(Z3):56-57
<正>阅读提示:树叶黄了就要掉了,被风吹了找不到了;冬天来了天气凉了,雪花飘飘小动物们害怕了。冬天到底有什么可怕的地方,让他们闻风丧胆呢?读一读,想一想,你一定会忍不住地笑一笑!  相似文献   

史铁生 《阅读》2014,(23):9-10
<正>如果能有一块空地,不论窗前屋后,我想种两棵树:一棵合欢,纪念母亲;一棵海棠,纪念奶奶。奶奶和一棵老海棠树,在我的记忆里不能分开,因为奶奶一生一世都在那棵老海棠树的影子里张望。春天,老海棠树摇动满树繁花,摇落一地雪似的花瓣。奶奶坐在树下糊纸袋,不时地冲我唠叨:"就不说下来帮帮?你那小手儿糊得多快!"我  相似文献   

上课时,如果你有什么问题或请求,先举手(raise yourhand)。■提问题时说:Ihave a question.■回答问题时说:Iknow the answer.■听不懂时说:Ican’tfollow you.■看不见黑板时说:Ican’tread the board.■没有听清楚时说:I begyourpardon.或者:Pardon.■请老师再讲解一遍时说:W ould you please explain itagain?■万一坚持不住要上厕所,怎么办呢?M ay Igo to the bathroom?■It’s time for class.上课了。■Is everyone here?都来了吗?■Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?■Have you worked out the problem?你解出这道题了吗?■Wha…  相似文献   

周晓霞 《阅读》2014,(Z6):66-71
<正>追逐利益的光头强是一名伐木工。一天,他带着李老板的重托来到了风景优美的原始森林里采伐原木,却不料平静的森林中隐藏着两个可怕的对手,他们就是森林的主人:熊兄弟。眼看着森林即将被毁,熊兄弟决定驱逐破坏者,保卫自己的家园。但是,狡猾的光头强可不是那么容易对付的。于是,一场旷日持久的家园保卫战开始了。第一关:选择糖果初来乍到的光头强为了掩饰自己的目的,他在熊兄弟家附近搭建了自己的小木屋。他经常邀请熊兄弟来家里做客,并拿出各种夹心糖果来招待  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is held every four years. The Athens(雅典) 2004 Olympic Games was really a great celebration! Do you know how many gold medals China has got in Athens in the 28th Olympic Games? -- China won 32 gold medals and got the second place among the participant countries!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Let's expect that China will get more medals!Do you know moreabout the Olym picG am es? Send us what-ever you collected.记得给我们来信,分享你的收集成果哦…  相似文献   

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