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We studied 52 parent–child dyads reading an alphabet book to examine the nature of children's miscues and parents' feedback, and whether miscues and feedback were related to each other and to preliteracy skills. Letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and expressive vocabulary were assessed in 5-year-old nonreaders who were also audiotaped reading an alphabet book at home with their parent. Results indicate that after controlling for vocabulary, children with higher phonological awareness more often labeled objects with a name beginning with the page's target letter. Parents provided substantial sustaining feedback after miscues, as though using alphabet books as a way of fostering their child's literacy. Findings highlight the need to consider both the child's skill-base and parent–child interactions to understand the role of alphabet books in literacy development.  相似文献   

亲子阅读对儿童早期阅读能力的发展有着非常重要的影响。通过对30对幼儿与家长亲子共读绘本的现场观察,对亲子绘本阅读活动的现状进行研究。研究发现,家长时提问次数多,质量不高;提问结构单一,缺乏层次性;封闭提问过多,缺乏启发性等。该结果能够为家长改善亲子阅读方式提供可资借鉴的依据。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):127-143
This study investigated factors related to score differences on computerized and paper-and-pencil versions of a series of primary K–3 reading tests. Factors studied included item and student characteristics. The results suggest that the score differences were more related to student than item characteristics. These student characteristics include response style variables, especially omitting, and socioeconomic status as measured by free lunch eligibility. In addition, response style and socioeconomic status appear to be relatively independent factors in the score differences. Variables studied but not found to be related to the format score differences included association of items with a reading passage, item difficulty, and teacher versus computer administration of items. However, because this study is the 1st to study the factors behind these score differences below Grade 3, and because a number of states are increasing computer testing at the primary grades, additional studies are needed to verify the importance of these 2 factors.  相似文献   

Hispanic children are twice as likely as European American children to read below average for grade level. Some of this difference may be related to the home literacy practices children experience. To study this, the school reading achievement of 75 European American and 53 Hispanic second graders was examined in relation to their home reading practices. Results indicate that reading at home, specifically how often children read, with whom they read, and their active initiation of reading, are related to school reading achievement in both groups. These relations were more pronounced for European American boys and Hispanic girls, and fewer relations were found for Hispanic children whose mothers spoke solely Spanish. Results are discussed in relation to home-based opportunities in these two communities for children in the primary grades to develop reading skills.  相似文献   

Hispanic children are twice as likely as European American children to read below average for grade level. Some of this difference may be related to the home literacy practices children experience. To study this, the school reading achievement of 75 European American and 53 Hispanic second graders was examined in relation to their home reading practices. Results indicate that reading at home, specifically how often children read, with whom they read, and their active initiation of reading, are related to school reading achievement in both groups. These relations were more pronounced for European American boys and Hispanic girls, and fewer relations were found for Hispanic children whose mothers spoke solely Spanish. Results are discussed in relation to home-based opportunities in these two communities for children in the primary grades to develop reading skills.  相似文献   

Despite the challenges primary grade teachers face in trying to include play in an already crowded curriculum, play has an important place in reading and writing instruction. Children whose early literacy experiences include pleasurable activities are more motivated to pursue the challenging tasks associated with learning and are more likely to develop a life-long love of reading and writing. In this article, a teacher and a teacher educator make a case for the value of play in early literacy and offer examples of the ways teachers can create more playful phonics, read aloud, and expository writing experiences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the directionality of the relationship between text reading prosody and reading comprehension in the upper grades of primary school. We compared 3 theoretical possibilities: Two unidirectional relations from text reading prosody to reading comprehension and from reading comprehension to text reading prosody and a bidirectional relation between text reading prosody and reading comprehension. Further, we controlled for autoregressive effects and included decoding efficiency as a measure of general reading skill. Participants were 99 Dutch children, followed longitudinally, from 4th to 6th grade. Structural equation modeling showed that the bidirectional relation provided the best fitting model. In 5th grade, text reading prosody was related to prior decoding and reading comprehension, whereas in 6th grade, reading comprehension was related to prior text reading prosody. As such, the results suggest that the relation between text reading prosody and reading comprehension is reciprocal but dependent on grade level.  相似文献   

This study moves beyond previous investigations to examine whether an educational intervention combining shared book reading with a vocabulary game increases children's vocabulary knowledge. Four‐year‐olds (N = 44) were randomly assigned to dyads in either an intervention (shared book reading plus vocabulary review game) or comparison condition (shared book reading, after‐reading vocabulary review, and game that did not teach vocabulary). After two 30‐min sessions, results demonstrated that the intervention condition outperformed the comparison condition on measures of receptive and expressive knowledge of taught vocabulary words. Children in the intervention group who scored the lowest at pretest on the receptive measure saw the most gains in taught word knowledge. Findings suggest that combining vocabulary gameplay with shared book reading improved children's learning of the vocabulary words in comparison to a comparison group.  相似文献   

Many primary grade students are not afforded nonfiction-rich opportunities, with fiction comprising the majority of books read aloud in classrooms. With the Common Core Standards recommending that half of the texts made available to students be nonfiction, educators are increasing their use of informational text. The present study explored the impact of explicitly teaching reading comprehension and vocabulary strategies with nonfiction text compared to fiction text in primary-grade classrooms. Two first-grade (n = 39; 25 male, 14 female) and one second-grade class (n = 20; 13 male, 7 female) participated in the quantitative study that followed a repeated measures design in which the students alternated every 2 weeks between fiction-based instruction and nonfiction-based instruction for a total of 8 weeks. Vocabulary and use of comprehension strategies were assessed at the end of each 2-week period. Overall findings indicated that students were better able to apply the comprehension strategies and define vocabulary following nonfiction-based instruction; they also were more motivated to read informational text. The authors recommend that teachers use more nonfiction texts in the primary grades to support students’ reading comprehension and vocabulary development.  相似文献   


This meta-analysis systematically reviewed the most up-to-date literature to determine the effectiveness of reading interventions on measures of word and pseudoword reading, reading comprehension, and passage fluency, and to determine the role intervention and study variables play in moderating the impacts for students at risk for reading difficulties in Grades 1–3. We used random-effects meta-regression models with robust variance estimates to summarize overall effects and to explore potential moderator effects. Results from a total of 33 rigorous experimental and quasi-experimental studies conducted between 2002 and 2017 that met WWC evidence standards revealed a significant positive effect for reading interventions on reading outcomes, with a mean effect size of 0.39 (SE = .04, p < .001, 95% CI [0.32, 0.46]). Moderator analyses demonstrated that mean effects varied across outcome domains and areas of instruction.  相似文献   

罗蕾 《成才之路》2021,(1):42-43
部分语文教师在整本书阅读指导中只重视课内章节的讲解,忽视全书的把握.针对这种现象,文章以《水浒传》的整本书阅读指导为例,尝试从"人物分析"的视角,探讨如何引导学生全面而立体地感知人物形象、理解人物情感,并以人物经历和情感变化为线索,理清情节发展脉络和故事发展进程,以促进学生文学素养的提高.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined whether the communicative behaviors of preschoolers during shared-reading interactions differ according to child age or parent gender. Twenty Italian preschoolers (from 3.1 to 5.11 years) were observed during book reading with each parent separately. Communicative behaviors were analyzed according to the speech act theory. The findings showed that older children produced significantly more requests with fathers than with mothers but significantly more assertions with mothers than with fathers. Sequential analysis showed that only the fathers' reading utterances were significantly followed by older children's requests. These results suggest that older children adjusted their communicative functions to elicit richer conversations from their fathers. Practice or Policy: These findings have implications for the assessment and support of preschoolers' conversational skills.  相似文献   


The unit of analysis and the unit of measurement in handwriting research are usually topographically defined. We explored the use of a functional response-class definition for the units of analysis and measurement of cursive handwriting. The sensitivity of this functional definition to differentiate easy-to-read from difficult-to-read cursive handwriting was assessed by calculating a percentage of legible letters. The ranges, means, and individual percentages showed (a) no overlap between the categories of easy-to-read or difficult-to-read handwriting and (b) small sample-to-sample variability with the easy-to-read handwriting and larger sample-to-sample variability with the difficult-to-read handwriting. The data are consistent with social validity rankings of the easy-to-read and the difficult-to-read handwriting.  相似文献   

何兰兰  谢华 《林区教学》2022,(4):117-120
思维导图是一种体现发散性思维的教学辅助工具,符合幼儿的思维特点,在幼儿园绘本阅读活动中能帮助幼儿提升阅读能力及阅读兴趣、增强记忆力与表达能力、培养发散思维与想象能力.因此,教师可以通过引导幼儿学导图读绘本选导图绘导图创导图讲导图等方式开展绘本阅读活动,提升幼儿的自主阅读能力和水平.  相似文献   

亲子阅读是培养儿童基本阅读能力、引导他们迈向自主阅读的重要方式。目前,专门针对小学低年级段亲子阅读活动开展研究的比较少。在深入调查小学低年级亲子阅读现状的基础上,文章梳理与剖析了当前亲子阅读存在的一些问题,并提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

Fifteen toddlers (2- to 3-years old, nine boys and six girls) in a university preschool classroom were observed for 7 months while spending time with books during transition time, between story time and lunch. This qualitative case study investigated the ways that teachers can facilitate toddlers’ reading habits by providing literacy opportunities in unstructured learning environments and explored the contexts in which toddlers engage in independent reading activities. The findings of this study show that (1) toddlers can develop literacy through participating in meaning-making activities with peers while reading books together in unstructured environments and (2) toddlers want to read and choose to read in order to satisfy their curiosity, involvement, and social interchange, just as older children do.  相似文献   

整本书阅读是重要的语文课外活动,是《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》的要求,是学生丰富生活、开阔视野、提高阅读能力的重要途径。从读什么、如何指导学生读两个方面提出相关阅读策略。教师应以生为本位,多向学生推荐儿童文学经典作品,推荐与学生心灵世界相契合的书籍,推荐与课堂教学相关的作品,并引导学生快乐阅读。教师还应指导学生习得阅读整本书的预测、联结、提问、评价等策略,全面提升学生阅读整本书的质量。  相似文献   

依据《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》中规定的阅读教学总目标与各年段目标,阐述了人教版小学语文阅读教学目标细化分解策略。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Shared book reading provides opportunities for adults to engage in literacy-related interactions with children in meaningful ways. Research has examined various dimensions of adult and child behavior during shared book-reading interactions with some focus on how book type affects the reading experience. Little research, however, has examined systematically the use of shared book reading in a mathematical context. Thus, the purpose of the study was twofold: (a) to examine the effect of book type on teacher use of mathematical talk during shared book reading in preschool classrooms and (b) to examine the effect of training teachers specifically to use mathematical talk during shared book reading. A multielement design with 2 female preschool teachers who taught in inclusion classrooms in an urban school district was used. Results generally indicated that the use of mathematical storybooks resulted in increased teacher mathematical talk compared to the use of nonmathematical storybooks. Training and instructional supports resulted in an increase in mathematical talk over that achieved by mathematical storybooks alone. Practice or Policy: Because shared book reading is a common practice in preschool classrooms, strategically choosing books to address mathematical skills can increase attention to mathematics throughout daily routines and provide a means of increasing teacher mathematical talk.  相似文献   

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