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Researchers have suggested that questionnaire item sensitivity may be a possible source of response bias in investigations using mail surveys. In conducting job satisfaction studies of faculty members in higher education, investigators have assumed that job satisfaction items are not highly sensitive to faculty members and do not vary in their degree of sensitivity. The purpose of the present research was to assess the degree of sensitivity of various job satisfaction items to faculty members and to identify dimensions of faculty members' sensitivity to these items. Results from a questionnaire returned from 354 faculty members at a large university showed that their sensitivity to job satisfaction items centered primarily in three areas: (1) concern with extrinsic job factors, (2) concern with department head actions, and (3) concern with promotion and salary. On the whole, item sensitivity appeared to be rather low. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study used a questionnaire to determine the effect on job satisfaction of the similarity in philosophic view between faculty members (N=198) and their department chairperson (N=30) in four-year colleges and universities in the Midwest. On the basis of the data collected in this study no relationship was found between level of job satisfaction and similarity in philosophic view between the faculty members and the department chairperson of an academic department.  相似文献   

This study tests a model of predicting faculty success in the different fields of chemistry, physics, sociology, and political science. The main hypotheses tested and confirmed are:
  1. In a field with a low technological development, professional age is more important in predicting faculty success than in a field with a high technological development.
  2. In a field with a high technological development, articles are more important in predicting faculty success than in a field with a low technological development.
  3. In a field with a low technological development, books are more important in predicting faculty success than in a field with a high technological development.
These hypotheses are tested separately for the tenured and the nontenured faculty groups. The policy implications of this model in regard to the management of graduate departments have been discussed and explored.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,查阅相关资料,了解上海市高校专职辅导员目前的工作满意度状况,从自我认同、社会认同、工作环境、工作效果四个维度,对不同性别、不同年龄、不同工作年限、带班学生人数不同进行调查分析。结果显示:辅导员总体满意度较高,但在各维度上的表现却有较大不同。不同性别的辅导员在工作环境、总体满足感上呈显著差异;不同年龄的辅导员社会认同呈显著性差异;带班学生人数差异,工作满意度在社会认同、工作环境、工作效果及总体满足感上均存在非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between some facets of organizational climate in university departments and faculty attitudes toward various aspects of faculty unionization. The dimensions of organizational climate explored are: the perceived power structure, assessment of rewards, and perceived organizational goals. The major findings of this study are: (a) The perceived power structure is an important determinant of attitudes toward an egalitarian system, especially in the social sciences. Perceived individual power is negatively related to egalitarian attitude in the physical sciences whereas perceived faculty group power is negatively related to favorable attitudes toward collective bargaining in the social sciences. (b) Perceived emphasis on consulting activities is positively related to attitudes toward seniority-based aspects of collective bargaining in the physical sciences while perceived emphasis on personal factors is positively related to all aspects of attitude toward collective bargaining in the social sciences. (c) Inequity is positively related to attitudes toward unionization both in the physical and social sciences. The policy implications of these findings to faculty and university administration are discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese higher education is undergoing fundamental changes to meet the demand of producing high quantity and quality college students. These changes have significantly impacted the work lives of Chinese faculty members. This study investigated Chinese young faculty's job perceptions using four variables: intrinsic motivation, job burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover. The findings revealed that surveyed faculties had high intrinsic motivation, relatively high professional efficacy, and low turnover. However, they showed job burnout as indicated by emotional exhaustion and they demonstrated moderate intrinsic satisfaction and low extrinsic satisfaction. The study proposed that a healthy academic environment is needed for sustainable scholarship development.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine how job resources, demands, and self-efficacy affect American STEM teachers' job satisfaction by analyzing the US TALIS 2018 data. Multiple regression and commonality analysis were used to analyze factors' significant contributions and their detailed real unique and common contributions to STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The results show that the final model explains 29.6% of the variances of STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The commonality analysis further showed that job resources, job demands, and job self-efficacy explained 23.5%, 8.6%, and 8.0% of variances of job satisfaction, respectively. However, these factor sets uniquely contributed 15.9%, 2.9%, and 2.1% of the variance, separately. This study confirms the validity of the revised job demands−resources model for STEM teachers' job satisfaction. Furthermore, the commonality analysis reveals the unique and independent contributions of job demands, resources, and self-efficacy to job satisfaction. Results from the research identified the significance of job resources contributing to the improvement of STEM teachers' job satisfaction.  相似文献   


Obtaining a tertiary degree no longer guarantees entry to the best occupational positions in today’s labour market. Success is no longer about ‘more’ education, but about ‘better’ education for university graduates. This study aims to understand whether university prestige in Korea accounts for occupational outcomes in both monetary and non-monetary aspects, such as salaries and job satisfaction. The study particularly focuses on the way different levels of university prestige are affected by gender. The fourth wave data from the Korean Education and Employment Panel were used, providing information from the results of a panel survey of university graduates in terms of their social and academic background and job employment status. Results show that university prestige continues to matters in occupational outcomes in particular, for wage, but it is not significant for job satisfaction. The effect is more significant among male graduates than among female graduates.  相似文献   

工作满意度与每一个有能力从事工作的人以及每一个组织都息息相关。基于国内外文献,从教师工作满意度结构、影响因素、变量关系、工作满意度状况等角度进行综述,并探讨教师工作满意度进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

河南省高校教师工作满意度现状及其对策研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本研究将以问卷和访谈相结合的调查方式,并从当前的现实出发,假设影响高校教师工作满意的主要因素,然后从河南省有代表性的高校进行抽样验证,获取河南省高校教师工作满意度现状并寻求积极的对策。  相似文献   

The Nigerian tertiary educational system has been ravaged by incessant strike action, which appears to defy all attempts to find solutions. This paper reports on a study that examines the impact of job satisfaction and burnout on attitudes towards strike actions among employees of a Nigerian university. A total of 576 employees participated in the study, 263 men and 313 women, with a mean age of 38.49 years. The Attitude to Strike Scale, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form, and Teacher’s Burnout Scale were used to collect data. Findings showed that employees with low job satisfaction and high burnout reported significantly a more positive attitude towards strike action than those with higher job satisfaction and lower burnout. It was suggested that governments and administrators of Nigerian tertiary institutions should device strategies to improve workers’ job satisfaction and reduce burnout as ways of reducing the workers’ likelihood to embark on strike actions.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the limited literature on teacher job satisfaction in developing countries, especially in Cyprus. Drawing on interviews with 52 teachers and administrators in 17 schools, the paper describes the sources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Cypriot teachers and the impact on how teachers feel. Teachers emphasised their satisfaction with interactions with students, relationships held with colleagues and opportunities to contribute to the growth of individuals and the development of society. Sources of dissatisfaction were social problems and their impact on teachers' work, students' lack of interest and bad behaviour, the centralised educational system and the lack of professional autonomy in schools, and teacher evaluation and promotion prospects. Some of the factors are predictable but others are less so, having to do with the particular historical and social context in Cyprus. The context of a developing country is especially considered in an effort to explore how education officials may address issues of teacher satisfaction and dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

This research analyzed faculty evaluations of college presidents' role performance with the intent of identifying underlying dimensions and to ask further which dimensions predicted faculty satisfaction with presidents. Data were gathered from 896 faculty members from two technical colleges, three community colleges, two private universities and three public universities in a Western state. The factor analysis revealed three relatively independent dimensions of the presidential role: personal-public image, faculty and student interaction with presidents, and absence of autocratic leadership style. The personal-public image was the most important dimension and predicted faculty satisfaction across the four types of institutions of higher learning. Faculty-student interaction with the president, while not as important a dimension of the presidential role, predicted faculty satisfaction in three institutional types, but not in public universities. The absence of autocratic leadership style predicted satisfaction in community and technical colleges.  相似文献   

导游工作满意度综合反映了导游对自身工作的认同情况,是影响导游工作者离职率的重要因素。在借鉴相关研究的基础上,通过设计量表,以实地调查为依据,用SPSS16.0做因子分析得出影响导游工作满意度的七大因子是工作感知、旅行社的鼓励措施、稳定保障、工作环境、报酬认可、出团工作压力、社会评价;得出导游对所从事的工作的满意度综合得分仅有44.5分;分析了不同社会人口学特征的导游群体的工作满意度差异情况。该研究结果有利于找出提高导游工作满意度的实施方案,从而更好地为旅游业服务。  相似文献   

Faculty satisfaction is considered an important factor of quality in online courses. A study was conducted to identify and confirm factors affecting the satisfaction of online faculty at a small research university, and to develop and validate an instrument that can be used to measure perceived faculty satisfaction in the context of the online learning environment. The online faculty satisfaction survey (OFSS) was developed and administered to all instructors who had taught an online course in fall 2007 or spring 2008 at a small research university in the USA. One hundred and two individuals completed the web‐based questionnaire. Results confirm that three factors affect satisfaction of faculty in the online environment: student‐related, instructor‐related, and institution‐related factors.  相似文献   

The Herzberg two-factor theory separates job satisfaction and dissatisfaction by postulating that satisfaction is related to intrinsic factors or motivators, while dissatisfaction results from extrinsic factors or hygienes. Using the critical incident method, 222 community college instructors from twelve colleges were asked to relate aspects of their work that led them to feel satisfied and aspects that led them toward feelings of dissatisfaction. More than two-thirds of the group indicated that they gained satisfaction from student learning or from interaction with students, and nearly two-thirds related administrative, collegial, and/or organizational difficulties as leading to dissatisfaction. The two-factor theory was supported. Implications for collective bargaining, administrative action, and faculty professionalism are noted.  相似文献   

Traditionally, education has been perceived as a most serious and disciplined undertaking. Schools have become so obsessed with discipline, standardized test scores, proper objectives, competence, and proficiency that they have turned into rather grim places. All too often teachers and students will say that school and learning are not enjoyable. This study was designed to investigate school principals’ overall frequency of humor use as perceived by teachers, and the relationship of principals’ humor use to teachers’ job satisfaction. This study also analyzed how teacher job satisfaction was influenced by principals’ frequency of humor use in different groups. Results of this study support the idea that principals who share humor in the workplace have teachers with higher job satisfaction than those principals who share very little or no humor in the workplace.  相似文献   

通过在成都、广州、深圳一些企业的实证研究,探讨组织承诺、工作满意度与关系绩效之间的关系,发现组织承诺三维度、工作满意度五维度与关系绩效两维度之间几乎都具有非常显著的相关关系;但是将工作满意度和组织承诺作为关系绩效的预测变量时,发现二者的因果关系非常不显著,因此推测工作满意度、组织承诺可能是关系绩效的前因中介变量或者调节变量。  相似文献   

目的:高校辅导员工作满意度情况直接影响其工作的投入和高校学生工作情况。方法:采用MSQ对广东省内五所高校的辅导员共500人进行问卷调查。结果:(1)广东高校辅导员工作满意度总分为70.13。(2)外源性工作满意度得分较内源性工作满意度高。(3)性别、学历因素和内源性、外源性工作满意度均存在显著性相关。  相似文献   

Teacher shortages are a recurring problem in publicly funded schools, in part because of poor retention. Working conditions in schools are an important predictor of teacher job satisfaction and retention, yet research has so far made limited headway in identifying the specific aspects of the working environment which matter. This research uses representative data on state secondary school teachers in England in 2013 to derive an unusually rich set of working conditions variables. Regression analysis is used to model the relationships between working conditions, teacher job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The results show strong associations with the nature of school leadership, whether teachers have received training in the specific subjects they are assigned to teach and scope for career progression within the school. These results are robust to checks for common source bias. The study identifies ways in which schools can improve retention.  相似文献   

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