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This article reports findings from a study of preservice mathematics teacher education students and their beliefs about and experiences with students in an urban high school. The preservice teacher education students participated as mentors to a group of peer tutors in a mathematics tutoring program. Data collected from questionnaires and interviews reveal that the mentors had varied perceptions of tutoring program participants’ motivation, interest, and knowledge of mathematics. Mentors held varied perceptions of urban schools and what teaching mathematics in urban settings entails. Further, mentors reported that their work in the tutoring program had an impact on their strategies and plans for future mathematics teaching. Erica N. Walker is Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology and Research Fellow at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,知识的更新和当前中职学校的教育教学新特点的要求,中职教师必须加强继续教育学习。本文对当前中职学校开展教师继续教育的必要性和实施措施做出了探讨。  相似文献   

Voltz  Deborah L. 《The Urban Review》1998,30(3):211-228
The study described in this paper was designed to investigate the perspectives of principals and teachers in urban schools across the country in regard to challenges in urban teaching. The perceptions of these educators were investigated regarding (1) the extent to which challenges commonly cited in the literature on urban teaching were evident at their schools; (2) the extent to which school personnel have the power to favorably influence challenge areas; and (3) the potential for success of promising practices commonly cited in the literature on urban teaching.  相似文献   

The author explores an assumption evident in the literature that “most” college instructors grade participation in undergraduate courses. Instructors (N = 521) at a large, northeastern university were surveyed regarding their attitudes and practices in grading participation in undergraduate courses. A survey instrument was developed for the purpose of this study and subjected to principal components analysis. This instrument yielded seven subscales of acceptable reliability (Cronbach's alpha ≥ .70), three of which are the focus of this article. Results suggest that the majority of instructors across disciplines do incorporate a “participation” factor into students’ final course grades. Course level is not a significant correlate, but some differences may be observed by discipline. Underlying instructor beliefs are examined, and implications and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

It is International Education Week in the United States,a time to think about and celebrate international education and exchange.The special week is a project of the State Department and the Department of Education. Officials of these agencies say Americans need to leam more about the world outside  相似文献   

我国小学德育课程的主要问题是德育实效性差,其中主要原因在于德育研究缺乏实践关怀。针对这种现状,通过实践访谈和调查,了解一线教师对目前小学德育课程的态度与认识,揭示存在的问题,为小学德育课程的建构提供一种新的思路与方向。  相似文献   

小学教师角色定位存在着“全科”和“专科”之争。从全人教育视角来看,小学教师承担班级管理、知识传授、资源协调、教育研究、健康促进等多重任务,故其定位应落脚在全科教师,即“素质全面、业务见长”,但其内涵应因地域、学段和学科不同而有所侧重。小学全科教师基本素养体现为个性与品格的童心性和师德性、知识与能力的综合性和融通性、成长与发展的实践性和创新性。  相似文献   

特殊教育教师的专业化水平直接关系到特殊儿童受教育的质量问题。从学校的实际出发,依托学校自身的资源优势和特色开展教育培训是促进特殊教育学校教师专业化发展的主要渠道。学校是教师发展的基地,教师是主体,只有立足学校,关注教师,才能不断提升教师的专业能力。  相似文献   

继续教育是教师职业走向专业化的重要途径之一。素质教育的实施、基础教育新课程的实验推广以及教育技术手段的现代化、教学形式的多元重组等给教师提出了新的更高的要求的同时,也给培训院校带来新的办学空间和教育任务。针对我校高中教师继续教育实施运行的诸要素,通过“问卷”和“座谈交流”等形式进行了全方位的调查与分析,得出了继续教育的若干结论和建议。  相似文献   


In response to the increasing number of Spanish-speaking students at public schools, Spanish-speaking teachers are in demand. In regards to this high demand, how are Latina/o bilingual education teachers treated at school? Using critical race theory's counter-stories, this study investigated the working conditions of two Latina bilingual teachers. The participants’ stories reveal that the schools found the participants’ language skills to be both financially and instructionally beneficial. However, the participants experienced heavy workloads, which did not offer them the time and opportunity to develop stronger professional networks at school. They began to feel isolated and marginalized from their colleagues. Although eagerly hired by their respective school administrators, it seems that the participants were systematically exploited by the schools for which they worked.  相似文献   


Physical education teachers face considerable sociopolitical challenges that can impede quality instruction and complicate recruitment into the profession. Physical education teacher education faculty members may not be prepared to address these challenges during their doctoral education. Accordingly, the purpose of the paper was to utilize the lessons learned from occupational socialization research to propose competencies that can be integrated into doctoral education to help future faculty members integrate sociopolitical learning into physical education teacher education. These include: (a) understanding socialization literature and the implications for teacher education, (b) helping doctoral students understand their own prior socialization experiences, (c) recruiting highly qualified preservice teachers, (d) helping preservice teachers question their subjective theories, (e) developing and coordinating field experiences, and (f) preparing preservice teachers for the sociopolitical realities of schools. These competencies align with the proposed addition of a new standard for initial teacher education that addresses sociopolitical learning.  相似文献   

美国中小学的国际教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际教育在美国引起广泛关注。文章介绍了美国中小学实施国际教育的原因、国际教育在州和学校层面开展的政策与实践,同时也指出国际教育目前仍面临的问题。美国国际教育的开展对我国中小学课程和教学改革能够提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

我国中小学教师继续教育在改革探索中,不断完善和优化,取得了骄人的成绩;但尚有不尽如人意之处,如,动机上,缺乏自主性;内容上,缺乏整合性;方法上,缺乏反思性;对象上,缺乏针对性;形式上,缺乏实在性;后续工作上,缺乏实效性。影响着继续教育的质量,这些地方也是我们改革的着眼点。  相似文献   

Similar to other teacher education disciplines, Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) must adjust to calls for clinically rich teacher preparation because knowledge learned in PETE does not easily transfer to cultures of schools, classrooms, and gymnasia. Opportunity exists to understand more about clinically rich PETE courses, particularly through lenses of those engaged in clinical practice. Framed by occupational socialization theory, this research examined perspectives of university faculty, 11 preservice teachers and two cooperating teachers during clinically rich methods courses in a PETE program. We analyzed data using inductive analysis and constant comparison. Preservice teachers reported enjoying more realistic experiences and enhanced confidence. Cooperating teachers appreciated staying in touch with best practices in the field, and the responsibility of preparing new teachers. The findings suggest the value of a practice-to-theory approach, and created professional learning opportunities for all stakeholders.  相似文献   

现代远程教育是指通过音频、视频(直播或录像)及包括实时和非实时在内的计算机技术把课程传送到校园外的教育.它以网络为载体,学习者不管是什么时间,什么地点,只要身边有一台可以上网的电脑,就可以进行学习.  相似文献   

提升教育理念、促进专业发展、提高教师业务水平的中学教师继续教育,对于中学教师来说是十分必要的,但目前的中学教师继续教育普遍存在着实效性不强等问题.文章对目前中学计算机教师继续教育存在的问题进行了总结,并在此基础上就提高继续教育的实效性提出了一些对策.  相似文献   

根据《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》和教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》精神,教育部制定了《全日制义务教育物理课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》)。为了广大读者理解《标准》本质,本刊将逐步介绍《标准》制定的背景与思路、内容标准、实施方案以及基于《标准》编写的有关教材等。本文将介绍国际科学教育改革的主要趋势,其它有关讨论将在本刊不同期另文介绍。  相似文献   

网络环境下的校本研修在普教系统已开展多年,而且取得了一定成果。但在电大系统并未受到足够重视。在分析梳理已有成果的基础上,从学习、教学、科研等角度,探究电大教师网络校本研修的途径,为促进电大教师专业发展、提升综合素质、提高电大教学质量提供行动指南。  相似文献   

教师是实现基础教育公平的关键因素。继续教育是提高农村中小学教师素质的重要举措,也是实现基础教育公平的重要手段。目前农村中小学教师的继续教育并不尽如人意,采取积极措施切实加强农村中小学教师继续教育、提高继续教育质量是缩小城乡差距、实现基础教育公平的当务之急。  相似文献   

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