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来华留学生辅导员文化身份在多元文化教育场域中凸显,是帮助来华留学生融入中国高校生活、实现对话交流、塑造知华友华爱华文化品格的重要载体。来华留学生辅导员文化身份认同在自我构建与他者投射中镜像生成,于差异性与同一性中链接文化意义,从遮蔽向去弊转化中回归教育本分。对此,从文化自信视域出发,针对来华留学生辅导员文化身份提出从自我建构和他者认同着手,围绕“认同情感、认同场域、自我形象、育人共同体”发力,提升来华留学生辅导员自我归属感,增强认同感,进而引导学生学习中华文化、涵养文化精神。  相似文献   

20世纪六七十年代的台湾留学生“自愿放逐”到美国,其不同群像的呈现,除却中西方文化质的差异这个客观原因外,一个重要的原因就是留学生的主观选择。面对双元文化的冲击,留学生在;中突中产生了文化认同危机,对自己的文化身份进行了重新审视。留学生在身处异质文化重构自我的过程中,做出了不同的人生抉择。  相似文献   

对《围城》的研究重点之一是其文化批判主题。本文聚焦于留学生的文化身份认同问题,运用身份认同、跨文化身份和反向文化冲击等相关理论,分析了《围城》在以下几方面针对此问题开展的文化批判,包括:留学生畸形的身份认同、病态的人物形象和扭曲的生存环境,通过剖析正反人物的成败事例指出:社会文化环境是各类问题的根源。在留学热愈演愈烈的今天,重温钱钟书先生的批判能够让我们保持警醒,避免在留学生文化和整个中国现代文化中重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育国际化的快速发展,来华留学生的数量也不断增加,然而高校中留学生普遍存在跨文化交际困境.基于身份管理理论,以浙江大学为例,深入分析了在华高校留学生群体跨文化交际的身份管理特征,通过质性研究的三角测量法从中外双方学生的视角分析中外学生跨文化交际困境的原因,研究发现,在不同交往阶段影响跨文化交际的因素是不同的,主要影响因素分别是身份冻结与差异化管理、关系身份与文化身份的平衡以及社会隔离和关系身份认同.对于如何有效解决留学生的跨文化交际障碍,提出了可行的建议,包括通过成立留学生"学长辅导计划"、跨文化交际培训时注重双方关系身份认同、丰富学生的跨文化实践来解决这一困境.  相似文献   

跨文化交际中的文化移情过程可以说是文化不断解构和建构的过程。交际主体在跨文化交际中以"他者"视角重新审视自我文化,打破原有文化思维模式,对自我文化进行一定程度的"解构",同时逐渐消除排斥性认同,吸纳他文化中的新文化元素,对自我文化做系统性文化调整,以实现自我文化的"重构"。这是跨文化移情的过程,也是文化不断更新和发展的过程。  相似文献   

岗位设置管理对于深化高职院校人事体制改革具有深刻意义,高职院校基层管理人员在岗位设置管理改革后出现了深度的身份认同危机和专业化发展焦虑。岗位设置管理后,管理人员自我身份认同和他我身份认同发生嬗变,在晋升空间、考核管理、工作条件、激励措施和自我期望等方面遭遇多重困境。高职院校管理人员要走专业化发展道路,必须在自我概念、自我效能感和自我期望三个维度进行自我身份重构,在政府政策和高职院校内部两个层面的他我身份重构。  相似文献   

笔者通过问卷和访谈的研究方法对广西东盟留学生在日常生活、学习、社会交际等方面的跨文化适应现状进行了调查分析,发现东盟留学生在跨文化适应过程中常遇到以下四个方面的障碍:个体因素、社会环境、语言障碍、原有的文化身份认同,并针对这些问题提出合理化建议。研究结果有助于对东盟留学生在华跨文化适应现状的了解和促进广西留学生教育的良性发展。  相似文献   

饮食书写是理解《燕食记》的重要维度,小说借粤港点心和上海本帮菜美食传承的故事,展现了葛亮对于当代城市移居者的身份认同问题的思考,并揭示出一种现代的“多元”身份认同观。南京和香港的多重文化体验让葛亮深入思考文化身份认同问题,进而他在《燕食记》中呈现了两种不同的身份追寻方式:戴明义和荣贻生等老辈移居者坚持“单一”身份认同观,试图以“怀念故乡”与“持守本土”的传统方式来固化自我身份;而新一代“香港人”陈五举秉持的则是一种现代的“多元”身份认同观,尝试在文化的对话与交融中调试和重构自我身份。显然,葛亮赞同后者,外来移居者不应该只局限于“异乡人”与“香港人”之间的身份辨析,将自我定位于某一种身份,而应在承认“多元”身份的同时促进跨文化交流真正走向多元化。葛亮借助饮食书写完成了对外来移居者的文化身份的追寻与确认过程。  相似文献   

文化认同是近年来文学、翻译、跨文化交际和应用语言学等学科密切关注的一个课题。目前,外语界对文化认同探讨最多的当属文化身份和自我认同。为减小英美文化对中国大学生的负面影响,可适当缩短英语学习年限,在大学英语教学中批判性地导入英美文化,引入中国文化并注意对中西文化进行比较。  相似文献   

乡村教师的身份认同,关系到乡村师资队伍建设和乡村教育高质量发展。而身份认同的构建需要真正触及人的精神文化层面,故有必要从文化的角度审视教师的身份认同问题。文化学的视角下,乡村教师的身份认同是自我认同、社会认同与价值认同三重属性的统一。而在追求现代化的进程中,基于现代性与传统性的矛盾,乡村教师身份认同会遭遇城乡二元的文化区隔,相应体现在物质文化抵牾下自我认同空心、制度文化失序下职业认同模糊以及多元文化冲突下价值认同迷失。本文以为,突破此困境的路径有三个层面:在以文化自觉作为乡村教师身份认同的文化导引下,以物质文化的交融来实现自我认同的内洽,以制度文化的归正来解蔽教师职业认同,以精神文化的协调共生来激发价值认同的引领作用。  相似文献   

International cultural immersion provides an in vivo, authentic, cross-cultural experience that can enhance multicultural awareness, knowledge and skills. This article examines the impact of an international immersion on graduate counseling students’ cultural self-awareness using a qualitative approach. Five graduate counseling students participated in a 3-week study abroad in Belize where they interacted with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds and settings. Four major cultural self-awareness themes emerged from the analysis of participants’ journals, (a) discrimination and prejudice, (b) cultural pride and appreciation, (c) cultural sensitivity, and (d) self-awareness. The findings are presented along with implications for future research and the use of international immersion as a viable experiential teaching strategy to enhance counseling students’ cultural self-awareness.  相似文献   

通过对上海中心2009年春季游学项目中开展的课堂教学与文化体验活动对于提高留学生跨文化敏感度的实证研究得出,有些留学生对文化差异的认识存在分歧,也有部分留学生对深层次的文化差异趋向认同;留学生在一定程度上有选择性地、有针对性地参加汉语文化体验活动有助于提高其跨文化敏感度;文化体验活动设计要注重培养留学生的交际信心,形成用汉语进行传递信息和交流情感的学习动机,进而提高其跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

This narrative study explores four Chinese students’ academic socialization experiences in one research-intensive public university in the US. By drawing upon Wenger’s (1998) communities of practice and Gee’s (2000) theorizing on identity as the synthesized theoretical framework, this research uncovers four Chinese students’ academic socialization stories nestled in the shifting cross-cultural landscape. Meanwhile, this study reveals that the Chinese students’ academic socialization intersects a matrix of factors, which can be categorized into “personal landscape” and “professional landscape.” Last, this narrative case study concluded that the Chinese students’ academic socialization involves the continuous negotiations of their multiple identities embedded in the cross-cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of academic identity construction experienced by a Chinese PhD student in an Australian university from 2010 to 2014. The researcher draws on his diaries written in Australia and uses some stories of the relationships with his supervisors and other scholars to unfold the process of his academic identity construction in a host academic community. Two years on, the researcher reflects on the challenges confronted during his candidature, exploring the Australian PhD education system from within. This study will help educators and supervisors to understand an international higher degree research student’s gradual academic identity construction as a cultural Other in the context of globalized higher education systems, and it will contribute to the mutual understanding between supervisors and international research students, as well as supervisors’ professional supervision in a globalized higher education context.  相似文献   

This study explored the cross-cultural applicability of the Sense of Self (SOS) Scale in the Hong Kong Chinese cultural context. The SOS Scale is a 26-item questionnaire designed to measure students?? sense of purpose, self-reliance, and self-concept in school. Six hundred ninety-seven Hong Kong Chinese high school students participated in the study. Both within-network and between-network approaches to construct validation were adopted. Responses to this questionnaire are shown to have good internal consistency reliability, and support is provided for its construct validity in terms of its factorial structure and correlations with other educational outcomes such as learning strategies. In addition, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis also indicated invariance of the instrument across males and females, across students of different year levels, and across students from different types of school. Implications for cross-cultural research are discussed.  相似文献   

文化适应问题研究:西方的理论与模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球化进程在20世纪下半期的深化与扩展以及人们跨国及跨地区流动的增加,文化适应问题得到了西方研究者广泛的关注和研究。至今人们已提出了多个不同的文化适应理论和模型,其中影响比较深远的有:Berry的"跨文化适应模型",它区分了文化适应的四种不同类型;Ward的"文化适应过程模型",它描述了文化适应的过程及社会心理层面上的影响因素;还有Danckwortt的"对陌生文化的适应理论",它全面总结并分析了文化适应的特点、领域、过程和阶段。批判地借鉴和发展这三个理论与模型对于推进我国对留学生和少数民族学生的文化适应问题的研究以及本土化文化适应理论的构建,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia gender segregation is a cultural practice that occurs across all public and private domains. This segregation has shaped the lives of Saudi citizens and is driven socially through cultural and religious discourses and politically through regulation and policy. For Saudi students undertaking their education in western countries, the transitioning experience can be challenging. This paper draws on research conducted in Australia that has attempted to explore and understand this transitioning experience. The aim of the study was to highlight the dialectical relationship between participants’ cultural identity and the acculturation experience of cross-cultural contact. The findings indicate that Saudi students’ cultural identity has a significant influence on the experience of being in a mixed-gender environment. Findings also suggest a relationship between current experience and cultural identity. Drawing on in-depth interviews, the paper provides context to help understand the transitioning experience of Saudi students.  相似文献   

本研究随机选取东肯塔基大学、爱荷华大学、杭州师范大学、新疆大学等多所高校的1071名大学生,比较中美大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量的差异,探究大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量间的关系,研究表明:第一,中美两国大学生的关系型自我构念存在差异,虽都偏向独立,中国大学生比美国大学生更倾向于以非亲密关系来构念自我,美国大学生的关系型自我构念存在性别差异;第二,美国大学生的亲密关系质量高于中国大学生,女性大学生的亲密关系质量均高于男性;第三,大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量正向相关,前者对后者有正向影响。  相似文献   

"国际化"教学是目前中国高校中正在兴起的一大趋势.它不仅是跨国教育产业发展的结果,也是多元文化交流的表现.然而,在国际化教学实践中,却经常出现中国学生与外国学生不断两元化的问题.这不仅有悖"文化交流"的初衷,更阻碍了高校教育"国际化"的文化进程.本文通过四个教学案例,从三个方面对"国际化"教学进行讨论:首先,可以把中国教育界的"国际化"放置于"多元文化主义"的框架内研究,从而和欧美教育界相关问题接轨,以利于今后进一步深入交流;其次,课堂实践中的中国/外国学生身份认知反映了对自我、文化和代表的核心概念的认知问题,因此在身份认知的框架下讨论就能更好地阐释相关实践问题;最后,当代人类学方法论不仅提供了本文的田野研究方法,而且指导笔者进行国际化课堂的实践.本文意欲提倡在"跨国多元文化主义"框架内对"国际学生"身份的同一认知,以改变目前中国/外国两元身份认知的现状及其带来的不利影响.  相似文献   

Many schools in Hong Kong are concerned with the growing number of enrolments of students from Mainland China. This article examines the immigrant students’ constructs of their cross-cultural identities. It reveals how these students experience a journey of transformation in language, culture and identity. Qualitative data were collected from unstructured interviews with 12 immigrant students from Mainland China from six secondary schools. Two cases which are representative of the sample are reported. The study showed the transformation of the cross-cultural identities of these students, in the process of which they adopted the new culture into their lives and made it their reality while they still strongly connected part of their identity to their Mainland Chinese background. Despite some negative experiences of adaptation, they adopted a meritocratic approach to making sense of their cross-cultural experience. It was used as a form of agency to overcome, or at least ameliorate, feelings of discrimination, loss of cultural support and being immigrants in the ‘new’ society of Hong Kong. Lastly, two implications for the promotion of education for immigrant students will be discussed at school and legal levels.  相似文献   

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