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<正>The modern legend of the Loch Ness Monster is born when a sighting makes local news on May 2, 1933. The newspaper Inverness Courier relates an account of a local couple who claim to have seenan enormous animal rolling and plunging on the surface.The story of themonsterbecomes a media phenomenon1, with London newspapers sending correspondents to Scotland and a circus offering a 20,000 pound reward for capture of the beast.1933年5月2日,尼斯湖水怪的现代传说诞生在当地新闻中。《因弗内斯快递报》报道了  相似文献   

据说有一种奇怪的动物生活在尼斯湖里。不管怎么说,30年来一直不断有人报导见到了一个有驼峰般隆起的背部的“不知是什么”的动物。在相当长的一段时间里,人们只不过把尼斯湖的神秘的动物当作是一个玩笑,但是在1966年这种情况改变了,英国皇家空军研究报告表明:尼斯湖里确实有某种巨大的物体,而且这个物体可能是有生命的!  相似文献   

喜剧精神就是以一种理性的旁观加调侃性的玩笑的态度来对待世间事物的精神。中国古代诗歌一般来说严肃性有馀而玩笑性不足,韩愈的诗却不是如此。他经常以游戏的心态来看待人间事物,所以他的诗富有喜剧精神。他的诗或纯属玩笑之作,或是玩笑性的嘲讽,或笑他人,或笑自己,即使正经之作也不时地插一些喜剧性的描写或玩笑性的句子,他的那些争奇斗险的作品其实也包含着玩笑性的成分。韩愈是一个同时具有征服意识和超脱意识的人,他的喜剧精神是由他的这种双重性格所决定的。  相似文献   

The article describes a multi‐phase, in‐class simulation that employs problem‐based learning to teach operations and process‐improvement concepts as part of an undergraduate or graduate business course. The simulation is derived from a corporate Lean Six Sigma training activity and has been modified to introduce, demonstrate, and apply a wide range of business concepts relevant to operations and supply chain management, including the use of operational and financial performance measures in decision making. The activity is scalable for small‐ to medium‐size classes with multiple student groups and may be deployed as a stand‐alone, in‐class exercise spread over several class meetings or incorporated into a larger, semester‐long process‐improvement project for multiple student groups. The simulation emphasizes problem‐solving, teamwork, and intra‐firm cooperation in addition to 20–30 other business concepts, tools, and measures that may be incorporated.  相似文献   

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