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师生行为互动博弈:角色定位与影响因素分析新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育环境的变化,课堂上的师生角色定位需要重新进行审视。学生可在多方面影响教师行为:学生层次和需求愿望;课程内容的可接受性;教学质量评价体系;学校对教学的管理强度;学校的奖惩制度设计;课堂学生规模与专业构成;授课时间安排;教师对课堂的愿望。教师也可通过多方面影响学生行为:教师的仪态仪表;学术影响;承担行政职务;行为举止;与学生交流的愿望;创造性的思维方式;课堂教学的组织能力;与学生的沟通方式。师生之间的行为互动是通过不完全信息博弈机制完成的。  相似文献   

One of the mantras of progressive education is that genuine learning ought to be exciting and pleasurable, rather than joyless and painful. To a significant extent, Jean‐Jacques Rousseau is associated with this mantra. In a theme of Emile that is often neglected in the educational literature, however, Rousseau stated that “to suffer is the first thing [Emile] ought to learn and the thing he will most need to know.” Through a discussion of Rousseau's argument for the importance of an education in suffering, Avi Mintz contends that the reception of Rousseau by progressives suggests a detrimental misstep in the history of educational thought, a misstep that we should recognize and correct today. We ought to revive the progressive tradition of distinguishing the valuable educational pains from the harmful ones, even if we disagree with the particular types of pain that Rousseau identified as educationally valuable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore how technology can be used to teach technological skills and to determine what benefit flipping the classroom might have for students taking an introductory-level college course on spreadsheets in terms of student achievement and satisfaction with the class. A pretest posttest quasi-experimental mixed methods design was utilized to determine any differences in student achievement that might be associated with the instructional approach being used. In addition, the scalability of each approach was evaluated along with students’ perceptions of these approaches to determine the affect each intervention might have on a student’s motivation to learn. The simulation-based instruction tested in this study was found to be an extremely scalable solution but less effective than the regular classroom and flipped classroom approaches in terms of student learning. While students did demonstrate learning gains, the process focus of the simulation’s instruction and assessments frustrated students and decreased their motivation to learn. Students’ attitudes towards the topic, their willingness to refer the course to others, and the likelihood that they would take another course like this were considerably lower than those of students in the flipped or regular classroom situations. The results of this study support the conclusion that a technology enhanced flipped classroom was both effective and scalable; it better facilitated learning than the simulation-based training and students found this approach to be more motivating in that it allowed for greater differentiation of instruction.  相似文献   

课堂教学是教师向学生传授知识的主要阵地,课堂教学质量的好坏直接影响学生的学习效果。本文阐述了课堂教学中必须坚持激励机制原则;提升教师主导作用,丰富课堂激励内涵;合理运用课堂教学激励机制策略,充分发挥学生主体作用;以便营造良好的课堂教学氛围,调动学生的学习兴趣,激发学生接受知识的主动性和积极性,从而提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

What comes to mind when the word learning is mentioned? Is it a classroom full of students and a teacher dictating notes as the students struggle emphatically to write down every word that is said? Is it a picture of a student in the library with a stack of books piled on a desk, trying to read them all? These examples of learning may fit the traditional definition but this paper expands learning to include service. This paper describes a non‐traditional style of learning that takes the student “out of the comfort zone of the classroom” into the community and explains how this experience has an impact on the students’ education as well as their lives. The authors of this paper hope to influence its readers to re‐think the definition of learning by understanding the importance of service.  相似文献   

《大悲咒》全诗竭力写“大悲”,诗情的着力点却在漂泊,诗中的抒情主体为天涯浪迹者,欲与禅的纠葛是其形而上的呈现.漂泊天涯者,思乡又超脱于乡,其间多味杂陈,无限纠葛,此一悖论可谓《大悲咒》乃至洛夫诗歌之头条悖论.禅与诗的元语言交融,促成诗歌“无理而妙”的艺术效果;诗、禅与现实世界的元语言冲突,带来阅读的晦涩感.较低层次的晦涩,因“用钥匙砍柴,用斧头开门”的元语言误用而起,一般可以解决和避免;较高层次的晦涩,则为漩涡状态的复义,实乃诗歌的绝妙艺术.  相似文献   

文章通过对认知心理学的知识分类学说理论阐述,并结合对中学"信息科技"学科教学的现状进行分析,提出了教师在"信息科技"学科教学实践中,要善于运用知识分类学说来解决学科教学中出现的问题的观点。特别是指出了"信息科技"学科的课堂教学中,教师要激发学生的学习兴趣,有效引导学生的课堂注意和学习预期。教师要努力调动学生各方面因素,促进对新知识的巩固及对知识和技能获得过程的理解。教师要在教学中不断加强变式练习,更好地使学生实现知识的转化。教师要重视学生学习方法指导,帮助学生学会学习。  相似文献   

For six years, a college of health professions at a southern medical university has made student computing an integral component of its academic environment by requiring all residential students to own laptops. While most faculty members have acknowledged that access to a computer is necessary for most students to complete coursework, both faculty members and students have commented that a laptop requirement has its drawbacks. Focus groups, survey, and classroom observation were conducted involving students to examine how laptops have been employed as instructional tools. Results revealed student perceptions of uses, benefits, drawbacks, and ways to improve, and important policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

教育质量的提高,首先是教学质量提高;教学质量要提高,课堂教学质量提高首当其冲。文章通过构建“以学生为中心”的多元化课堂教学环境,调动学生学习主动性、参与性和学习热情,可有效引导学生自主学习,吸收内化,从而提高课堂教学效果。实践结果表明,根据课程特点,通过合理创设和运用课堂教学方法和教学手段构建“以学生为中心”的多元化课堂教学环境,可有效激发学生的学习热情和自主性,提高学生的学习效果。  相似文献   

This article joins discussions concerning education as a means of cultivating compassion and pays explicit attention to the emotional complexities of teaching for/with compassion to help students become active and critical compassionate citizens. After reviewing the emotional aspects that establish feelings of pity and a sentimental relationship between the student as spectator and the ‘other’ who suffers, the article suggests that a politics of compassion is both necessary and valuable, albeit situated in practices that attend to the needs of vulnerable people and address structural inequalities. The article explores the conditions within which compassion in the classroom can be translated into protest at injustice or transmuted into action that radicalizes solidarity. For this purpose, the author proposes what he calls critical pedagogies of compassion, that is, critical pedagogies that interrogate the trappings of narratives of pity and seek to make a concrete difference in sufferers’ lives. This is not a proposition for a new form of critical pedagogy, but rather a call to recognize in existing critical pedagogies the need to explicitly interrogate pity and cultivate critical compassion.  相似文献   

学习英语是大多数中国学生比较头疼的事,更别说学好英语。如何让英语课堂变得生动有趣,让学生愿意学,是每一个英语教师需要潜心研究的。作为英语教师,应鼓励学生大胆地说英语,不断增强学生学习英语的信心;应精心设计课堂教学,让死板的课堂“动起来”;应从学生的兴趣出发,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;应把“舞台”让给学生,教会学生如何学习。  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is becoming more popular as a means to support student learning in higher education by requiring students to prepare before lectures and actively engaging students during lectures. While some research has been conducted into student performance in the flipped classroom, students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped course has not been investigated. This study explored students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped and a regular course by means of bi-weekly diaries. Furthermore, student references to their learning regulation were explored in course evaluations. Results from the diaries showed that students’ study behaviour in the flipped course did not appear to be very different from that of students in a regular course. Furthermore, study behaviour did not appear strongly related to student performance in both the flipped and the regular course. Exploration of student references to their learning regulation in the course evaluations showed that some students experienced the flipped course design as intended to support their learning process. Other students, however, demonstrated resistance to changing their study behaviour even though changing study behaviour is expected in order to benefit from the flipped classroom. Further research on the relationship between students’ learning regulation and actual study behaviour and course results is necessary to understand when and why implementing the flipped classroom is successful. Recommendations that may help more effective flipped classroom implementation include considering the prior history between students and instructor(s), the broader curriculum context, and frequent expectation communication especially with large numbers of students and non-mandatory lecture attendance.  相似文献   

Interactions with capital??how it is identified, accumulated and exchanged??occur within fields of action, and every field has its own set of rules, or habitus, shaping the ways in which these interactions unfold. Classrooms, the fields in which students interact in schools, shape and privilege certain ways of thinking and acting, thereby building (or neglecting) opportunities for students. Yet little research has focused on student perceptions of classroom interaction, and particularly whether or how classroom participation might be a form of capital for them. Deploying data collected through classroom observations and interviews with Latina/o students at a large urban high school, this study focuses on examining the ways in which distinct groups of Latina/o students (in a set of schools within a school) understand and experience classroom participation. Findings reveal that while a shared understanding of classroom habitus may be more common than previously thought, we cannot just tell students to participate, or merely depend upon a general belief in the value of participating. Instead, we must simultaneously and explicitly bolster student participation and the cultivation of student networks so that a shared habitus turns the promises of participation into meaningful and equitable praxis.  相似文献   

The study explored how much student engagement and classroom variables predicted student achievement in mathematics. Since students were nested within a classroom, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was employed for the analysis. The results indicated that student engagement had positive effects on student academic growth per month in math after taking into account student variables such as gender, SES, race, and interaction effects. The effects of student engagement are consistent regardless of minority and gender. Among classroom level variables such as teachers’ degree, experience, certification, authentic instruction, content coverage, and class size, there is no significant predictor of student math achievement growth. The findings suggest that student engagement should be emphasized in a school and educational policy for students’ success in a school.  相似文献   

从自然教育观出发,卢梭非常强调劳动教育。他对劳动教育作了高度评价。认为教育的最大秘诀是使身体锻炼和思想锻炼互相调济。卢梭非常重视在劳动教育中培养学生的品德,并认为劳动教育对经济生活很有价值。他坚持儿童应首先学习农业劳动,还必须学一门职业。卢梭关于劳动教育的观点带给我们很多有益的启示:劳动教育应从小重视,而且有利于学生全面发展。  相似文献   

生本教育视野中的高校德育课教学模式之重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生本教育是一种坚持一切为了学生、高度尊重学生、全面依靠学生的教育理念和实践模式,它正在走近大学课堂.而目前高校德育课教学仍然是一种师本教学模式,且教学效果不理想,有必要进行生本教学的改革.高校德育课走向生本要实现教学观、教师观、学生现、教学评价观的转变,从而形成生本德育课堂.完成德育课教学目的、师生关系、教学内容和方法的重构.  相似文献   

While many construction companies claim substantial productivity and profit gains when applying lean construction principles, it remains a challenge to teach these principles in a classroom. Lean construction emphasises collaborative processes and integrated delivery practices. Consequently, new teaching methods that nurture such values should form the basis of lean construction education. One of the proposed methods is ‘hands-on team simulation games’ which can be employed to replicate various real-life processes, projects, or systems for the purpose of teaching, analysing, and understanding. This study aims at assessing this simulation games and understanding their impact on students’ learning and satisfaction. Surveys and tests are administered to assess changes in student’s perception of their learning styles and their understanding of key lean construction concepts. Results show a positive student reaction to hands-on simulation games, provide pedagogical insights, and highlight suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

For students to learn optimally, teachers must design classrooms that are responsive to the full range of student development. The teacher must be adaptive, but so must each student and the learning culture itself. In other words, adaptive teaching means constructing a responsive learning culture that accommodates and even capitalizes on diversity to ensure that each student is learning optimally. There are 2 primary resources for accomplishing this, engagement and the classroom talk that the teacher orchestrates.  相似文献   

Discussions concerning ??literacy?? make it clear that the domain of language has become a focal point for educational policy. In such discussions, language is primarily treated as a basic communication tool. This paper examines, from a philosophical perspective, how appropriate this approach to language is. The philosophical validity of this dominant tendency is analyzed with reference to the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein. Once the stable relationship conceived by Humboldt among the individual, language, and the world is lost, education displays its more distinctive features, which we see clearly in Nietzsche and Wittgenstein. Both of these philosophers focused their investigation on the rhetorical or performative aspects of language. In contrast to Nietzsche, however, Wittgenstein did not abandon the hope of finding in language the function of showing reality, even if what is said and what is shown remain incongruent. This perspective in Wittgenstein is salient against the dominant tendency, in which the mediating function of language is sought in the dimension of conformity and usefulness.  相似文献   

Changes in the conceptualisation of higher education have led to instructional methods that embrace technology as a teaching medium. These changes have led to the flipped classroom phenomenon - where content is delivered outside class, through media such as video and podcast, and engagement with the content, through problem-solving and/or group work, occurs in class. Studies investigating the impact of the flipped classroom have mainly looked at the student experience with little focus on whether exam outcomes are enhanced by flipping. An undergraduate Material Technology course at The University of the West Indies was taught in two formats over two successive years. The course was taught during the 2012/13 academic year in a ‘traditional’ format but, after reflecting on student feedback and personal pedagogy, the lecturer restructured the class and taught it in a flipped format during the 2013/14 academic year. This research examines whether the flipped format improved the learning experience in relation to exam performance and student perception. Data was gathered through analysis of course grades and student evaluation questionnaires. The lecturer’s reflective comments were also reviewed before and after the study. Analysis of the qualitative data shows that the flipped format led to a slight improvement in how students perceived the course and the lecturer’s reflection shows that they are keen to continue with the flipped format as it allowed more time for them to work with students at an individual level. While no significant change in relation to average cohort exam performance was found, fewer students in the flipped classroom achieved marks at the highest level. It is therefore recommended that practitioners who intend to flip their classroom pay as much attention to student performance as they do to student perception.  相似文献   

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