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作者以其宽广的视角,发见全球化部落这一主题的敏感性。全球化部落不仅仅承担了自身繁衍的功能,其全球范围的流动和强烈的族裔意识使其在扎根的同时,传承着人类社会的真谛。作者认为,地域的联系正日趋淡化,宗教、族裔及其文化特性成为连接人类的纽带。强烈的族裔认同感和共同依存的意识,使这些族群在全球经济和政治秩序的变化中从善如流,而不是失去自身的基本凝聚力。  相似文献   

在电影艺术早期发展过程中,跨族裔导演虽然也出现了很多,但他们无一例外的都是欧洲裔导演,这与电影艺术地区间发展不平衡有密切关系.进入全球化的新时代后,这种状况有了显著改变.最活跃、最让人瞩目的跨族裔导演大都有着第三世界族裔背景,他们以其鲜明的人文意识将各种对于“身份”的思考交融在光影之中.本文分别探讨了以费斯·阿金为代表的“直接派”跨族裔导演的电影创作、以包东尼为代表的“回顾派”跨族裔导演的电影创作、以亚历桑德罗·阿曼巴为代表的“超越派”跨族裔导演的电影创作.  相似文献   

美国华语电视的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱辰华 《新闻记者》2005,(11):50-53
据2005年6月19日的《纽约时报》报道,世界音乐电视公司(MTV World)即将在年底推出针对第二代美国华裔移民的MTV频道.节目与亚洲MTV频道不同,包括华语摇滚乐、香港流行歌曲和美国饶舌音乐等。而在此前的6月7日,美国少数族裔传媒团体新加州传媒(New California Media)公布的一项调查显示:少数族裔人群偏好本族裔传媒,而华裔中更有近四成表示主要从华文传媒取得信息。不管是美国主流媒体对华裔市场的兴趣,  相似文献   

在美国这样一个族裔融合和族裔矛盾共存的国家,黄西非常小心地恪守一个原则——不拿弱势群体开玩笑,除非是为他们打抱不平。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,族裔媒体已成为西方传播学界新兴的前沿研究领域,然而国内学界对其关注还十分匮乏。本文通过回顾该领域的前沿研究成果发现:在族裔媒体研究中长期存在着功能主义分析与文化研究两大范式,占主导地位的研究范式是功能主义分析,其核心议题是媒介呈现、生产与消费,当下的热点问题是族裔媒体的在地性,主要缺陷是研究多站在西方发达国家的"本地"视角,忽视了族群的全球流动以及族裔媒体与少数族裔文化母国之间的联系。基于上述发现本文认为:来自中国等非西方国家的传播学者,未来应积极投入到对世界范围内族裔媒体的研究当中,以期纠正该领域现存的路径依赖,重塑族裔媒体研究的全球视野。  相似文献   

美国华人图书馆员协会是美国图书馆界具有影响力的少数族群图书馆员协会之一。研究发现,为维护华人图书馆员群体的权益,打破族裔职业藩篱,该协会通过参与主流社团的对话、联合其他少数族裔图书馆员组织、积极参与国家层面的图书馆事务等形式提升华人图书馆员群体的地位。此外,该协会还积极利用族群文化背景的优势,与祖籍地中国进行多元的互动,在美国与中国图书馆界之间架起桥梁,促进中美图书馆界之间的交流与合作。  相似文献   

7月7日,由美国加州明德图书馆基金会与合肥市少年儿童图书馆合作建立的合肥市明德英文少儿图书馆正式对外开放。它是安徽省首家全英文图书馆。  相似文献   

西北地区图书馆合作发展路向研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章简略回顾了图书馆合作发展的理论成果与实践经验,指出合作发展是图书馆的必然选择。通过对甘肃主要图书馆进行问卷调查。分析了西北地区图书馆在合作发展方面的现状、不足以及开展合作发展的迫切性和可能性。文章认为,西北地区图书馆应采取县乡图书馆合作、省市馆带动县级图书馆的流动图书馆、高校图书馆、科学图书馆的横向协助、网络信息合作服务、大中城市的图书馆联盟、省(区)图书馆之间的联合共建等六种模式开展合作发展。同时提出搞好合作发展的保障措施,即转变观念,达成共识;摸清馆藏资源,建立西北地区图书馆联合书目数据库;最大限度地规范技术标准;以基层图书馆为重点,加强流动图书馆建设;各种模式互补,形成新的合作机制;突出特色资源,形成竞争优势;进一步加强人才队伍和技术设施的建设。  相似文献   

馆藏空间永远是图书馆关注的核心问题。各大图书馆在面临空间不足时采取着不同的策略,包括建立保存与管理制度、合作典藏、纸本淘汰政策、馆藏数字化与网络电子资源、密集书库等。作为高密度自动化存取的代表,自动化立体仓库能够极大地节省空间,实现快速存取,近几年在图书馆领域呈现出快速增长的态势。本文以加州州立大学北岭校区Oviatt图书馆为例,介绍自动化立体仓库在图书馆中的应用。  相似文献   

简论图书馆与博物馆的合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息化社会要求资源共享。图书馆和博物馆都是文化信息中心,有着广泛的合作基础。文章以中央美术学院图书馆与美术馆合作办展为例,从社会发展、经济发展、技术发展、服务方式和馆藏使用五个方面,探讨图书馆与博物馆合作的必要性,并从功能基础、历史基础、资源基础三个方面,探讨图书馆与博物馆合作的可能性以及二馆合作的丰富内容。  相似文献   

This survey of official U.S. tribal websites examined sites for documentary materials of importance to each tribe that have been archived online, including such materials as historical essays, photos, videos, maps, newspapers, legal and historical documents, historical images, books, pamphlets, bibliographies, cultural and language materials. The materials found on those websites appear to be intended for the use of both tribal members and the general public. The result of the survey was to show that many of the same types of documentary materials held in tribal archives are also available on official websites, and to produce a current snapshot of the large array of tribal records which have been made openly available, although the length of time each document will be available on each site is unknown.  相似文献   

The tribal insignia of American Indians offer a distinctive view into the history of these people. Recently, as the result of federal legislation, some of these materials have been brought together, for tribes that are either federally or State recognized entities, as part of the database collection maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This article focuses on the history and use of such images; the policy response by the USPTO to the charge by the Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act (1998) to examine the USPTO's specific responsibility to protect such official insignia; and the Office's resulting digital product.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the working lives of tribal college and university library directors and other library staff at the beginning of the 21st century. While little has been written on tribal college and university libraries in general, even less is known about what it is actually like to work at these libraries—the daily joys and frustrations and the factors that contribute to both positive and negative work experiences. This study addresses such questions as why individuals choose to work at a tribal college or university library, how they have emotionally and spiritually grown because of their work, and whether they would choose to stay.  相似文献   


The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library in San Jose, California is a unique dual-use library serving the students of San Jose State University and the community of San Jose, California. The reference collections of the two libraries are merged and interfiled to promote ease of access for both populations served. Economies of scale were realized through collaborative collection development activities for major reference purchases between the two institutions. This article describes the planning and creation of the King Library's merged reference collection and reviews the literature of collaborative collection development and merged or interfiled collections.  相似文献   

基于笔者在美国加州大学伯克利分校图书馆的学习考察,认为该馆有应对馆藏转型发展、馆舍空间变化和组织结构调整的积极行动;重视新形势下研究型图书馆任务的重新定位;注重以绩效工资改革与人员评价体系为基础的激励机制;强调图书馆在本科生研究中的作用;突出院系联络重点与全方位嵌入服务一线。据此,对我国高校图书馆提出以下建议:强化图书馆的战略规划与发展定位,不断完善馆员激励机制,加大馆藏资源建设力度,拓展嵌入式学科服务层面,持续加强馆舍空间建设,尝试推出本科生研究项目,探索开展数据研究和分析工作。  相似文献   

加州大学数字图书馆(CDL,California Digital ibrary),是加州大学的第11个图书馆(虚拟数字图书馆),建立于1997年,是世界上最大的研究型数字图书馆之一。文章首先介绍CDL的基本情况,然后在组织机构、服务工作、创新与特色和相关发展等四个方面对其进行概要的介绍,最后提出感受和思考。  相似文献   


Graduate schools of library and information science (LIS) are rediscovering civic engagement. Examples illustrate how LIS students further diversity efforts through service-based learning experiences. LIS students involved in the American Library Association's Spectrum Initiative helped plan the leadership institute and the longitudinal study of scholars. Students prepared pathfinders for faculty at tribal community colleges and tribal schools. LIS students helped develop and operate “If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything,” a national reading program for schools serving Native children. LIS students helped create a virtual tour of the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI).  相似文献   

胡振宁 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):149-151
探讨了在制定数字馆藏发展政策时中应注意的5个问题,并介绍了关国加州大学图书馆制定的数字馆藏发展政策。  相似文献   

The current era of planning for library service in the University of California began in the mid-1970s with the development of the Universitywide plan. Although the organization and academic programs of each of the nine campuses are independently administered by campus chancellors, the libraries are centrally budgeted. Library planning at UCLA to match campus-specific needs has required, therefore, the creation of a sophisticated complex of committees, task groups and external organizational relationships for various staff members. Planning is a primary continuing function of the administration of the Library.  相似文献   

The interaction of the public library with the environment is analyzed based on an empirical study of six California public libraries. Two adaptive responses are defined: changes in the organization and attempts to change the environment. Both kinds of techniques are described, followed by an analysis of the factors influencing library behavior.  相似文献   

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