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全球化背景下的高等教育责任制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育责任制是一个与效率、效果和绩效评估相关的概念,它要求通过有效的方式证明高等教育取得了预定的结果和绩效。关注效率、效果,注重结果、产出是高等教育责任制的基本特征。高等教育评估是责任制的实施形式,也是质量保障的一个基本途径。通过评估加强质量保障,反映了全球化背景下高等教育管理中一种新的责任制文化。高等教育过程的内在复杂性决定了责任制及绩效测量的难度,我国高等教育评估要实现保障和提高高等教育质量的目的,同时避免对高校办学自主权造成不利影响,需要总结已有评估经验并借鉴国外有益经验,进行创造性的探索。  相似文献   

Pressures on American higher education for assessment and accountability are increasing. Non-governmental accreditation provides an effective threshold measure of institutional and programme content and quality; however, both institutional and programme accreditation have problems that are being addressed within higher education. Commercial rankings have emerged to meet consumer demand for more information, but these endeavours have flaws, some of which are inherent in the commercial nature of these activities. The National Research Council (NRC) and the Association of American Universities (AAU) are engaged in efforts to improve the assessment of research doctorate programmes and, generally, of measures of quality in higher education and research.  相似文献   

论NCLB法案以来美国教育行政管理体制的改革趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对教育公平和教育质量的诉求不断深入,美国传统的基础教育管理体制近年来也不断重构,以适应教育改革的需要。如今,联邦已通过推进问责和评价机制以及增加教育拨款,主导了教育改革的方向与进程;各州通过建立和推行州内的问责体制、学术标准和评价体系,其教育决策权和管理权得到了极大扩张;学校获得了更多的灵活性和自主权来优化课程与教学;而学区却向辅助性、支援性的角色蜕变。由NCLB法案确立并广泛施行的问责和评价机制,是导致上述体制变革的直接原因。  相似文献   

Student learning outcomes assessment has been increasingly used in U.S. higher education institutions over the last 10 years, partly fueled by the recommendation from the Spellings Commission that institutions need to demonstrate more direct evidence of student learning. To respond to the Commission's call, various accountability initiatives have been launched, profoundly reshaping how assessment has been viewed, implemented, and used in higher education. This article reviews the conceptual and methodological challenges of the assessment agenda for one of the landmark accountability initiatives, the Voluntary System of Accountability, and also documents the notable shift from a strong focus on accountability to an increasing emphasis on internal improvement. This article then discusses the most recent developments in assessment approaches and tools, and proposes a four‐element, one‐enabler assessment cycle for institutions to maximally benefit from their assessment efforts.  相似文献   

美国公立高校绩效评价是美国州高等教育绩效问责制度中的重要环节。本文对田纳西州2010年~2015年绩效资助政策中的绩效评价体系进行分析,认为其具有以下特点:是一种自我评价基础之上的第三方评价;强调计划性和周期性,目标明确,重点突出;聚焦于教育质量保障,尤其关注本科生的学习成效、学科专业项目的质量和学生的满意度;利用美国国内现有的、影响较大的各类测评机构的测试结果或调查结果作为评价依据;注重对绩效评价本身的质量保障。  相似文献   

美国高等教育增值评价模式的兴起与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提升本科教育质量、回应社会问责,一种重新回归学生本位,关注学生成长和发展,评测高等教育为学生带来影响的增值评价运动正在美国大学兴起。增值评价主要测量学生从进入大学到毕业期间所发生的变化,目前可运用直接法、间接法、事后法三种方法来测量。学生的增值是学校教育质量的根本体现,增值评价改变了大学以往过多以"输入"为标准、以经验判断为主要依据的评价模式,构建起了以学习者为中心,以可显现证据为基础,以教育过程、学生学习结果为核心的一套新的教育质量评价体系,是对以往高等教育评估模式的超越,也是美国大学回归大学之道的根本体现。  相似文献   

高等教育质量评估体系有效性问题实质上是一个政策评估问题。从宏观层面看,高等教育质量评估体系主要指外部质量评估体系,它包括政府评估、质量认证和大学排名等。根据政府介入程度的不同,外部质量保障体系可分为认可型评估和认证型评估。从问责制的视角看,中国实施的第一轮本科教学评估实质上是一种政府对高校的问责制度安排,属于行政问责。第一轮本科教学评估的有效性被认为"一般",基本上被认可,但改进空间巨大。提高中国高等教育质量评估体系的有效性,必须建立社会问责机制。  相似文献   

未来高等教育委员会是美国教育部长斯佩林斯于2005年任命的咨询机构.2006年9月,该委员会提交报告,对美国高等教育入学能力、支付能力、教育质量、绩效责任等方面存在的问题进行了解剖,并提出了六条改革建议.研究这一报告对于我们了解美国高等教育发展与改革动向具有重要意义.本文介绍分析了报告出台的背景、主流媒体及大学的反映、四个主题词的意义、改革的外部与内部动因、改革建议与责任分工等,并结合我国高等教育谈了四点启示.  相似文献   

学习效果评估:美国高等教育评估发展的趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着利益相关者的介入,政府外在问责与高校内在质量改进的要求,促使美国高等教育评估发生了转变,更注重以学生学习效果作为重要维度。高等教育认证机构、质量评估机构纷纷推动学习效果评估的实施,建构了评估框架与标准体系,从而提升高等教育质量。在实施过程中,体现出学生全面发展的理念,政府加强介入,评估活动更加专业化,注重在全国范围内实施的特点。  相似文献   

With the establishment, in August 1997, of a new UK‐wide Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), it is timely to reflect on the impact of the two principal forms of external quality monitoring which the QAA has replaced. First, the quality assessment by the funding councils, whose five‐year cycle of teaching quality assessment in universities and colleges in Scotland and Wales, which commenced in 1993, is now complete. Second, institutional quality audits of universities and colleges, conducted by the Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC) between 1993 and 1997. This paper reports the results of a five‐year action research study conducted at a college of higher education. The particular focus of the study was on issues arising from the development and implementation of a quality assurance system at the study institution, and attempts to reconcile requirements for accountability and efforts to encourage quality improvement. The paper reviews and evaluates the impact of each of the forms of external monitoring, teaching quality assessment and institutional audit, on the study institution. Results are presented using qualitative and quantitative data drawn from external performance measures, such as the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC) and HEQC quality assessment and audit reports, and internal measures of staff experience and perceptions. Lessons are drawn in relation to perceived benefits, or otherwise, of external quality assessment and quality audit, and consideration is given to the implications which the findings have beyond the study institution and the Scottish higher education sector, and in particular for the newly established Quality Assurance Agency.  相似文献   

责任与自治:美国公立高校和政府的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在美国的公立高等教育系统中 ,州政府对高等教育的效用和责任的需求 ,与高等学校对学术自由和学校自治的需要 ,导致了各种矛盾 ,使双方经常处于紧张关系之中。要平衡高校自治与政府要求履行的责任之间的关系 ,双方都必须遵守一定的原则 ,建立共同合作的伙伴关系。  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are becoming increasingly accountable to stakeholders at many levels as the federal government, accrediting organizations, and the public place a stronger emphasis on student learning outcomes. Evidence of student learning that is comparable across institutions is of urgent demand. Various accountability initiatives such as the Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA) mark a milestone in the evaluation of instructional effectiveness of higher education using standardized outcomes assessment. Although the current accountability initiatives hold great potential in evaluating institutional effectiveness, some design and methodological issues need to be addressed before outcomes assessment can be best utilized. In this paper, I (a) review the need for outcomes assessment in higher education, (b) discuss the VSA initiative, (c) summarize the most prominent challenges facing outcomes assessment for accountability purposes, and (d) discuss future directions of research in advancing accountability assessment in higher education.  相似文献   

美国严重认知障碍儿童的选择性评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在美国,不能参加统一绩效测验的严重认知障碍儿童需要接受选择性评价。本文主要介绍了美国严重认知障碍儿童选择性评价的法律依据、评价标准、评价形式等基本情况。文章还讨论了选择性评价的积极影响及面临的问题,展望了今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

美国特许学校绩效制原则及其运作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效责任是20世纪90年代美国中小学教育改革的主要措施之一,它被看作是特许学校运动的一大特色,实行绩效制是提高学校责任感的一个有效机制。特许学校绩效制强调“教育透明度”,依靠公共市场的力量。  相似文献   

The idealistic purpose of university ranking is to encourage the self-improvement of universities as well as providing reliable information to users on higher education quality for public accountability.Nevertheless,most current rankings advocate indices related highly to the academic selectivity of institutions,while having nothing to do with quality of their performances.At the same time,since the rankings are mostly pushed by competition among universities as quasi-merchandise,it was inevitable that some social values of higher education as labor training and research were emphasized more than others such as student individual development and social justice,which are more invisible but influential from a long term.The rankings therefore ruined the ecology of higher education competition and made social injustice more serious.Value-added evaluation might bring some light to the darkness of rankings but not the primary way to solve the problem since it is functioned as one of the many measures in quality assessment.  相似文献   

院校研究与质量保证——以美国高等教育为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从20世纪80年代的"里根改革"以来,美国高校的成本越来越多地要由学生及其家庭而不是政府分担,使得人们愈益关注投资高等教育的收益。因此,美国高等教育质量倍受社会公众的关注。院校研究在高等教育质量保证方面具有积极的促进作用。它为高校能够对外部的报告、认证、项目审批,以及内部项目评议和专项研究等方面的社会问责做出说明,同时也在学生学习评估、教师行为分析以及学籍管理三方面发挥了关键作用。  相似文献   

通过文献分析,对美国斯坦福大学教授Richard J. Shavelson所提出的基于学生学习评估的美国高等教育问责制进行了综述性介绍,对其中的学习评估、问责体系构建作了深入探讨。这一以改进高等教育质量为根本目标的新型问责体系对我国高等教育的改革与发展同样具有适用价值。  相似文献   

Concerns about quality and accountability in higher education have led the majority of states to mandate student outcomes assessment. While many institutions have begun to address these requirements as matters of accountability, discussion in most state capitals seems to be more about program improvement than about summative evaluation. These dichotomous perspectives frame a fundamental debate over the nature and direction of the assessment movement in the United States. Accountability and improvement are twin concerns of effective assessment, but their coexistence depends upon the resolution of suspicions and different interpretations of the mission of higher education between state and institutional authorities.  相似文献   

教育质量的学校影响因素是教育质量监测的重要组成部分.美国国家教育统计中心开展的"学校与教职人员调查"(Schools and Staffing Survey, SASS)为我国教育质量监测体系的建设提供了很好的借鉴.本文介绍和分析了SASS的目的、测试内容、测试组织、研究发现和对美国教育政策的影响,并提出了对我国基础教育质量评价的借鉴:将学校和教师调查纳入教育质量监测体系,满足国家和地方需求;将学校与教师调查的监测数据与其他教育信息系统数据有效链接,服务决策;发布中小学师资质量状况的监测报告.  相似文献   

This paper discusses recent developments in U.S. teacher education that are tied to the global neo-liberal project. The focus is on how changes experienced throughout the world have played out in the U.S. Three areas are addressed in particular: the commodification of teacher education, hyperrationality and increased accountability, and attacks on multicultural education. The paper closes with a look at the future for teacher education in the U.S.  相似文献   

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