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校长职业角色既代表校长在社会关系中的地位与身份,也包含社会要求校长所采取的行为模式,既包含社会对校长行为的期待,也包含校长对自己应有行为的认识。目前,仅仅把校长作为学校行政负责人、学校集体的组织者、学校的法人代表、言传身教的教育者的角色已不能适应21...  相似文献   

试论中职到高职教师角色的转变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中等职业学校升格为高等职业院校后,高等职业教育对教师提出了新的角色要求。部分中职教师不能及时转换角色,出现对高等职业教育不适应的现象。为了尽快实现角色转换,中职教师除了对新角色有一个比较清晰认识和把握,形成自觉的“角色”意向外,学校还要创造一定条件和氛围来加以促进。  相似文献   

学校系统的压力管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、学校中各类不同角色的压力分析 学校作为一个社会单元,承受着来自社会各界如社会、家长的期望、要求。学校组织本身所承受的压力及其在教育教学活动过程中的内在生成压力,最终是要被分解到学校中的每一个成员身上的。由于工作性质的不同,不同角色所遇到的工作压力是不尽相同的。学校组织中的压力有许多是与学校特定的工作角色相关联的,主要对学校中某一类工作角色产生压力影响,这一些压力可以作为某种特定的角色压力。工作压力的调控管理首先必须对各类学校角色的压力源与压力状况有一个明确的认识与掌握。压力管理。目的在于提高压力对工作行为的积极影响,减少工作压力对工作行为的消极影响,将工作系统控制在一个具有最佳效能的水平上。学校中的压力管理首先要充分发挥学校中每个层次的功能,各级各层合理有序地分担压力。是有效调整学校中不合理压力结构系统的重要举措。  相似文献   

公立学校的组织形象与学校参与者的角色性质之间,以及其组织目标与学校参与者的个人目标之间,存在着某些天然的差异,这种差异使得校长们必须设法引导教职员尽最大努力为学校和学生工作,从而增加社会对学校绩效的认可度。在此,我们可以仿效赫伯特·西蒙对企业组织参与者的区分,把现实公立学校的主要参与者分为校长、教职员和学生(消费者)三种不同的角色。①其中,校长角色的独特性质与目标是,受政府(并最终受公众)委托,对学校工作全面负责,在推进学校发展的过程中获取社会地位和物质待遇。教职员角色的独特性质与目标是,向学校贡献其(无差异的…  相似文献   

对校办工厂中几个问题的认识和处理天长市第三中学陶宁一、校办工厂的性质和领导体制问题校办工厂的特点是校办,既然是校办工厂,它应是学校的集体经济组织机构,其行政管理应隶属于学校,而不能独立于学校。就其机构级别来说,应同学校的下设机构平行.这样便于学校的统...  相似文献   

学生伤害事故赔偿争议难以解决,是因为对学校与学生关系的法律性质认识不清。学校与学生关系法律性质的几种观点。学校与学生教育、管理和保护关系确立的依据。  相似文献   

班主任这一角色是指班主任在与学校教育有关的关系中所表现的一种身份并由此而规定的行为模式的总和。班主任的角色意识主要包含三个方面:一是班主任对其在社会、学校、班级中的身份的认识;二是班主任对自己换角色权力和义务及相应的行为规范的认识;三是班主任对自己的行为表现的认识。笔认为,一个称职的班主任应在工作中注重培养和加强以下八个意识。  相似文献   

教师是教学改革中的一个重要的角色,然而由于对自我在教学改革中的角色认识不足,教师在教学改革中常常处于疲于应付却又总不能令管理者们满意的地位,不少教师还因此在教学改革中失去自我。教师在教学改革中应对自身的权力与地位、自身的知识与能力、自身的教育理念、自身的教育方法作出正确的认识与调整,并对自身在教学改革中产生的心理压力进行有效舒缓与调解。  相似文献   

高职学院担负着职业教育的重要任务,重新认识、定位高职院校长角色,对激励高职院校长站在“国际视野”和“市场要求”相结合的制高点,努力把职业教育的改革和发展与经济和社会的发展紧密联系起来,主动为经济建设服务,发挥职业教育的应有作用具有重要意义。本文试对高职院校长角色的新认识、新定位、新要求做一些探索。一、新形势下对高职院校长角色的新认识:专业化著名教育家陶行知说过:“校长是一个学校的灵魂,要评论一所学校,首先要评论它的校长”。中国教育学会会长顾明远教授指出:“一所学校因为有一位好校长而迅速崛起,也因…  相似文献   

一、教师角色认知指教师个人对教师职业的社会地位、作用及行为规范的认识以及对教师职业与社会其他职业的关系的认识。只有清楚的角色认知才能在社会情境中找准定位,恰当行事,做到与现实保持一致,达到良好的角色适应。二、教师角色体验是教师在教育教学活动中受到社会及家长、学校学生和教师  相似文献   


Most college counseling centers have adopted session limits for their psychotherapy clients though little evidence exists to support such cutoff points. In the past eight years, a few studies have been published using survival analysis statistics for investigating the speed of recovery in psychotherapy. The outcome of clients at a university counseling center was studied to assess change across time, on a session-by-session basis. The analysis of these data showed that 14 sessions of psychotherapy were required for 51% of clients to meet criteria for clinically significant change. Results were interpreted as suggesting that limiting psychotherapy at college counseling centers may result in improvements that are not clinically meaningful for the majority of clients receiving services.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the complex nature of eating disorders, specifically highlighting their use as coping mechanisms for underlying emotional and psychological concerns. Case examples of college counseling center clients are discussed in order to illustrate common ways in which eating disorders are utilized by clients with varying symptomatology. Offering reflections on their work with clients in the college setting, the authors discuss implications for counselors who work with similar clients.  相似文献   

Results in the literature indicate that high levels of moral development are positively correlated with high levels of empathy. However, the issue of moral reasoning style and its relationship to empathy remains unclear. The role that moral reasoning style (care vs. justice orientation) plays in counselors' ability to relate empathically to clients was investigated among a sample of 44 counselors‐in‐training. Results indicate that counselors were able to respond equally to clients with the same moral reasoning style as themselves and to those with a different style. Counselors with a care orientation were no more able than justice‐oriented counselors to respond empathically. Findings contribute information about measures of moral reasoning style and suggest that matching of counselors with college‐aged and young adult clients based on moral reasoning style is not an issue of concern for college counselors.  相似文献   

Violent behavior on college campuses has been a long-standing problem that has received increased attention due to recent shootings. At present, the factors that predict college students' violent behavior are not well understood. To increase knowledge in this area, two studies were conducted that examined the prevalence and predictors of college students' fears of committing violent behavior. Data from a single university indicated that less than 2% of the general student body possessed strong fears of acting violently and more than 80% of students had no such fears. Among clients at the university counseling center, 7% expressed strong fears of acting violently whereas 71% of clients had no such fears. Similar prevalence rates were found in a sample of 27,616 clients from 66 university counseling centers. Predictors of fears of acting violently included low academic motivation, suicidal ideation, irritable feelings, fears of having a panic attack in public, having harmed another person previously, having nightmares or flashbacks, and getting into frequent arguments.  相似文献   

大学生是高校图书馆的主要服务对象,大学生的阅读效果,不仅影响高校图书馆的服务质量和服务效果,更关乎大学生的成才和成长。针对当前大学生的一些不良阅读倾向,亟需进行必要的矫正和引导。  相似文献   

Anxiety is a common symptom among college counseling clients. Perhaps because of the unique developmental tasks they face, many later adolescents (ages 18–24 years) use religious coping to manage anxiety. Many counselors are uncertain about how to address religious themes in therapy, if at all. However, most clients of faith do not want counselors to ignore their religious beliefs. In fact, later adolescents may use faith‐based coping mechanisms to navigate the challenges of their developmental stage.  相似文献   

Investigators compared counseling outcomes among nonpaid graduate-level trainees and professional staff at a college counseling center. Counseling outcomes for 331 college student participants were measured using the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 (OQ45.2), employing a pretest–posttest design. The two groups of service providers did not differ significantly (p = .179; α > .05). A unique aspect of this study was the statistical control for the clients’ readiness to change. The implications for practice in college counseling centers suggest the use of graduate-level trainees as effective counseling providers and a method to cope with high demand for services.  相似文献   

Community college counseling is often not well understood in the “university-centric” higher education community. In fact, work at community college counseling centers typically involves an exaggerated version of the challenges found at university counseling centers. At a community college, there are usually vastly fewer resources from the college (number of staff, facilities, and overall financial support), and the student clients often face many more struggles (economic, academic, and psychological). Recently, various professional counseling organizations have begun including community college counselors, and expanded collaboration between those who work at community colleges and at universities benefits all.  相似文献   

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