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一、no more 1、no more通常用在口语里,也可以变换成not…any more的形式,一般用来修饰表示具体动作的非延续性动词,意思是指今后或从那以后"不再"。例如:I'll drink no more.=I'll not drink any more.Lost time will return no more。I will go there no more.=I won't go there any more.  相似文献   

一、重点词语解析1.give a concert举办音乐会。例 :They will give a concert in Beijing nextm onth.他们下个月要在北京举办一场音乐会。如果要表示参加音乐会、出席音乐会用 :go to aconcert、attend a concert。2 .more than=over多于……不止……例 :He has more than forty books.他有四十多本书。3.not… any more=no more不再。例 :The boy didn't cry any more=The boycried no more.这个小男孩不哭了。4 .at the start of=at the beginning of在……开头。例 :At the start of the concert,there were foursingers.在这场音乐…  相似文献   

在这个否定句的句型中,no后的名词之前,一般不再加a或数词.但是,在这个句型中,通常也可以用not a(或not any)代替no:I have not an(not any)English book.He has not any English books.动词have后的宾语是不可数名词,只能用“not any”,不能用“not a”:Jack has not any money.  相似文献   

no是初中英语课本中出现频率较高的单词,它既可作形容词,又可作副词,还可作名词用法非常灵活。一、no作形容词1.常作名词的前置修饰语,可用于修饰主语、宾语和表语,意为“没有”。它可与可数名词的单数连用,意思相当于not a(an);也可与可数名词的复数或不可数名词连用,意思相当于not any。如:There are no (= not any) books on the desk. 桌子上没有书。I have no (= not a) watch. 我没有手表。The old man has no (= not any) teeth. 那位老人没有牙。2.置于be动词与表语之间,通过否定来从反面表示肯定,是一种间…  相似文献   

英语中有些形容词、副词的比较级形式,由于引申意义的增强而使其比较意义不明显或者完全失去。人们常用这种比较级形式来表示数量、时间、选择、否定,程度、语气、递进等意义。现分述如下: 一、表示数量 1.no(not any)more than:只有,仅仅,顶多 1.There are no(not any) more than three people in this room.房间里只有三个人。 2.not more than 至多,最多,不超过 1.I fe read not more than thiety .pages every day.他每大看书不超过三十页。 3.no less :不少于,恰好,正是,不亚于 She won less than 2000yuan in the lottery.她中了不少于2000元的彩票。 4. not less than:至少,多至,不下于 We have not less than six class every day.我们每天至少上六节课。  相似文献   

1.We have__classes on weekends.A.no B.not C.not any D.no any 2.He has maths__the afternoon of Tues- day.A.in B.on C.at D.for 3.A teacher must be strict__his students and strict__his work.A.at;in B.in;with C.with;in D.with;with 4.He Usually plays sports__two hours after school.  相似文献   

一、no more than与not more than 1.no more than的意思是"仅仅""只有""最多不超过",强调少。如:  相似文献   

第一招:找准关键词语1.(广东)It is%%%%any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much.A.no B.such C.nearly D.hardly此题的关键词是any,因为any常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,而此句不是疑问句,也不是条件句,所以应该是否定句。no本身就相当于not any,于是排除A。因此,正确答案为D(hardly=almost not)。  相似文献   

一、系动词be、有些情态动词、助动词以及动词have做“有”讲的时候,可以直接在其后面加not,构成否定句例如:1.He is a teacher.→He is not ateacher.2.He can drive a car.→He cannotdrive a car.3.He has a dictionary.→He hasnot a dictionary.二、情态动词must一般用needn’t否定,表示“没有必要”;情态动词may用mustn’t否定,表示“禁止,阻止”例如:1.—Must I finish the work beforeeight o’clock?—No,you needn’t.You may finishit tomorrow.2.—May I go out for a walk?—No,you mustn’t.You’d betterstay in bed.…  相似文献   

一、句中有 be 动词(指 is , am , are, was , were)、情态动词(指 can , may, must…)、助动词(指 will , shall , have, has , had)的,在其后面直接加 not。如 :1.He is a student.He is not a student2.Her mother can speak Japanese.Her mother can not speak Japanese3.They will go to Beijing next Sunday.They will not go to Beijing next Sunday4.You have already watched this TV play.You have not watch this TV play yet.二、句中的谓语动词是原形、第三人称单数、过去式的,则应在谓语动词的前面分别加上 do not(do…  相似文献   

英语中,否定结构种类繁多,但仔细研究,却也有规律可循,现将各种否定结构归纳总结如下。一、直接在be动词、情态动词、have(有)及助动词的后面加not,构成否定结构。例如:H e isn ta student any longer.I haven ta usefuldictionary.She hasn tgotany excuse to say for herself.W e haven t seen the film before.There w on tbe a sports m eeting next week.M any ofthe stars can tbe seen because they are too far away.ASchoolGardenOfEnglish此外,have to的否定结构必须借助于助动词来完成,m ust开头的一般疑问句,其否定回答一…  相似文献   

Family QuarrelThe young newly-weds(新婚夫妇)quarreled.At last she could bear (忍)it no longer and burst into tears(哭起来)."I don't want to have anything to do with you any more.I'm packimg up(收拾)my things and going off to mother.""Fine,my dear,"said the husband."Here are the travelling expenses(路费)"She counted the money and asked: "What about the money for the return ticket?"  相似文献   

He is being foolish for this moment.这句话既符合语法规则,又有实际的语义内容,被视为一个正确的句子;而它的否定句"He is not being foolish for this moment."则让人觉得有些不妥。本文将从否定范围、非范畴化、动词分类、动词生存环境这几个角度探讨He is not being foolish for this moment这句话的合理性。  相似文献   

1.我身上没带钱。误:I have not money with me.正:I have no money with me.正:I have not any money with me.析:副词not不能直接修饰名词,形容词no可直接修饰名词。  相似文献   

The serpent was more crafty thanany wild creature that the Lord Godhad made.He said to the woman,“Isit true that God has forbidden youto eat from any tree in the garden?”The woman answered the serpent,“We may eat the fruit of any tree inthe garden,except for the tree inthe middle of the garden;God hasforbidden us either to eat or to touchthe fruit of that;if we do,we shalldie.”The serpent said,“Of courseyou will not …  相似文献   

1.anyone/any one,no one/none,every/each (1)anyone和any one anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物. (2)no one和none ①none后跟of短语,既可指人又可指物,而no one只单独使用,只指人. ②none做主语,谓语动词用单、复数均可,而no one做主语,谓语动词只能是单数.  相似文献   

The art of cooking requires the use of garlic. Of course, the eating of lots of raw garlic is not generally approved of. Working beside someone who has eaten garlic is as bad as sitting beside someone who smokes. But while smoking is surely bad for you, there is no doubt that eating garlic is good for the health. We are likely to see more "No smoking" signs, but we won't see any "No breathing" signs for garlic eaters! Growing and exporting garlic has become big business now that so many peop…  相似文献   

not more than与not less than、no more than与no less than用法极易混淆。下面试用对比方法给以归纳,希望能给同学们一点帮助。一、与基数词连用1.not more than“顶多”、“不多于”(=at most),只说明事实。2.not less than“至少”、“不少于”(=at least),只说明事实。例如:  相似文献   

误:He stood there silently,not daring lift his head.正:He stood there silently.not daring to lift his head.正:He stood there silently and didn’t dare(to) lift his head.正:He stood there silently and dare not lift his head.析:dare作实义动词用时,后面可以接带to或不带to的动词不定式,但当dare以分词形式出现时,其后的to不能省去;dare作情态动词用时,其后只能接不带to的动词不定式。  相似文献   

1.need need的意思是“需要;必要”,用作情态动词时,后面要接动词原形,一起构成谓语。改为否定句时,直接在need后面加上not;need用作实义动词时,后面可接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,改为否定句时,要借助助动词do来完成。例如:You needn’t say anything.你什么也不必说。He doesn’t need any help.他不需要帮忙。She needs to eat something.她需要吃点东西。【中考链接】You to the meeting this after-noon if you have something important todo.(2004重庆市)A.needn’t to comeB.don’t need comeC.don’t need comingD.needn’…  相似文献   

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