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现代公众的多方位需求呼唤博物馆文化产业的发展,博物馆衍生品作为博物馆文化产品中最普遍的一种形式,有巨大的发展空间。我国自然科学类博物馆作为传播自然科学知识、提升公众科学文化素质和思想道德素质的重要场所,在这一方面极为欠缺。本文从博物馆衍生品的定义和属性入手,通过对国外和国内较为成熟的博物馆衍生品研发情况进行借鉴和对比,指出我国自然科学类博物馆以及我国博物馆在这方面普遍存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文以我国博物馆事业快速发展作背景,讨论分析了我国博物馆专业人才队伍、专业人才培养以及博物馆学科发展存在的主要问题,呼吁必须加快博物馆专业人才培养和学科发展。并在分析人才队伍建设存在问题原因的基础上,提出了加快博物馆专业人才培养和学科发展的思路和建议。  相似文献   

我国自然科学类博物馆现状与拓展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悠久的历史与丰富的历史化资源使中国博物馆总体布局呈现出向人历史类倾斜的趋向,相比之下,自然科学类博物馆及其展示的发展显得相对薄弱。在中国面临着提高全民科学素养,增强科学创造力的今天,如何充分发挥自然科学类博物馆的社会作用,已成为我国政府和业内人士积极思考和共同实践的时代课题。本对我国自然科学类博物馆的现状进行分析,并就拓展自然科学展示提出设想及对策。  相似文献   

不同于其他综合类博物馆,自然科学类博物馆侧重的是对科学知识进行普及以及进行科学教育,作为教育功能的延伸,自然科学类博物馆衍生品的开发也肩负了科普与科教的使命。本文首先从自然科学类博物馆衍生品的相关概念入手,探讨有关衍生品的认知、研究与价值,继而分析在衍生品开发中存在的问题,然后提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

由于种种条件与因素的制约,我国图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程资源建设现状仍不容乐观。基于调查问卷与培养方案等两个视角,可以发现我国图书情报与档案管理类本科专业课程建设存在培养目标单一化、课程结构不合理、跨学科课程资源开发不足、实践类课程资源质量参差不齐等问题。  相似文献   

讲解员是自然科学博物馆向公众进行自然科学知识传播的关键媒介,在讲解员流动常态化的今天,科学高效地培养出一支优秀的讲解员队伍,保证社教功能的完整实现,是需要重点解决的问题。本文以中国农业博物馆为例,从讲解员基础培训、分类培养、科普能力培养三方面初步探索了一套初、中、高级讲解员培养模式,以期循序渐进、有的放矢地培养讲解员,为自然科学博物馆建设一支专、精、优的讲解员队伍,从而高效率高质量地实现社教功能,提升博物馆的整体形象和社会效益。  相似文献   

自然科学博物馆是进行科学传播和开展科学教育的机构。通过回顾自然科学博物馆的发展历程,分析可持续发展目标、地区发展不均衡、科技与社会交互对自然科学博物馆发展所产生的主要影响,目前国际社会和自然科学博物馆为解决上述问题而采取的行动,以及自然科学博物馆未来发展面临的挑战,本文指出“一带一路”倡议为自然科学博物馆应对上述挑战提供了一揽子解决方案。据此,提出促进“一带一路”沿线国家自然科学博物馆之间互惠共享的多项对策和建议:搭建交流平台,开展合作,建立长效机制,加强能力建设,为“一带一路”沿线各国之间开展更深层次的科技、教育和文化合作交流注入活力,最重要的是为构建“一带一路”沿线国家自然科学博物馆命运共同体而共同协力。  相似文献   

自然类博物馆在面对变动与进步极快的自然科学知识发展趋势时,透过重新检视博物馆功能与本质,调整博物馆治理策略,并藉由结合时事、主动沟通、跨域合作、思维深化以及扩大影响等方向进行调整,或可逐步在展示与教育的功能中,与博物馆观众共同建立更为紧密的互动与学习。  相似文献   

本文以传播学理论为基础,根据Twitter的社交媒体性质和自然科学类博物馆特性选择维度和指标,构建自然科学博物馆Twitter传播力评价指标体系,采用熵值法确定指标权重,并选取国外14家自然科学博物馆的Twitter账号进行实证研究,计算各博物馆Twitter传播力。根据结果,总结提炼经验,对国内自然科学博物馆提升社交媒体传播力提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

综合性博物馆是包括社会历史、文化艺术、民族民俗、自然科学等多方面内容的博物馆.我国的综合性博物馆多为省、市、自治区博物馆.其任务是通过全面反映本地区的自然环境和资源、历史发展、建设成就,使人民群众认识自己的历史和创造力,更好地建设社会主义.这类博物馆的特点是宣传内容广泛,综合性强,具有鲜明地方特色.  相似文献   

Abstract With shrinking resources and expanding agendas, more and more museums are relying on consultants to provide expertise when time and resources are critical. Consultants can also provide another benefit that has not been widely discussed within the museum community: professional development opportunities. For museum staff members the process of working side by side with consultants can create valuable learning experiences that multiply the value of consulting fees. When consultants collaborate with their clients they may serve as coaches, partners, mentors, questioners or change agents. This article gives examples of each model and suggests which are best suited to different types of projects, team configurations, staff experience levels and project timelines. It also discusses the kinds of institutional investment museums must make in order to realize this potential for capacity building. Planning and budgeting for value‐added consulting means not only setting aside money for fees, but also budgeting time and resources for collaboration between staff and consultants.  相似文献   

Universities and natural science museums have a long, productive history; however, this has been an uneasy alliance in the United States at least since the 1880s. Decreasing resources and increasing expectations have made the position of all museum directors extremely difficult, but the situation for university natural science museum directors is probably the most complicated among these because they direct museums that are small administrative units within larger university organizations. Some of their challenges include conflict between museum and university missions, governance issues, relationship between director and the university administrator/board member, lack of understanding of museum functions, middle management role of the director, lack of control of staff time, lack of staff support, public access to museum, and limited public and fiscal support. Solutions offered to meet these challenges include a written mission statement, recognition of education as the primary goal of the museum, a written strategic plan, accreditation, a highly active faculty/staff, documentation of the museum's economic impact, the creation and building of a public support organization, the formation of alliances with local cultural organizations, continuing education for staff, and an open decision-making process.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that was designed to provide insight about the barriers that limit families with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from visiting fine arts museums. Parents (N=54), and staff and volunteers (N=62) at the museum completed a questionnaire about their perceptions of the participation of children with ASD in museum activities. Some significant differences in responses were found between parents and museum staff and volunteers. Parents reported being thankful for the sense of community that Autism Awareness Family Celebrations provide, but were frustrated with reactions from others during typical museum experiences. Museum staff and volunteers expressed that museum participation was important, but responses were split between those who desired to learn more about ASD in order to create an optimal museum experience, and those who preferred not to take on this initiative. Studies such as this help museums become more inclusive.  相似文献   

Museums today face a crisis of confidence arising from two issues: (1) the erosion of a historically unreliable funding base, and (2) a challenge for audience by entrepreneurial elements in the culture. Other issues center on a growing public idea that museum work can be shared by entities such as theme parks and exhibition halls and the perception that education should be shaped as recreation. Museum responses to these problems have exacerbated their vulnerability as unique institutions. Certain dichotomies in the museum world help to explain this situation: (1) professionalism versus the audience, (2) connoisseurship versus the public experience, (3) the centrality versus the peripherality of objects in museums, (4) museums as businesses versus museums as educators, and (5) visitor expectations versus available resources. Resolution of the conflicts requires museums to remember that they are communication systems capable of teaching hard information, to stop emulating the forces that threaten to destroy them, and to pay attention to certain lessons understood in the business world. Museums also must find stable and reliable funding, reinvigorate the museum accreditation program, and pay attention to what museums really exist for. Museums are still necessary only when they function as true museums.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外自然博物馆藏品收藏现状,分析我国自然博物馆存在藏品收藏总体不足、各区域自然博物馆之间藏品收藏差距较大、收藏范围较狭窄、藏品来源单一等问题,并进行了原因分析,提出正确认识自然博物馆的研究、收藏与教育的关系,加强对博物馆科研的投入,授予博物馆标本采集权,打破体制机制限制,加强对各方标本资源的利用等建议。  相似文献   

高校博物馆研学旅行的发展历经蓄势积淀、起步发展阶段,目前正处于快速发展阶段。我国高校博物馆研学旅行教育资源丰富,研学旅行市场需求旺盛,但在高校博物馆研学课程建设和研学配套资源供给方面存在欠缺,影响高校博物馆高质量研学旅行活动的开展。鉴于此,本文从立足独特馆藏资源、抓住时代发展机遇、加强研学课程开发、优化研学配套资源供给等四个方面提出新时期高校博物馆研学旅行的优化策略,以期打造高质量的高校博物馆研学旅行活动,充分释放高校博物馆的教育潜能。  相似文献   

This paper details findings from a collaborative research project that studied children learning to 3D print in a museum, and provides an overview of the study design to improve related future programs. We assessed young visitors’ capacity to grasp the technical specificities of 3D printing, as well as their engagement with the cultural history of shoemaking through the museum's collection. Combining the museum's existing pedagogical resources with hands‐on technology experiences designed by Semaphore researchers, this study enabled both researchers and museum education staff to evaluate the use of 3D‐driven curriculum and engagement materials designed for children visiting cultural heritage museums. This study raises critical questions regarding the practicality of deploying 3D media to engage young learners in museums, and this paper illuminates the challenges in developing models for children to put historical and contextual information into practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from 21 semi-structured interviews with museum information professionals who were asked about their experiences working with information resources, tools, and technologies in museums. The interviews were analyzed to develop an understanding of the information literacy skills of museum information professionals. This paper presents the results of this analysis, and discusses the state of information literacy in museums, and the increasing need for museum information professionals to possess information literacy skills. The results illustrate how information literacy is defined by information professionals in museums, and how perceptions of information literacy and its importance to museums have changed over time.  相似文献   

以色列的两位学者基于社会文化理论设计了调查内容与方法,对4家自然历史博物馆的学生集体参观学习的过程、活动形式、交流互动和博物馆工作人员的导览内容、方式进行了分析,讨论了组织学生集体参观科技类博物馆不同策略下的学习效果。研究结果显示:传统的参观导览内容与方式,既不符合当代的科学教育发展趋势和博物馆对学习效果的新追求,也不适用于科技类博物馆基于实物展品的体验式学习和探究式学习。本研究的内容、方法、结果及其理论基础,对我国科技类博物馆均有启发。  相似文献   

科技创新后备人才价值定位和培养需求的转变殷切呼唤新型科学教育实践载体和教学方式的支撑,在此背景下探索依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的实践路径势在必行。国际科学场馆教育在科技创新后备人才培养方面提供了诸多经验,其主要实践特征表现为:注重树立特色化的教育品牌、着力建设系统化的教学组织生态、全面推进科学普及和科技创新教育的协同发展、专注打造分层次模块化的创新课程体系。借鉴国际场馆创新教育的先进经验,我们可从科技馆教育的政策理念、学习资源、教师发展、课程教学、社会互联和技术支持维度入手映射科技创新后备人才培养的选才、育才和评价环节,构建依托科技馆平台开展科技创新后备人才培养的行动路径。  相似文献   

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