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也谈高校图书馆新馆的建筑设计   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5  
论述了高校图书馆在建筑设计中应注意的几个问题,以便建造出符合时代要求、体现新世纪风采的图书馆。  相似文献   


This column describes AMICUS, the National Library of Canada's Web-based gateway to library holdings throughout Canada.  相似文献   

博物馆的新作用 新博物馆学的创始人之一,前美国华盛顿特区的阿那克斯亚邻里博物馆馆长约翰.科纳德将博物馆角色描述如下:“如果博物馆能够满足人们今天和明天的需求,必须将博物馆建设于人类生存的每一个地方。这就是对人类创造性资源的挑战性答复。而现在,他们面对着三种批评:没有对大多数人们的要求做出反应。没有应用过去铭刻的知识关联反映今天,或没有用它们解决今天的问题。  相似文献   

苏曼殊是中国近代史上著名的文艺家和翻译家,也是一位有爱国思想的革命者.他一生浪迹天涯,孤苦飘零;他热爱祖国,向往民主革命,当革命受到挫折后,他孤吟自叹,悲观失望;他早年看破红尘,出家为僧,既出世又人世,三十五岁英年早逝.他素以"诗僧、画僧、情僧、革命僧"著称于世,日本文学家佐藤春夫称他是"近代中国文学史上之一彗星",南社创始人柳亚子誉之为"举世公认的天才",他的启蒙老师和挚友陈独秀毫不掩饰地称他"是一个绝顶聪明的人,真是所谓‘天才’".  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

新世纪的图书馆与图书馆的新世纪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面对新世纪知识经济文明的到来,我国图书馆工作者,需要对图书馆的性质有全新的认识,树立新观念,即生产性与产业化,开放性与社会化,群众性与知识化,艺术性与科学化,创造性与革命化,以新的思想来开拓中国图书馆事业的新世纪。  相似文献   

The authors report on a self‐completed questionnaire study from a North Yorkshire based general practice regarding the information needs of its clinicians. The work was carried out with a particular focus on the practice library, and the findings identified that a new approach to maintaining and developing the library was needed. The literature regarding the information needs of primary care clinicians and the role of practice libraries is considered, and compared to those of the clinicians at the practice. Discussion follows on how a collaborative project was set up between the practice and a librarian based at the local NHS Trust library in order to improve the existing practice library. Difficulties encountered and issues unique to the project are explored, including training implications presented by the implementation of electronic resources. Marketing activities implemented are discussed, how the library will operate in its new capacity, and how ongoing support and maintenance of the library will be carried out. It is concluded that although scepticism still exists regarding librarian involvement in practice libraries, collaboration between clinicians and librarians is an effective approach to the successful development and maintenance of a practice library, and recommendations are therefore made for similar collaborative work.  相似文献   

<正>朱屺瞻先生是我的老师辈,忘年交。屺老人好,画好,性隋坦荡。我在长乐路上海人民美术出版社工作时,屺老的家在巨鹿路,仅一路之隔。他常常拄着拐杖出来散步。有时挎一篮子,篮里放一瓶子,遇到熟人,人家向他问候,他便说:"散散步,顺便打打酱油,买点醋。"我上下班路上经常碰到他。每次遇到,就停下自行车,向先生问好。我比屺老年小近30岁,先生视我如晚辈,既亲和,又时加指点。一次,全国运动会在上海举行,来参会的乒乓球教练、运动员徐寅生、  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆的角色定位   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
信息技术革命给图书馆事业发展带来了机遇和挑战。网络环境下的图书馆应在继续发挥读者和信息之间的中介作用的基础上 ,不断拓展信息推销、信息发布和知识社区中心的作用。  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):33-35
Objective: To lead a brief training session over a distance-learning network Type of speech: Informative Point value: 20% of course grade Requirements: (a) References: Not specified; (b) Length: 15 minutes; (c) Visual aid: Yes; (d) Outline: No; (e) Prerequisite reading: Chapters 12–16, 18 (Bailey, 2002); (f) Additional requirements: None This assignment recognizes the growing importance of computer-mediated com munication in professional contexts and is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the fundamentals and challenges of giving a speech (as part of a training session on web design) over a distance-learning network via live interactive video. Teleconferencing is becoming a popular means of doing business for companies whose employees, clients, and contractors may be geographically scattered. More over, a number of companies now offer some employees the option of working from their homes at least a few days a week. Videoconferencing from home (in the form of an inexpensive web cam, speakers, and microphone connected to an Internet- ready computer) allows telecommuters to exchange information with colleagues conveniently and affordably. Finally, distance-learning courses, especially at multi- campus universities, are becoming more popular not only as a way to manage exploding student populations, but also to serve the needs of students pursuing degrees at multiple campuses.  相似文献   

新闻学理论主要包括两个层面的内容,一是新闻观理论体系,主要解决新闻的物质基础与价值原点、新闻职业的权利与使命、新闻业与传媒业的区别与联系、新闻受众与社会公众的关系、新闻自律与他律等问题,宗旨是为新闻工作定位;二是新闻方法论体系,它主要探讨新闻传播规律,解决新闻传播效率的问题。从新闻观与方法论层面加强新闻学理论研究,既能够为新闻传播设定明确的社会角色,指导其守位而不失位,又能够帮助新闻界提高新闻传播能力。  相似文献   

The embedding of a complete graph in a minimum sized hypercube is an important problem which models the classical state encoding problem of Finite State Machines (FSMs). As this problem is an NP-hard optimization problem, acceptable final solutions are generally obtained by employing heuristic methods or Simulated Annealing (SA). In this paper the efficacy of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for this problem is studied. This study includes a comparison of three different crossover methods of GA along with their implementation details and their suitability for this embedding problem. The experimental results on a number of MCNC benchmark FSMs indicate the superiority of GA in finding a better (near optimal) solution than a heuristic solution. These results experimentally establish the time efficiency of GA over SA for this embedding problem.  相似文献   

Libraries are discovering that building an effective learning culture can be a strategic component of success in the workplace. This case study outlines how a public library system in Canada built a strong learning culture as a change initiative. Multiple methodologies were used including a single group pre-test/post-test intervention, surveys, and focus groups combined with elements of participatory action research and appreciative inquiry. Study findings suggest that employees' perceptions of the workplace became more positive as learning organization principles were implemented. This study offers best practices for leaders who wish to build effective learning cultures in the library.  相似文献   

构筑图书馆网络安全防护系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了关于网络安全的有关知识、概念和重要性,分析了主流网络安全防护系统的组成,说明了如何构筑完整的网络安全防护体系,并分析了中国科学院文献情报中心的网络安全情况与防护体系建设情况。  相似文献   


Web site usability concerns anyone with a Web site to maintain. Libraries, however, are often the biggest offenders in terms of usability. In our efforts to provide users with everything they need for research, we often overwhelm them with sites that are confusing in structure, difficult to navigate, and weighed down with jargon. Dowling College Library recently completed a redesign of its Web site based upon the concept of usability. For smaller libraries in particular, such a project can be a challenge. The Web site is often maintained by one or two people, and finding the time and resources to conduct a usability study is difficult in that situation. Additional demands of a site redesign, from restructuring page layouts to adding visual appeal, only add to the burden. However, our team of four librarians was able to do it. We focused on vocabulary and organizational structure using a card-sort analysis. This analysis taught us how our users approach the information on our site. Task-based testing confirmed what the card-sort analysis had taught us and smoothed out design problems. Incorporating user feedback at nearly every stage of the process allowed us to create a site that more closely mirrors how our users look for information on our site. This study details how using testing and analyzing results throughout the redesign process created a better, more user-friendly Web site.  相似文献   

ISBN升位:一种进化,而非革命   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了10位和13位编码的国际标准书号的结构、背景、内容、意义和不足,阐述了13位编码的国际标准书号对图书馆工作的影响,以此说明ISBN的升位是一次进化,而非革命。  相似文献   

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