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中小学教师专业核心素养是中小学教师从事教育教学活动所必备的基本素质。近年来我国有学者开始关注中小学教师的核心素养问题,但采用规范的方法研究中小学教师专业核心素养的成果还较少见到。本研究运用文献法、德尔菲法和统计法研讨了中小学教师专业核心素养的因素,在此基础上构建并分析了品德修为、知识涵养和教学能力三维度的中小学教师专业核心素养模型。该模型可以为中小学选聘教师、开展教师培训、评估教师绩效及中小学教师的自我发展提供有益的参考和启示。  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, primary school teachers of science and mathematics are encouraged to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into their teaching as a means to improve the quality of education. However, there has not been the same emphasis placed on providing professional learning opportunities for teachers on how to use ICT in their teaching. The present study investigated how a group of practising primary school science and mathematics teachers developed the skills needed to integrate ICT into their teaching. The study employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods within an action research approach. The teachers took part in activities from a Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) based professional learning workshop, including designing lessons, classroom instruction, and reflection activities in teams. A lesson evaluation sheet, questionnaire, observation checklist, and logbook were used to gather data. The results showed that the teachers acquired an improved competency to integrate available ICT into their teaching through the intervention activities.  相似文献   

本科小学教育专业培养模式主要有综合型、分科型和介于二者之间的中间型模式。它们各有特点。现行小学教育专业定位反映了人们对该专业的基本认知和对未来发展的预期。但是结合小学教师的专业属性分析,小学教师具有教育专业性强、教师职业性强的特点,因而本科小学教育专业的培养目标应当是“高等应用型人才”。小教专业要引进职业教育理念,创立以“教育教学能力”为本位、“教育实践导向”的课程设置、模块化课程结构的小学教育专业本科人才培养模式。  相似文献   

作为教师教育课程体系的重要组成部分,现阶段的信息化教学能力课程,忽视了"师范生"与"中小学教师"的角色差异,与中小学信息化教学改革的现实需求相脱节,不利于培养师范生的信息素养和信息化教学能力,难以有效地支撑卓越教师培养,亟须重构。立足"互联网+"时代背景,在课程调研基础上,梳理分析了师范生信息化教学能力课程建设与实施现状,明确了课程重构的基本原则,并以"信息化教学技术与方法"课程为例,从教学目标、教学内容、教学资源、教学模式、教学活动、教学评价等维度阐述了课程重构的设想,旨在从"过程"和"结果"两个层面有效地支撑卓越教师培养。  相似文献   


The article examines the use of information and communication technology to enhance the educational achievement of a group of students evidencing a variety of EBD in a mainstream school setting. It is believed that ICT will have just as important a part to play in the education of students with EBD as it will with other sensory or physical special educational needs. The article examines within-child factors which make a cognitive-behavioural approach potentially powerful. It suggests that ICT can enhance the educational experience of EBD pupils if careful attention is paid to the creation of a therapeutic teaching environment and the interaction of the student/curriculum and teacher/student interfaces. The article discusses the implementation of an integrated learning system in an inner London comprehensive school and its effects on those pupils presenting with emotionally disordered learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes towards technology are crucial to foster its use in schools and to improve its educational affordances and this is still a topic for research. This article relates the attitudes school teachers have towards information and communication technologies (ICT) with the different levels of technology integration in schools. A multiple case-study research methodology was applied, and in which the school was the unit of sampling used. Thirty-five schools from eight Spanish regions were selected, and 1222 questionnaires were collected, representing 78.9% of the sample. Three combined variables were utilised to classify schools in four different levels of technology integration. Results suggest level 4 school teachers exhibit better attitudes towards ICT, which results in creating a positive circle which improves the learning process. This becomes relevant for teacher education and professional development, as effective ICT integration in the classroom can perform as a catalyst for educational innovation.  相似文献   

Has ICT changed education? Has the reformative, humanistic and emancipatory role that many educators have envisaged for ICT in education been realized in the reality of classrooms? Bearing in mind these two critical questions, the present paper attempts to approach the visionary narrative of the so-called information society (in recent times also referred to as knowledge society) and the rhetoric underlying the role of ICT as an agent for change and a substitute for education. Latest international facts and figures are examined with the purpose of assessing the realization of this role and raising critical arguments against the idea of perceiving ICT as the totem of educational change. From this evidence, it is argued that educational media and tools cannot revolutionize, but can only strengthen, further and reinforce established educational goals, curriculum contents, teaching and learning methods. This leads us to conclude that, as the educational use of ICT becomes assimilated, it mirrors and to a certain degree broadens or exacerbates prevailing socio-economic problems and current educational conditions. Thus the main focus of the paper is to attempt to redefine and re-approach the role of ICT from a human and democratic standpoint. It concentrates on ICT success stories, which seem to whisper the critical pedagogy tale. These stories serve as an avenue for reflecting upon the liberating possibilities of ICT, which can flourish when they are embedded in an alternative and progressive educational setting. In such an educational context, ICT represents an interesting, challenging and essential educational theme, one of the necessary keys for unlocking, understanding and participating in a competitive, demanding and insecure world. On the other hand, critical use of ICT tools enhances, promotes and extends democratic curriculum practices, processes and structures by offering students and teachers a multiple set of media and tools for expression, interaction, creation, reflection, analysis, construction, communication and meaning making. Focusing on students’ participation in common life as critical, knowledgeable, conscious and able citizens appears to bring about a new conception of ICT, namely a critical pedagogy and pedagogy of praxis perspective towards ICT. Yet, for such a focus to prevail we need to change our view of what it means to educate and what it means to be educated.  相似文献   

This article reports on a UK study identifying innovative practice in the use of ICT to link home and school and its potential for enhancing learning. It is set in the context of recent political tensions and the mismatch between ICT use in the home and traditional educational systems. The theoretical framework draws upon curriculum theories and reviews what is already known about home use of ICT. A survey was administered to schools identified for innovative models of practice in both teaching and learning, and management and administration. From the 115 responses, eight contrasting case-study schools were selected. Three exemplars highlight a shift in practices: a move towards self-directed learning; greater flexibility and autonomy for students; and improved communication between home and school. We argue that technology could support a broader access to the curriculum, but that policy-makers should be aware of the digital divide issues. Young people's home use of technology suggests a rich experience involving exploratory activities, access to knowledge and the opportunity to publish their views. Curriculum reform is essential in order to maximize the potential of technology. It demands a shift away from current curriculum and pedagogy towards critical thinking and knowledge construction.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study which focuses on the interaction between primary teachers' perceptions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and their pedagogy. Their perceptions of ICT are explored in terms of their reported understandings of the nature and purpose of ICT in primary schools. A qualitative, case study approach was used to investigate the perceptions and pedagogy of a small group of teachers working within one school, Carberry Junior School in England. The study was carried out during an eighteen month period of significant change in primary schools responding to the UK Government's National Grid for Learning initiative and its impact on models of access to ICT resources and expectations in teaching and pupil achievement. The paper highlights the teachers' perceptions of ICT as a social and cultural phenomenon, as an ambiguous area constructed as a discrete subject, curriculum resource and higher-order capability, and as a 'new' field in primary schools.  相似文献   

小学数学核心素养体系的建构是当前基础教育阶段重要的教育研究议题。采用NVivo 12.0编码统计分析,通过对美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡现行的小学数学课程目标组成要素及内涵进行比较,从课程价值取向、内涵等维度析出小学数学核心素养的类别以及内涵的层级结构。研究发现,认知过程取向、人本主义取向、社会重建主义取向是建构小学数学核心素养框架和指标的根本价值取向;并结合专家意见,初步建构五项小学数学核心素养组成要素及其内涵。  相似文献   

自1992年至2001年,我国小学语文教育理念及教学内容都发生了很大的变化。据此,高师院校小学教育专业中文方向语文类课程也进行了相应地设计和规划,包括汉语、中国文学、文学概论、儿童文学、基础写作等组成的必修基础课程;以小学综合实践活动、班级管理、教师口语、书写、小学语文多媒体课件制作为内容的必修应用类课程;以小学语文教学论,小学语文教学研究、小学语文教育心理学等构成的语文教育类课程;还有教育实践课程和选修类课程,以培养师范生较高的语文素养,为成为合格的小学教师打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical perspective on the attempts to promote the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning in England. It describes the rationale given for the introduction of ICT in terms of its potential to impact on educational standards to contribute to developing a curriculum which has more vocational/social significance and, more generally, to provide a catalyst for curriculum reform. The introduction of ICT is underpinned by the argument that schools should show a higher degree of correspondence with a wider world where the use of technology is pervasive. However, the claims made for ICT display excessive optimism and a sense of “inevitability.” ICT has had only a modest impact on schools, though impact has to be considered in the context of what can realistically be expected: the contribution of ICT has not been negligible. Future development in the use of ICT should be more measured and adaptive, taking account of the multidimensional nature of technology.  相似文献   

大学本科阶段实施双语教学的创新与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行的高等教育体制,人才培养模式、教学内容与课程体系、教育方式方法需要随着全球化进程进行改革和创新。尤其是加入WTO之后,我国高等教育的国际化日显迫切。考虑到我国改革开放对于国际化专业人才的需求,作为教学改革的内容之一,我们以全新的教学理念为指导,运用全员参与教学法,在大学本科阶段尝试了双语专业课教学,探索出了一套双语专业课教学的通用模式。  相似文献   

唐亭婷 《成才之路》2022,(9):124-126
课程设置是指各级各类学校开设的反映课程总体规划的教学总科目及课时安排,对提高育人质量具有重要意义.课程是教育教学活动的基本依据,是师生联系、交往的纽带,也是实现教育目标、培养全面发展人才的保证.规范课程设置标准、找出课程设置中的问题,是教育教学实施的关键.文章立足贵州省城乡小学课程设置的比较,找出差异,找到问题,提出建...  相似文献   

课程是指学校按照一定的教育目的所构建的各学科和各种教育、教学活动的系统。课程是学校开展一切教育活动的核心。高等学校是培养专门人才的专业性机构,高等学校的课程作为学生学习的知识载体及各项教学活动的指挥棒对人才培养的规格和质量起着决定性的作用。因此,对高等教育课程的研究就显得格外重要,然而,由于高等学校课程教学具有学科专业性强的特点,对高等学校课程研究的难度凸显。尤其是高等教育课程基础理论研究薄弱,方法论缺失,使得对高等教育课程研究没有相应的理论支撑,同时无法深入学科内部进行深层次探讨,因此,本文仅对目前高校课程研究及改革中的部分显性问题做一些浅层次的分析。  相似文献   

In Ireland, new science curricula were introduced at primary and early post-primary levels in 2003, in an effort to reverse declining interest and enrolment in science. This paper reports on a national study that explored first year post-primary students’ experiences of and attitudes towards school science under these new curricula. Data were gathered from 366 pupils using survey and case study approaches. Findings revealed broadly positive attitudes towards post-primary school science, especially the experimental work that is at the heart of the new curriculum. However, it would appear that students were not conducting open-ended investigations or using information and communications technology [ICT] to any great extent; moreover, there was some evidence of traditional teaching methods being utilised. Pupils were highly critical of previous primary school science experiences, reporting a lack of ‘hands-on’ activities, didactic methodologies and, for a significant minority, a paucity of any memorable primary science at all. Improvements in curricular implementation are proposed.  相似文献   

卢炳惠 《教育学报》2005,1(4):61-64
信息与通讯技术(ICT)在教学中应用越来越广,但是,技术并没有在教学中发挥人们所想象的那种作用。从教师的角度看,技术革命、技术威胁、技术无用等观念和教师的技术能力在一定程度上影响了ICT的使用以及使用方式;从学校支持的角度看,资金投入、课程安排、职称评定和技术保障在很多时候影响了ICT在教学中的应用;从政策法规来看,知识产权在某些方面阻碍了数字环境中ICT对信息的利用。要充分开发教学中的技术资源,就有必要对技术的本质和怎样利用技术进行反思。  相似文献   

With the continuous deployment of ICT in K-12 education, strong access but weak uptake has become the greatest challenge for ICT implementation in schools. As the pioneer of China’s K-12 educational reform, Shanghai draws our attention in terms of the critical factors and the underlying mechanism of ICT transformation in K-12 schools. The study used questionnaire survey data collected from 2894 Shanghai teachers (971 primary, 990 middle and 933 high school teachers) to investigate the relationships between government ICT policy, school principal e-leadership, ICT implementation in schools, teacher attitudes towards ICT and pedagogical change and changes in student learning. The structural equation modelling results revealed a significant influence of e-leadership by school principals on ICT transformation in schools, confirming the critical role of e-leadership in ICT transformation model. In addition, the higher the school stage, the more personal rather than organisational factors affected the changes in teaching and learning. The findings imply a profound sociocultural and technological dilemma due to the pressure of getting into college and risk-taking in ICT-related educational transformation. The study contributes to our knowledge in terms of a more nuanced ICT transformation mechanism between school stages.  相似文献   

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