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本文以罗伯特·霍尔的辩论策略为理论依据和分析框架:反思目前众多学生主见缺失、不能独立作决定的现象以及在德育课堂上采用辩论形式的实质、目的;建构德育课堂中实施辩论过程的五个步骤.强调通过辩论策略在德育课堂上的有效应用,使学生在辩论中发展自主判断和独立决策的能力,在辩论中学会作决定.  相似文献   

This study examined the developments of childern's use of 2 judgement strategies: (1) the use of baserates and (2) the use of the respectiveness heuristic. Childern in the first ( M = 6.85), third ( M = 8.86), and sixth grades ( M = 11.27) and a comparison sample of college students ( M = 20.11) made judgements about scenarios that varied by domain (social vs. object judgements) and by information provided (baserates only vs. baserates and individuating information). Results indicated that although the use of baserates and the representativeness heuristic increased with age, the use of individuating information to make social judgements developed quite early. Consistency between subjects' choices and rationales increased significantly with grade level, indicating that younger childern use idiosyncratic strategies, such as personal preferences or scenario embellishment, to make decisions. Developmental trends are discussed in light of previous research with adults.  相似文献   

Computer-based learning environments (CBLEs) present important opportunities for fostering learning; however, studies have shown that students have difficulty when learning with these environments. Research has identified that students’ self-regulatory learning (SRL) processes may mediate the hypothesized positive relations between CBLEs and academic performance. In this review, we identified 33 empirical studies of SRL and CBLEs. We address three research questions: (1) How do learner and task characteristics relate to students’ SRL with CBLEs? (2) Can various learning supports or conditions enhance the quality of students’ SRL as they learn with CBLEs? (3) What conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues exist for this growing area of research? We found evidence that specific SRL processes are more often associated with academic success than others and that SRL skills can be supported. We also identified a number of issues that researchers should aim to address in future investigations, including a more comprehensive measurement of facets of SRL and the quality of SRL processes, the seeming disconnect between SRL processes and learning outcomes, and the distinction between self- and other-regulation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In response to a call for theories of instructional design that are grounded in practice, I conducted a naturalistic study of the instructional design process for three permanent museum exhibits. An analysis of the data indicated that design involves a series of decisions, each of which has 4 components: • Design goals: principles to be achieved through the decision process and that must be realized before the choice is considered complete. • Design resources: the materials–both physical and intellectual–available to present information. • Design techniques: the strategies for achieving the goals using the design resources available. • Constraints: outside influences such as budget and schedule that limit the use of resources and techniques to achieve a goal. Each phase in the design process is characterized by certain types of decisions in which one of the four components dominates. Design team members participate to different extents in design decisions based on their roles. In theory, the model should transfer from museum exhibition design to instructional design. Further study would indicate the extent as well as which design decisions are guided by research, theory, or instinct, so we might understand and ultimately improve decisions about instructional programs.  相似文献   

该文作者结合自己多年的教学实践和创作历程,介绍了在静物写生画创作方面的经验和见解,希望对中国美术专业的师生有所启发和帮助。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review recent research on self-regulated learning and discuss the implications of this research for science education. We draw on examples of self-regulated learning from the science education literature to summarise and illustrate effective instructional methods and the development of metacognitive understanding (Gunstone; 1999a; Rickey & Stacy, 2000; White & Mitchell, 1994). We also focus on the crucial role that metacognition plays in self-regulation (Baird & White, 1996; Nichols, Tippins, & Wieseman, 1997; White, 1998). We divide our discussion into two main parts. The first focuses on three components of self-regulated learning, including cognition, metacognition, and motivation. We relate these aspects of self-regulation to current practices in science education. The second section focuses on six general instructional strategies for improving self-regulation in the science classroom. We focus on the use of inquiry based learning, the role of collaborative support, strategy and problem solving instruction, the construction of mental models, the use of technology to support learning, and the role of personal beliefs such as self-efficacy and epistemological world views. These instructional strategies are selected because they reflect extensive research agendas over the last decade within the science education literature and are essential to metacognition and self-regulation (Butler & Winne, 1995; Gunstone, 1999b).  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,国家和北京市的基础教育人才培养取得了重要成就,同时也面对着诸多挑战:教师数量供给与结构性短缺、教师编制调控与教师数量潜在增长之间矛盾问题、课程改革全面推进与教师原有专业知识不足问题、教育变革与教师观念适应问题等等。"十三五"期间,要提升基础教育人才发展的数量和质量,建设中国好教师队伍,就必须要做好基础教育规模和基础教育人才需求的结构性分析;要进一步研究教师专业发展与专业需求的差距,系统构建教师职前培养与职后培训课程体系;要充分利用互联网和移动互联的泛在学习技术,有效搭建教师在线学习平台,开发具有针对性系统性的教师学习资源,提升教师学习效率。  相似文献   

Qiong Wu  Jia Yan  Ming Cui 《Child development》2021,92(5):e997-e1016
This study replicated and extended the Feldman (2009) study by applying the developmental hierarchical-integrative model to understand the emergence of self-regulation. Participants included 360 children (48.6% boys; 62.8% identified as Caucasian and 36.9% African American) and their families, predominantly from a low-income, rural background. Families completed assessments on child physiological, attention, emotion, and self-regulation when children were 6-, 15-, 24-, and 36-month-old, when caregiver sensitivity was observationally assessed. A path model revealed that child attention regulation at 6 months predicted physiological regulation at 15 months, and child attention regulation at 15 months predicted emotion regulation at 24 months. Attention regulation at 24 months predicted better self-regulation at 36 months. Notably, caregiver sensitivity moderated several developmental pathways. Findings support a continuous model of early self-regulation development and the ongoing individual-environment interplay in early childhood.  相似文献   

学术报告是科研工作必不可少的部分,更是展示科研工作水平的重要方式。依据科研报告自身特点,针对目前科研报告中常见的问题,阐述了做好科研报告需要注意的内容,主要包括:结构组织、报告前准备、讲述过程三部分10个方面。结合实际科研工作和人才培养的过程,提出了提高学术报告能力的建议和措施:举办自由学术报告会,定期进行科研汇报多参加学术讲座与交流等。这些措施在培养学生的实践过程中起到了很好的作用。最后以诗词形式总结了做好学术报告需要注意的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

典型报道是广播电视宣传工作中经常运用的一种重要舆论手段,特别是随着电视事业的迅速发展和影响力的快速提升,以电视媒体宣传典型人物、典型群体和典型事件的任务越来越重。如何提高典型报道的宣传质量,达到宣传效果,多年来,电视媒体也一直在进行探讨和研究。文章结合实践经验,从先期采访的选材、典型素材的挖掘、最终成文应遵循的原则和运用的技巧等四个方面,系统地阐述了做好典型报道的关键所在。  相似文献   

文章以该作者经历为基础,从参加新教员培训、备课说课试讲、课前准备与课上表现、课后反思总结四个方面进行梳理,为军校新教员上好第一堂理论课提供一些建议与借鉴。  相似文献   

对什么是教案 ,为什么要写教案 ,教师备课写教案应注重的事项 ,教师写好教案的重要性等问题进行论述。  相似文献   

教育者对学生观的正确理解对于整体的教育行为有着重大意义.怎样让学生养成良好的学生观应从三面来改变思想即学生、教师、家长的观念,尤其是老师的观念.教师应该从保护学生的自尊、创造性和提高课堂的高效性及通过校内外的实践来培养学生的正确学生观.教育者更新观念,是培养学生良好学生观的关键,这对教育工作也会起到促进作用.  相似文献   

Effects of two types of feedback on mathematical reasoning in a computerized environment are compared. Metacognitive feedback (MF) is based on self-regulation learning using metacognitive questions that serve as cues for understanding the problem. Result feedback (RF) means giving cues that pertain only to the final outcome. A total of 108 sixth-grade Israeli students participated in the study. Results indicated that the MF students significantly outperformed the RF students on various measures of mathematical reasoning and mathematical explanations. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed. L’utilisation de la technologie pour développer le raisonnement mathématique : les effets du feed back et de l’apprentissage autorégulé. Ce texte compare les effets de deux types de feed back sur le développement du raisonnement mathématique dans un environnement informatique: a) le feed back métacognitif (MF) qui se base sur un apprentissage autorégulé et utilise des questions de type métacognitif (Mevarech et Kramarski, 1997) qui servent d'indices pour identifier la compréhension du problème ; b) le feed back sur les résultats (RF) qui ne donne des indications que sur les résultats finaux. Cent quatre-vingt étudiants israéliens de sixième année ont participé À cette étude. Les résultats indiquent que les étudiants soumis au MF obtiennent de meilleurs résultats que ceux soumis au RF sur la base de mesures du raisonnement et de l'explicitation mathématiques. Der Einsatz von Technologie zur Steigerung mathematischer Logik: Die Wirkung von Feeback und

selbstreguliertem Lernen. Im Vergleich stehen zwei Feeback-Arten mathematischer Logik in einem Computer-unterstützten Umfeld : (a) Metakognitives Feedback (MF = metacognitive feedback) basiert auf selbstreguliertem Lernen unter Verwendung von metakognitiven Fragen (Mevarech & Kramarski, 1997) die als Hinweise zum besseren Verständnis des Problems dienen ; (b) Ergebnis-orientiertes Feedback (RF = result feedback), das lediglich Hinweise auf das Endergebnis gibt. 180 israelische Schüler im Alter von ca. 12 Jahren nahmen an dieser Studie teil. Bei der Analyse des Resultats wurde offenbar, dass die MF-unterstützten Schüler wesentlich besser abschnitten, als die RF-Schüler. Theoretische und praktische Auswirkungen dieser Studie werden noch diskutiert.  相似文献   

From a small beginning in the colonial period the City Super-intedency of Schools has grown to its present enormous, complexly integrated proportions by means of numerous forces and many devious meanderings. While the following data refer chiefly to records of Massachusetts, their implications are deemed applicable to the nation as a whole, since many of the present forms of educational ideas and institutions grew out of these movements in the seventeenth and eighteen centuries.  相似文献   

学生厌学现象十分普遍和严重,危害之大,有目共睹。不少教师从没有往主观上找原因,而是责怪学生和当今的社会制度,导致学生厌学问题始终得不到解决,引发了日趋严重和危害越来越大的后果。必须认真寻找学生厌学的诱发原因,研究和思考解决对策,最终实现学生"好学"、"乐学"的目标。  相似文献   

Much research has been conducted on metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning, but the articles in this special issue make it clear that we still have many unanswered questions. Recommendations for research include providing clear definitions of processes, identifying relevant theories, ensuring that assessments clearly reflect processes, linking processes with academic outcomes, conducting more educational developmental research, and tying processes firmly with instructional methods. Collectively, these recommendations will enhance our understanding of metacognition, self-regulation, and self-regulated learning and will lead to solid implications for educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

Learning is often identified with the acquisition, encoding, or construction of new knowledge, while retrieval is often considered only a means of assessing knowledge, not a process that contributes to learning. Here, we make the case that retrieval is the key process for understanding and for promoting learning. We provide an overview of recent research showing that active retrieval enhances learning, and we highlight ways researchers have sought to extend research on active retrieval to meaningful learning—the learning of complex educational materials as assessed on measures of inference making and knowledge application. However, many students lack metacognitive awareness of the benefits of practicing active retrieval. We describe two approaches to addressing this problem: classroom quizzing and a computer-based learning program that guides students to practice retrieval. Retrieval processes must be considered in any analysis of learning, and incorporating retrieval into educational activities represents a powerful way to enhance learning.  相似文献   

本文根据个人的教育工和体会,讲述了在当今信息社会建立良好的新型师生关系,教师必须摆脱“我教你学”的传统教育观念,转变角色,师生平等对话。进而牢固树立“学生本位”思想,并以高尚的师德和炽烈的师爱去进行教育与指导学生学习和研究,从教育观点和教育行为的转变中建立良好的新型师行关系。文章最后小结归纳了全文的观点,并强调教师的观念、品格及综合素质是建立良好师生关系的关键。  相似文献   

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