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采用问卷调查法对西安市基础教育教师发展状况进行了调查,结果发现男女教师数量不均衡,男教师数量过少;以中青年教师为主,小学、初中教师基本都达到国家规定的学历,但通过全日制教育获得最高学历的教师人数不多;绝大多数教师周课时在16节以下;教师对素质教育、教育公平、全面发展观念的理解存在一定的误区;教师师德观念存在一定问题;教师业务水平居中;教师心理健康水平偏低。  相似文献   

<正>农村基础教育师资队伍的建设,是提高农村教育质量的关键。目前我国农村教育发展中,师资队伍建设面临诸多困难和问题,直接影响了农村教育的改革和发展,主要表现在以下几个方面:1师资队伍结构不合理,包括年龄结构、学科结构和学历结构不合理,教师老龄化现象严重,教师学历水平不高;2师资数量不足,特别是教育教学观念较旧,专业素养亟待提升,代课教师人数  相似文献   

目前基层电大存在教师数量不足、学历层次偏低、专业结构不合理、教育观念和教学方法尊换不到位、教育技术水平低、科研氛围不浓等问题,要加强职业道德建设和服务意识,改善学历水平和专业结构,加强科研工作,完善教师评价制度,加强兼职教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

从教育均衡发展的视角出发,对民族地区县域内教师资源均衡发展问题进行研究。以CH县全部在岗中小学教师作为研究对象,以师生比、流动性、年龄、性别、学历等作为维度进行数据统计,结果表明目前CH县师资主要存在以下问题:数量不足;稳定性差;年龄结构不尽合理;性别比例失调;学历偏低。在对CH县师资问题产生的原因分析的基础上,有针对性地从设立特殊津贴、推行教师轮岗制、合理配置教师资源、改善当地家长观念、因地制宜打造民族特色学校5个层面,提出促进CH县基础教育师资均衡配置的对策。  相似文献   

农村教师队伍建设存在的问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当前,农村教师队伍编制不足、学历与能力不相配、年龄和学科结构不合理、教师教育观念落后等问题的存在,严重制约着农村教育质量的提高和义务教育均衡发展的推进.因此,必须转变教育观念,科学配编,创新教师管理体制和机制,改善农村教师工作和生活条件,多管齐下,努力提高农村教师队伍整体素质,为农村教育事业发展奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   

论新建本科院校师资队伍建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前新建本科院校师资队伍建设存在许多急需解决的问题,如教师的本科教育观念存在一定差距,师资队伍学历、职称结构偏低、教学及科研水平偏低等。为此,要采取切实有效的措施,加强新建本科院校师资队伍建设,促进高校健康稳步地发展。  相似文献   

一、教师进修院校面临的形势与任务在基本完成中小学教师学历达标和中小学校长岗位培训任务之后,教师进修院校将面临怎样的形势和任务?教师进修院校今后还有没有存在的必要?这个问题不解决,无疑会对这方面的工作产生不良影响。第一、教师进修院校是属于成人教育机构。重视成人教育,努力发展成人教育,已是当今世界教育发展的大趋势。当今世界人们的教育观念已经发生了重大变化,重视教育,不  相似文献   

选取唐山地区10所农村民办幼儿园教师进行生存状态的现状调查。结果表明,唐山地区农村民办幼儿园教师的学历偏低,大部分农村民办幼儿园教师具有一定的学前教育知识,教育观念不先进,创新意识不强,生命教育理念渗透不足;农村民办幼儿园教师基本上能得到家长的尊重,但认为其社会地位不高,农村民办幼儿园教师的经济状况较差,工作压力大,不同程度的产生了职业倦怠,部分农村民办幼儿园教师有一定的职业认同感,专业发展情况不容乐观。  相似文献   

重庆市中职教师队伍建设现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
调查表明,2003~2007年,随着中等职业教育规模的发展,重庆市中职教师数量也有了一定程度的增长,但重庆市中职师资队伍建设仍面临经费支持不足、管理体制不顺、教师数量不足、“双师型”教师缺乏、教师素质不高、培训体系不完善等问题。为此,重庆市可采取以下对策:更新观念,加强组织领导和条件保障;改革管理体制;多渠道补充教师队伍;实施中职教师素质提升工程;完善教师培训体系。  相似文献   

我国教育学院是在解决中小学教师数量不足、学历不合格进行学历补偿教育的特定历史背景下建立和发展起来的。然而,在新时期教育学院学历补偿教育的历史任务已暂告一段落,基础教育改革与发展对提高教师素质的要求日益迫切,教师教育的内涵也发生了很大的变化,教育学院面临严峻挑战,必须转变办学方向和办学模式,在近期采取联合办学最为现实,同时加强内部运作模式调整和教师队伍建设更是当务之急。  相似文献   

当我们从教育哲学的视角关注教师专业发展的时候,发现一个令人忧虑的事实,即教师们很少或不愿去思考一些看上去很遥远而实际上却迫切需要回答的根本性问题。哲学之思能够为教师提供有价值的视角,帮助教师获得一种洞察力,使教师更清晰地理解教育、理解学生、理解自己,也能更好地理解教育改革中的冲突与矛盾。教师只有致力于建构个人的教育哲学,系统地思考教育的根本问题,才能真正走上专业发展之路。  相似文献   

Several international reports promote the use of the inquiry teaching methodology for improvements in science education at elementary school. Nevertheless, research indicates that pre-service elementary teachers have insufficient experience with this methodology and when they try to implement it, the theory they learnt in their university education clashes with the classroom practice they observe, a problem that has also been noted with other innovative methodologies. So, it appears essential for pre-service teachers to conduct supportive reflective practice during their education to integrate theory and practice, which various studies suggest is not usually done. Our study shows how opening up a third discursive space can assist this supportive reflective practice. The third discursive space appears when pre-service teachers are involved in specific activities that allow them to contrast the discourses of theoretical knowledge taught at university with practical knowledge arising from their ideas on science and science teaching and their observations during classroom practice. The case study of three pre-service teachers shows that this strategy was fundamental in helping them to integrate theory and practice, resulting in a better understanding of the inquiry methodology and its application in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study investigated four novice secondary teachers’ experience and perceptions of teacher education in relation to their current work experience in a high-stakes testing context. The novice teachers commonly indicated that their preparation, which had focused on content expertise, turned out to have little significance in schools, as they mainly executed teaching to the test. Instead, their role as homeroom teachers, which was concerned with caring and supporting students, was found to have much more significance. Accordingly, they indicated that teacher education must more strongly emphasise preparing teachers for that role, which requires them to become mature, considerate, and autonomous educators. Based on this finding, this study suggests the need for a clearer conception of and emphasis on the subjectification function of teacher education that is grounded in the consideration of the fundamental vision, purpose, and meaning of teacher education in a society.  相似文献   

Recent government reform of initial teacher education has increased teachers’ responsibility for training students in schools, bringing about some fundamental changes in the professional relationship between the schools, higher education institutions (HEIs), teachers and students. This paper reports on primary undergraduate student teachers’ and their class teachers’ perceptions of school-based training to teach art. Class teachers were interviewed about their preparedness to train students and questionnaires and interviews were used to gauge students’ views of the effectiveness of university-based courses and the support given to them by teachers. The findings indicate that teachers were able to support students in matters of classroom management and resources but that they were mostly unable to assist them in developing subject knowledge and understanding of art teaching and learning. This raises concerns about teachers’ subject knowledge and their confidence in training students. Our findings suggest that there is significant room for improvement in the partnership arrangements between schools and HEIs in order to better support students’ teaching of art.  相似文献   

工学结合是高职院校教学改革和发展的根本出路,而工学结合使高职院校的教学目标、内容、方法等发生了根本性的转轨。高职院校教师只有扮演恩师、技能师傅等多重角色,才能有效完成高技能人才培养的根本任务。  相似文献   

As part of an undergraduate concurrent initial teacher education programme pre-service teachers participate in an education module consisting of a number of workshops relating to the integration of development education active learning methodologies into their teaching. Following completion of the module, pre-service teachers participate in a 12-week teaching practice placement. This study, based on questionnaires and focus group data, was conducted following their return from teaching practice and examines their attitudes towards development education, the extent to which they included development education issues in their teaching while on teaching practice and their attitudes towards including such issues in the future. Results indicate that while pre-service teachers were positive towards integrating development education into post-primary schools and indicated their hope to include such issues in the future, they face a number of barriers that prevent them from doing so. As they begin their teaching career, the integration of development education is not viewed as a major priority for these pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

民国时期江苏省政治地位重要,经济实力雄厚,文化教育发达。这期间有三类江苏人与东南亚的华文教育关系密切:革命者亡命东南亚从教,其中有的人在国外暂避一段时间,又回到国内继续从事革命事业,有的人则终老东南亚;志愿者远赴东南亚支教,这类学历较高的专业教师,通过亲属乡邻关系,在东南亚传播中华文化,培养侨生的生存能力;当政者考察东南亚谋教,他们通过多方调研,帮助政府确定华文教育的大政方针,为华校的教材建设贡献心智。这三类人都对东南亚的华文教育作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

五年制学前双语教育新师资素质与能力的培养提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师资问题是云南省幼儿园开展的学前双语教育活动存在的最主要问题:一是师资数量远远无法满足学前双语教育普遍开展的需要;二是师资水平不尽如人意,无法满足学前双语教育有效开展的需要。从事学前双语教育应当具备三种素质、八种能力和十项教学基本功。在师资培养的教育教学中,要为学生提供完整系统的相关英语知识和技能的学习,提供丰富多彩的理论联系实际的观摩与见习实习活动,还要经常组织课外活动,以增强学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心,并增加强化训练课程。  相似文献   

师范院校的学生毕业后大部分将成为基础教育的教师,加强师范生电教能力的培养,提高运用现代教育技术手段的水平,掌握现代教育技术设备的使用方法,对于提高基础教育质量,培养跨世纪的具有综合能力的复合型人才,具有很强的现实意义.  相似文献   

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