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This study explores how graduate students enrolled in M.A./M.S. and Ph.D. geography programs perceive the social and academic climate of their departments. A second objective is to understand how these students self-assess their own professional abilities, values, and goals, and whether these self-assessments differ across demographic and institutional contexts. The survey instrument for this research is based on data collected from graduate student focus groups and on validated constructs of academic culture and climate from previous research. T-tests, ANOVA, and regression analyses identified significant differences among graduate students and their perceptions of departmental climate when compared on the basis of gender, citizenship, race/ethnicity, disciplinary subfield, and institutional type. Interview data provide additional context for analysis of the survey data. The primary areas in which we detected differences in graduate students’ experiences were 1) diversity issues, 2) disciplinary and institutional cultures, 3) career planning and development, 4) financial matters, and 5) quality of the learning environment. These differences result from the varying social and academic dynamics of graduate programs, illustrating the importance of the local environment in shaping student experiences.
Beth SchlemperEmail:

提升研究生导师队伍素质是加强拔尖创新人才培养的关键措施之一。全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师是我国研究生导师队伍中涌现出的优秀群体,有重要的榜样意义。依据1999-2011年间培养2位以上全国优博论文的161位导师的学科背景、学历学位、学术头衔、留学经历、学术成果、科研获奖等重要指标进行素质维度分析,结果发现这个导师群体的素质有显著的优势特征,这对进一步提高我国研究生导师队伍素质具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we expose the unique challenges confronting graduate field-ecology students and the coping strategies they adopt to overcome such challenges. To do so, we used a qualitative (in vivo) research method that combines interviews, observations and open questionnaires with a group of five Israeli graduate students. The two major challenges that the students faced were the uncontrolled nature of field research (or complexity), and the nature of field setting, which isolated the students from authoritative guidance. In response to these challenges, the students developed a set of research skills which were expressed in this study by a series of three (metacognitive) strategies which we designated as ‘protocol-dominated’, ‘intermediate’ or ‘field-dominated’. In order to develop such research skills, our subjects rely upon declarative and procedural knowledge. In contrast to declarative knowledge, learned in coursework, procedural knowledge is learned and activated via the situated experience of implementing research in authentic field environments. We also found that fieldwork complexity imposes itself the minute the students step into the field; potentially, this can negatively impact students' motivation. However, as the students accumulate field experience and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to overcome the field's complexity, their motivation improves. Recognizing the unique learning components connected to field research will help novice students better cope with fieldwork challenges, as well as help their advisers in guiding them. This work also has implications for designing inquiry curricula in field sciences for university and high-school students.  相似文献   

Most of the research on supervision has focused on supervisors in academic institutions (faculty members or doctoral students). In this article the authors describe a study in which they examined supervisors in community agencies where master's level counselors were assigned for practicum and internship training. The survey suggested that agencies were heavily invested in supervising graduate level counseling students and providing them with a rich clinical experience. Respondents typically had a master's degree, used various models of supervision, and provided feedback by means of self-report and audiotape or videotape review of counseling sessions. Results suggest that these supervisors had little contact with the concurrent academic supervisor and may have had little formal training in supervision. Implications of this survey include a need for more training for supervisors in graduate counseling programs and a need for more liaison between campus and field supervisors.  相似文献   

Academic stress of international students attending U.S. universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated factors associated with the academic stress experienced by international students (N=412) attending graduate school in the United States. The study was grounded in a cognitive framework in which academic stress is understood as the consequence of students' appraisal of the stressfulness of role demands and their perception of their ability to cope with those demands. These two appraisals, in turn, were posited to be a function of cultural distance, students' social support network, and their role competencies. Results indicated that the primary determinants of the two types of appraisals differed. While self-perceived English-language skills and, to a lesser degree, cultural distance were the predictors of primary appraisal, self-perceived English-language, academic, and problem-solving skills and social support network were the main determinants of secondary appraisal. Implications for how universities might work more effectively with international students are discussed.  相似文献   

研究生与导师的和谐关系包括知识交易与知识合作关系、积极的道德关系、融洽的情感关系。研究生与导师和谐关系的构建对实现大学精神、培养创新型人才、提高研究生教育质量和加强学术道德都有着重要的意义。在实践中倡导"民主平等型"的师生观,确立教师在知识上的实质性权威,树立研究生自觉、自主的意识,创造科学健全的制度体系成为构建研究生与导师和谐关系的必然选择。  相似文献   

国家和学校实行新的研究生奖学金制度初衷是为了更好地激励和促进研究生努力学习。然而,事实却与初衷相违背。在研究生奖学金制度运行中出现了功利化倾向、个体间割裂倾向及柠檬市场倾向等道德风险。相应的可以采取奖学金设置差异化、评定多元化及来源渠道广泛化,组织团体活动和交流会,营造一个良好的合作氛围,加强学术成果进入制度建设等措施加以应对。  相似文献   

Supervision of graduate students is a core activity in higher education. Previous research on graduate supervision focuses on individual and relational aspects of the supervisory relationship rather than collective, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the supervision process. In presenting a collective model we have developed for academic supervision of Danish master students, we seek to fill these gaps. The underlying pedagogical rationale for the model is that students’ participation and learning are interconnected. The model provides possibilities for incorporating a progressive and systematic interaction between master students in their individual writing processes. In the article, we investigate the potentials and challenges of the model and draw on analyses of six individual interviews with master students and one focus group interview with five supervisors. Our findings show that students learn core academic competencies in collective academic supervision (CAS), such as the ability to assess theoretical and practical problems in their practice and present them to peers. The analysis reveals that interaction between divergent projects and voices in CAS can be highly productive in academic learning. However, the model also challenges both students and supervisors because both parties are used to a one-to-one supervisory relationship and not prepared for different modes of participation and learning. According to both supervisors and students, the majority of supervisors need better training in the facilitation of collective supervision processes.  相似文献   

本文结合人文社会科学研究生培养的特点,指出军校人文社会科学研究生的培养应紧贴党的创新理论前沿,紧贴学科学术前沿,紧贴自然科学前沿;应围绕部队需求,加强质量监控机制、创新教育机制、立体育人机制建设,不断提高研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

The joint supervision of Research Higher Degree (RHD) students by an industry and university supervisor is likely to increase in forthcoming years with a rise in the number of university–industry collaborations. Research students may become involved in these collaborative arrangements for a variety of reasons and may launch into their RHD without considering how they will serve two masters, and how this complex relationship will affect their RHD experience. Moreover, little research has been conducted to assess the impact of these arrangements on current RHD students’ experiences. The experiences of students with academic and industry supervisors were, therefore, explored in a survey of confirmed RHD students at an Australian research‐intensive university. This paper investigates whether RHD students conducting research in traditional academic settings have a different experience to students working on industry‐related projects in industry settings, specifically in regards to supervision and institutional access and engagement.  相似文献   

研究生学习具有成人学习的特点,非正式学习占主要部分。非正式学术性社团是一种基于兴趣、围绕相关学术问题、定期开展学习活动的小组,是由学生自发组织、自我管理和教育的学习组织,对于提高学生专业素养、改善学习风气、提升学生综合素质具有重要的作用。基于此,以H大学中的相关群体为例,通过访谈,了解当前研究生非正式学术性社团的现状与问题,进而提出相关建议。  相似文献   

During recent years considerable attention has been given to an analysis of the changing patterns of graduate study in engineering. Reviews by the American Society for Engineering Education, the University of Chicago under a Carnegie Grant, and the Ford Foundation have been directed to the problem. A primary observation has indicated a trend towards greater diversity in patterns and a closer correlation with current requirements of research and development in industry and government. These patterns, including evening and various forms of off-campus training, are described and their effect on the nature of the graduate program is examined. The effect of direct and indirect industry support is analyzed, and the changing role of the faculty in cases where close coordination with industry exists is examined. Current trends are evidently enriching and strengthening the value of the graduate program, particularly through immediate contact by both student and faculty with research and development applications. There exist, however, a consequent overemphasis on immediate needs, and an ambiguity of long-range academic objectives. The critical financial needs of students, faculty, and engineering educational institutions are emphasized by the demands of new patterns and current high standards of academic endeavor.  相似文献   

研究生是我国高等教育培养的高层次人才,其学术道德和学术能力对实现人才强国战略、加快创新型国家建设至关重要。针对目前研究生学术道德失范行为屡有发生的现象,本文以分析影响和制约研究生学术道德和学风建设的因素为突破口,提出注重对研究生学术道德的培养,增强其学术自律性,是研究生学术道德与学风建设的切入点,并提出了加强研究生学术自律性培养的对策。  相似文献   

对全国14所重点高校1400位全日制专业学位研究生进行培养模式运行情况的专题调研发现:理论课比重大于实践课,双导师和导师指导小组比例很低,以学术性课题研究代替社会实践者居多,配套环境建设急需加强。未来,高校要突出实践性和特定职业性的特点,以完成横向实践课题研究和取得高级职业证书为目标,建立职业取向本科一专业硕士一专业博士培养对接体系;建立双导师制和导师指导小组制;增加前沿实践性、创新应用性课程,实施研究型教学模式;大幅增加研究生教育投入,加速改善专业型研究生学习条件、环境和氛围。  相似文献   

在很多高校取消对硕士研究生硬性规定发表学术论文的背景下,对A大学进行调查发现:仍然有相当部分的导师或导师组要求硕士生发表学术论文,很多硕士研究生认为论文发表数量与研究生的创新能力并无必然的关联,尤其是在目前这种重量轻质学术氛围下,导致了他们发表论文的质量不是很高,对引用的次数也不甚清楚。再加上相当多的期刊是要收取版面费,这给硕士研究生造成了不少的经济压力。对此,文章提出了以下建议:增设一些专门适合硕士研究生投稿的专业期刊;加强导师对硕士研究生论文的指导;多元评价硕士研究生科研水平。  相似文献   

当前高校研究生教育质量呈现滑坡之势,研究生群体浮躁,缺乏学术热情,不安心于学业。高校研究生教育主要实行导师负责制。导师对研究生的教育应该是全面的、多维的,主要体现于四导:学业上指导、思想上引导、心理上疏导、纪律上督导。这四个方面相互联系,彼此渗透,是科学的培养方式,能促进研究生又好又快地全面发展。  相似文献   

高校教师评价体系重科研轻教学、研究生需求的多元化和功利主义的校园文化,构成了现代研究型大学师生关系的背景因素。根据教师在师生关系中自身角色认知不同,大致可将教师分为"不愿妥协的清高者"、"信奉适者生存的现实主义者"和"主动搏击的操控者"3类,而这3类教师对待学生的态度有显著区别。研究发现,在师生利益的博弈中,学生正沦为教师制造科研业绩的工具,忽视教师在道德和人格上的榜样作用对学生的全人发展非常不利。唯有在教师评价中增加道德实践的标准,通过大学教师发展树立起教师的学术责任意识,加强师生沟通,才有可能挽救逐渐淡漠甚至异化的师生关系。  相似文献   

导师资助制是2004年我国研究生培养机制改革的一项非常重要的内容,至今已经推行近十年。导师资助制在一定程度上促进了我国研究生教育的国际化,但是引发的问题和矛盾至今依然存在:一定程度上加剧了师生关系的“利益化”;研究生的权益受到一定损害;项目管理的效益受到一定影响;人文社会科学领域矛盾重重;学术生态可能受到破坏等等。因此,必须进行一系列配套改革,如科研经费分配制度改革;科研经费管理与使用方法改革;建立导师评价制度;改革研究生招生与培养制度,保障导师的权利;实行柔性导师资助制;各学科的导师资助额度要进行科学测算等。  相似文献   

Wrigley  Cara  Wolifson  Peta  Matthews  Judy 《Higher Education》2021,81(6):1177-1196

Higher degree research students and their contributions to society and the economy are well known. However, the recognition of the increasing numbers of such students and the decreasing availability of supervisors implies that traditional individual modes of research supervision are no longer sufficient, while models of cohort supervision have led to successful outcomes. This paper uses the notion of threshold crossing to reflect upon a case study of higher degree research (HDR) supervision in an action research program, where students are immersed in industry projects to investigate company issues, innovate and transform the organisation. The action research model balances structure and flexibility, with set tasks and embedded reflexivity; the responsiveness of the model ensures timely project completion and the development of critical thinking skills. Balancing the proximity and distance between the supervisors, student, cohort and industry partner ensures that students are socialised into both academic and industry settings, developing self-efficacy to succeed in both worlds. Analysis of interviews with students and firm partners reveals that the cohort model valorises the higher research degree, developing research students. Three trends in HDR supervision are reconciled in the pedagogical approach outlined: bridging industry and academia, enculturation and emancipation and communities of learning and practice.


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