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Pigeon subjects received Pavlovian conditioning with stimulus elements and were then tested with compounds of those elements. Experiments 1–3 used localized keylight elements and found no evidence for greater responding to the compound than to the elements. Experiments 4A–4D found evidence for greater second-order conditioning by a compound of two elements than by the elements themselves when the elements consisted of two diffuse stimuli or one diffuse stimulus and one localized keylight. No greater second-order conditioning resulted from a compound of two localized keylight elements, suggesting the possibility of perceptual interactions that reduce identification of the elements in the compound. Experiment 6 found evidence of summation when that interaction was reduced by sequential presentation. However, one attempt to capture this interaction in terms of configural conditioning (Pearce, 1987) failed to receive confirmation. These results suggest that the localized stimuli conventionally employed in autoshaping experiments may show such substantial perceptual interaction as to recommend against their routine use for studying conditioning in compounds.  相似文献   

In an experiment on conditioned suppression of licking in thirsty rats, subjects received either one or two trials to a tone-light compound, either preceded or not preceded by four conditioning trials to the light alone. Prior conditioning to the light blocked conditioning to the tone in subjects receiving two compound trials but not in those receiving only one compound trial. The blocking observed in the two-trial groups was abolished either by the addition of an unexpected second posttrial shock 10 sec after the first on each compound trial or by the omission of an expected second, posttrial shock. The comparable operations had no effect on conditioning to the tone in the one-trial group. In this preparation, both blocking and the attenuation of blocking by surprising changes in reinforcement appear to require more than one trial to appear.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rabbits investigated the concordance of two measures of conditioning, eyeblink and potentiated startle, during a blocking sequence with paraorbital shock reinforcement. In both, a shift in the locus of shock from one eye to the other between the conditioning of an element and a compound of that element and a new cue had differential effects on the two measures of conditioning to the new cue. When the shock was unchanged, diminished conditioning in relation to controls (i.e., blocking) was observed on both measures. When the shock was changed, little conditioning was observed in startle, but control-equivalent amounts were observed in eyeblink (i.e., blocking occurred on the former but not the latter). The results are interpreted as showing a dissociation of the associative learning involving the emotive features of Pavlovian reinforcers and that involving the remaining sensory-perceptual features, and more compatible with a diminished US-processing, than with a CSprocessing, view of blocking.  相似文献   

Four experiments explored the formation of associations among elements of a compound visual CS in an autoshaping preparation using pigeon subjects. Experiment 1 found evidence for such associations when the compound was presented without food reinforcement. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that compounds embedded in procedures that produce blocking and conditioned inhibition also developed associations among their elements. Experiment 4 found, using a conditional discrimination procedure, that such within-signal associations were weakened, but not eliminated, by the presentation of food reinforcement at the end of the compound. These results suggest a pervasive role for within-signal associations across a variety of conditioning procedures that have been given central roles in current theories of conditioning.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have demonstrated nearly complete retention of fear in a conditioned suppression task, they provide little information about the nature of the memory for the CS. The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the retention of an attribute of a tonal CS that had been paired with shock and was thus capable of eliciting a conditioned emotional response (CER) in rats. The Kamin blocking effect was utilized to detect changes in the memory of CS attributes. Either 1 or 21 days following conditioning to a tone, separate groups of rats received compound conditioning in which either the original or a novel tone was combined with a light. Subsequent measurement of suppression to the added element (light) indicated that only the original CS produced blocking at the short delay, but that both original and novel tones resulted in blocking at the 21-day interval. This increase in the extent of blocking suggests that memory for specific attributes of the CS does diminish as a function of time.  相似文献   

In a conditioned suppression paradigm, a partially overlapping compound stimulus signaled occurrences of electric shock. That compound CS consisted of 3 min of continuous illumination of the houselight with three discrete 5-see presentations of a tone superimposed. A .5-sec electric shock was coterminous with each tone presentation. Rats that received this treatment in early conditioning sessions showed considerable recovery from conditioned suppression to the houselight as the experiment progressed. However, the effect was not reversible, and it could not be demonstrated in rats that experienced extensive prior conditioning to the houselight alone. These results are discussed in relation to a hypothesis concerning the modulation of behavioral control exerted by elements of compound stimuli and as they relate to a recent theoretical model for Pavlovian fear conditioning.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined rats’ ability to discriminate a compound conditioned stimulus (CS) from the individual elements of that compound in a flavor aversion conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, presentations of a compound of sucrose and saline solutions were followed by lithium chloride injections, but presentations of those elements individually were nonrein-forced (positive patterning). Conversely, in Experiments 2 and 3, presentations of the individual elements were followed by lithium chloride injection, but compound presentations were non-reinforced (negative patterning). The discriminations were acquired in all three experiments. In addition, all three experiments investigated the effects of preexposure of the discriminative stimuli on subsequent acquisition of the patterned discriminations. In positive patterning, preexposure had no measurable effect on the acquisition of responding (suppression) to the reinforced compound stimulus, but slowed the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced elements. In negative patterning, preexposure slowed the acquisition of suppression to the reinforced elements but had little effect on the loss of suppression to the nonreinforced compound.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed that the Kamin blocking effect provides a differential test of the model of classical conditioning proposed by Rescorla and Wagner (1972), on the one hand, and the models proposed by Mackintosh (1975) and Pearce and Hall (1980), on the other. Specifically, if the blocking effect occurs with 1 compound trial, Rescorla and Wagner are supported. Experiment 1 showed that prior training with one element of a simultaneous compound stimulus prevented the added element from becoming conditioned with 10 compound trials when compared with a nonpretrained (Kamin) control. A pseudoconditioning control, which received no compound training, showed substantial suppression only on the first trial. A contextual conditioning control, which received unsignaled shock prior to compound training, was suppressed, suggesting a failure of conditioning to contextual cues. Experiment 2 demonstrated 1-compound-trial blocking using a simultaneous presentation of the compound elements. The importance of this support for the Rescorla-Wagner model is discussed in the light of other supportive studies and those which support alternative models of classical conditioning.  相似文献   

In three experiments with rats, we demonstrated that a conditioned response that is learned and extinguished in one context (Context A) can be renewed when the conditioned stimulus (CS) is tested in a second context (Context B). In Experiments 1 and 3, the effect was observed in conditioned suppression; in Experiment 2, it was produced in appetitive conditioning. The result occurs when Contexts A and B are equally familiar, equally associated with reinforcement, or equally associated with both reinforcement and nonreinforcement. The results extend the range of conditions known to produce the renewal effect, and they are consistent with the view that retrieval of extinction depends more on the context than does retrieval of conditioning.  相似文献   

Prior research on Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer has shown that when a CS previously associated with shock (AvCS+) is presented contingent upon a choice response to a discriminative stimulus for food reinforcement, it facilitates discrimination learning. Conversely, a response-contingent CS previously associated with the absence of shock (AvCS?) retards discrimination learning. To evaluate whether these findings reflect across-reinforcement blocking and enhancement effects, two experiments investigated the effects of appetitively conditioned stimuli on fear conditioning to a novel stimulus that was serially compounded with the appetitive CS during conditioned-emotional-response (CER) training. Although there were no differential effects of the appetitive CSs in CER acquisition, Experiment 1, using a relatively weak shock US, showed that a CS previously associated with food (ApCS+) retarded CER extinction to the novel stimulus, in evidence of enhanced fear conditioning to that stimulus. In addition, Experiment 2, using a stronger shock US, showed that a CS previously associated with the absence of food (ApCS?) facilitated CER extinction to the novel stimulus, in evidence of weaker fear conditioning to that stimulus. These results parallel traditional blocking effects and indicate not only that an ApCS+ and an ApCS? are functionally similar to AvCSs of opposite sign, but that their functional similarity is mediated by common central emotional states.  相似文献   

Previous research in our laboratory has found superior performance when classically conditioned responses are observed in the training context as opposed to outside it, even when direct context-US associations have been minimized by either the choice of conditioning parameters or extinction to the context. The present experiment used latent inhibition of the conditioning context as an alternative method of examining contextual cue effects in the absence of appreciable direct context-US associations. Water-deprived rats received tone-footshock pairings in one of two distinctly different apparatuses, but all were tested in a common apparatus. Animals conditioned in the test enclosure displayed more lick suppression than those conditioned outside the test enclosure. Other animals tested without the tone present also exhibited more suppression if conditioning had occurred in the test context rather than outside it, indicating that direct associations between the conditioning context and shock had been formed. However, when formation of direct associations to the conditioning context was attenuated in additional animals through extensive preexposure to the context prior to conditioning, more suppression to the tone was still seen when conditioning had occurred in the test context rather than outside it. These results add support to the position that the training context augments recall even when direct associations between the context and the US are attenuated. The phenomenon is discussed in terms of facilitated retrieval of nominal CS-US associations, configural retrieval cues, and conditional discriminations.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats were presented compound solutions consisting of a common element, saccharin, mixed with one of two different flavor elements, cinnamon and wintergreen. Rats in the experimental groups consistently received a toxicosis-inducing injection following one compound solution but not following the other compound solution. Rats in the control groups received toxicosis-inducing injections half the time following each of the compound solutions. After training in each experiment, there were tests for conditioning to the saccharin alone. The experimental groups drank significantly more than the control groups, indicating that the aversion to the partially reinforced saccharin in isolation was less when the different flavor cues were more highly correlated with reinforcement. In Experiment III, there was also a test for conditioning to the cinnamon or wintergreen flavor alone. The experimental group drank significantly less of the continuously reinforced flavor than the control group did of the partially reinforced flavor. These results are similar to those reported within more traditional conditioning paradigms.  相似文献   

The effects of compounding two conditioned stimuli (CSs), each of which had been extinguished to varying degrees in different groups of rats given identical acquisition training, was examined within the conditioned emotional response paradigm. Greater suppression to the compound than to the individual CSs was observed following 6, 12, 48, 72, and 96 stimulus extinction trials, although after only 12 extinction trials suppression to the individual stimuli was no longer observed. The amount of compound suppression decreased progressively as the number of extinction trials increased until, after 120 extinction trials on each stimulus, the compound no longer elicited observable suppression. Control group data indicated that the observed summation effect could not be attributed to disinhibition. The possible role of the summation of undetected excitation in studies examining configurai conditioning, avoidance conditioning and reinstatement is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Almond and peppermint extracts were combined with salt and citric acid as cues in conditioned flavor preference conditioning. In Experiment 1, extracts overshadowed tastes, although tastes and extracts conditioned equally well when presented in isolation. In Experiments 2 and 3, tastes and extracts were conditioned in isolation prior to conditioning of a taste/extract compound. The conditioning history of the tastes and extracts did not affect the overshadowing of taste by extract. The results of Experiment 4 showed that rats could learn to discriminate between a taste and extract presented in isolation vs. the taste/extract compound. Thus, extracts do not interfere with sensing the tastes. We suggest that a taste/extract compound produces a configural stimulus that is more characteristic of the extract than the taste.  相似文献   

In five experiments, rats were given Pavlovian pairings of auditory and visual stimuli with delivery of food pellets. Experiment 1 found greater responding to an AB compound after training with the individual A and B stimuli, compared with responding both to the A and B elements and to a separately trained CD compound. Experiment 2 found this enhanced responding to depend on the associative strengths of A and B. In Experiment 3, responding was greater to a CD compound than to the other compounds after an AB-, AD+, BC+ training procedure. In Experiment 4, responding to an AB compound was greater than that to the elements after A was reinforced on a 100% schedule and B on a 50% schedule. In Experiment 5, responding to an AC compound was greater than that to either A or C after an AB+, CD+, A-training procedure. A configural theory, such as that proposed by Pearce (1987), anticipates summation in none of these procedures, unless the conditioned context is assumed to have a salience greater than zero. In order to predict summation in Experiments 3, 4, and 5, a context salience greater than that of the elements must be assumed. However, such an assumption also anticipates that extinction of a 100% stimulus should eliminate responding to a 50% stimulus. The results of Experiment 3 contradicted that prediction. These results conform better to the expectations of elemental models of conditioning.  相似文献   

Three matching-to-sample experiments examined whether spatial or configural factors determined how the element arrangement of compound sample stimuli influenced matching accuracy in pigeons. Seven types of compound stimuli were tested. The arrangement of color and line-orientation elements in these compounds varied in terms of the spatial separation between the elements, the degree of consistency in element spatial location, and the number of bounded areas containing the elements. Matching accuracy was examined upon initial exposure to the compounds, during asymptotic conditions of shared attention, and with variation of sample durations ranging from .04 to 5.935 sec. In all three experiments, when spatial proximity, locational certainty, and the number of lines were precisely controlled or equated, no evidence for the proposed configural processing of “unified” compounds was found (Lamb & Riley, 1981). Element spatial separation, and to a lesser degree perceptual limitations, determined compound performance. These results question our lab’s previous evidence for configural compound processing by pigeons (Lamb, 1988; Lamb & Riley, 1981). They suggest instead that pigeons independently and separately process the individual elements of color/line-orientation compounds, with element separation determining the distribution of processing between the elements.  相似文献   

The Egger-Miller information hypothesis was tested in a nonoverlapping compound stimulus CER situation. During CER training, S2, the so-called redundant stimulus, acquired greater suppression qualities than S1. However, following CER training, subjects were exposed to test situations in which the independent suppression qualities of S1 and S2 were assessed. S1 was followed by a trace interval, S2 was presented alone, or the S1–S2 sequence was reversed. Results of all test conditions showed minimal suppression to S2, while suppression to S1 was maintained or facilitated. It was suggested that S2, although a redundant predictor of shock occurrence, provides information as to “when” shock is due.  相似文献   

Two experiments used rats in a CER paradigm to examine the relationship between static-cue conditioning and the attenuation of blocking with a US-omission procedure. Experiment 1 showed that the attenuation of blocking was correlated with static-cue conditioning. Experiment 2 showed that manipulations that normally enhance static-cue conditioning resulted in the attenuation of blocking effect. The implications of these results for current theories of Pavlovian conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received appetitive conditioning with two unconditioned stimuli (US+ and US*) that supported a similar conditioned response. Stimulus A was first paired with US+, and then, for a second stage of training, the compound AB was paired with US*. Subsequent test trials with A revealed an abnormally strong conditioned response. The findings from additional groups indicated that such enhanced conditioning with A depended on the presence of B in the second stage and on the use of US+ and US* for the two training stages. A modification to a configural theory of conditioning is proposed in order to explain the results.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects sought to enhance one-trial excitatory simultaneous and backward fear conditioning by using a two-element compound conditioned stimulus (CS) instead of only a single element. During conditioning, experimental groups received a 4-sec CS either coextensively with a 1-mA grid-shock unconditioned stimulus (US) or immediately after US termination. In subsequent tests, CSs evoked more lick suppression and freezing in these groups than in various controls. Compound CSs evoked more lick suppression and freezing than did CS elements, but did so equally for experimental and control groups. Therefore, the use of compounds did not enhance conditioning. Unexpectedly, an explicitly unpaired control in which CS followed US termination by 3 min tended to show more CS-evoked suppression and freezing than did a control in which CS preceded US onset by 3 min. This result raises the possibility that associations between the CS and the training context might engender responding to backward-paired CSs.  相似文献   

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