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Margaret Cavendish (1623–1673) was the first woman to publish on scientific subjects in English. Gender limited Cavendish's membership in the emerging scientific community; to circumvent this restraint, Cavendish used patronage rituals to establish the legitimacy of her scientific role. Through gifts of her books, and acknowledgement of their traditional authority, Cavendish sought recognition of her status as a natural philosopher from Oxford and Cambridge. At the same time, she challenged the superiority of the new experimental philosophy. She hoped her critique of the modern thinkers would force them to acknowledge her as a peer. Cavendish's experience demonstrates the role of patronage in the scientific community, and how social conditions limited the role of women in science.  相似文献   

On 14 January, 2009, CAS honored three foreign scientists for their lasting and fruitful contributions to the collaboration between CAS and the world: Akito Arima, president of the Japan Science Foundation, Yuen-Ron Shen, professor of physics with the University of California at Berkley, and Michel Che, catalyst expert and chair professor at Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Their association with the Chinese scientific community can be dated back to some three decades ago.  相似文献   

Dunn EC 《Endeavour》2011,35(2-3):107-115
In the late 1940s, Florence Sabin, a retired professor of medicine, returned to her home in Colorado to launch a massive public health campaign. Seeing "filthy milk" as an important vector of disease, she struggled not just pasteurized milk, but a pasteurized state government that was capable of regulating the milk industry. In the process, she brought managerialism into public health by fighting against the political machines and introducing Robert McNamara's systems analysis into government for the first time. Sabin's innovation, which united business, government and public health in new ways, transformed the way that public health is managed even today.  相似文献   

Roberts P 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):142-150
In 1911-1912 Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott led rival parties in a race to the geographic South Pole. While both parties reached the Pole--Amundsen first--Scott's men died on the return journey. Amundsen became a Norwegian icon through his record-setting travels; Scott became a symbol of courage and devotion to science. The memory of each was invoked at various points during the twentieth century in the context of contemporary Antarctic events. Scott's status as a scientific figure was central to the Scott Polar Research Institute, while Amundsen's lack of scientific legacy became a way for British polar explorers to differentiate themselves from Norwegian contemporaries during the interwar years. After 1945 Scott and Amundsen were again invoked as exemplars of national polar achievement, even as the rise of large-scale science on the continent overshadowed past British and Norwegian achievements. In the present Amundsen and Scott remain wedded to particular values, focused respectively on national achievement and sacrifice in the name of science, while their race has become secondary.  相似文献   

Chih-chen Wang is a distinguished biochemist and molecular biologist, and an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From 2008 to 2013, she was a vice chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People''s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). As a young researcher, Wang participated in research on insulin. Since the 1990s, she has been focusing on the study of protein folding, and has initiated a new research area of isomerase and molecular chaperones in China.In this interview, Chih-chen Wang elaborates on the social responsibility of scientists by drawing on both her scientific research and CPPCC experience. In Wang''s view, what China really needs are intellectuals with independent thinking and strong social responsibility, who are able to provide the government valuable advice and communicate with the public to increase society''s scientific literacy. She also hopes that female scientists can be more confident and gain greater attention and support from society.  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2004,28(3):101-103
Marie Curie challenged many conventions when she left Poland, became a world-famous French scientist and took X-ray machinery to the front line in World War I. Although she was the first person to win two Nobel prizes, many critics found it hard to believe that she could simultaneously be a caring mother and a brilliant researcher. As mythological accounts of Curie's success grew, photographs and caricatures of her reinforced traditional stereotypes of male and female roles in science.  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2008,32(3):83-85
Mary Somerville enjoyed posing for busts and portraits, yet just as in her autobiography, she chose how she wished to be seen. A powerful advocate for scientific progress, Somerville gave her name to a ship that carried British products around the world, and portrayed herself as an ideal role model for women and also an exemplar of European civilisation.  相似文献   

本文关注***大学在岗教授和在岗博士两个科研群体,从主持科研项目、发表科研论文的多视角,围绕职称、学位、年龄等方面,选择国家级科研项目、省部级以上科研项目、各级各类项目和SCI论文等A类论文、CSCD核心库论文等B类以上论文、一般性学术论文等D类以上论文作为统计口径,定量和定性地对***大学双高群体的科研能力进行对比分析,探寻我校开展科学研究工作的特点和优势,以求对学校科学研究的可持续发展提供数据支持。  相似文献   

This essay proposes that the well-documented interest in empirical and experimental practice at the early modern German courts was not limited to male practitioners. Just as princes evinced an interest in practical alchemy, mathematics, and astronomy, a large number of gentlewomen became expert medical practitioners. Using a case study of one noblewoman, Electress Anna of Saxony, I would like to expand the notion of "prince-practitioning" to a more general and inclusive "court experimentalism." Like the prince-practitioners, Anna engaged in a laborious attempt to learn the hands-on techniques involved in becoming an expert; she collaborated with both noblewomen and noblemen in her efforts; and she semantically linked her medicine to the alchemical skills (Künste) practiced by her husband, Elector August. Although court experimentalism cannot be equated with experimentation in the modern sense, medicine is one area in which women actively shared in the early modern fascination with empirical knowledge.  相似文献   

乔智华  陈星妃 《科教文汇》2012,(32):62-62,81
李清照的词风以婉约为主,人称“婉约词宗”.婉约词风,选择创造出不断让人耳目一新的语句,不同往常的韵律,不落旧俗的话语,这有多方面的原因,包括社会环境和女性身份等.作为女人,不难发现她追求自由的精神与独立人格的主体意识.她的词,驰骋于一种超越封建庸俗世态的天地之间,敢于颠覆传统,风流豁达压倒须眉,而当时程朱理学刚兴起,还没有取得社会主流价值的地位,未得到社会的广泛认可,这也为李清照词的创新提供了一个有利的外部环境.与李清照之父李格非及其夫赵明诚的开明与鼓励也有着莫大的关系.创新也只是她寻找个体的自主性和独立性的一种无奈的选择.  相似文献   

雷晓艳 《科教文汇》2014,(23):80-81
《项链》是莫泊桑的短篇小说之一。纵观整篇小说,我们可以看到女主人公马蒂尔德有一个非常明显的性格变化。人们对《项链》中女主人公的看法贬多于褒,评论者给她定性为爱慕虚荣、追求享乐的小资产阶级妇女形象。本文则主要分析她丢失项链后所发生的巨大变化,否定了前人对她评价的妥贴性和全面性。为了赔偿项链,她做出了许多与以往不同的事情。她对生活的态度发生了改变,不再爱慕虚荣和幻想,而是变得诚实善良,和她丈夫一起坚忍不拔地辛勤劳动。本文旨在说明评价一个人,不能用静止的眼光,而应该用发展的眼光着重看其纵向的变化。马蒂尔德在丢失项链之后所表现出的诚实善良、坚强不屈、勤劳勇敢的品质更值得我们赞赏。  相似文献   

由于受到极"左"思潮的影响,纳里莫夫在青年时代历经磨难,遭受迫害。他矢志科学,即使在流放远乡的痛苦岁月里,仍然专注于科学研究。恢复自由以后,他在很短的时间里,就在科学研究方面取得一系列的成果,成为莫斯科大学教授、技术科学博士、控制论专家、俄罗斯自然科学院院士。其研究领域主要是化学控制论、化学数量分析学、试验数学理论。在科学学领域,他是世界上第一个提出"科学计量学"概念的学者。  相似文献   

In May 1933 the historian of chemistry Hélène Metzger addressed a letter to the renowned historian and philosopher of science Emile Meyerson, a cri de coeur against Meyerson's patronizing attitude toward her. This recently discovered letter is published and translated here because it is an exceptional human document reflecting the gender power structure of our discipline in interwar France. At the age of forty-three, and with five books to her credit. Metzger was still a junior scholar in the exclusively male community of French historians and philosophers of science. We sketch the institutional setting of higher learning in France at the time, noting the limited openings it offered to would-be femmes savantes, and situate Metzger in this context. We also describe the philosophical differences between Metzger and Meyerson. Though Metzger never managed to obtain a post of her own, in her letter to Meyerson she forcefully lays claim, at least, to a mind of her own.  相似文献   

H.B.D. Kettlewell is famous for several investigations conducted in the early 1950s on the phenomenon of industrial melanism, which are widely regarded as the classic demonstration of natural selection. In a recent (2002) book-length popularization of this episode in the history of the science, science writer Judith Hooper draws attention to what she interprets as discrepancies in the results reported by Kettlewell in his first scientific papers on the subject. On the basis of correspondence among Kettlewell and his associates, a survey of scientific publications that mention outstanding questions surrounding the phenomenon, as well as interviews with his son, surviving colleagues, and scientists who have worked on industrial melanims, Hooper all but explicitly concludes that Kettlewell committed fraud. The following essay critically examines her evidence in support of this allegation, including her discussion of his character, the alleged motives, and whether fraud was even committed. None of Hooper's arguments is found to withstand careful scrutiny. The concluding section draws several conclusions about how history of science should be depicted to the public.  相似文献   

Rosalind Franklin is best known for her informative X-ray diffraction patterns of DNA that provided vital clues for James Watson and Francis Crick's double-stranded helical model. Her scientific career did not end when she left the DNA work at King's College, however. In 1953 Franklin moved to J. D. Bernal's crystallography laboratory at Birkbeck College, where she shifted her focus to the three-dimensional structure of viruses, obtaining diffraction patterns of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) of unprecedented detail and clarity. During the next five years, while making significant headway on the structural determination of TMV, Franklin maintained an active correspondence with both Watson and Crick, who were also studying aspects of virus structure. Developments in TMV research during the 1950s illustrate the connections in the emerging field of molecular biology between structural studies of nucleic acids and of proteins and viruses. They also reveal how the protagonists of the "race for the double helix" continued to interact personally and professionally during the years when Watson and Crick's model for the double-helical structure of DNA was debated and confirmed.  相似文献   

毕良军 《科教文汇》2014,(31):109-110
薛宝钗,在爱情的世界里,众人都觉得她就是一个不那么热情的人,其实她也有自己对爱情的态度,虽然不及他人那样热烈,但是在遇到自己所爱的时候还是会努力地追求自己的爱情。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(6):1476-1486
Product innovation is widely thought to benefit from collaboration with both scientific and supply-chain partners. The combination of exploration and exploitation capacity, and of scientific and experience-based knowledge, are expected to yield multiplicative effects. However, the assumption that scientific and supply-chain collaboration are complementary and reinforce firm-level innovation has not been examined empirically. This paper tests this assumption on an unbalanced panel sample of 8337 firm observations in Norway, covering the period 2006–2010. The results of the econometric analysis go against the orthodoxy. They show that Norwegian firms do not benefit from doing “more of all” on their road to innovation. While individually both scientific and supply-chain collaboration improve the chances of firm-level innovation, there is a significant negative interaction between them. This implies that scientific and supply-chain collaboration, in contrast to what has been often highlighted, are substitutes rather than complements. The results are robust to the introduction of different controls and hold for all tested innovation outcomes: product innovation, new-to-market product innovation, and share of turnover from new products.  相似文献   

【目的/意义】探究虚拟学术社区中科研人员合作效能的影响因素,拓宽虚拟学术社区的研究范围,以期为相关理论研究提供参考,并帮助科研人员拓宽合作渠道,也对提高虚拟科研团队合作效能具有积极的作用。【方法/过程】基于团队效能IPO模型和自我效能感理论,构建虚拟学术社区科研人员合作效能影响因素模型,并运用问卷调查和结构方程方法对模型的适用性进行检验。【结果/结论】数据结果表明,虚拟科研团队支持、虚拟科研团队沟通、自我效能感会对虚拟学术社区中科研人员合作效能产生正向影响。其中,自我效能感也能在虚拟科研团队沟通对科研合作效能的影响作用中发挥中介效应。  相似文献   

胡英 《科教文汇》2014,(19):108-109
伊丽莎白·毕晓普纯净而细腻的诗风让她在当代诗坛中备受欢迎,作品历久弥新。毕晓普深受17世纪英国经典诗人乔治·赫伯特的影响,首先,她从赫伯特那儿学会使用朴实的语言和纯粹的意象,使其诗歌呈现出纯净而清晰的质感;其次,在诗歌形式方面,她和赫伯特一样不断创新,很少重复,追求完美的诗歌形式,让她的现代主义思想披上传统的外衣;最后,在宗教诗歌方面,她吸取赫伯特宗教诗歌中的精华意象,辅之以现代主义的独特视角,低调地展示现代人的困惑和现代文明的困境。  相似文献   

Hoskin M 《Endeavour》2005,29(1):22-27
Caroline Herschel was famous in her own time as the discoverer of eight comets, but of even greater significance was the help she gave her brother William in his exploration of 'the construction of the heavens'. She acted as his amanuensis during night watches, wrote up neat copies of their observing records and prepared his papers for publication. She also compiled an index to John Flamsteed's Star Catalogue, which was published by the Royal Society at its own expense, and after William's death she reorganized his catalogues of nebulae so that his son John could revise his father's work. Yet Caroline's was a hard and largely loveless life, for which she found the recognition that came her way a scant consolation.  相似文献   

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