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怪圈中的日本"艺妓"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马健 《世界文化》2002,(2):24-25
艺妓,是日本一个特殊而神秘的群体。人们很容易把它理解为怀有某种才艺的妓女,其实这是一种误解。她们的技艺用很多年才学成,并终生去完善它。艺妓们确实能歌善舞,她们也陪酒卖笑,但不卖身。艺妓涂白的粉脸和华丽的和服,被尊崇为日本传统化的终极象征和女子无法言喻的神秘。  相似文献   

日本向中国东北地区人口迁移是日本侵略中国的重要手段,"九·一八"事变后,大量日本人口移入中国东北,成为日本在东北殖民统治的基础.日本向中国东北地区的人口迁移,进一步加强了日本在政治、经济和文化等方面对中国东北的统治.也给东北人民带来了深重的灾难.  相似文献   

光军 《世界文化》2006,(1):48-49
最近英国的“苏兜酷”太太常为“数独”所苦。英国的这位“苏兜酷”太太最近常被人问她和“数独”这个日本游戏有没有关系,为此备受困扰。“苏兜酷”太太今年54岁,是非洲裔英国人。她按照非洲话的读音把英文名字拼成“Su Doku”。几十年来安然无事。日本的一种叫做“数独”的游  相似文献   

<论语·学而>:"弟子,人则孝,出则悌,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁.行有余力,则以学文."在后世大多数学者看来,这句话反映了孔子注重"德行",认为"行"比"学"更重要,"行"在"学"先.但<论语·述而>云:"子以四教,文、行、忠、信."  相似文献   

2020年8月11日第五十三号“中华人民共和国主席令”:为了隆重表彰在抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争中做出杰出贡献的功勋模范人物,弘扬他们忠诚、担当、奉献的崇高品质,根据第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议的决定,授予钟南山“共和国勋章”,授予张伯礼、张定宇、陈薇(女)“人民英雄”国家荣誉称号。  相似文献   

陈创 《寻根》2006,(5):41-43
琉球群岛位于日本国西南,我国台湾西北,由奄美诸岛、冲绳诸岛和光岛诸岛组成,就像撒在西太平洋上的一串珍珠。我国隋朝时,这里建立了一个王国。据记述琉球国历史的琉球官方文献《中山世鉴》载:“隋使羽骑尉朱宽至国,于万涛间见地,形如虬龙浮水,始日流虬。”  相似文献   

陈榴 《寻根》2003,(5):42-45
“非典”成为2003年流行词语之一,我国古代虽然没有“非典”,但各种传染性疾病却经常骚扰我们的先民。在长期与“疫病”斗争的过程中,古人积累了许多宝贵的经验,其中既有科学防治的手段,也有充满神秘色彩的巫术。  相似文献   

在云南大理白族自治州境内,有一座神奇的四角山.这里,居住着彝、苗、傈僳、土家等七种少数民族.他们亲如弟兄,和睦相处,不仅创造了丰厚的物质财富,同时还共同创造了人类的精神文明.归属鹤庆县境的大坪山乡的彝族喊山、傈僳族"哭烟"和"请柬",便是他们的祖先创造的一项民俗文化财富.  相似文献   

“圣” ,古陶文作 ,从土 ,从右 ,古代方言用字 ,音k懕。《说文》 :“圣 ,汝颍之间谓致力于地曰圣。”若当时淮河上游汝颍一带有“圣人”一词 ,则应是指从事农业劳作的人。农业合作化和人民公社时 ,淮河流域一些地方称下田干活挣工分为“k摮工分” ,现在则称外出打工挣钱为“k摮钱” ,笔者推测这里的k摮可能是“圣”一声之转 ,是“圣”的引申义———用力而有所获。当“苦”字造出来以后 ,又承担起“圣”的进一步引申义———致力于地虽有所获 ,但收入很少且十分辛苦 ,乃至陷于贫困。如《商君书·外内》云 :“效农之用力最苦 ,而赢利最少…  相似文献   

吴庆第 《寻根》2007,(6):44-50
韩国是一个极具民族个性的国家,强烈的民族精神,不屈不挠的斗志,为世人所公认。民族精神是长期历史积淀的结果。景仰“忠烈”、大力营造弘扬“忠烈文化”的氛围,无疑是韩国形成这种民族精神的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

杨琳 《寻根》2007,(6):62-66
长寿面过生日最普遍的食俗是吃长寿面。这种习俗最早出现在唐代。[宋]朱翌《猗觉寮杂记》卷上:"唐人生日多具汤饼。"汤饼就是面条。[宋]马永卿《懒真子》卷三:"必食汤饼者,则世所谓长命  相似文献   

This article reconsiders the postwar democracy in Japan in terms of a certain involvement between universalism and colonialism. Recently, some scholars have criticized the legislation of a new national security law in Japan as destroying the legacy of the postwar democracy. It seems, however, not to be allowed to regard this legislation as a fundamental turnover of the basic position in international policy of postwar Japan. As is well known, the Japanese government in the postwar era has kept its pacifism, whose ideal is explicitly expressed and realized by article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Although the security law legislated in 2015 could be seen as breaking this ideal of pacifism, the Japanese government’s official statement declared that the new security law inherited pacifism under the name of “provocative contribution to peace.” This article tries to reinterpret the postwar democracy from this point. By critically reading ongoing debates regarding the issue of wartime comfort women and Nambara Shigeru’s democratic thoughts, it seems a certain war, which has been a fundamental root of the postwar democracy in Japan – that is, “a war against the enemy of all” – has sustained itself in an interwoven relation between universalism and colonialism.  相似文献   

周士琦 《寻根》2003,(3):94-95
提起火鸡人们并不陌生,西餐中的烤火鸡是一道有名的菜,欧洲人在欢度圣诞节时更是少不了这道名菜。包括大型的尼古拉斯火鸡、中型的倍蒂布火鸡、小型的倍蒂纳火鸡我国现在都有饲养。火鸡又叫七面鸟,也叫吐绶鸟(Meleagrisgallopavo),属吐绶鸡科,身体比家鸡高大,公鸡重12~18公斤,母鸡重8~9公斤。头部裸露,无羽毛,有珊瑚状皮瘤,喉下部有肉垂,胸部饱满而突出,背部宽而长,胸肌和腿肌都十分发达。公鸡常展开尾羽呈扇状,像孔雀开屏,这时皮瘤和肉垂由红色变为白色。母鸡每年产蛋六七十枚。火鸡原为野生的,产于北美,最早由西班牙人驯养,1525~1532…  相似文献   

Since Seattle 1999, plenty of summit protests around WTO, G8/20, IMF, WB, COP, and so on happened in each of the different summit sites in the last decade. Such incidents were amazingly accepted because of their mass actions and widespread networks of activists sustaining a series of mass actions. As some researchers argue, those of generating networks are based on horizontality and autonomy, and they have already prefigured a powerful model for (re)organizing society. However, on the other hand, some researchers also argue the major shortcomings. In theory, the ‘Global Activist Network’ has been constructed since Seattle, although in practice there has still been a serious spatial gap between the Western part of the world and the other side of the world. Actually, the global activist network has excluded Asia. However, in 2008, the G8 summit was held in Japan. This paper, thus, aims to show that the global activist network since Seattle, which was limited to Europe and North America, has expanded to involve Asia through the 2008 G8 summit in Japan. The 2000 G8 in Japan was right after the Seattle in 1999, yet, due to its single-issue and national character of the movements, globally expanding networks didn't reach Japan. However, movements around the 2003 anti-Iraq war brought in the autonomous character of the alter-globalization movement and referred to the legacy of autonomous activisms. During the 2008 G8, some autonomous activists in Japan took over the diversity of tactics and networks of activists inherited since PGA, DAN and ‘Dissent!’.  相似文献   

Attribution and stereotyping theories predicted that poor-performing black workers would receive lower evaluations than corresponding Whites, while good performance would have the reverse effect. “Dress and lifestyle” was also predicted to influence performance evaluation. Male business students, evaluating bogus employees differing in race, dress, and behaviorally described performance, provided weak support for the second hypothesis. A second experiment investigated the possibility that perceived social class, rather than race, was the relevant variable in the operation of a stereotype confirmation—contrast process. Individual differences in stereotyping were also measured. No support for the specific hypothesized process was found, but results supported the potential relevance of attribution theory to a configural performance-evaluation model. Results were also discussed in terms of worker-perceived discrimination.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationships among situational features, face concerns, and requesting strategies in the light of discourse patterns and speech levels. Japanese participants (N = 428) rated these measures in one of four situations where relational closeness (high and low) and social status (high and equal) were manipulated. The results of the path analysis generally confirmed that the situational model that predicted situational factors influenced face concerns and requesting language use, and face concerns were mediators from situational factors to language use. These results are discussed in the cultural contexts of face theories.  相似文献   

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