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美国科罗拉多州在2005~2006学年正式实施高等教育券计划,政府对高等学校不再直接拨款,进入公立大学的学生可以获得每年2 400美元面值的教育券;申请进入政府指定的3所私立大学的学生,可以得到每年1 200美元面值的教育券。在美国,这是除退伍军人教育券外,第一个针对普通大学生的教育券计划。该计划颠覆了政府对大学的传统的直接拨款模式,一方面促进了公立大学的竞争,充分利用了现有的高等教育资源和经费;另一方面也加大了对私立大学的支持力度。  相似文献   

制度主义中的制度同形与路径依赖理论是理解高等教育变革的有力工具。进入20世纪70年代以来,德国高等教育环境发生了巨大的改变,主要体现在高等教育系统扩张,高等教育日益国际化,民众对政府管理方式的质疑以及市场化办学意识盛行。为了面对新的高等教育环境,德国大学引入了新的治理手段,如签订目标协定、引入绩效拨款、加强大学校长权力、设立大学理事会等。综观德国大学治理制度改革,其存在着向新公共管理制度靠近的趋向,也存在着明显的改革路径依赖,即沿着传统的洪堡大学模式在缓慢前进,国家和教授的权力依旧在大学治理中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s the Chinese government has implemented two key policies for the development of higher education. The first was launching Project 985, with the purpose of seeking excellence through creating internationally competitive universities. The second was a radical move to a mass system of higher education. In this context, China’s top universities have faced dual missions, each with their challenges: playing key roles in the revolutionary expansion process on the one hand and closing the gap between them and top universities around the world through the implementation of Project 985, on the other. It is thus important to know about how these institutions have transformed themselves for excellence through the implementation of these policies. With the three cases of Peking, Nanjing and Xiamen Universities, this paper aims to examine each institutional response and the broad changes that have come about in these top Chinese comprehensive universities. It looks especially at the divergent trajectories these institutions have followed in balancing their elite and mass education functions, their global, national and local missions, the pursuit of excellence alongside of a commitment to equity, efforts at curricular comprehensivization while preserving unique historical strengths, and finally globalization and localization. From two higher education frameworks, one based on epistemological considerations and the other on political philosophy, that are equally important in light of China’s traditions, the paper concludes that Chinese universities will continuously but selectively respond to the national expansion policy with various institutional models of seeking excellence that enable them to contribute to Chinese society and the global community in the future.  相似文献   

本文透过大学扩招现象分析了改革开放前后,我国社会分层结构和流动的变化,指出大学扩招为顺应大众对高等教育需求的增加,而这种增加是由于改革开放后,高等教育对社会分层的影响越来越大,高等教育已逐渐成为社会筛选的主要手段和上升流动的一个决定性因素。因而政府扩大高等教育招生规模有着广泛的社会基础和诱因。  相似文献   

China’s key science and technology universities are modelled on the French école Polytechnique. As such, they are utilitarian institutions, rooted in the concept of cultivating manpower for society’s economic progress, and tending to ignore the development of the individual. As China’s elite higher education system took in a rapidly increasing number of students in the recent massification process, China’s key science and technology universities underwent reform to become more comprehensive in curricular offerings and more research-oriented in function. The authors have uncovered an interesting phenomenon: Despite repeated discussion in academic circles, this transformation was never actually a conscious strategic choice for universities. Only when the Chinese government launched a program of higher education “massification” did universities develop their own unique reform strategies in a move to become more comprehensive and more research oriented. The authors have adopted a multi-stream analysis framework to describe and analyze three case study universities: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (NWAFU). It was found that Chinese universities already have quite a high level of autonomy, but that the government still has the power to make strategic decisions. Each university’s decision-making mechanism has been an independent process within the constraints of the political economic structure over this period, and policy-making has combined top-down and bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

大学与政府、社会的关系始终是高等教育改革的核心问题。知识经济时代,大学应该是民主自治的、政府应该是有限的、社会应该是开放的。临沂师范学院的超常规发展关键在于理顺了大学、政府、社会的关系,构建起了大学和政府、社会的和谐发展局面,实现了大学和地方的双赢发展。  相似文献   

New politics of higher education: Hidden and complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Public universities in the United States are in a changed political environment, resulting from past enrollment growth and increased budget needs, centralization, the routinization of state-university relations, government budget uncertainty, and the emergence of strong competing claims on state or federal monies. The author argues that centralized government intervention is carried through technocratic approaches that mask the political forces at work. The article discusses characteristics of government intervention such as: buffer groups, formulas and data monopoly. It suggests these technocratic approaches hide the political weakness of the public universities. These, in turn, have been weakened. In conclusion, three new trends are suggested: (1) public universities will seek to do with less government support - that is, the privatization of some American public university services; (2) they will seek to increase government's or society's dependency on what it is the public universities do - that is, making universities more immediately useful to government and society; and (3) they will increasingly organize political coalitions both inside and outside the universities. This last strategy implies greater collaboration between faculty, students and university administrators and between higher education, the public schools and other potential allies.  相似文献   

China’s key science and technology universities are modelled on the French école Polytechnique. As such, they are utilitarian institutions, rooted in the concept of cultivating manpower for society’s economic progress, and tending to ignore the development of the individual. As China’s elite higher education system took in a rapidly increasing number of students in the recent massification process, China’s key science and technology universities underwent reform to become more comprehensive in curricular offerings and more research-oriented in function. The authors have uncovered an interesting phenomenon: Despite repeated discussion in academic circles, this transformation was never actually a conscious strategic choice for universities. Only when the Chinese government launched a program of higher education “massification” did universities develop their own unique reform strategies in a move to become more comprehensive and more research oriented. The authors have adopted a multi-stream analysis framework to describe and analyze three case study universities: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (NWAFU). It was found that Chinese universities already have quite a high level of autonomy, but that the government still has the power to make strategic decisions. Each university’s decision-making mechanism has been an independent process within the constraints of the political economic structure over this period, and policy-making has combined top-down and bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

高等教育的发展需要女教师在学校的政治和各项事务中参与和行使权利,女教师的发展也迫切要求与其相适应的权力参与.但现实情况是,高校女教师在参政方面与社会各行业相比还有一定的差距.分析和研究影响高校女教师参政的原因,提出相应的解决办法,具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are major concentrations of political, social, economic, intellectual and communicative resources. They reach freely across populations and cultures and connect to government, professions, industry and the arts. The neoliberal logic of markets has entered the realm of (higher) education. This leads to discourse on the benefits of education being positioned almost exclusively in terms of their effect on income. The perspective taken in the paper is the development of a happiness motive that asks education to challenge what it is to be a member of society: What moral and ontological stance one will seek to take in developing one’s future? The satisfied student perpetuates the current lifeworld in which they find themselves, seeking to improve the quality of the services provided. It is proposed that an overly emphasised desire satisfaction culture inhibits the edifying mission of universities. This is not to argue against high-quality service provision but to differentiate it from the edifying role of personal challenge, determination and social responsibility, conceptualised here as profound happiness or contentment, and the university’s role in its development. It calls for a different and more refreshing approach to higher education.  相似文献   

This article chronicles the key challenges facing Ethiopia as it embarks on an ambitious, ideologically‐driven and aggressive expansion of its higher education system in an effort to address its national goals of economic growth and poverty reduction. It is argued that the urge for higher education expansion has placed undue pressures particularly on the state of quality enhancement and autonomy of universities. As government pressures for more expansion mounted, universities struggled with dwindling per student budgetary allocations, shortage of qualified staff, inadequate supply of much needed inputs and the erosion of their autonomy. It is suggested that while higher education expansion remains an important goal for Ethiopia for many years to come, a reasonable balance should be struck between the ideological aspects of expansion and the practical realities of limited resources, heightened concerns about the quality of student learning and the autonomy of universities.  相似文献   

教育理念的革新与教学模式的优化是高校思想政治理论课改革创新的关键一环。梳理行为塑造教育理念的内涵,从学理角度论述行为塑造理念融入高校思想政治理论课教学的可行性与重要性,针对行为塑造教育理念同高校思想政治理论课教学结合提出了相应的策略建议,属于思想政治教育的跨学科研究尝试。  相似文献   


Nationalism is a key resource for the political work of governing Scotland, and education offers the Scottish National Party (SNP) government a policy space in which political nationalism (self determination) along with social and cultural forms of civic nationalism can be formed and propagated, through referencing ‘inwards’ to established myths and traditions that stress the ‘public’ nature of schooling/education/universities and their role in construction of ‘community’; and referencing ‘outwards’, especially to selected Nordic comparators, but also to major transnational actors such as OECD, to education’s role in economic recovery and progress. The SNP government has been very active in the education policy field, and a significant element of its activity lies in promoting a discourse of collective learning in which a ‘learning government’ is enabled to lead a ‘learning nation’ towards the goal of independence. This paper draws on recent research to explore recent and current developments in SNP government education policy, drawing on discourse analysis to highlight the political work that such policy developments seek to do, against the backdrop of continuing constitutional tensions across the UK.  相似文献   

This paper reviews briefly the relationship between the South African government and higher education. This relationship, which has shaped the landscape of higher education, is looked at on the premise that public institutions depend to a large extent on government for funding and other resources, and as such there has been constant influence and interference in higher education affairs. Whereas under colonial rule, the relationship mimicked that of the Scottish and British universities, the postcolonial relationships had their own characteristics, emulating government policies under apartheid and confirming therefore the establishment of two‐tier university systems. Like most African countries, South Africa is currently faced with an immense task to bring together economic, social and political stability. This requires proactive national policies to develop particular skills and therefore a focused intervention and delivery within and through the institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

纵观新中国70余年我国高等教育重点建设政策演进,政府角色、资源配置方式、建设路径、制度运作模式等都发生了重大转变。制度自信日益凸显,但渐进式政策制定模式、政府主导的政策执行过程、效率优先的政策价值基础仍是我国高等教育重点建设政策的总体特征。由此,在政策实践过程中,呈现出关于“谁是主角、谁是配角、谁是参与者”、高等教育发展效率与公平以及制度运作的适度性等问题。未来,提高重点大学政策决策的民主与科学性,进一步明晰国家、地方政府和高校在重点大学建设中的权责,完善重点建设的制度体系与配套政策,处理好重点与特色的关系,平衡重点与非重点、公平与效率等关系问题将成为“双一流”建设推进的关键。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the Korean government’s policies for building world class universities (WCUs) and their implications for Korean higher education institutions. Primarily through an extensive literature review, but also through a discussion of field interviews and the experiences of one of the authors as a public official in education policy making, this study examines the Korean government’s policies to establish WCUs, as well as the outcomes and consequences of these policies. Using the framework suggested by Salmi (The challenge of establishing world-class universities. The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2009), the study seeks to answer the following research questions: (a) What policies has the Korean government implemented to build WCUs since the late 1990s? (b) How has the government’s quest to build WCUs transformed the Korean higher education system? Specifically, how have HEIs in Korea responded to the policies implemented? (c) What issues and challenges has the Korean higher education system confronted in its quest to build WCUs?  相似文献   

The higher education system of the United Kingdom, of which the universities are only part, is changing rapidly. Although broad social conditions explain why universities should be centres of lifelong learning and specific institutional needs are in fact pushing them in this direction, changing demography is only one explanation among many. The kinds of programmes and related policies concerning students, teaching and curricula which are seen as relevant to continuing or lifelong education are widening and diversifying as the political and funding environment of higher education also changes. Research on continuing education and that generated by it are also being perceived differently. The new decade of the 1990's seems likely to witness significant changes in what is identified as continuing education as present trends in favour of integration or mainstreaming accelerate and new arrangements are made for more accessible and flexible forms of study both for degrees and for short courses. This process will be a part of a wider and more fundamental change as higher education moves somewhat towards a mass from an élite model and as the concept of a university and of a university education changes in step behind these changes in practice. The possibility exists that more fundamental changes in the initial undergraduate curriculum will also make universities more effective centres in terms of preparing their young students for lifelong learning.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with recent developments in the university systems in Britain and West Germany. In particular it attempts to analyse how financial restrictions and conservative policies have affected the quality and the functioning of the two systems and how the institutional dependency on the state has increased or is being enlarged through changes in the politics of higher education. The article reviews the recent history of the two systems of higher education, describes their structural and functional transformation and gives an account of the present organisational and political problems facing them. With regard to Britain, it concludes that the radical process of personnel reduction, imposed by the government, seriously endangers fundamental functions of the universities. In Germany, on the other hand, the civil service status of the professors seems to offer a better protection against state intervention than tenure in Britain.  相似文献   

从19世纪初开始,英国高等教育治理体系先后经历了大学主导的惰性治理体系、政府与大学合作的惯性治理体系以及政府主导的刚性治理体系三个阶段。每一次变革都是在一定政治或经济事件催化下,政府认识到必须让大学满足某种时代需求时开启改革,随后在政府与大学的磨合下完成转变。英国高等教育治理体系的现代化嬗变是大学理想退却而形式理性胜利的过程,而现代化带来的治理困境引发我们对当代高等教育治理的深思。  相似文献   

The co-ordination, control and financing mechanisms for higher education institutions have been the subject of ongoing political analysis and technical debate within university systems over recent years. The interrelationships between governments (as the ones in charge of university policy), universities and society have in recent years undergone a restatement process, due principally to the widespread changes that have occurred in the higher education environment. In this context, the university system of Catalonia (Spain's most advanced and dynamic autonomous region) has, since 1997, been undergoing a new co-ordination experience between the government and universities centred around the programme-based contract formula, which has opened the way to a new system of financing and control of academic outputs for universities. The object of this paper is to critically analyse this experience (completely new to the Spanish university scene) in order to draw conclusions from the debate in progress on higher education co-ordination, financing and university autonomy. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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