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大学生党员先进性缺失的现象分析及解决途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学生党员先进性缺失是当前高校党建工作中存在的一个突出问题。本文从认识上的模糊性、动机上的失真性、行为上的功利性、角色上的平庸性、宗旨上的淡薄性等五个方面阐述了大学生党员先进性缺失的主要表现方式,分析了导致大学生党员先进性缺失的社会环境因素、学生个人因素和教育管理因素,并从大学生党员的入党把关、教育引导、管理方式等方面提出了保持大学生党员先进性的基本途径。  相似文献   

近年来我国大学生考研报名人数屡创新高,其中地方高校考研报名人数增加更加明显,但地方高校与"双一流"高校大学生考研动机及考研意愿的影响因素存在较大的差异。文章以河北经贸大学为例,通过广泛调研和统计分析,深度挖掘地方高校大学生考研动机及考研意愿的影响因素,并从社会、学校、家庭、个人四个层面提出相关对策与建议,以期为大学生是否选择考研起到参考作用。  相似文献   

近年来,大学生创业人数激增,高校中创新创业就业指导课程越来越受到大众的重视。随着更多大学生投身于社会创业,创业动机作为驱动大学生创业的动力,有着极其重要的影响作用。本文首先对于大学生创业者和创业动机的概念进行梳理,接着进行创业动机的归类,同时分析影响大学生创业动机的因素,发现高校对于大学生创业意识教育存在缺陷,并针对这些缺陷提出针对大学生就业指导的对策,来推动宁波高校创新创业教育高效开展,使大学生在创业的同时有明确的创业动机。  相似文献   

大学生的情感状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究的主要目的是:对大学生的情感状况进行描述统计分析。主要测量工具为Bradburn的《正性情感量表和负性情感量表》。被试取自北京市三所高校的一至三年级大学生,共788人。结果显示:报告正性情感的大学生人数高于报告负性情感的人数。性别,年级及学科均不影响大学生的情感状况。  相似文献   

为了探讨西藏高校大学生学习动机现状及特点,采用Biggs((学习过程问卷》对413名藏汉族大学生进行学习动机调查,调查结果显示,西藏高校大学生学习动机得分平均为3.08,总体水平不高;不同性别大学生在学习动机各维度及总体上均不存在显著差异:不同专业大学生在总体及成就型动机维度上达到了显著水平。在表层型动机维度上达到非常显著水平,文科大学生在各个维度及总体上得分均高于理科大学生;不同年级大学生在深层型动机、成就型动机两个维度及总体上存在显著差异,在表层型动机维度上差异不显著.西藏高校大学生学习动机类型依次为成就型动机、深层型动机和表层型动机,不具有性别差异,但表现出一定程度的专业和年级差异.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法和数理统计法对江西省高等院校大学生体育锻炼习惯及其形成因素进行调查研究.结果表明:江西省大学生的体育锻炼习惯较为积极;江西省高校普通专业与高校体育专业大学生在体育锻炼习惯人数比例上有显著性差异;江西省大学生课外主要体育锻炼项目因性别而存在很大差异,足球和健美操是男女生课外体育锻炼选择人数比例差距最大的项目;江西省大学生参加体育锻炼的前两位的动机为:增强体质和调节精神.  相似文献   

当前大学生已经成为社会志愿活动群体的重要群体,由于当前志愿服务激励方式单一、社会对志愿者的认同度较低、安全和物质保证的缺失、激励渠道狭窄等问题,阻碍了大学生志愿服务活动的进一步发展。通过调查我们发现大学生志愿服务活动主要动机是价值性动机和工具性动机,在激励中从动机入手加强对大学生参与志愿服务活动的激励和引导。  相似文献   

高校大学生就业诚信之评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着高校毕业生就业制度改革的不断深化,高校毕业生与就业市场的关系发生了深刻的变化。与此同时,就业市场中的诚信缺失现象也逐渐凸现出来。大学生就业诚信缺失人数的逐渐攀升趋势,引起社会和高校的普遍关注。如何正确理解大学生就业诚信缺失现象?如何正确评价大学生就业诚信缺失现象?高校应采取哪些积极的应对之策?本文谈些粗浅看法。  相似文献   

在对大学生创业动机问卷的验证性因素分析的基础上,采用实证的研究方法,探讨大学生创业动机水平的现状及其影响因素,结果表明,大学生内在创业动机水平较高,而外在创业动机水平较低,个人背景、家庭背景和社会背景不同程度地对大学生创业动机产生影响。为了激发大学生的创业动机和培养创业型人才,应加大外部环境建设;关注个人背景和家庭背景因素;在新生入学伊始测量大学生创业动机,从而选择重点培养对象;各地政府部门配合高校出台相关政策,为大学生创业提供相应的支持。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨医学大学生显性焦虑和考试焦虑心态 ,掌握心理健康教育方法和规律。方法 :采用《显性焦虑测验问卷》和《大学生考试焦虑测验问卷》对随机选取的 1130名医学院校大学生进行测试。结果 :(1)有近 2 0 %的大学生存在着程度不同的焦虑 ,但主要是轻度焦虑 ;有15 %左右的大学生存在着中等程度的考试焦虑 ,但严重程度的考试焦虑比较少。 (2 )毕业班大学生显性焦虑的人数明显高于非毕业班大学生。 (3)女大学生显性焦虑和考试焦虑的人数又明显高于男大学生。结论 :医学院校要重视大学生焦虑心态的健康教育 ,应采取行之有效的措施 ,切实做好大学生健康心态的教育工作。  相似文献   

Timely completion of university degree programmes is a topic of growing concern to higher education institutions and their students. This paper reports on a study about the impact of degree programme characteristics and student motivation on study progress. The setting for the study is a Dutch law school. Data on degree programme characteristics, student ability, motivation, academic performance and academic pressure were collected from 168 first-year students six months after the start of their studies. Analysis of the effects of degree programme characteristics and students' initial motivation on study progress shows that study progress mainly depends on ability, timely completion goals and transparency of assessments. The study also shows that transparency of assessment procedures considerably lowers fear of failure and academic pressure.  相似文献   

Assessments of student learning outcomes (SLO) have been widely used in higher education for accreditation, accountability, and strategic planning purposes. Although important to institutions, the assessment results typically bear no consequence for individual students. It is important to clarify the relationship between motivation and test performance and identify practical strategies to boost students' motivation in test taking. This study designed an experiment to examine the effectiveness of a motivational instruction. The instruction increased examinees' self-reported test-taking motivation by .89 standard deviations (SDs) and test scores by .63 SDs. Students receiving the instruction spent an average of 14 more seconds on an item than students in the control group. Score difference between experimental and control groups narrowed to .23 SDs after unmotivated students identified by low response time were removed from the analyses. The findings provide important implications for higher education institutions which administer SLO assessments in a low-stakes setting.  相似文献   


By implementing student-centred learning environments, higher education institutions aim to foster student self-efficacy and self-regulation. Previous research that focuses on how students perceive these learning environments usually does not take the differential impact of students’ study motivation into account. However, the type of motivation might influence how students perceive their learning environment. To this end, this study investigates the relationship between students’ perceived autonomy support in student-centred learning environments and self-regulation and self-efficacy by taking study motivation into account. The results indicate that autonomy-supportive teacher behaviour enhances self-efficacy for students who are autonomously motivated. Amotivated students might need other than autonomy-supportive teacher behaviour to develop self-efficacy. Self-regulation seems to play a less distinct role. Overall, when examining the effects of autonomy-supportive teaching in higher education, the quality and quantity of students’ motivation has a role to play, an aspect which is important to consider in future research and practice.  相似文献   

Accountability in higher education has increased, with more institutions requiring standardized tests. These tests are high stakes for institutions, but low-stakes test for students, who seldom experience consequences for their performance. This study describes how one psychology department improved students' scores on the Psychology Area Concentration Achievement Test. Results were compared between three motivation conditions: no incentive, a monetary incentive, and a motivational Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. The presentation gave students information about the assessment, encouraged them to do well, and informed them that faculty would discuss scores while evaluating the psychology program. Results showed that test scores were significantly higher and correlated significantly with grade point average for students exposed to the motivational presentation. The motivational PowerPoint presentation seemed to have reduced the number of underachieving students and provided more accurate assessment data, with minimal investment in time and effort on the part of faculty.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, for-profit colleges (FPCs) have substantially increased their share of the higher education market. One potential explanation is that FPC sector may be more responsive to labor market changes than public competitors. Using panel datasets of Associate's degree students, we examine the effects of changes in labor market conditions across various employment fields on enrollment and degree completion in related majors. The results indicate that enrollment and degree completion in the FPC sector is positively related to employment growth and wages in related occupations, while public institutions remain largely unresponsive. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that these relationships are similar across groups of students by gender and ethnicity. Furthermore, the results also indicate that students in public institutions are non-responsive to changes in labor markets associated with requiring an Associate's or Bachelor's degree.  相似文献   

采用问卷对西南大学382名免费师范生的成就动机进行调查研究。结果表明:免费师范生具有正向的成就动机,但总体水平不高;不同年级的免费师范生的成就动机差异显著,大一学生显著高于大二学生和大三学生;不同性别的免费师范生的成就动机无显著差异;不同专业的免费师范生的成就动机差异显著,理科生的成就动机显著高于文科生。  相似文献   

以厦门大学为例,采用调查法对硕士研究生奖学金制度改革的实效进行分析,通过引入核心自我评价和成就动机两种心理品质来研究奖学金制度对研究生自我价值感与成就动机倾向的影响。结果表明,硕士研究生总体上追求成功动机的得分高于避免失败动机的得分;在硕士不同年级中,文科生追求成功的动机要低于理工科学生;核心自我评价在研究生对奖学金制度改革的满意度和避免失败的动机中起着部分中介的作用。厦门大学的奖学金制度改革对研究生具有一定的心理激励影响,但在奖学金金额梯度设置、优化学科资源和倡导良性竞争等方面仍需要不断完善。  相似文献   

Enrollment in online remedial mathematics courses has increased in popularity in institutions of higher learning; however, students unskilled in self-regulated learning (SRL) find online remedial mathematics courses particularly challenging. We investigated the role of SRL, specifically motivation, emotion, and learning strategies, in students’ learning experiences in a remedial online mathematics course. With an online survey of 229 college students, we found that student motivation explained a small portion of variance in achievement; whereas student motivation and emotion explained a significant portion of variance in satisfaction. In addition, significant differences in motivation and emotion were found in passing and nonpassing students; however, learning strategies did not influence student achievement and satisfaction. Implications for teaching and learning in self-paced online remedial mathematics courses are discussed.  相似文献   

新疆高校硕士生培养师资力量整体配置不平衡。通过问卷调查我们发现,新疆高校研究生问题主要表现为科研意识淡薄,科研训练不足,学术视野狭窄,学术交流欠缺。管理方、导师和学生本人三方的共同努力是解决问题的一个方面。  相似文献   

为了解初中生考试焦虑和自尊、成就动机的现状及关系,为初中生的心理健康干预提供依据,通过问卷调查法对300位初中生的自尊、成就动机和考试焦虑状况进行测查。结果发现:初中生追求成功的动机明显高于避免失败的动机;追求成功的动机越高的人,考试焦虑程度越高,而避免失败程度越高的人,考试焦虑也相应较高;自尊水平越低的人,考试焦虑程度越高;自尊、追求成功的动机能在一定程度上预测考试焦虑。  相似文献   

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