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Mathematics teachers often resist generic literacy strategies because they do not seem relevant to math learning. Discipline-specific literacy practices that emerge directly from the math content and processes under study are more likely to be embraced by math teachers. Furthermore, national and state-level mathematics standards as well as Common Core standards provide frameworks for situating literacy practices squarely within the disciplines. A disciplinary literacy approach to writing in math requires teachers to develop innovative strategies and practices that link writing to particular mathematical processes and tasks. An example is shared of a math writing approach developed by a middle school teacher used to prompt her students' critical thinking and problem solving processes during the study of algebra. She designed a template that when completed can serve as a reflective tool for her students and provide the teacher useful feedback on their learning. The example of teaching with the template as a guide for working through steps to solve a story problem demonstrates what disciplinary writing can look like in a typical middle school classroom.  相似文献   


A model that hypothesized relationships between high school students' conceptions of learning, their percpetions of the classroom environment, and their approaches to learning was tested using structural equation modeling. Results suggested that important associations exist between conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. Students who reported qualitative and experiential conceptions were likely to use deep approaches to learning, whereas students who had quantitative conceptions of learning tended to use surface approaches. The implications of these findings for teachers and the way they function in the classroom environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Content-area literacy involves the use of research-based learning strategies that help students effectively and efficiently gain content knowledge. Its use is fundamental to all content areas, not just to those that rely heavily on printed materials. One of the major goals of content-area instruction is to produce critical thinkers and problem solvers, and content-area literacy is a tool that teachers use to help students achieve this goal. Through this author's teaching experiences, she (Ming) learned about literacy strategies that are useful in art, mathematics, music, and physical education. Thus, in this article, she discusses the importance of using literacy in content-area instruction. Specifically, she talks about how literacy strengthens students’ language arts skills, shares 10 content-area literacy strategies that can be integrated into the four content areas, and provides specific examples of what they would look like in each area.  相似文献   

Through our exploration of the assessment of interest, we highlight 5 issues that emerge in the effort to assess interest in content area literacy environments. First, we compare how interest is defined and generally how it has been assessed. Second, we focus more specifically on the assessment of text-based interest, and consider its assessment in less explored realms of the content area classroom that include hypertext and discussions. Third, we investigate how interest develops as students progress through their educational careers and how it is maintained over time. Fourth, we explore how assessing interest involves examining other student factors that are closely related to interest such as knowledge, importance, and strategic processing. Finally, we offer thoughts regarding directions educators can take in assessing interest within the complex literacy environment of today's content area classroom.  相似文献   

本文在总结学科素养共识基础上,首先运用建构主义课程观分析学科素养对课程体系的要求;接着阐述经济管理学科素养及其构成,指出学科知识能力、信息素养、数据素养是基础素养,而思维品质和学术品质是较高级素养,两类素养服务于学生的自我发展;最后建立面向经管学科素养的课程体系功能模型,并参照该模型探讨课程体系的改革导向。提出了协调两种学科结构、强化“问题情境”、注重“权力分享”等改革举措。  相似文献   

This study explored whether over-the-counter continuous voice recognition software could be used to support the delivery of a standardized reading curriculum to adults with low-level literacy skills. Three primary questions were addressed in the study. First, how readily could mass-market continuous voice recognition software programs be adapted for use in adult literacy training? Second, what role(s) might the voice recognition technology play in facilitating the computer-based delivery of a standard text-based reading curriculum? And third, does the use of the voice recognition software positively affect the technological skills and computing comfort levels of adults with low-level literacy skills? Five adults with low-level literacy skills completed the computer-based curriculum, using the voice recognition software to practice and check their reading and writing efforts. A literacy tutor guided the participants through the curriculum, recorded and saved the participants' responses and videotaped the sessions for subsequent analysis. The findings reported here suggest that currently available over-the-counter continuous voice recognition technology, while essentially effective and accurate with fluent readers, is not yet ready, as a stand-alone system, to meet the needs of these adults with low-level literacy skills. The voice recognition software was most effective when it was used in the presence of a tutor. Having tutors provide on-going and immediate support to learners was a vital component of literacy training in this computer-based environment. In general the computer-based programs seemed to provide participants with a `motivational boost'. Specifically, the computer-based lessons helped develop participants' technological skills and confidence levels and promoted sustained focus on instructional tasks. Implications associated with these findings for future research with voice recognition software and adult literacy training are discussed.  相似文献   

The issue of ‘balance’ in literacy instruction is the focus of many current debates and criticisms of literature-based curriculum. These criticisms can be challenged by examining our histories as educators and developing curricular frameworks that provide alternative views of ‘balance’. This article presents one possible framework based on the work of Halliday (1985) and then uses this framework to examine the role of guided reading and literature discussion groups in children's lives as readers. Several scenarios for the future of literature in classroom instruction and life are also discussed.  相似文献   

Jumpstart is a growing literacy program that is now active in 17 states in addition to the District of Columbia. The Jumpstart Model pairs children of low-income families with college mentors in the child's typical learning environment. Despite the prevalence and importance of Jumpstart, little has been written about either the general model of Jumpstart or the positive impacts the program has on both the children and the AmeriCorps members.  相似文献   

Content area literacy has an important role in helping students understand content in specific disciplines, such as mathematics. Although the strategies are not unique to each individual content area, they are often adapted for use in a specific discipline. For example, mathematicians use mathematical language to make sense of new ideas and information and to organize that information in a specialized way. Content literacy strategies can help mathematics students accomplish these goals. In this article, we will discuss six practical strategies to help build students' content skills in the mathematics classroom and they are: the Frayer model, question generation, visual supports, think-alouds, writing to learn, and text reading.  相似文献   

It seems appropriate, if not necessary, to use empirically supported criteria to evaluate reading software applications. This study's purpose was to develop a research-based evaluation framework and review selected beginning reading software that might be used with struggling beginning readers. Thirty-one products were reviewed according to criteria that addressed interface design, instructional design, and beginning reading content. Findings suggested that the software sample generally did not meet the evaluation standards. Results also indicated that software rating highly on interface design tended to rate lower on beginning reading content. Based on these results, implications for practice and next steps for research are also discussed.  相似文献   

高等学校学科建设的实践探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学科建设是高等学校的一项基础性的建设。随着学科间交叉、融合的趋势的出现和发展,学科建设应遵循“突出重点、注重特色、采取立项、流动建设”的原则,加强学术带头人的选拔和培养,明确责任教授负责制,同时做好建设学科的评估和考核工作。  相似文献   

Despite a push to develop high levels of active engagement in learning by helping students reflect, refine and extend their ideas through effective questioning strategies, evidence suggests that teacher‐dominated interaction patterns permeate classroom instruction. This Initiate, Respond and Evaluate process leads students to maintain a passive stance towards learning and non‐engagement with text. As a result students fail to develop the strategies to solve comprehension problems and monitor their own learning with text. In contrast, effective, active instructional patterns provide students with opportunities to negotiate textual meaning. Through the use of the Question as Thinking framework we provide teachers with tools to enable pupils to reflect on their reading and understanding of expository texts. This article describes a framework for questioning designed to assist in the development of an active instructional pattern promoting the joint negotiation of meaning.  相似文献   

Middle and Secondary teachers often find it difficult to help their students read textbooks and other instructional materials. In order to ensure they read the text, teachers may rely on “round robin reading” and other ineffective strategies. In this article, the authors explain why this strategy hinders comprehension, fluency and development of independent reading skills and provide alternative, research-based reading instructional strategies for adolescents.  相似文献   

信息素养是信息时代的人才特征,是知识经济时代大学生应具备的基本素质,图书馆在信息素养教育中具有举足轻重的地位与作用。加强对大学生信息素养的培养和提升,是社会对高等教育的要求,也是高等教育事业顺应社会发展,深化教育改革的需要。公共图书馆应发挥其资源优势、技术优势和专业人才优势,培养和提升大学生的信息素养。  相似文献   


This article explores the relationship between literacy and oracy in the context of Plazas Comunitarias, a basic education programme in Spanish for immigrants in the United States. I reflect on my experiences as a former Plazas facilitator, analyse key literacy materials from the programme and offer observations on reading aloud in an adult literacy classroom context. Additionally, I suggest that beyond facilitating overall reading development, the Plazas programme fulfils a key literacy function by fostering community building and provides access routes to community-based civil society organisations and key social institutions for immigrant groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine one kindergarten teacher's use of digital and multimodal technologies to mediate early writing instruction and explore the students' appropriation of that instruction to support their independent writing. Data sources included observations of writing instruction, as well as students' participation during independent writing time, student writing samples, and interviews with case study participants. Data were analyzed inductively using a semantic relationship analysis (Hatch, 2002). Results of the study revealed that the teacher used a range of technologies to demonstrate what it means to compose narrative texts and how young children could go about it. Students were attentive and motivated to participate in writing instruction and related activities, given their fascination with the technology and multimodal texts their teacher created. Students appropriated important concepts and strategies from their teacher's technology-mediated instruction, which they used to compose narrative texts during independent writing time.  相似文献   

Whether it be leaping, resisting, or being gently shoved, the field of early childhood education continues moving into the age of accountability. Young children are expected to exhibit many requisite skills prior to kindergarten. Thus, the advancement of pre-reading and writing skills development become one of the many areas of focus for early childhood teachers. This study focused on the advancement of young children’s emergent literacy and letter recognition skills through developmentally appropriate instruction and need based adapted activities using the Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) curriculum. The results suggest that mindfully adapting activities to children’s needs advances children’s emergent literacy development.  相似文献   

Students are growing up in a digital world where technology is constantly changing and evolving. However, their use of these technologies is often more social rather than academically as a way to advance their understanding of key concepts or skills as it relates to instructional content. Teachers know how to teach, and our students are definitely not afraid of digital tools, so our job as teachers is to merge good, sound teaching practices with media that helps students tap into the digital world in which they live. This article shares the process that was followed as 36 Grade 7 and Grade 8 students participated in a 9-week digital media course. The framework of the course used a highly scaffolded format that incorporated various technology tools while also exposing students to aspects of language arts and process writing. Throughout the 9-week course, the role of teacher and students constantly shifted as new roles were taken on by “experts” (the students) who emerged as part of the process.  相似文献   

This article shows how links between science and literacy offer kindergarten children the opportunity to create and express their individual understandings about environmental change through emergent environmental literacy. This article reports on one of the science experiences in a kindergarten classroom in which the children explored the phenomenon of environmental change. The kindergarten science program can help children learn how scientists look at the world; young children can express these concepts through nonnarrative compositions. The article concludes with suggestions for teaching practice in the kindergarten science program.  相似文献   


In this article the author outlines the recent increase in initiatives related to young people's emotional and mental health, for example emotional health and well-being. He examines these concepts and ideas, arguing that there are negative as well as positive aspects to their widespread introduction in schools, and that in adopting mental health approaches and terminology care must be taken before programmes are implemented.  相似文献   

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