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任何改革都会遇到阻力,但若有足够动力则能克服阻力,持续推进。区域推进课堂教学改革同样如此。岳阳市君山区在区域推进课堂教学改革过程中,"五力"齐发形成了强大的改革动力,消解了改革的阻力,确保了改革的有效推进,完善了改革的成果。  相似文献   

高校招生制度的改革迫在眉睫,在实施改革制度的过程中要尝试多元化模式,改革录取制度;借鉴国外经验,尝试全面改革,最终保证高校招生制度改革促进高考制度改革。中学阶段的素质教育改革为我国创新型人才的培养提供了有效助力。本文分析了高校招生制度改革的必要性,展望了高校招生制度改革途径,为我国高校招生制度改革提供了宝贵建议。  相似文献   

邓小平同志对改革风险问题有一系列论述,他从多个角度谈到了改革风险的内容,指出改革风险具有客观必然性,阐述了对付改革风险的基本原则,总结了对付改革风险的经验教训,指明了战胜改革风险的根本出路.号召全党振奋精神,增强信心,战胜改革风险,把改革不断推向前进.  相似文献   

推进医院管理体制和运行机制改革是公立医院改革的难点,而医院薪酬改革是运行机制改革的重要内容。文章阐述了公立医院薪酬改革实践的模式,对薪酬改革中的难点进行了思考,并提出了新医改下基层公立医院薪酬改革的思路。  相似文献   

社会改革包括政治、经济、文化、教育等方面的改革。体育改革是整个社会改革的一个重要方面。1978年以来,我国社会改革取得了显著成绩,为体育体制的彻底改革提供了理论指导,为体育发展奠定了强大的物质基础。本文对中国改革开放以来社会变革进行了详细分析,并结合中国体育改革进行了论述,探讨中国社会改革对体育改革的作用,为中国体育进一步发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高校后勤社会化改革在经历了如火如荼的全面推进并取得阶段性成果之后,近几年出现了改革目标迷茫、改革热情减退、改革信心不足、改革步伐停滞的怪象。针对这些问题,提出了改革目标危机的论断,并从改革目标的设计、政府的主导作用和学校的改革动力等方面剖析了目标危机的诱因,同时提出了控制目标危机的思路与对策。  相似文献   

80年代以来,从传统计划经济向市场经济过渡形成了两条不同的道路,即激进式改革道路和渐进式改革道路.本文对两条改革道路做了比较分析,揭示出两者表现在制度变迁的各个方面的差异.中国的改革无疑是渐进式改革的典范,其改革取得了举世瞩目的成绩.但随着改革的深入推进,改革的难度加深和边际成本的递增,渐进式改革暴露出了一些引人深思的问题.  相似文献   

80年代以来,从传统计划经济向市场经济过渡形成了两条不同的道路,即激进式改革道路和渐进式改革道路.本文对两条改革道路做了比较分析,揭示出两者表现在制度变迁的各个方面的差异。中国的改革无疑是渐进式改革的典范,其改革取得了举世瞩目的成绩。但随着改革的深入推进,改革的难度加深和边际成本的递增,渐进式改革暴露出了一些引人深思的问题。  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革在历经了八个年头后已由当年轰轰烈烈的实施阶段进入了反思的关键时期。不少人对这次课程改革提出了质疑.有人认为这次课程改革已经全盘西化,走进了改革的死胡同。确实,改革遇到了困难,进程缓慢,但改革中各种问题的暴露是正常的,改革的方向并没有错。从研究新课程改革的内容以及发展进程中,就可以看到课程改革既融汇了人类教育的先进理论,又继承发展了本民族的教育思想精华的事实。  相似文献   

司马迁在《史记》中对古代社会改革的理论、经验、政策、措施和主张改革的人物作的实事求是的记载和评价,表现了他的改革观:继承了“法后王”的改革理论,反对复古倒退,肯定进步的改革政策和措施,肯定了改革是社会进步的正确途径,赞扬了富于改革精神的历史人物,提出了人才是改革的关键问题之一.  相似文献   

在短短40多年里新加坡发生了重大变化,成为西方人赞誉的"人间天堂",重要原因之一是得益于其学校德育的建设。新加坡根据不同的形势变化进行改革,通过德育成功地加强了新加坡的精神文明建设。新加坡学校德育建设富有成效,其成功的经验对我国高校辅导员开展德育活动有一定的启示。  相似文献   

新加坡高等教育大众化评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:8 0年代中期以前 ,新加坡政府一直推行英才教育政策。但是 ,80年代中后期以来 ,新加坡政府的教育观念和政策发生了很大的变化 ,其中最突出的就是扩大高等学校的招生规模 ,以便让更多的人能接受教育。这一观念和政策的转变使新加坡高等教育步入了一个快速发展的时期。本文对导致这一变化的社会经济背景 ,发展变化过程中的主要改革措施及存在的问题进行了分析和介绍  相似文献   

The educational reforms being enacted in Singapore can be considered exceptional in that they are being undertaken within a highly effective system. We explore these reforms using Brown and Lauder's ideal-typical analysis of ‘neo-Fordist’ and ‘post-Fordist’ models of national economic development. Singapore's reforms have been extensive, ranging from changes to early childhood education through to tertiary education. We examine the nature of state-market relations in education within the context of Singapore's ‘soft authoritarian’ political culture and assess the chances of success of the reforms.  相似文献   

Ka Ho Mok 《Higher Education》2010,60(4):419-440
With strong intention to enhance the global competitiveness of their university systems, both the Singapore and Malaysia governments have introduced reforms along the lines of ideas and practices embedded in neo-liberalism. In the last decade or so, we have witnessed reforms being introduced to the higher education sectors in these Asian states, particularly when corporatization and incorporation strategies are adopted to transform national/public universities. With particular reference to how academics evaluate the impact of the reforms on their academic life, this article reports and analyses findings generated from campus visits and field interviews conducted in Singapore and Malaysia from 2007 to 2009. Although the senior management of corporatized/incorporated universities in these Asian states has been given more discretion to decide how to operate their universities, most of the front line academics that we interviewed have not experienced major differences in university governance after the reforms took place. Instead of feeling ‘emancipated’ and ‘empowered’, many academics feel more pressures and control from the university administration and government ministries. Despite the fact that both the Singapore and Malaysia governments have tried to embrace the ideas and practices of ‘neo-liberalism’ to transform university governance, academics still see the state’s reluctance in withdrawing from steering/controlling higher education development. Such observations clearly reflect the ‘clash’ of two major governance philosophies, namely, ‘state centralism’ and ‘neo-liberalism’. In short, this article critically examines how far the proposed university governance reforms by adopting the corporatization/incorporation strategies have actually transformed university management and academic life style in Singapore and Malaysia.  相似文献   


This paper examines selected reform efforts in technical and technological education from a comparative perspective. The similarities and differences between reforms in selected countries – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden – are analysed to determine major world‐wide trends. Lessons are drawn which should be useful for nations contemplating reform of their education and training systems. Particular attention is focussed on the time taken to complete reforms effectively and the need for long‐term approaches, relationships between educational reforms and industrial development, the interdependence of reforms affecting general, technical and vocational education, regional co‐operation and the decentralisation of national decision‐making.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implementation of Singapore’s landmark policy, ‘Thinking Schools, learning Nation’ (TSLN), in developing ‘thinking students’ through the prism of student voice. In the context of twenty-first century education and the growing importance of student voice in education, this paper argues that the time might be right to ‘disrupt’ Singapore’s education status quo and incorporate meaningful student voice in education policies. Instead of perceiving students as mere subjects of educational policy enactment, and seeing policy as something that is done to them, it should be reconceptualised as something which is done with them; importantly, students should be recast as key co-agents of educational change, consistent with TSLN’s reconceptualization of learners as ‘thinking students’. Basing its arguments on findings from a qualitative case study of students’ perceptions and schooling experiences of critical thinking in TSLN, this paper considers the case for the inclusion of significant student voice in Singapore’s educational policy reforms. It fills gaps in research on student voices in Singapore’s educational reforms and TSLN’s research from students’ perspective. The paper suggests that the inclusion of student voice in educational reform might be the next landmark step in ‘disrupting’ its educational landscape after the ‘big bang’ of TSLN.  相似文献   

为适应未来社会发展的需要,新加坡教育发展经历了生存导向阶段和效益导向阶段后,开始了以能力为导向的教育。在此阶段,新加坡教育部推行了一系列教育改革,以提升教育质量,提高学生的思维能力和创造力,而"少教多学"教育就是其中的一项重要改革。它强调教育要由先前重视教学内容的数量向重视教与学的质量进行转变,并在这一原则指导下实施了一系列具体措施,以实现改革目标。当然在"少教多学"教育改革进程中,也面临很多困难和挑战,如:如何更有效地发挥教师的主动性和创造性;如何评价学生等。这需要更多的思考,甚至需要对整个教育体系进行更深刻的变革。  相似文献   

This article argues that the social practice of learning (SPL), involving life-long learning, meta-learning, deep reflection, and dialogue in a community, should be the distinguishing knowledge base of schools in the twenty-first century. This article also analyses the strategies and challenges of the recent education reforms in Singapore through the lens of an SPL education paradigm. Although the Singapore government has done much to train teachers, trim syllabi and introduce new ways of teaching and learning, such as project work, the real challenge is to go beyond the provision of structural changes to the substance of the epistemological reform.  相似文献   

University education has been thrust into the limelight by policymakers in Hong Kong and Singapore in recent years. Reforming university education thus has become a norm for both city-states. This article reviews and compares some recent developments in the university reforms in both city-states. It argues university education, as a public policy area, is not immune from the profound influence of such concepts as accountability, performativity, quality assurance and market relevance, which prevail in a wider policy context of public sector reforms and governance changes. Hong Kong and Singapore's university reforms are similarly extensive, ranging from the admission mechanisms through to the governance and funding systems. This article has four main sections. The first sketches a paradigm shift in the policymaking process and the changing state-university relationships in the age of globalization. The second reviews and compares some recent developments of the university reforms in both city-states. The third turns to assess the impacts of the reforms on university stakeholders. The final section is the conclusion.  相似文献   

近年来,为提升教师教育的质量,特别是帮助教师形成独特的教学思想,新加坡开展了一系列的教师教育课程改革,其主旨是关注教师的“精神”养成.与以往的技术和实践取向明显不同, “精神”取向的教师教育课程并不是仅仅帮助师范生成为一个精通教育程序、方法和技能的教育者,而是要懂得怎样使学生获得心灵的成长与精神的陶冶,并且在学习中积极鼓励与促进学生的自主学习.新加坡的“精神”取向的教师教育课程改革关注以下几点:首先,帮助教师理解新的时代、新的学习环境,从而逐步形成具有挑战力的精神.其次,帮助教师不断形成良好的人文伦理精神与高尚的道德品质.第三,帮助教师逐步形成教育的专业信念与人文精神.  相似文献   

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