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从老舍先生成长的精神历程到其在困苦环境中的无望挣扎,从时代和文化的双层切面上剖析,我们不能简单将老舍的自杀归结为文化大革命的迫害.老舍深刻地感觉到旧文化的体制以一种更残酷的方式向中国老百姓头上压来,一次比一次更凶猛,根本就无法逃脱,这才促使他放弃了生命.  相似文献   

项羽乌江自刎的悲惨结局,对后人具有异常强烈的震撼力量。两千多年来,人们通过诗歌这种艺术形式,对项羽自刎乌江表达出了不同的内心感受,或扼腕叹息,或惜其早亡,或讽其力大智弱,有勇无谋,或讥其胸无大志,只想衣锦还乡,如此等等,不一而足。我们从历代诗人的诗作中可以明显感受到项羽之死给人们带来的各种复杂情感,以及这种情感所透露出来的不同价值观念。  相似文献   

屈原之死,不是“尸谏”说、国君赐死说、以自杀斗争说、返本寻根说和不肯同流合污说等所能解释清楚的,而有待于从化哲学的角度,深入到屈原灵魂深处作进一步的挖掘。本以为,导致屈原之死的更为直接和深刺的原因,是屈原人生终极观的坍塌和终极理想的幻灭,以及实现终极理想的三种途径的丧失。终极观的坍塌和终极理想的幻灭,在观念的层面上,使屈原在精神上无家可归;而实现终极理想的三种途径的丧失,又在现实的层面上使屈原无家可归。这种情形,对屈原来说,是进退维谷,始终失据;既没有了立身之基,又没有了人生归宿。于是,在穷途末日般的速茫和悲愤之下,屈原地望而死。  相似文献   

芥川龙之介后期反战系列小说之首篇的<将军>,着力描写了日军敢死队精神上的盲目、无奈和疯狂,对照表现出中国抗日志士的镇定从容、大义凛然和视死如归,辛辣讽刺了侵华日军"持枪盗贼"的本质,矛头直刺日军偶像乃木希典,而这一切是在日本军国主义方兴未艾之时发出,是在日本本土中心发出,是由身为日本作家的芥川龙之介发出.其中的反战意识与被称为日本"近代思想之父"福泽谕吉之颂战思想针锋相对.仅此一篇足以评断,芥川龙之介可谓敏锐、真诚、勇于抗争军国主义的作家.他之被奉为日本现当代文学的偶像,从中国读者的立场观之也值得欣慰.  相似文献   

明朝洪武年间,朱元璋第12子朱柏被封为湘王,就藩荆州,后自杀身亡。朱柏选择以自焚这种方式来了结与建文帝的恩怨,可能与他的道教信仰有关。朱柏之死,对明初的政治走向产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   

先秦时代,普遍存在的万物发端于水又复归于水的生命永恒循环(轮回)观的思想与信仰,放逐于沅、湘之间的屈原禀有此思想背景资源。在楚国政治斗争中惨败而彻底绝望的屈原在夏至自沉汨水。  相似文献   

"陈拾遗子昂,唐之诗祖也",前人对其生平已经做了详细的考索,但其生平中依然有很多未解之谜,有待于我们进一步地考证辨析。陈子昂和武攸宜的关系及请命问题,有助于我们还原一个真实的陈子昂;而陈子昂的死因,历来纷纭。探析其死因,是对其最后生存状态研究的一个重要参照。  相似文献   

“死”这个意象在白先勇的小说中频频出现,被作者赋予了多重意义。作家不厌其烦地用自杀这一手段来实现对死亡的寻求,并让小说中的人物通过自杀来挣脱命运,追求理想,这是否说明了自杀在作者的心里被赋予了不同寻常的涵义,并表现了作者本身试图对死亡的超越?  相似文献   

张娟利 《海外英语》2012,(3):225+237
This paper tries to analyze E.A.Robinson’s famous poem Richard Cory from a new perspective. In the poem, Richard Cory pos sesses abundant wealth as well as good manners, which are highly admired by his town people. However, he chooses to end his life by com mitting suicide. Through analyzing this figure, the paper aims to affirm Richard’s challenge of traditional values which emphasize material abundance.  相似文献   

从伦理学意义上讲,人始于脑生之后(即受精卵发育10周时脑功能启动之后),终于脑死之时。伦理学意义上的人的特点是拥有感受性,感受性的存在是其享有完整的道德地位以及人们可以对他进行道德评价的前提条件。这样,以脑生/脑死,换句话说以感受性的存在与否为标准,人就可以分成两类:一是生前之人和死后之人,二是普通的人(亦可称为伦理人)。生前之人和死后之人尽管也是人,但因不具备感知能力而难以享有与普通的人同等的道德地位。在发生权益冲突之时,生前之人与死后之人要让位于拥有感受性、因而享有更高道德地位的普通人(伦理人)。这一点不仅为堕胎,而且也为治疗性克隆提供了重要理据。  相似文献   

A particular subtype of learning disability (nonverbal learning disability) is described. This subtype of individuals with learning disability is seen to be at particular risk for depression and suicide. The origins of the study of this subtype of learning disability, its incidence in various forms of neurological disease, disorder, and dysfunction, and its behavioral and socioemotional manifestations (including its association with significant internalized forms of psychopathology) are described. A case history of a young woman who manifests this disability and who has attempted suicide on three occasions is also presented.  相似文献   

This study brings together 2 case studies to interrogate the intersectional experiences of historically marginalized youth at the intersections of power and identity from a decolonizing mental health disability studies in education (DSE) cripstemology approach. Specifically, we analyzed how US schools create normalized meanings of mental health. Daniel was a 1st-generation Mexican American to the United States, bilingual in both Spanish and English, and was labeled with a learning disability and a speech and language impairment. Daniel was born in Pinole, a southwestern major urban city and was in the 8th grade. Luna, a 16-year-old 10th-grader who lived at home with his mother and his stepfather and identifies as an Arab American, was on an individual education program for his disabilities including mild cerebral palsy, apraxia, and dysarthria. Luna identified as a pansexual and transgender individual and experiences depression and suicide ideation. There were similarities and differences between Daniel and Luna’s experiences related to intersectional disability oppressions that were interpersonal and institutional, their identity processes around school contexts tied to their ethnicities, language use, sexuality, and their experiences with colonial mental health hegemony. Our framework created new knowledge for theory, research, and praxis within US schools.  相似文献   

海明威的作品中充满了死亡,而他本人又是通过自杀来结束自己的生命的。本文试图通过海明威作品中的死亡来揭示海明威对死亡的关注的背后的哲学内涵。文章重点集中在论述海明威藉死亡以完成自己对悲观人生的表达的象征意义,并通过死亡升华悲观人生,以保持人类在重压——尤其是死亡——之下应有的尊严和优美风度。  相似文献   

文人自杀是一种神秘的现象。活与死作为生存体的两个极端,对其现象的探索,都是复杂的。对死的认识终归要落到对生的态度上,即怎么活着的问题。本文从文化、时代、个人经历、人生意识等方面分析了文人自杀的深层原因,并指出文人自杀的意义在于他们以自己的死迫使人们去重新审视既成的生存秩序和生存意义,重新思索个体生命的终极价值。  相似文献   

《逾矩的罪人》中,西格蒙德由于逾越了传统的道德规范,成为家人眼里的"罪人"而自杀。在小说中,劳伦斯虽然认为西格蒙德自己、他的妻子比阿特丽丝以及他的情人海伦娜对这起悲剧都负有一定的责任,但他们都不是真正的罪人。逼死西格蒙德的真正的罪人是压抑和摧残人性、使人的精神和肉体分裂的资本主义工业文明,是维多利亚时代传统、保守的社会习俗和拜金主义。西格蒙德的悲剧,是劳伦斯对英国现实社会提出的抗议和质疑,也是他对现代人荒诞的人生和命运的一种彻悟。  相似文献   

刘恒中篇小说《虚证》中郭普云的人生悲剧有着不可忽略的精神根源,他童年的创伤性经验和恋爱中的创伤性体验都对他的人生产生了巨大的影响,这种影响直接造成了他人格的失衡,从自责—自我否定—自杀这一发展演变的过程中,可以透视出他的精神和心理从生迈向死的沉重轨迹。  相似文献   

自元宪宗三年(1253)冬忽必烈率领十万大军攻克段氏“大理国”至洪武十四年(1381)年最后的梁王把匝刺瓦尔密自杀身亡,蒙古人占领并统治云南长达128年之久。这段时间里,史料记载的入驻云南的蒙古人主要为诸王、仕宦、骑兵和牧马人等。  相似文献   

死亡一直是千百年来文学艺术家追逐与书写的一个母题。在中国现代文学史上,田汉早期的戏剧创作也不例外,无论是《湖上的悲剧》、《古潭的声音》、还是《名优之死》、《伏虎之夜》,都存在着大量诸如自杀抑或其他死亡形式的书写,并在其死亡的叙述中,渗透了田汉对于死亡的认知与思考,浸润了他独特的死亡意识。  相似文献   


This study explores the views of death in the ideas of Kierkegaard and Heidegger to discuss the educational meaning of death and the direction of death education. What both thinkers have in common is, first, that death is not universal, but that each individual is independently aware of his or her own death. Second, both thinkers observe that we should face death and suffer from anxiety or despair, a kind of existential limitation, which serves as an opportunity for real existence. Third, both thinkers observe that individuals can transform their lives and create an opportunity to renew their relationships with people or things around them through their existential insights into death. Death education based on the viewpoints of the two thinkers should first awaken each individual to his or her own authenticity and individuality by means of the associative perception of life and death. Second, each student should actively face the ‘crisis of death’ without circumventing it or escaping from it, thus, learn to have a sincere attitude toward one’s own life and relationships with others. To this end, it is necessary to use various educational materials related to death for regular subject curriculum and non-subject experience activities to induce students to ask existential questions and to reflect on them on their own.  相似文献   

美籍德裔导演罗兰·爱默里奇依托自己丰富的想象力,拼贴各种灾难元素,凭借电脑特技打造出的真实想象性地再现了世界末日的灾难性图景。在这一超真实的幻象中,缠绕在影片中的科技与上帝、生与死、理智与情感的纠结显示了“地球在重生”过程中的惶惑与阵痛。  相似文献   

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